The Sheikh's Virgin Mistress 3 (Jatar Sheikh Series Book 3)

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The Sheikh's Virgin Mistress 3 (Jatar Sheikh Series Book 3) Page 1

by Jessica Brooke

  The Sheikh’s Virgin Mistress:

  Part 3 (The Jatar Sheikhs Series #3)

  By: Jessica Brooke

  All Rights Reserved. Copyright 2014 Jessica Brooke

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  Table of Contents
























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  I remained in the hospital four more days after the kidnapping and abuse from my captors. Omar stayed with me the entire time. We had a private room and they’d brought in a larger bed so that he could sleep with me at night.

  “My love, I must once again apologize.” Omar said one evening after the nurse had left. “I know you said you’ve forgiven me, but I must, if only for myself—if only for my own amends.”

  He stroked my cheek and gently traced a thumb across the dark purple bruise on the left side of my face.

  “I see the darkening bruises and your discomfort, and it tears at my heart. My main objective, always, since the first moment I met you, was to cause you great joy, laughter, passion and fulfillment. I seek to always make you happy. What just happened to you, the mere fact you are damaged? This causes me untold grief. I am suffering with you and I would give anything to take your pain as my own.”

  I slowly exhaled through my nose and touched Omar’s lips with my index finger, “I love you Omar. You do make me happy. You’ve in fact changed my life so dramatically I will never be the same,” I gave him a sardonic half grin at his tortured expression.

  “And no, I only mean that you’ve changed my life in the best of ways Omar. You opened my heart to the idea of love—the idea that this kind of powerful love even existed. I really didn’t have a clue before you swept me off my feet.”

  Omar furrowed his brow, “Perhaps it would have been better if I’d left you to your own devices? Perhaps it is better to not know?”

  “You’ve got to be kidding me. Seriously Omar, would you rather not know? Would you rather not have ever felt what we feel for each other?” He quickly shook his head at my stare.

  “So, it works both ways. Yeah, I am hurting right now, but I’m young and the doctors said there isn’t any permanent damage. I’ll heal. We will heal together.” I looked down for a brief moment and quietly asked, “Do you have doubts now? About us? I mean…” I looked back up, and a lone tear trailed from my uncovered good right eye, “I mean, um…” My words were choked off by a sob and my chin began quivering.

  Omar put a finger under my shaking chin and assertively shook his head, “Anna! Don’t you even think what you are thinking. NO! I want you more than I ever have! I will not let you go. You are mine, I’ve claimed you as such and there is no turning back. You are mine! Is that clear?”

  I weekly nodded, I was exhausted, and my good eye sagged closed. I rested my head back against the pillow and mumbled, “Okay, I just had to make sure. I love you Omar.”

  Omar carefully pulled my damaged body closer to his and cradled me in his arms. He kissed my neck and then my cheek and I turned to meet his lips. It was a short kiss, but full of emotion.

  “You will sleep now my goddess. I will not leave you. You are safe in my arms. Sleep my beautiful queen.”

  In the middle of the night, I woke up screaming and flailing at invisible assailants. Omar immediately pulled me to his chest, but I was not fully awake and didn’t realize he represented safety. All I felt was restrained, and as I madly kicked and fought my captor, I ripped the IV from my arm and then my screams began in earnest at the sudden jolt of pain.

  “Anna, it is me, Anna, you are safe!” Omar said as he released me and slid out of bed. I was sobbing hysterically and beginning to hyperventilate. He flipped on the light and I covered my face with a shaking hand. He reiterated, “Anna, wake up, look! You are safe!”

  Through sniffs and sobs, I slowly reoriented myself in the moment. Then I saw the rapidly pooling blood on the top of my hand and my trembles began anew. The nurse appeared and soothed me as Omar watched on, silent from the corner.

  The nurse suggested he stay in the chair, but I protested. “No! Omar, stay,” I said in a thready voice. When the IV was reinserted in my other hand, and the pain meds began to filter into my system, I finally calmed down. Once the nurse left, Omar lingered in the chair, unwilling to join me.

  “Please, I need you.” I plead.

  He shook his head, “I cannot stand to be the cause of your fear, even in a small amount and even if it is only your perceived fear.” His expression was tortured, “I cannot bear to cause you any fear Anna. Not a moment.”

  “I’m sorry, but I need you, even if it’s a dream and I think you are someone else. When I wake up, I need you here with me. I’m sorry, I can’t control my dreams—but Omar, I, um—I don’t know how else to tell you. Your strength is all I have right now.”

  I rubbed at the top of my hand and then sagged back against the pillows. I sighed, “The pain meds are working; I feel better. Please come back to bed?”

  He reluctantly did as I requested, and laid on his side with his hand on my stomach under the covers. “I will not hold you tighter when you have a nightmare. I believe that made it worse?”

  “Yeah, sorry, moment of panic.”

  “Can you tell me what it was about? Will it help to talk about it?” He asked.

  I frowned and covered my face with my hand, “I don’t know if I can.”

  “I believe a therapist would tell you that unless you talk about it, it will remain.” Omar said.

  “Let me be your counselor? Please Anna, give me a place in all this that offers me some sort of amends. I am begging you.”

  I rotated my head on the pillow and blinked, “Are you okay? You never ask, let alone beg. I just don’t know if I can talk about it.” He leaned over and gently pressed his lips to mine and I relaxed another degree. “I will try. I am afraid though…”

  “Of me?” He asked with marked concern.

  “No. Of how you will think of me if I tell you all that happened.”

  “I vow to you that I will cherish your confessions and it will in no way affect my feelings for you.” Omar said earnestly.

  He then tenderly petted my cheek and then down my chest until he gently cupped my breast through the thin material of the nightgown. I couldn’t help it and cowered away from him and shook my head, gulping and swallowing roughly as a fresh wave of fear traveled up my body. He withdrew his hand and remained silent as he thought.

  “Anna, I saw the marks on your body, on your breasts and I am fully aware of the violations.”

  I held my breath as he talked and in a hoarse whisper said, “I don’t think he actually raped me.”

  “No, he did not, but you were in their custody long enough for his threats to manifest horror in your heart. I am aware of the power of the mind and the sim
ple fact that you lived in mortal fear for well over twenty hours. That will change a person Anna. That will change a person for the remainder of their life. I am not blind to this fact and do not fear me love, do not fear that you wish no affection from me, this is perfectly understandable. I am not dissuaded from my ardor towards you, and I know that in time, and with patience, you will once again allow my touch without fear.”


  Omar was so genuine with his feelings that I felt hideous for balking away from his touch. It was just that I couldn’t take it without feeling as if I should scream or fight back. As much as I tried to convince myself that it was Omar, and not my kidnappers, my body would flinch and recoil whenever he offered me any sort of affection. Even the few nights that he’d slept with me; it would take an extra dose of pain meds just to get my body to relax enough to allow it.

  Then there was the nightmare, and even though I wasn’t raped, my brain seemed intent on telling me I was. It was a close thing I suppose, and the simple fact that Armand shot and killed the man just seconds before he was about to abuse me, didn’t help matters in the slightest. My body unfortunately felt as if it had been violated in the worst of ways, and there was nothing I could do about it. I’d been desperately trying over the past three days to convince myself I could take Omar’s caresses and advances, but now I knew I couldn’t outthink this issue.

  Maybe Omar was right, maybe I needed a real therapist to help me? What I knew I wanted more than anything was to see my mom, to talk to her and have the kind of comfort only a mom can give.

  It was morning on the fourth day of my hospital stay and I was finally eating more than just jello or pudding. Most of the swelling in my jaw had diminished and although my left eye still ached and remained covered, the rest of me was slowly beginning to heal. All of the bruises that Omar had previously inflicted were assumed part of the torture I’d gone through at the hands of the now dead infidels, and neither Omar nor I had corrected the doctors when they’d assessed my body.

  How they knew I hadn’t been raped remains a mystery to me, because only ten hours before my capture, I was so sore from the marathon sex with Omar that I found it uncomfortable to walk or sit. I still wonder if perhaps some of that hadn’t played into my now irrational level of fear at being touched in any way. Even by Omar, who I still loved immensely. I was hopeful that time would heal not only my outsides, but also my hidden, emotional self.

  Omar was on his laptop at the small desk and after I finished my portion of oatmeal he came to me and sat on the bed. Being careful to not touch me, but close enough that I could reach out and take his hand, which I did. I asked, “Can we fly my mom in? If she’ll come. I need her.”

  His face lit up with expectation, “Of course darling! Of course. I will get the pilot on the phone this instant.”

  “No, not yet. I need to talk to her. She has no idea what happened, she will be upset and won’t be able to travel just yet. She has, well, she has issues. She is darn near agoraphobic and rarely leaves the house—never leaves our neighborhood.”

  Omar gritted his jaw, “Does your father not help her with those issues? He is to be her strength—her support.”

  I sort of snorted in reply, “You know my dad. He is too focused on his empire to worry about mom. Besides, he is never at home in Boston. For all intents and purposes, they might as well be separated or divorced.”

  He reached out to pick up my hand, but he stalled. I grinned and reached over, setting my tiny hand in his big mitt. He stroked his thumb across my bruised hand from where the IV had been ripped out.

  “When she is ready, just let me know. I can send servants to help her, to accompany her, make her feel safer?”

  “Okay, thanks. I need to call her, but I’m not sure if I can handle it yet.”

  Omar nodded, “She should know. When you’re ready—just let me know.”

  I bit my lower lip in thought. “Maybe later today? The doctor said he wanted me to walk today, just to get some blood moving. My ankle still hurts though, so it won’t be a long walk.”

  “Whatever you need. I am here to serve you.”

  I let my overflow of emotions show on my face. Omar’s words melted me and slayed me at the same time. He seemed almost broken from the experience and the strong, dominant male I knew less than a week past, seemed no more. I was hopeful that as I healed, so would he. I missed his arrogant, assuming, commanding self. I missed us.


  “Mom? Hi. How are you?”

  “Oh darling! I’ve missed your voice. I am fine. How are you doing? Is it a fairy tale darling? Are you madly in love with him?”

  “Um, yeah, it has been wonderful and yes, I am crazy in love with Omar. He is an amazing man, I think you will love him too. But mom, well, um, I have something I need to tell you, and I don’t want you to freak out. Okay? It’s kind of dramatic. Just know I am fine. Okay mom? I am okay now and I’ll be heading home soon.”

  “You’re coming home? Back here? What happened? Oh god Anna, what is it?”

  “Um, no, not back to the states home—I meant back to his home—our home, um I guess I should say, my home now.”

  “Where are you right now? What is going on Anna? Tell me darling.”

  “I’m in the hospital mom.”

  I heard my mom’s glass crash and break on the kitchen floor and her dramatic gasp of concern, “I’m coming to you. I need to get a flight. Anna, do you need help? Like can I send you money? Are you okay? Oh god darling, tell me you’re okay!”

  My mom’s hysteria washed over me and I choked back a moment of panic. I finally gained control and used the voice I knew would settle her, “Mom, take a breath, I already told you I was okay. It happened four days ago and I am way better. I walked around the hospital today, under my own steam, so yeah, I’m doing way better. Take a breath mom. Stop crying. I am fine!”

  She was crying and sniffing and clicking on a keyboard, “Mom, what are you doing?”

  “I’ve just made a reservation for a flight that leaves first thing in the morning. I have to come to you. I have to take care of my baby girl.”

  Then she panted as she climbed the stairs and I could hear the rattle of hangers so I knew she was in her closet.

  “Mom, sit on the bed. Are you sitting? Now take three breaths. Good. Can you listen for a second? Yeah? Okay—first off, Omar can send his plane to pick you up. He can send a limo to the house so you don’t have to deal with taxis or any of the airport hassles. He can also send people to help you with all the little details. Okay? Stop crying mom, breathe through your nose, you’re going to hyperventilate. Okay, that’s better. You don’t have to come this second, but yes, I would love it if you could be here with me. Do you think you can handle that much travel without falling apart?”

  My mom’s voice was soft, but assured, “Anna, you are my life, you are all I really have. Yes, of course I can handle it. Please have Omar send the plane and the car as soon as possible. I will be ready. Or I can just get on that plane in the morning.”

  “No, I want you to fly private and with the help he can provide. I’ll call you back as soon as I know a time frame.”

  “Anna, what happened?” My mom asked in a tone I knew she was faking as stronger than she really was.

  “I was kidnapped.” She gasped and her tears began anew, “It was five days ago. I am okay now, or on my way to okay. Omar saved me.”

  “Oh dear lord Anna, I think you should come home immediately. You need to be here, safe in the states.”

  “Not yet mom. Maybe someday, but not yet. Omar and I will be getting married and I need to be with him right now. Will you please come though? I need you too.”


  Omar sat and held my hand while I talked to my mother and then when I was finished with her, I told him I needed to be held. He was tentative and treated me as if I was made from the finest porcelain, but he did crawl up on the bed and open his arms, which I crawled into. Initia
lly my heart beat hard against my ribs and I trembled. I was stiff in his arms, but I persevered and he said nothing, thankfully! He waited and then slowly wrapped me in his strong arms, holding me close.

  After a bit, I did soften and relax against his broad chest and my tears subsided. He kissed the top of my head and softly stroked my back. I calmed down even more, and my rapid pulse diminished until the machine ceased the frantic beeping. We said nothing, but for the first time in days and days, I felt safe in his embrace.

  “It is your home too Anna, you may always call it home for the rest of your life.”

  I nodded against his chest and burrowed closer, “I love you.”

  “I’ve set up a room at home, with fulltime staff—a doctor and nurses. Do you feel you can come back to the palace in the clouds? You will heal faster if you are safe and protected in our fortress.”

  “Okay, I think I can handle that now.”

  “How long before your mother will be ready?”

  “She will be waiting and packed by tomorrow.”

  “Excellent. I will send the plane tonight.” He kissed my forehead and then tilted my chin up so he could look in my eyes, “Are you okay with this amount of affection?”

  I let my expression tell him all, and I gave him a weak smile, “Yes Omar. You are my safe place. If I am with you, I am okay. Soon I can feel that I will be able to join you in your bed.” My face fell, “Although you will have to be very careful with me, take it slow? I can’t tell you no, I mean I can, but I won’t, so please just be slow with me?”

  He held me so tightly it choked off my air and I grunted, but didn’t pull away. He kissed my forehead again and I saw in his eyes that he would probably take it slower than I needed, which was fine with me. I ended up falling asleep with my head on his chest and his arms around me.

  The next day they moved me to the penthouse in the tallest building in the world and into a room directly next to the big suite that Omar and I had shared just a short week previous. True to his word I was waited on hand and foot.


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