Fletcher, John 40, 184
‘Folly of Seeking Fame, The’
(Addison) 87–8
Fosse, Bob 379
Fountain tavern, Strand 113, 127, 174, 282, 372, 376
France 80, 85
Addison in 88–9, 91–3
army 104
and Canada 94
culture 119
decline of 128
economic crisis 46
entente with England 328, 359
Freemasonry 372
invasion threats and attempts 86, 181
monarchy 91
‘Partition Treaty’
with England 92, 95
patronage 40
salons 371
support for Jacobites 50–51
Tories and 248
Utrecht Treaty negotiations 273–6, 284, 291
wars xiii, 10, 46, 50, 64, 95, 103, 108–9, 128, 158, 176, 196, 214
Franklin, Benjamin 395
Freeholder, The 321, 323, 329
Freemasons 371–2
Freethinker, The 343
Funeral, The (Steele) 105, 106, 385
Furnese, Sir Henry, 1st Baronet 245
death 282–3
home attacked 223
joins Kit-Cat Club 219–20, 234
loans 219, 267, 276, 352
manufacturer 254
MP 282
reputation as war profiteer 219
Garrick, David 367
Garrick Club 374–5
Garth, Sir Samuel:
GENERAL 235, 237, 288
and Addison 286, 341
Barn Elms visits 127, 313
character 150
and Clare 309
death 341
and Dryden 2, 4
European travels 326
frequents Buttons 277
on Great Frost 193
Haymarket townhouse 122
irreligion 68, 341
and Jacobite rebellion 321
knighthood 309
obesity 269
patrons 58
as physician 111, 134, 150, 190, 282, 309
and Prior 335
on Queen's Theatre 137
and Steele 150
at theatre outing 75
Witty Club member 53
LITERARY WORK: Claremont 309
The Dispensary 4, 53, 247, 293, 335
Medley contributor 234
editor of Muses Mercury184
eulogy to Godolphin 231, 234
and Ovid's Metamorphoses330
poetry 79, 234, 382, 383
prologues 62, 136, 141
style 247
toast composed by 58–9
Gaultier, Abbé
Francois 273
Gay, John 240, 294, 347, 365
Gazette, The 169–70, 172, 173, 174, 194, 232, 272
general elections 96–7, 103, 164, 226, 304, 323
of 1698 86, 97
of 1701 96, 97, 104
of 1705 147, 153
of 1708 180–81, 182
of 1710 232, 234–5
of 1713 290
of 1715 312, 313
propaganda 181, 232–4
Septennial Act passed 323
Gentleman's Magazine 368
Gentleman's Recreation, The 257
Gentleman's Society, Spalding 255
George I, King xiii, 156, 293
accession 301, 356
arrival in England 303
birthday celebrations 316, 319
Cabinet and appointments 304–7, 394
character 160
coronation 307
family feud 334, 343, 352, 354
foreign policy 328
hatred of Tories 304, 314
heir to British throne 299
musical interests 390
patronage 334
reconciliation with Prince's Party 353, 362
regency 302, 303, 306, 394
and South Sea bubble 352–3, 354
Utrecht Treaty 286
and Whigs 394
George, Prince of Denmark 139, 170, 179, 190
George Augustus, Prince of Wales 158, 160
Addison's distrust of 345
feud with father 328–9, 334, 343
Freemason 371–2
loathing of Newcastle 351
as Prince of Wales 330–31
Prince's Party 330–31, 362, 372
Gibraltar 285, 331
Glenshiel, Battle of 346
Glorious Revolution (1688) xiii, 10–11, 14, 15, 23, 49, 162, 169, 188, 211, 221, 250, 392, 394
Gloucester, Bishop of 64
Gloucester, Duke of 94
Godfrey, Elizabeth, see Mrs Dunch
Godolphin, Francis Godolphin, 2nd Earl of 110, 141, 142–3, 366
Godolphin, Lady Harriet, see Newcastle, Duchess of
Godolphin, Henrietta Churchill, Countess of (later Duchess of Marlborough)110, 141–2, 152, 183, 187, 206, 307, 363, 365–6
Godolphin, Sidney Godolphin, 1st Earl of 97, 140, 190
and Addison 127–8, 129
in Anne's Cabinet 106–7, 108–9
death 282
dismissed 231
and Harley's resignation 179
and impeachment of Sacheverell 221
Lord Treasurer 46, 96, 104, 110, 134, 219
and Marlborough 104
ministry of 139, 147, 155, 165–6, 179
Swift and 216
Tory leanings 46
on ultra-Whigs 155
as Unionist 163
Golden Age Restor'd, The (Anon. [Walsh]) 116
Golden Age Revers'd, The (Anon.) 116
Goldsmith, Oliver 375, 384
Gosse, Edmund 386
Grafton, Charles Fitzroy, 2nd Duke of 119
character 258
and George I 307
joins Kit-Cat Club 116
Lord Lieutenant of Ireland 396
marriage hopes 187
obesity 269
resignation 331
Grand Alliance 103–4, 108, 116, 156, 158, 160, 176, 219, 285
Grave Club 34
Gray's Inn 71
Great Fire of London (1666) 10
Great Frost (1708–9) 193, 195
Great Storm (1703) 134
Greber, Jakob: The Loves of Ergasto 143–4
Greenwich 137, 303, 337, 360
Grimaldi, Nicolo 183, 259
Groucho Club 375
Grub Street 4, 13, 36, 230, 233, 241, 271, 369
Guardian, The 285, 289–90, 291, 396
Guisard, Marquis Antoine de 248
Gwynn, Nell 38
habeus corpus 320, 321, 323
Habsburgs 50, 85, 95, 103, 285, 286
Hague, The 25, 26, 103, 164, 177, 178, 196, 207
Halifax, Charles Montagu, Baron and 1st Earl of: and Addison 30, 87–89, 127, 129–30, 200, 207, 286, 304, 305–6, 349
appearance 67
background 22
Bank of England subscriber 193
burial in Westminster Abbey 348
Bushy Park home 358
on Church of England 156
and Congreve 306
considers joining Harley 225
on The Crisis 295
death 315–16
and Dorset 22–4, 158
and Dryden's funeral 3–4
Earldom 307
education 21, 22, 42
elevation to Lords 95–6
First Lord of Treasury in George's Cabinet 305
friendship with Prior and Stepney 21–4, 26–7, 38, 47–8, 90, 100, 101, 147, 177–8, 318–19
general election patronage 97
guardian to Lionel Sackville 158
in Hanover delegation 158–60, 164, 167
impeachment charges 100, 101, 103, 105
and impeachment of Sacheverell 224
marriage 24, 67
mistresses 67, 316
and monarchs 23, 24, 107
musical performances at home of 18
in Parliament 50, 86–7, 96, 179, 278
patronage 24, 26, 36, 38–9, 54, 70, 73, 79, 90, 94, 105, 122, 129, 152, 155, 188, 195, 198, 236, 278
poems 23, 26, 30, 382
political career 23, 24–5, 46–7, 86, 93, 94, 105, 134, 178, 305
and Pope 193
regent 302
and Somers 93
and Somerset 44
and Steele 229, 293
supports William over standing army 51
and Swift 101, 216, 237
at theatre outing 74
on toasting 59
and Tonson 33, 118, 119, 122
on Tory traitors 314
at Treasury 93, 219
Union Commisioner 164, 166
Hamburg 23, 109
Hamilton, James Douglas-Hamilton, 4th Duke of 164, 182, 282
Hampden Clubs 374
Hampstead 113
Hampton Court 118
Handel, George Frederick 131, 258, 390
Rinaldo 258
Hanover 158, 304, 328, 329
Hanover Club (Hanover Society) 276, 292–3, 296, 298, 308, 373
Hanoverians: delegation to 158–61, 164, 167, 303–4
Hanover Club and 277
musical tastes 131–2
and regency council 156
succession 95, 97–8, 292, 299, 301–2
Harcourt, Sir Simon 223, 239, 300, 304
Harley, Robert, see Oxford and Mortimer, 1st Earl of
Hartington, William Cavendish, Marquess of, see Devonshire, 2nd Duke of
Haversham, John Thompson, 1st Lord 156, 158
Hawksmoor, Nicholas 82, 115, 120
Hazels, Ledbury 360–61, 363, 367
Hazlitt, William 266, 384, 386
Hearne, Thomas 129
Hedges, Sir Charles 155
Heidegger, Johann Jacob 377, 378
Heidelberg 214
Heinsius, Anthonie 48
Hell-Fire Club 373
Help to National Reformation, A 257
Henley, Anthony 66, 124
Bank of England subscriber 193
contributor to Medley 234
death 490n
musical interests 132
and Scriblerians 294
Herrenhausen, Hanover 131, 161
Hervey, John Hervey, 2nd Baron 269
Hesse-Cassel 47, 176
Hind and the Panther Transvers'd to the Story of the Country Mouse and the City-Mouse, The(Montagu and Prior) 23
History of John Bull, The (Arbuthnot) 257
Hoadly, Benjamin, Bishop of Bangor 151, 232
Hogarth, William 125, 373
Midnight Conversation 270
Holland 121–2
Holland House, Kensington 171, 326, 343
Hopkins, Thomas 170, 186–7, 229
and Addison 186
dismissed 231
government posts 186, 199
Houghton, Norfolk 355
House of Commons 51
Act of Union passed 166
Almanza debate 180
impeachment proceedings 99–102, 221–2
Junto Whigs in 14
Kitlings group 154–5, 166, 222, 296
Montagu in 24–5, 47, 87
moral reformers in 69
Peerage Bill vote 346
power shift to 7, 11, 343
pro-war 104
religious debate 139
Speaker 97, 154–5, 174
Steele's expulsion 295–8
Tory dominance 86, 96, 103
Union Parliament 174
votes against Somers 93
Walpole leads Whigs in 153, 154
Whig attack on restraining orders 278
House of Lords 111
Almanza debate 180
Halifax acquitted of breach of trust 134
Halifax brings informality to 96
moral reformers in 68–70
overrides Commons 101
Peerage Bill 343–5
Speaker 14
Tory Dozen created 276
Whig attack on restraining orders 278
Hudson Bay, Canada 93–4, 285
Huguenots 10, 13, 49, 125, 205, 215
Hume, David 394
Huntingdon, George Hastings, 8th Earl of 154, 311
Huntingdon, Selina Shirley, Countess of 311
Huntingdon, Theophilus Hastings, 9th Earl of 311
Importance of Dunkirk Consider'd, The (Steele) 291
Importance of the Guardian Consider'd, The (Swift) 291
Inner Temple 53, 134
Inns of Court 13, 16
Ireland 11, 15–16, 29, 47, 163, 199–217, 226–7
administration of 190, 199–202, 204–7, 226, 305, 396–7
agrarian unrest 227
Anglo-Irish 15, 202, 204, 206, 207, 213
Catholics 203, 207, 209–11
Dissenters 201–2, 206–7, 208–9, 214
French sympathizers 211
Parliament 204, 205–6, 207–9, 215, 226, 227
Privy Council 211, 214
religions 202–3
Tories 207, 302
trade 213–14
Irish Church 202–3, 209, 217, 227, 238
Irish Money Bill (1709) 215
Isherwood, Christopher: Goodbye to Berlin 379
Italy 95
Italian opera 132, 183, 258–9
Jacobites 41, 52, 69, 85, 116, 163, 180, 206
assassination plot against king 86
court in exile 87
English 320
executions 322
French support for 51, 298
insurrection feared 292
invasion attempts and threats 50, 181–2, 191, 199–200, 208, 274, 284–5, 299, 302, 356
Irish 207–8
mob riots 223
pamphleteers 64
risings 320–21, 346
Scottish 167
Tory sympathisers 235
James I, King 95
James II, King 10, 13, 15–16, 23, 41, 50, 91, 104, 221
Jeacocke, Caleb 374
Jersey, Edward Villiers, 1st Earl of 92, 94, 140
Jews 331
Johnson, Dr Samuel 7, 375
on Addison and Steele 189, 265, 326, 345, 383, 384
and Boswell 265
club of 34, 373–4
on Dryden's funeral 5
essay periodicals 383
Life of Savage 383
on Kit-Cat poets 383–4
on patronage 39
Jones, D.W. 24
Jones, Inigo 303
Jonson, Ben 40–41
Judgement of Paris, The (Congreve) 98
Julius Caesar (Shakespeare) 184, 185
Junto, see Whigs
Junto, The (American club) 395
Juvenal: Satires 37
Keally, Joseph (‘Joe’) 55, 71, 159, 206, 268, 356
Keck, Mrs 341
Kent, William 330, 358, 391
Keppel, Arnold van 92, 106
Kérouaille, Louise de 225
Kielmansegg, Johann von 161
Kielmansegg, Sophia Charlotte, Baroness von 303
Kilkenny School 15, 55
Kimbolton Castle, Cambridgeshire 185
King, William, Archbishop of Dublin 202, 216
King and No King, The (Beaumont and Fletcher) 184
Kingston, Evelyn Pierrepont, 1st Duke of 59, 61, 119
‘Kit-Cat, The’
(song) 132
Kit-Cat Band 379
Kit-Cat Club: anti-Jacobite procession organized by 274–5
architectural interests 80–82, 119–20, 132, 133, 390–91
bawdiness 135
cosmopolitanism 85
cultural manifesto 119–20
demise of 323, 339, 361–2, 371
dining club 45–6, 125–6
drinking 123–4, 151–2
expulsions 148, 225, 233
founded 19, 32–3, 41, 456n
history proposed 367–8
imitators 255
–6, 370–76
literary legacy 381–90
as literary patronage 79–80, 362
meetings 43–5, 186, 298, 330
meetings suspended 179, 334, 352
membership 44, 117, 425–6
military members 111–12
as mock-parliament 96, 108, 225
MPs in 50, 191
modern use of name 379–80
musical mission 131–3, 135–6, 138, 183, 258, 390
officials 41
opposition members 362
origins of name 32, 34–5
patrons 36–40, 50, 54–5, 61, 66, 70, 73, 103, 104, 108, 130, 147, 155, 159, 232, 235, 253, 271–2, 308, 334, 381
political focus 51, 98, 139, 146–7, 157, 271, 274, 323, 392–3
political legacy 392–6
portraits 266–70, 311, 313, 360, 376–7, 391
prowar faction 103–4, 274–5
public fascination with 191
purpose of 6, 7, 34, 40, 41–2, 52
reconvened 185, 362
and religion 62–8, 73, 139
rift in 328, 330
satirised 37, 67–8, 70, 110, 196, 239, 268, 472n
theatre outings 73, 74–6, 93
toasting rituals 56–61, 67, 89, 110, 125, 134, 142, 185, 187, 283, 330, 371
under Anne 108, 133–4
venues 32, 112–13, 114, 117, 126–7
Whig club 34, 39, 393
Williamite anniversaries celebrated 134, 147, 151, 175
writers in 53–6
younger generation of members 307–11
Kit-Cat Club (today's female club) 379
Kit-Cat Club (nightclub, Haymarket) 378–9
‘Kit Cat Club, The’
(country dances) 233
Kit Cat C––b Describ'd (Anon.) 74, 146
Kit-Cat Clubs Lamentation for the loss of the Pope, the Devil and the Pretender (Anon.) 275
Kit-Cats, A Poem (Blackmore) 34, 40, 118, 191–2
KitKat chocolate bar 380
Kit-Kat Club, Berlin 379
Kitlings 154–5, 222, 296, 393
Kneller, Sir Godfrey 266–70, 277, 313, 354, 391
Kneller, Susannah 266
Knight, Mrs 187
Knights of the Garter 307
Knights of the Toast 56–7, 58, 73, 74
Knole, Kent 22, 497
Ladies Library, The (Steele) 310
Lambert, Dr 211
Landed Property Qualification Act (1711) 245
Landguard Fort, Harwich 109, 135
Langford, Paul 251
Lansdowne, George Granville, 1st Baron 361
La Rochefoucauld, François de 371
Law is a Bottomless Pit (Arbuthnot) 257
Leibniz, Gottfried van 159, 160, 161
Leicester House 334
Lenox, Lady Louisa 187
Leopold, Emperor 116
L'Epine, Marguerite de 135
Leslie, Charles: Rehearsal 144
Letter Concerning Humour (Congreve) 261
Letter of Thanks from My Lord W[harto]n, to the Bishop of S. Asaph, in the Name of the Kit-Cat Club (Swift) 279
Lewis, C. S. 246, 253, 387
Lewis, Erasmus 236
Lexinton, Robert Sutton, 2nd Lord 177
Licensing Act 41
Lichfield 28–9
Lillie, Charles 243
Limerick, Treaty of 29, 203
Kit-Cat Club, The Page 61