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Pull Page 14

by Rachel Van Dyken

  I tried to get him to breathe, to get him to do something.

  “Brady! Stay with me, Brady! It’s going to be okay! Help is on the

  way. Can you hear me, Brady?” I tried to speak softly even though I

  wanted to scream.


  I tried to feel for a pulse, but there was too much blood, and my

  fingers kept slipping. I pulled his shirt open and continued doing

  compressions, even though he was lying back in his seat. It was a blessing

  that at least something was holding his spine in place.

  I tried so hard to breathe into his mouth, but it was as if I didn’t

  have enough breath.

  “Brady? Brady!” That time I yelled, hitting his chest harder.

  His eyes flickered open.

  “Beautiful,” he whispered, his voice hoarse.

  “I love you, Brady. Stay with me, okay? Can you keep your eyes


  He mumbled something else, and blood trickled out of his mouth.

  Oh God, there was so much blood. His hand reached for mine. I didn’t

  know if I should stop and hold it or keep going.

  I kept going.

  He had to live.

  I needed him to live. My heart was breaking in two. I would have

  taken his spot in a second.

  “Brady? You still with me?” I tried to keep my voice light as I

  heard sirens in the distance. Thank God.

  “Will always…” He coughed up more blood.

  “Will always what?” The ambulance had just arrived.

  “Love you.” He exhaled one last time as the door was torn open.

  “Ma’am, are you okay?” The paramedics kept talking and talking,

  but all I heard were Brady’s last words. All I saw was blood, and all I felt

  was empty.

  I fell to the ground, forgetting I was at the movie theatre

  right in front of the girl’s bathroom.

  Voices were muffled behind me, but it was as if I couldn’t

  hear what they were saying. I clawed at the door. Why wouldn’t it

  open? I couldn’t have a meltdown in front of the whole town!

  Strong arms picked me up to my feet embracing me from

  behind. “Shhh,” Demetri whispered in my ear.

  Was I crying?

  I touched my face. It was wet.

  “How’d you find me?” I whispered hoarsely, refusing to

  turn around and look at him.

  “Sam and Aaron said you ran by them toward the women’s


  I nodded. My heart beat slowly, reminding me that I had

  life, when all I wanted to do was crumble into a tiny ball and die.

  Why was this still so hard? Was it because I refused to forget him?

  But by forgetting him, I lost him. I didn’t know what to do.

  I turned in Demetri’s arms and wept against his chest. He

  brought out the vulnerability in me. I both hated and loved it.

  “Do you want to talk?” he asked after a few minutes.

  I wiped some tears from underneath my eyes and shrugged.

  “Let me text Alec and let him know what’s going on. We can

  walk back. It’s only a few miles, and it will give us time to talk,


  I didn’t trust myself to speak, so I nodded.

  Chapter Eighteen


  She was a damn mess. I mean I knew what she’d been

  through, but only because the guys in group had filled me in.

  Maybe it was worse than I thought. I cursed, and rather than

  texting Alec, thought it might be best to explain things in person, so

  he didn’t think I was off doing who knows what. I jogged into the

  theatre to locate my brother.

  “We’re gonna go,” I whispered once I found Alec.

  He gave me a confused look. I shook my head, my way of

  saying leave it alone. I mean, he and I had our own deal of shitty

  baggage we had to deal with. Hell, I was still dealing with some of

  mine, but this girl… I don’t know. There was something about her,

  something more that was spiraling her into the anxiety I saw in her

  eyes. I knew what it felt like to be so lost all you wanted to do was

  allow the darkness to consume you until you breathed your last


  “We’ll come back and see you for your birthday.” Alec gave

  me a pat on my back. Nat teared up.

  She was always tearing up when we all had to part ways. I

  knew it was hard on her to leave her home and to leave me. She

  was always worried I was going to fall back into bad habits.

  Poor thing.

  She reached over and squeezed my hand then whispered,

  “Don’t be an ass, Demetri. I like this one.”

  Ah, Nat. Why I fell in love with her in the first place, that

  damn honesty. “Thanks, Nat.”

  I ran back down the stairs and went in search of Alyssa.

  She was standing next to the exit, her arms protectively

  wrapped around her frail body.

  “Ready?” I held out my hand. Without answering, she took

  it. At least she wasn’t crying anymore.

  We walked at least a mile in silence.

  Damn. I hated that type of silence. The kind that’s so thick

  with emotion you nearly choke every time you try to breathe.

  My eyes searched the landscape as I struggled for breath.

  Even though we lived in Malibu, nothing really compared to the

  way the Pacific Ocean smelled in Oregon. The climate sucked hard,

  but when it was nice, it was one of my favorite places in the world.

  Not that I would ever tell Nat or Alec that. They’d think I was back

  on drugs for sure.

  “So,” I bravely spoke into the chasm of silence between us.

  “Was it the preview?”

  “Kind of.”

  “Kind of?” I looked away. Maybe if I wasn’t focusing all my

  attention on her like she was some sort of broken bird, she would

  feel freer to speak her mind.

  “It was the sound.”

  “The music to the preview? I thought One Direction was

  your new favorite band.” My ploy at joking didn’t work. No smile.

  Nothing. Not even a blink.


  “The sound of metal hitting metal.” Her lower lip quivered.

  She bit down on it hard and looked at her feet as we walked.

  I suck. Seriously, how did I not get that? Shit. I didn’t know

  what to do. I was so out of my element. I was like my own broken

  Humpty-Dumpty, still trying to put myself back together. How the

  hell was I supposed to glue her pieces together when I was still

  trying to find mine?

  “At risk of sounding like a complete loser and making you

  pissed, I think you should talk about what happened, or just talk

  about him.” God, how I hated him in that moment. What the hell

  did he do to her?

  She was silent for a while. I grabbed her hand as we reached

  the first bridge and crossed over. She stopped right in the middle

  and leaned over it.

  “Brady was perfect.”

  Okay, so maybe I lied. I don’t want to compete with a ghost.

  I mean, how do you compete with perfect? I can’t even compete

  with Alec. Hello, insecurity, thy name is Demetri.

  “Perfect how?” Seriously, the guy was dead, and I still

  wanted to kill him. How terrible of a person was I? I knew I was

  going crazy. I mean, if he w
as standing right here all I could

  imagine doing was pushing him off the bridge and telling him to

  stay the hell away from Alyssa. To stop hurting her so that I could

  have her. Selfishness, thy name is also Demetri.

  It’s not about me. It’s not about me, I chanted in my head as she

  smiled and shrugged. “He was the best quarterback our town had

  ever seen.”

  I bet he was.

  “He drove around in a beat-up old van that he and the

  football team finally turned into a tailgating van. They painted a

  Seagull on the side of it and everything.”

  “A Seagull?” I laughed. “Lame.”

  “Um, Demetri?” Alyssa pointed to my sweatshirt. “It’s kind

  of the mascot.”

  And I’m an idiot. “Wow, I guess I never noticed. As Alec

  said, I did spend half the school year high.”

  Alyssa cracked a smile and exhaled loudly. “Anyway,

  everyone loved him.”

  “Did you?” I knew I was basically setting myself up for

  being hurt, but it seemed important. I didn’t want to be that guy

  anymore. The one that chases a girl he can’t have. The guy who

  wants the girl to fill in the gaping holes in his life.

  “I do.” She shook her head. “I mean, I did.”

  And there’s my answer. Shit.

  I know guys aren’t supposed to get all emotional about this

  stuff, but again, up until the past six months, I’ve basically been

  hiding my emotions behind drugs and alcohol, so right now

  everything just feels raw.

  Instead of pushing the rejection away or hiding behind a

  cocky grin and walking away, I could only stand there and tell

  myself it was better that way. Better to know before I got too


  But I couldn’t lie to myself. I couldn’t lie to her. I was way in

  over my head, and I hated that the guy who had her heart didn’t

  even have the decency to allow her to let it go. I knew it wasn’t his

  fault he died, but the ass in me kinda blamed him. Because I

  couldn’t compete with a star quarterback. I mean, I’m famous. But

  someone who’s dead? Someone who this perfect girl held in such

  high esteem? Yeah, it wasn’t gonna happen.

  “I’m sorry, Lyss.” I put my arm around her and memorized

  the way it felt to hold her. Most likely that would be my last time.

  Not because I was going to go crazy and try to kill myself, but

  because there was no way I could win this.


  “It was my fault you know,” Alyssa said against my chest.

  “Everyone blamed Connor for so long, but no one else was there.

  No one else knew what happened.”

  I wasn’t sure I wanted to hear any more. I rubbed her back

  and cursed in my head as she kept talking. “He told me he loved

  me. We’d pulled over because he wanted to kiss me and was

  excited about our future. I mean, that’s what we were talking

  about. Our future. I didn’t know that within the next fifteen

  minutes it would get stolen from us.”

  “How is that your fault, Lyss?” I whispered in her hair. It

  smelled like coconut. I closed my eyes an inhaled.

  “Because I’m not stupid. It was raining and Highway 101

  always has accidents because of all the curves. We should have

  kept driving. Instead, I kept kissing him and distracting him.”

  What a way to die. I mean, I’m not trying to be insensitive,

  but wow. I can only imagine how much she would distract me

  while driving. “I’d probably pull over too.”

  “You would?”

  “Huh?” Crap. Did I say that out loud?

  “You’d pull over too?”

  “Well…” Shit, shit, shit. “Sorry, Lyss. I’m just being honest.

  If you were my girlfriend, and we were kissing and talking about

  exciting stuff, I’d probably want more time with you. I probably

  wouldn’t have even made it to the car, because I would have locked

  you in your room until graduation.”

  “Really?” She perked up.

  “Lyss, look at me.”

  She swallowed and looked up, bright blue eyes shining with

  tears. I kissed each cheek and sighed. “To me, it doesn’t really get

  better than this.”

  “Than what?” She scrunched up her nose.

  I pulled her hand into mine and kissed her lightly across the

  lips, then on each cheek again and then each hand, taking my time

  inhaling her skin as I licked its smoothness and memorized the way

  it felt against mine. “This, Alyssa. It doesn’t get better than this,

  than you.”

  Her eyes welled with tears.

  Great. Must I always make girls cry?

  While I was sitting there berating myself for being an ass,

  her eyes lit up. She wrapped her arms around me and kissed me

  hard on the mouth.

  I wanted to kiss him away. To make her forget him, to make

  her heart beat in tune with mine.

  And suddenly, as her mouth worked its way down my neck,

  I realized for a split second what life would be like without her in

  it. Empty. Maybe I couldn’t compete with a ghost, but I could sure

  as hell try.

  Chapter Nineteen


  I didn’t deserve him. I was sitting there sobbing my eyes out

  over a guy I just told him I still loved, and he treated me like I was

  his princess. He treated me like I wasn’t broken.

  And I was. So incredibly, irrevocably broken.

  His mouth did crazy things to mine as he tilted my head

  back and kissed my neck. Brady never kissed my neck much. I

  really liked it. I liked how his lips blazed a possessive trail near my

  chin, how his eyes hooded when he watched me. It would be

  impossible for me to get tired of the way he makes my body ache,

  the way he makes every part of my skin feel more sensitive.

  And again I’m reminded, as he pulled away and kissed the

  top of my head, I didn’t deserve him. He was shattered enough

  without adding me to the mess. We would destroy each other. How

  do two people heal together when they can’t even heal apart from

  one another?

  “We should talk.” I told my mouth to stop moving, to throw

  my arms around his neck and tell him I love him. I mean, I wasn’t

  sure if love was the right word, but when I thought about being

  apart from him, the darkness seemed to close in around me. I

  needed my sun. I needed him. But it’s like keeping a shiny toy you

  know doesn’t belong to you. You give it back, so it can be enjoyed

  by someone more deserving. I didn’t deserve two amazing boys in

  the span of two years. I certainly didn’t deserve a rich rock star

  who wrote songs about me.

  “We are talking.” He pulled me into his side, and we

  continued to walk.

  “About us,” I said it fast, like ripping off a bandage. We only

  had about a mile left to go, before we would be back to where I

  took the turn for my house.

  I felt his arm tense around my shoulders. “What do you


  “I mean —” Crap. I don’t know how to do this. “Maybe it’s

  just not the right time, you know?”

  He stopped and pul
led me in for a hot mind-blowing kiss

  then set me back to my feet again. “It’s always the right time.”

  With Demetri, that could very well be true. And again, why

  did his kisses make me forget everything?

  He grinned and leaned down for another kiss. His lips

  pressed against mine; the warmth of his mouth made my knees

  weak. Damn. I needed to get away from him before I made things

  worse. I stepped away and sighed. “Look, I just think I need more

  time to work through some of my issues. It’s not you.”

  Demetri’s eyes widened and then closed for a painful two

  seconds in which I almost took back what I’d just said. When he

  opened them again, I saw a different Demetri, one that I’d never

  seen before.

  I kept talking. “It’s me. Like I said, I have a lot of stuff I’m

  still dealing with, and I’m just dragging you down, and well, I just I

  don’t want to get involved with anyone. So can we just like hang

  only sometimes and not be anything more?” There I said it. He

  could walk away without feeling guilty. I didn’t need to be fixed.

  Not when I saw the same look in his eyes that I saw every day in

  the mirror.

  His eyes darkened. I took another step back. He shook his

  head firmly. “No.”

  “No?” Whoa! Where did easy-going Demetri disappear to?

  This guy looked more intense, more like his brother. Did they do

  some mind-changing thing I wasn’t aware of? Crap. It’s like telling

  a lost puppy just to go home, but instead it follows you until you

  cave. Why was he making this so hard? I needed him to leave. If he

  didn’t leave, I would break, and if I broke I would never have any

  hope of being whole again.

  Making a snap decision, I kept walking and refused to turn


  I felt him behind me. Finally I stopped once we were in the

  middle of downtown.

  “What?” I snapped.

  “No.” Demetri shook his head slowly. “I won’t leave you

  alone. I won’t abandon you. I’m sure as hell not going to listen to

  you, and you can damn well know that I’m going to fight for you.”

  I think my heart just faltered. I blinked a few times to see if

  he would start laughing or break out of whatever insane mood he

  was in. Instead, he very politely walked me the rest of the way to

  my house, said goodnight, and left me at my door.

  What just happened? I walked to my room and slammed the


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