Steinberg, Leo 497–98
Stern, Fritz 386
Stöcker, Helene 369, 375
Stone, Lawrence 340
Strasbourg 394
Strayer, Joseph R. 75
Stuttgart 136
Sue, Eugène 418–19, 490
Suez Canal 153
Sweden 58
Swedenborg, Emanuel 200
Swedenborgians and sexuality 353
Switzerland 329, 417
Taine, Hyppolyte 214, 216
Taylor, Harriet. See Mill, Harriet Taylor
Taylor, Helen 354, 366
telegraphy 237–38, 532–34 “Chappe telegraph,” 533
in England 534
in France 532–33
in Prussia 533
Therborn, Göran 333, 340–42, 371
Thérésa (chanteuse) 474
Thierry, Augustin 107–09
Thiers, Adolphe 212, 290–91
Thiesse, Anne-Marie 466–67, 471, 473
Thompson, Edward P. “moral economy,” 48
Thompson, F. M. L. 325, 327
Thompson, William 357
time measurement 33, 267–71 and postal services 270–71
and railroads 269–70
Tissot, James 498, 503, 505
Tissot, Samuel L’Onanisme 435
Tocqueville, Alexis de 73, 113, 349
Tosh, John 327, 357
Toulouse-Lautrec, Henri de 474, 476
Tournès, Ludovic 478
Tours 199
Toynbee Hall 452
Trebilcock, Clive 232
Treitschke, Heinrich von 256
Trentmann, Frank 542
Trollope, Anthony 460 The Way We Live Now 389
Troppmann, Jean-Baptiste 468
Trudaine, Daniel 77, 82, 106
Turgot, Anne-Robert-Jacques 51, 77, 80, 82
Turin 27
Tylor, Edward 413
Ullstein, Leopold 468
Universal Bibliothek (Reclam) 419
Vasari, Giorgio 422
veillés 419
Venette, Nicolas Conjugal Love 355–56
Verdi, Giuseppe Sicilian Vespers 444
Vergo, Peter 520
Verne, Jules 419, 465–66, 534
Véron, Auguste 427
Vichy 283
Vickery, Amanda 307–08, 323
Vie parisienne, La 361
Vienna 382, 426, 429 Burgtheater 515
Kunstschau of 1908 433, 519–20
Vienna Circle 408
Vienna Secession 520
Vienna, University 402
Vigny, Alfred de 493 Chatterton 488
Vincent, David 462–63
Vincent, John 175
Volkov, Shulamit 407
Voltaire 85, 89, 387
Wackenröder, Wilhelm Heinrich 433, 445, 447, 454, 478, 488, 601
Wagner, Richard 454 Tristan and Isolde 447
Wahrman, Dror 68, 131, 159
Waldeck-Rousseau, Réné 221, 223
Walker, Mack 116–17, 121, 133, 146, 249
Warburg, Sara 322
Water-Drinkers 492
Weber, Eugen 186–87, 203–04
Weber, Max 13, 21, 36, 168–69, 173, 182, 232, 253–55, 259, 377–78, 380–81, 432, 523, 528–29, 542, 545 “Science as a Vocation,” 406
the “aesthetic sphere,” 416
Weber, William 429
Wedgwood, Josiah 486
Wehler, Hans-Ulrich 115, 119, 248, 557
Weininger, Otto 333
Welcker, Karl Theodor 318–19
Wertheimer, Samson 383
Westminster Review, The 325
Westphalia, Treaty of (1648) 116, 118
Whistler, James MacNeil 498
Wieland, Christoph 125–26, 128, 141, 146, 224
Wikipedia 537
Wilberforce, William 352
Wilde, Oscar 367
Wilkes, John 66–67, 171
Wilkinson, John 82, 276
William of Normandy 44
Williams, Raymond 413, 430
Williams, Rosalind Dream Worlds 487
Wittgenstein, Ludwig 6, 27
Wolff, Christian 122, 233
Wolin, Richard 432
Woloch, Isser 552
women. gender relations, feminism, morality
Woolf, Virginia 457
Wordsworth, William 454 and the Revolution of 1789 349
Wrightson, Keith 47
Württemberg 118, 136–37
Yorkshire 151
Young, Arthur 80–81, 530
Zeitlin, Maurice 529
Ziegler, Philip 288
Zimmerman telegram 534
Zola, Émile 208, 424 on Degas’s Portraits in an Office 500–03
Pot Bouille 323, 361
The Ladies’ Paradise (Au Bonheur des dames) 208, 210, 250, 487
The Masterpiece (L’oeuvre) 498
Zorn, Wolfgang 322
Zwanziger family (Silesia) 135
Zweig, Stefan 408
Modernity and Bourgeois Life Page 83