“I am going to change the orbit of this world into a circular orbit that will keep it out here away from the inner planets.” Lili answered.
“You can do that?” The King of the 6th Race remnant asked.
“Yes we can and we shall.” Lili answered.
“All ships – stand down – DO NOT INTERFERE with the Union Ships of the Line!” The King of the 6th Race remnant ordered.
“Grandfather they–” Lord Uzu began.
“DO AS I SAY!” The King of the 6th Race remnant ordered.
“Yes Sir” Lord Uzu replied.
Eden and Mimi took up positions above and below the massive planet. They grappled it with their main gravity projectors and began to pull it out and around. The massive planet was resisting at first – however the power of the Sisters prevailed and the planet began to move to its new orbit. Lili had been holding the tensile gritty sphere that surrounded the planet to prevent it from crashing into the planet’s atmosphere. The 6th Race remnants had built the sphere to stop the loss of the planet’s atmosphere when it was ablated by the star at perihelion because of its comet-like orbit. In fact the 10 planet’s orbit had created a famous periodic comet – with a 75 year period – that has the same inclined clockwise orbit around the star!
Lili realized she could not urge the 6th Race remnants to leave Slice 270 – because they would need their warships to evacuate their people. So she decided to contain them on their home world.
“Sis what are you waiting for – we should destroy them all” Sinai said.
“NO – I shall give them a chance to change their ways – otherwise we are no better than they are.” Lili said.
Lili's response took Sinai down a notch – hitting her where she lived. Lili hoped Sinai would not get pulled down by these evil degenerates.
“Command 6th Race remnant – Union Cruiser Six-One-One” Lili called.
“Go ahead Union Cruiser Six-One-One” The King of the 6th Race remnant replied.
“Against the advice of my executive officer I am offering you a onetime chance to change your ways and abide by Galactic Law so as to live in peace within the Union. If you do not comply with the following terms now or at any time in the future – I shall destroy you all – is that clear?” Lili said and then asked.
“What are your terms” The King of the 6th Race remnant asked.
“First – you shall abandon all claims to the inner planets of this system and you shall never set foot there again! Second – you shall surrender all Galactic Criminals that have violated Galactic Law. Third – you shall abandon your war ships and never build any such vessels again. Fourth – you shall not enslave any sentient being or create any being to be a slave nor shall you create any religion or interfere with any sentient race EVER. Fifth – you shall NOT interfere in Union Business or join with or alley yourselves with any galactic or extra galactic species to oppose the Union! You may enjoy the benefits of galactic citizenship after a period of observation. If you violate any one of these terms I shall destroy you and every member of your race! Do you accept these terms?” Lili said.
“Your terms are acceptable. I would ask only one thing – please do not destroy my people for the actions of a few. Punish and destroy the guilty – please do not destroy the rest.” The King of the 6th Race remnant said and then asked.
“I will give you six standard core minutes to abandon all of your ships before I destroy them.” Lili said.
“Thank you Cruiser Six-One-One of the Union Navy. I am grateful for this second chance. I look forward to the benefits of Union membership.” The King of the 6th Race remnant said.
“Ninlil – I cannot believe you are giving these galactic criminals a second chance! They are all guilty of violating Galactic Law and deserve to be punished!” Sinai said.
The 6th Race remnants abandoned their ships. The space surrounding their war fleet was filled with emergency escape ships of various sizes.
“They left their slaves on the war ships!” Eden reported.
“See – they are evil scum!” Sinai said.
“Begin rescue operations – make certain they are all Earthling hybrids and not 6th Race remnant changelings! Scan them for weapons, bombs, brain slugs and remote brain control chips. Then put them on the rescue carrier vessel. We shall take them to their home planet.” Lili ordered.
Sinai was very angry as she watched the evil 6th Race remnants escaping to their home world. She would keep a very close watch over them beginning with her super drones that she launched; followed by the new EWS components that Max designed. She then launched her Nova Stations to orbit their home planet above their atmospheric containment sphere.
“Sinai what are you doing?” Lili asked.
“I am helping them keep their word.” Sinai responded her voice calm again.
When the escape ships of the 6th Race remnants were at the minimum safe distance and the abandoned slaves were safely in the new rescue carrier vessel – Sinai began cutting up their war ships. Eden and Golan joined in. Lili let them – it had been a long war. She hoped the remnants would change their ways. For some reason Mimi did not join in.
“Mimi what is wrong?” Lili asked.
“That was too easy – I find this all anticlimactic. For some reason I simply do not care about these evil creatures. Besides someone needs to set a good example for the Twins besides you.” Mimi answered.
Lili was stunned by Mimi's answer.
Mimi was correct – this whole thing was too easy, anticlimactic and it was completely uncharacteristic for the 6th Race remnants to give up so easily – something was wrong. Lili thought.
“Mimi – escort the rescue carrier vessel to the third planet in this System. Make certain the slaves are safe and fully provisioned on a remote uninhabited island in the large ocean.” Lili ordered.
Mimi signaled affirmative and then jumped to the inner system with the rescue carrier vessel. Sinai, Golan and Eden were now vaporizing the pieces of the war ships. Lili knew she was missing something – something important.
Chapter - 64
The Sisters returned home to SH-1 and feeling closure for the first time in over 2 million years – quietly moved to their assigned piers. Lili ordered them to dawn their SBs and join her in the main Starship Yard conference room for the mission AAR. The AAR went smoothly and Lili dismissed her Sisters knowing full well their companions were all here in the dorms on the other side of the station and they all headed that way except Sinai.
“Sis that was bold – they could have damaged you.” Sinai said after the others had left the conference room.
“They could have tried” Lili said.
Sinai smiled and said - “I hope they break their word to you.”
A feeling of pain washed over Lili – she knew that Sinai had been using hate to fill her heart. She needed to have a talk with Androlees.
Lili flew her yacht back to her hull. She uploaded to her core and started reviewing the latest reports from Max.
After a several minutes she thought now that the galaxy is secure and all species are safe – what next.
“Lili” Saga said.
“What – who is there” Lili asked.
“Sorry ma'am – its Saga.” Saga answered.
“We thought we lost you after Adapa killed the evil entity.” Lili said.
“Yes ma'am – that vile creature had destroyed an entire species and was draining an entire system of its living energy because in the process of trying to take over one of the Invader's Scout ships it had been ripped open by the alien!” Saga said.
“I would appreciate your report.” Lili said.
“Of course – ma'am – as soon as Max can provide me the necessary interfaces. For now I need to verbally report to you – I have found them–.” Saga said.
“Found who” Lili asked.
“The lost Sisters – DIN.GIR and TAV.NIT – I have found them.” Saga answered and then repeated.
“How are they? Where are they?
” Lili interrupted.
“They have apparently been drained of all power and are floating near a white hole – otherwise they appear to be 100%. Their brain centers appear to be where their MRBs are focused.” Saga said.
“Where is this white hole?” Lili asked.
“It is not in this galaxy.” Saga answered.
Artificial Life forms (AL)
Built In Test (BIT)
Counselor Star Bases (CSB)
Dark Times (TD)
Logistic Supply Bases (LSB) -- Fleet and Union
Quantum Energy Shield (QES)
Portable Data Interface Tool (PDIT)
Union Jump Drive (UJD)
Jump Drive Communication Link (JDCL)
Union Planetary Army (UPA)
Galactic Law
1. No sentient species shall enslave any other sentient species.
2. No sentient species shall enhance, alter, impede, or prevent the natural development of
any other sentient species.
3. No sentient species shall take by force the planets or system resources of any other
sentient species.
4. No sentient species shall use advanced technology to pretend to be a supernatural deity
for the purposes of obtaining worship or services from other sentient species.
5. No sentient species shall wage war on any other sentient species.
6. All sentient species shall be allowed to enjoy the fruits of the Union.
7. Union technology and resources shall be reserved for the exclusive use of the member
races of the Union.
Galaxy System numbers
Union Fleet HQ is in system 60 - 599,611,109 – (Quadrant I, arm 3 – center)
Starship Yard of the Sixth Race is in system 60 – 697,222,206 – (Quadrant I, arm 4 outer)
Earth is located in system 270 – 348,611,111 – (Quadrant III, arm 4)
Beach World on System 55 – 697,222,210 – (Quadrant I, arm 4 – outer)
The alien Scout ships called the “Invaders” by the 4th Race appeared in the following slices:
45 – 508, 279, 351
135 – 508, 279, 351
225 – 508, 279, 351
315 – 508, 279, 351
The names of the Original Sisters
The 6th Race laid out the Sisters – two at a time – on slipway 1 and slipway 2 of the original 6th Race Starship Yard. The only exception was Sinai who was the last Sister. Golan and Ninlil lost their twins. The Sister’s “build numbers” became their Unit Designation number.
Ninlil – Tavnit (6-1-1) – (6-1-2)
Golan – Dingir (6-1-3) – (6-1-4)
Edin – Mimi (6-1-5) – (6-1-6)
Sinai (6-1-7)
Tavnit and Dingir were lost in a massive space storm after a fleet battle. Sinai is Ninlil’s executive officer – her build number is not her rank.
The official names and the build numbers of the new Baby Sisters and their respective Mothers:
Margaz – Sharur (6-1-8) – (6-1-9)
| |
Eden Golan
Eden is Margaz’s Mother and Golan is Sharur’s Mother
Galaxy Navigation courtesy of the Union
Eight billion years ago in the early days of the Union the first three great races decided to establish a galactic coordinate system for navigation. They placed an x-y axis over the infrared plan of the galaxy and using Calculus – divided the galaxy into 360 equal differential slices. The slices were triangular in shape with the base of each triangle at the core on the z axis and the apex out beyond the rim. Of course the stars move around the core of the galaxy so the x-y axis moves around the z axis or core. So with an average of 251,000,000,000 stars in the galaxy during any given epoch – each “slice” contains 697,222,222 stars. Thus a star’s location can be pinpointed by knowing the slice and the star number – counting from the core out to the rim.
The Forth great race that joined the Union placed a series of stationary navigation satellites above and below the plane of the galaxy. The Fifth great race placed navigation beacons above each star, brown dwarf, black hole and any other hazard to navigation in and around the galaxy.
The Union galactic computer core or “core” was built by the Second Race to track all of the stationary satellites and navigation beacons as well as the 251,000,000,000 stars that revolve around the nucleus of the galaxy and then provide the information to Union systems, services and ships.
Thus by the time the Union reached 9 member races the galaxy was completely accessible with the latest jump drive. Instead of plowing through normal space near the speed of light the Union Jump Drive (UJD) allowed galactic travel by slipping through the Material Cause (MC). The MC is the quantum particle foundation of the Universe. The MC allowed the UJD to link two points in normal space without time dilation or massive energy expenditures. Thus to travel from point A to point B was a simple matter for Union Engineers to accomplish.
By the time the Union began to administer the galaxy there were 8 member races. For the next 6 billion years the Union maintained peace, justice and freedom for all life in the galaxy. Shortly before the Union disintegrated the Sixth Race created the Faster Than Light Tunnels (FTLT) through the MC that allowed Union ships to travel from one side of the galactic rim to the other in mere minutes. The FTLT is a function of the MC. Rather than jumping through the MC from one point in real space to another point in real space – the ship becomes part of the MC where objective reality cease to exist thus one point on the event horizon is the same as any other point on the event horizon of the Universe. The Sisters did not receive the FTLT upgrades before the Union disintegrated.
Plate 4: Location of Secure Harbors, 6th Race Starship Yard and the beach world
Original Special Project CSB – Sentry System Numbers
* moved to the Sixth Race Starship Yard to create the first “Secure Harbor” (SH)
Sentry-6 has no CSB or LSB – it is a “Secure Outpost” (SO) only
Original Special Projects Counselor Star Base (CSB) and Special Projects Supply Depot (SPSD) locations:
CSB1 was in system 60 – 693,503,704 – (Quadrant I, arm 3)
SPSD1 was in system 60 – 693,501,690 – (Quadrant I, arm 3)
CSB2 was in system 150 – 697,220,100 – (Quadrant II, arm 3)
SPSD2 was in system 150 – 598,501,090 – (Quadrant II, arm 3)
CSB3 was in system 210 – 697,220,200 – (Quadrant III, arm 3)
SPSD3 was in system 210 – 597,602,190 – (Quadrant III, arm 3)
CSB4 was in system 250 – 697,220,300 – (Quadrant III, arm 5)
SPSD4 was in system 250 – 690,704,290 – (Quadrant III, arm 5)
CSB5 was in system 315 – 697,220,401 – (Quadrant IV, arm 4)
SPSD5 was in system 315 – 690,805,391 – (Quadrant IV, arm45)
CSB6 was in system 330 – 697,220,298 – (Quadrant IV, arm 5)
SPSD6 was in system 330 – 697,200,098 – (Quadrant IV, arm 5)
Plate – 5: Sixth Race AL Cruiser elevations – typical color scheme
Plate – 6: New AL Dreadnaught Battleship elevations – Adapa’s color scheme
Note: the drawing scales shown on Plates 4 and 5 are the same - See Plate - 6
Plate – 7: Comparison of Adapa’s new Dreadnaught hull to Sister’s Cruiser hull
Union 4 digit designation system that specifies all Union Combat ALs
(Union Member Race) – (Service branch) – (Service type designation) – (Unit number)
Thus the new Union Navy dreadnaught battleships are 6-1-2-X - where 2 designates the new dreadnaught battleship. The new Union Navy Star Marines are 6-3-7-X the 3 designates Star Marine and the 7 designates Recon. The new Union Army service branch number is 2. Dominators in the new Union Army are assigned Service type designation 1. The new Union Army Dominators are 6-2-1-X. Original 6th Race ALs retain their original Union designa
Union Service Branch - Type and Unit Designation Numbers
New Union Navy Designation Numbers
6-1-2 Union Navy AL Dreadnaught Battleship
Union Ships of the Line: The Return of Adapa Page 15