The Ultimate Romance Box (6 Bestselling Romance Novels)

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The Ultimate Romance Box (6 Bestselling Romance Novels) Page 91

by Eckhart, Lorhainne

  Maudine Lallement—mother of heroines of HK

  Melton Bernard de Montbryce—Eldest son of Hugh and Devona; named for Devona’s family name and Hugh’s father. PIB

  Michel Cormant—Norman steward at Alensonne; father of Barat, Theo and Paul; CP

  Moors—peoples of Arabic origin who conquered most of Spain in medieval times DOL

  Montbryce—Noble Norman family at the heart of the Legacy

  Mont St. Michel—Abbey church of Carolingian origin built on an island off the French coast.

  Morwenna verch Morgan—Welsh; betrothed to Rhodri; villain; mistress of Phillippe de Giroux; CP, DP

  Motte—raised central bastion of a Norman castle

  Moyra—maidservant DIK

  Myfanwy Dda—Welsh mother of Rhonwen; healer; murdered by Phillippe de Giroux; CP, DP

  Myfanwy Mabelle verch Rhodri—Eldest child of Rhodri and Rhonwen; becomes a Prioress. DP, DB

  Nakers—medieval drums -set of two worn by drummer

  Navarra—kingdom/region of Spain DOL

  Neuadd—The communal great hall in Welsh buildings

  Neyll Maknab— villain of STL: stepfather of Nolana Kyncade

  Nolana Kyncade—Scot; heroine of STL

  Northumbria—North east part of England; site of constant conflict between Scots and Normans.

  Nox—Adam’s black stallion HK

  Oda—maidservant to Sybilla ILDE

  Offa’s Dyke—ancient earthwork built by kings of Mercia DIK

  Oiasso—today known as Irún, Spain DOL

  Olve—Danish thrall saves Ragna’s life WVP

  Order of Saint John—religious order founded to help the sick DOL

  Orlaith MacLachlainn—Ronan’s mother, reputed to be a selkie DIK

  Ouistreham—village on the French coast HK

  Padre Benito—Abbot of San Juan de la Peña DOL

  Pamplona—city in Spain; capital of Navarra; famous today for the running of the bulls DOL

  Pascal Bonhomme—steward at Ellesmere; son of Martin. 4th generation to serve the Montbryces HC

  Paul Cormant—Norman steward (Alensonne)

  Paulina Lallement—heroine HK

  Peridot—a greenish gemstone HC

  Peridotte de Pontrouge—Angevin; marries Gallien de Montbryce; becomes Third Countess of Ellesmere HC

  Philippa de Grosmont—haughty lady-in-waiting; spy for Ermintrude HC

  Phillippe de Giroux—Norman villain; CP, DP, PIB

  Pierre de Fleury—Norman soldier; friend of the Montbryce brothers; killed at Hastings; CP

  Pierre de Giroux—Norman villain PIB; brother of heroine, Dorianne

  Poling— Sussex village; sight of fictitious manor deeded to Antoine HK

  Prestetone—hamlet on Welsh seacoast (present day Prestatyn) DIK

  Pyrenees (Perinés)— mountain range between France and Spain DOL

  Quique Raúl—bandit leader DOL

  Ragna FitzRam—English daughter of Caedmon and Agneta; holy terror; heroine of WVP STL

  Rambaud (Ram) de Montbryce—Norman nobleman; hero of Hastings; confidant to William the Conqueror. First Earl of Ellesmere; Comte de Montbryce; eldest son of Bernard de Montbryce, brother to Antoine and Hugh. Hero of CP. AMOV, PIB & DP

  Raymond de St. Gilles—historical figure; Raymond of Toulouse; Crusader who took Jerusalem in 1099 DOL

  Rebec—medieval stringed instrument

  Reconquista—Reconquest of Spain from the Moors DOL

  Regis—Antoine’s stallion ILDE

  Reider Torfinnsen—Danish hero of Wild Viking Princess WVP

  Renouf de Maubadon—Norman (Angevin) villain of PIB

  Rhodri ap Owain—Welsh villain turned hero. CP, AMOV, DP

  Rhonwen Dda—Welsh/Saxon heroine DP. Healer CP

  Rhun ap Rhodri—Welsh patriot; son of Rhodri. Twin of Rhydderch. Redhead. DB, hero of WTH

  Rhydderch ap Rhodri—Welsh patriot; son of Rhodri & Rhonwen. Redhead. Twin of Rhun. DB, hero of WTH

  Rhydycroesau—Welsh border village CP;DP;DIK

  Rhys ap Rhodri—Eldest son of Rhodri; hero of DB. Appears in AMOV

  Roar Knutsen—Dane; henchman of Gorm in WVP

  Robert Curthose—Son of William the Conqueror; became Duke of Normandie on his father’s death; coveted his brother Henry’s throne; captured by Henry at Tinchebray and imprisoned for the remainder of his life. PIB

  Robert de Bellême—historical figure; son of Roger de Montgomery

  Robert de Montbryce—Eldest son of Ram and Mabelle; born in England. Becomes Comte de Montbryce. CP, AMOV, DP; hero of PIB; DOL;HK

  Robert de Pontrouge—father of Peridotte HC

  Rodrick Rambaud de Montbryce—son of Gallien and Peridotte; twin of Grace HC

  Roger de Montgomery—historical figure; cousin of the Conqueror, notorious for his cruelty HK

  Roget—Malraux’s steward in HK

  Ronan MacLachlainn—Hero of Dark Irish Knight DIK

  Rosamunda Lallement—mute heroine HK

  Rosko—port in Brittany HK

  Roussel—Norman;first steward of Shelfhoc appointed by Ram

  Ruyton—Location of Shelfhoc Hall

  Sagrajas—site of famous medieval battle in Spain between Christians and Moors DOL

  St. Winefride’s Well—historical place of pilgrimage DIK

  Sancho Ramírez—historical figure; king of Aragón and Navarra DOL

  San Juan de la Peña—monastery near Jaca; St. John of the Rock DOL

  Santa Cristina—priory hospital in the Pyrenees DOL

  Santiago de Compostela—Holy site to which thousands of pilgrims still flock; reputed resting places of bones of St. James DOL

  Schnell—Dieter’s greyhound, CA

  Shawm—medieval wind instrument

  Shelfhoc Hall—Ancestral home of the Woolgars in Ruyton, Shropshire, England.

  Sibell—Mabelle’s mare in CP

  Simon Hugo—Norman serf at Alensonne who murders Arnulf de Valtesse to avenge his daughter. CP

  Sord Colmcille—St. Columba’s Well, near Dublin DIK

  Souflette—donkey in HK

  Stephen Marquand—ILDE Norman neighbour of Meltons; grandfather of heroines of HK

  Stephen of Blois—grandson of the Conqueror; became king after Henry I; HC

  Strand—Danish island principality WVP

  Sybilla de Taloche—ILDE; heroine; Angevin; widow of Denis de Sancerre, mother of the dwarf, Denis de Sancerre. Marries Antoine de Montbryce

  Tamworth Castle—historical building, seat of the Marmion family HC

  Tandine Grisjaune (de Villiers)—lady-in-waiting to Empress Maud; friend of heroine HC

  The Wolf—nickname of Lope Velasco DOL

  Théobald Cormant—Norman steward; brother of Barat

  Thor—alaunt gentil hound belonging to Ragna FitzRam, named after Norse god of thunder WVP

  Topaz—kitten HK

  Torfinn—father of Reider in WVP; murdered by Gorm

  Torod—Norman villain; thug, henchman of Renouf ILDE

  Trésor—Cook at Ellesmere. The French word means ‘treasure’.CP

  Tristan Bonhomme—Son of Honoré; steward at Montbryce

  Túr MacLachlainn—Ronan’s estate in Ireland DIK

  Tybaut—AMOV; steward at Shelfhoc Hall; Norman

  Valhalla—Norse ‘heaven’

  Vangeline Bonhomme—Wife of Fernand; dies in 1066; CP

  Vàr—Norse goddess of oaths

  Vermudo Díaz—Aragonese; villain DOL

  Velox—Hugh’s stallion in ILDE

  Victoire—Cook at Domfort Castle; ILDE

  Vincent Lallement—brother of heroines of HK

  Vormund—Hovawart breed dog; saves Dieter’s life CA

  White Ship—see La Blanche Nef

  William Adelin—historical figure; Crown Prince of England, son of Henry I, drowned in 1120 STL; HC

  William Clito—historical figure; son of Robert Curthose, Duke of Normandy; killed at Aalst; HC

Wilona Melton—Saxon mother of Devona, heroine of ILDE

  Winrod Revandel—brother of Letyce HK

  Woolgar—Married name of Ascha Bronson, widow of Sir Caedmon Woolgar, a housecarl of King Harold who died at Hastings; CP, AMOV

  Wyvern—Caedmon’s horse; saves his life at Alnwick. AMOV

  Ynys Môn—Holy Island, Wales DIK

  Yusuf ibn Tashfin—historical figure; Arabic warrior DOL





  OE.=Old English





  IG.= Irish Gaelic

  Abaya -Arabic garment

  Abbesse Fr. Abbess

  A bientôt Fr. See you soon

  Adelante Sp. Onwards

  A demain Fr. Until tomorrow

  Adieu Fr. Goodbye

  Af Odin! D. By Odin!

  Afon Dyfrdwy W. River Dee

  Ahora Sp. Now

  Aingeal IG Angel

  Alaunt gentil Fr. Breed of hound

  À l’Irelande! Fr. To Ireland!

  Allons-y! Fr. Let’s go!

  Alto! Sp. Stop!

  Amour Fr. Love

  Ange Fr. Angel

  Anoche Sp. Last night

  Ap (or Ab) W. Son of

  Arrête Fr. Stop!

  Arthrite Fr. Arthritis

  Auf Weidersehen G. Goodbye

  Au revoir Fr. Goodbye

  Au secours! Fr. help!

  Aux armes! Fr. To arms!

  Ave Maria, gratia plena L. Hail Mary, full of grace

  Barm OE. Yeast

  Basta Sp. Enough!

  Bébé Fr. Baby

  Benedicat vos omnipotens Deus L. Blessed be Almighty God

  Bien Fr. Good

  Bienvenidos Sp. Welcome

  Bienvenu(e) Fr. Welcome

  Bliaut Fr. Medieval long sleeved dress

  Brychan W. Woven blanket

  Cairdis IG Friendship

  Camilla Sp. Litter, stretcher

  Camino Sp. Road, way

  Céard sa diabhal IG What the devil!

  Ceilliau W. Testicles,

  C’est moi Fr. It’s me.

  Chansons courtoises Fr. Courtly love songs

  Codex L. journal

  Cog -type of ship

  Colonus, pl. Coloni L. Bondservants, later known as serfs

  Commote W. area of administration in Wales

  Comte Fr. Count

  Comtesse Fr. Countess

  Corre! Sp. Run!

  Couilles Fr. Testicles

  Críost IG Christ!

  Croeso-i W. Welcome

  Cuirass(e) Fr. Breastplate armour

  Currach IG coracle

  Cymru W. Wales

  Cymraeg W. Welsh language

  Da Dad, father

  Dañjer! Breton word for danger

  Demesne Fr. Estate

  Demoiselle Fr. Miss, unmarried woman

  De rien Fr. You are welcome

  Derrière Fr. Bottom, backside

  Dewch yn W. Come in

  Dia IG God!

  Dieu Fr. God

  Dios Sp. God

  Ddoe W. Yesterday

  Dormitorio Sp. Dormitory

  Dors bien Fr. Sleep well

  Draugr D. Revenant, lost soul

  Droit de seigneur Fr. right of a nobleman to take a virgin before her husband on their wedding night

  Dros Cymru W. For Wales

  Duw W. God

  Duwiau W. Gods!

  Dwale OE. Medieval drug

  Eke OE. Extra chamber added to the bottom of a beehive

  El Diablo Sp. The Devil

  Enceinte Fr. Pregnant

  Enchanté Fr. Enchanted; delighted

  Enfant Fr. Child. Mes enfants=my children

  En route Fr. On the way

  Entrez! Fr. Come in!

  Esches Fr. Chess

  Exactement Fr. Exactly

  Excusez-moi Fr. Excuse me, I am sorry

  Fág an bealach! IG Clear the way

  Fardeles Sp. Pigs’ livers

  Fils Fr. Son

  Fortæl mig D. Tell me

  Foutaise Fr. Shit

  Fromage cremeux Fr. Cream cheese

  Fy Nuw W. My God

  Gaeilge Gaelic

  Garderobe Fr. Latrines, privy

  Ghiniúna IG male genitalia

  Godemite OE. Saxon expletive, God Almighty

  God hund D. Good dog

  Godisgood OE. Yeast

  Go hÉirinn IG To Ireland!

  Gottes segen G. Godspeed

  Gott sei Dank G. Thanks be to God

  Gracias Sp. Thank you

  Gräfin G. Countess

  Grandmaman Fr. Grandma

  Gut! G. Good!

  Hackle OE. Conical shaped protection for beehives

  Hallowmas Triduum Three day celebration of Hallowe’en, All Saints’ & All Souls’

  Hermano Sp. Brother

  Hore OE whore

  Ich bin es G. It’s me.

  Ich liebe dich G. I love you

  Ja G. Yes

  Jardin Fr. Garden

  Je m’excuse Fr. I am sorry

  Je t’aime Fr. I love you

  Je vous demande pardonne Fr. I beg your forgiveness

  Jongleur Fr. Minstrel, juggler, medieval entertainer

  Kommen G. Come!

  Knarr D. Merchant ship used by Vikings

  Labhandair IG Lavender

  Laks D. Smoked salmon

  Lamellar Armour made of leather plates

  Là Fr. There

  Lentement Fr. Slowly

  Le roi est mort Fr. The king is dead

  Léine S. Shirt worn by men and women (Gaelic)

  Liebling G. Sweetheart, darling

  Livre Fr. Old French currency unit

  Lladrones Sp. Thieves

  Llys W. (plural Llysoed) A building that served as a royal court for a commote in Wales.

  Ma chère Fr. My dear

  Majestad Sp. Majesty

  Majesté Fr. Majesty

  Mal de mer Fr. seasickness

  Mamá Sp. Mother (affectionate)

  Maman Fr. Mother (affectionate)

  Mantilla Sp. Lacy head covering

  Ma petite Fr. My little one

  Mea culpa L. My fault; I take the blame

  Méchant Fr. Naughty

  Meine damen und herren G. Ladies and gentlemen

  Mein Gott G. My God!

  Mein Schatz G. My darling, my sweetheart

  Meine Tochter G. My daughter

  Merci Fr. Thank you

  Merde Fr. Swear word; shit;crap;damn it

  Mère Fr. Mother

  Meth OE. ordinary mead

  Metheglin OE. Spiced mead (for nobility)

  Mi amor Sp. My love

  Mignonne Fr. Little one

  Milagro Sp. Miracle

  Milord Fr. My lord

  Minnesinger G. Minstrel

  Misericord L. Chamber where monks received their punishment for misdeeds

  Mo croí IG My heart

  Mon capitaine a tombé Fr. My captain has fallen

  Mon petit Fr. little one

  Mo stór IG my darling

  Muette Fr. Feminine version of muet=mute

  Nein G. No

  Nej D. No

  Noblesse Fr. Nobility

  Oes W. Yes

  Oncle Fr. Uncle

  Oreillons Fr. Mumps

  Oubliette Fr. a small cell where prisoners were forgotten Fr. Oublier=to forget

  Oui Fr. Yes

  Pacharán Sp. Sloe liqueur

  Pauvre Fr. Poor

  Pax L. Peace

  Perdóname Sp. Forgive me

  Père Fr. Father

  Petit baiser Fr. a little kiss

  Phoques Fr. Seals

  Pik D. Shaft, manhood

  Plantagenista L. Broom plant

  Playd S. Woven garment, not tartan (came much later); often brown

uería Sp. Filth

  Por supuesto Sp. Of course

  Prie-Dieu Fr. Kneeler, prayer stool

  Que diable! Fr. What the devil!

  Refugio Sp. Place of refuge, shelter

  Regarde Fr. Look!

  Reina Madre Sp. Queen Mother

  Rien Fr. Nothing

  Rundlet OE. small barrel or cask

  Rute G. Shaft, manhood

  Rwy’n Cymraes W. I am a Welshwoman

  Rwy’n dy garu di W. I love you

  Salaud Fr. Bastard

  Schwarze ritter G. Black Knight

  Sea IG You are right

  Seigneur Fr. Lord

  Selkie Seal that has become human

  Seneschal Fr. Senior officer, seneschal

  Shamshir -curved Arabic sword

  Sieg G. Victory

  S’il te plaît Fr. If you please

  Siwrne dda W. Good journey

  Sí Sp. Yes

  Sjaund D. Ritualistic funeral ale in Norse inheritance traditions

  Skep OE. Man made beehive made of straw

  Soeur Fr. Sister

  Soule Fr. Medieval game involving balls

  Soyez les bienvenues Fr. Welcome, ladies

  Sølje D. Traditional Norse silver brooch

  Stridsøkse D. battle axe

  Sûrement Fr. surely.

  Tá grá agam duit IG I love you

  Tais-toi Fr. Be quiet, silence.

  Tante Fr. Aunt

  Tant pis! Fr. Too bad

  Tarse OE. Male genitals

  Tendresse Fr. Tenderness; “soft spot”

  Tiarna IG Lord

  Trouzes breeches, trousers

  Turaid S. Tower (Gaelic)

  Ty bach W. Latrines

  Uisce beatha IG whiskey

  Verch W. Daughter of

  Vite Fr. Quickly

  Vive la reine Fr. Long live the Queen

  Vous parlez francais? Fr. Do you speak French?

  Walhaz- derogatory Saxon term meaning foreign; the word Welsh derived from it

  Willkommen G. Welcome

  Windlass hoisting mechanism with a crank handle, e.g. to hoist a bucket from a well

  Yr Arglwydd W. My lord


  Dance ‘n’ Luv Series

  Book One


  Alicia Street & Roy Street

  Copyright © 2011 Alicia Street, Roy Street

  All rights reserved. No part of this publication can be reproduced or transmitted in any form or by any means, electronic or mechanical, including photocopying, recording, or by any information storage and retrieval system, without permission in writing from Alicia Street and Roy Street, with the exception of brief quotations embodied in reviews.

  This is a work of fiction. Names, characters, places, brands, media, and incidents are either the product of the author’s imagination or used fictitiously. Any resemblance to actual events, locales, or persons, living or dead, is entirely coincidental.


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