One Hundred Poems, Volume I

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One Hundred Poems, Volume I Page 2

by Tuomas Vainio

  And now the friendship lies splinted.

  Some days in a relationship

  I ate four chocolate doughnuts and that is nothing to brag,

  All that is left of them for you is this empty bag,

  Because those doughnuts now lie in my tummy,

  I could not resists as those were yummy,

  And thus you had none,

  I am sorry for that my love.


  I once sought to kiss the moon,

  As I stood on the lonely dunes,

  As if waiting for the monsoon,

  I felt I was stuck inside a cocoon,

  And how I longed to see you in next June.

  But months passed and so did you,

  It all happened out of the blue,

  And I found myself standing in queue,

  Saying my last farewells before I knew,

  The weight of that last adieu.

  So I stand once more under the moon,

  I blow a kiss and release a balloon,

  I hope it reaches the distant lagoon,

  We were supposed to go on out honeymoon,

  The loss of you makes me feel like such a buffoon.

  Too Much Water

  It is hard to be a game reviewer,

  A choice of words is all it takes for you to err,

  And thus become butt of the fans' anger.

  No matter what you try,

  You won't find stop to the blabber,

  You have to own up to your blunder,

  You have to hear out the slurs.

  Thus if you face it all like soldier,

  And take it all like a boulder,

  Will you think it makes you all the nobler?

  A Man's Poem: Corrected

  Before I lay me down to sleep,

  I make my pray quieter than a cheep,

  What I long from a woman is just her love,

  But if I am allowed to wish for something more;

  I wish she understood when I have struggled enough,

  I wish she sees it from my face when I am having it rough,

  I wish that after climbing a mountain I won't have to reach ever above,

  I wish that she can find it in her to accept me as who I am,

  I wish she has the heart to hear the truth in my words,

  I wish she loved me more than her cupboards,

  I wish I would not have to sacrifice my all for her.

  Internet arguments

  Hey I think I lost few IQ points by reading that post,

  It is okay as I got quite many more to spare,

  So hear me out as why you are wrong,

  I assure that am not trying to boast,

  I am just trying my best to share,

  And I promise it wont take long.




  Hey I think your brain is just toast,

  Your idiocy is something I cannot bear,

  Your stubbornness goes well beyond being just headstrong,

  Thus on the last time you visited a doctor: you were grossly misdiagnosed,

  At long last I can clearly see how this exchange is headed to station nowhere,

  I am truly out of IQ points to spare and this mental agony I shall no longer prolong:

  Good-day and fuck off.

  A posthumous painting

  What lies before is over two hundred years old,

  A painted image of a great man or so I am told,

  A visage I find both daunting and haunting,

  A strange familiarity that leaves my eyes blinking,

  I almost see myself there staring back with a smug smile,

  But where he achieved deeds all my efforts remains is but infantile.

  Why we teach?

  The information in our heads is like water in a bottle,

  If the water is not allowed to flow things can only remain banal.

  Regardless of the pretty reflections it shows on the shelf,

  What we need to do is learn how to best share it by ourself.

  For water is information and it is required for us to grow,

  So that we can better ourselves and become more than a schmoe.

  The water is best used to nourish those around us,

  So that we ourselves can transcend time and space to become ageless.

  And that brings us to the age old question,

  Whether it was good or evil in a man's heart that won.

  The true answer is simply neither,

  As there is only the desire to teach and it does not come with anger.


  Fish industry waste in a breadcrumb crust,

  Is kids' favourite and a Thursday must,

  Who cares if the origin is foulest,

  When the end result is tastiest.

  Job applications

  Whatever you are: do not be too shy when you try to apply,

  And if it was necessary: do not feel bad if you had to lie,

  After all: you need the job so that you can buy some pie,

  But it is not over yet: as unemployment will still horrify,

  A mistake with none to blame: and you are left out to die,

  And with luck perhaps you can manage to reapply.

  Plenty of fish

  So the love of your life turned out to be a dud,

  And now you feel you are crawling through mud,

  But worry not as you are still something of a stud,

  Thus head out and do your best to find a new life,

  Yet beware a little so you won't become a lowlife,

  And with bit of luck find your one and true wife.

  Gay marriage =/= sex in public

  If you must know: I saw two men kiss today,

  And deep inside I could only shout: nay,

  How could they do that on a bus stop,

  Forcing me against my will to eavesdrop,

  The sound of their sticky lips,

  As their saliva all but drips?

  Truly they are just as bad,

  As the straight couple of undergrads,

  That committed the exact same heinous crime,

  On yesterday as I was waiting for bus in night time.

  Sure: kiss if you must I do proclaim,

  But do it in private under a candle flame,

  And don't get me wrong I am not trying to shame,

  I just cannot have small talk with people smooching away,

  I cannot even enjoy the scenery as the icky business gets in the way,

  So I beg of you to do me a favour and do it out of public,

  Or if you really cannot keep your lips away: do it quick,

  Before I resort to smashing my own head with a brick.

  Oh, and I have nothing against gay marriage,

  As long as all parties consent and are of legal age.


  I have walked this alley,

  My eyes feel very weary,

  I am too tired to be angry,

  My vision has become blurry,

  My movements turned clunky,

  The clarity of mind turned foggy,

  I long to lie down somewhere cosy,

  And so I crawl to my bed gently,

  I lie there and...

  Seeds of rebellion

  Who am I to oppose you,

  A nobody out of the blue;

  I cannot forget how I grew.

  I was not the first to stand up,

  I do not even fit this line up;

  But now I think I can gallop.

  I will raise the banners and signs,

  And I will give my spite to your fines;

  This is the moment where fate entwines.

  You can make me cough and hurt,

  Bleed and force me down to the dirt;

  I will not break under the strength you exert.

  At long last I have found my dream,

  A reason to fight, shout out and scream;

  See how it scares and crushes
your self-esteem.

  The people gathered here have strength pulsing,

  We have found our wings and the wind is blowing;

  You can try but your efforts are in vain as a change is coming.

  It is time for payment for the debts and crimes you owe,

  The seeds for all of this were already planted eons ago;

  This rebellion is not something you can tow.

  Although at the end of it all fields may be filled with crows and snow,

  But do not despair as something new shall grow;

  That is what we all know.

  Video games

  We are just playing video games,

  Competing who gets the best frames,

  Shooting and jumping to get those kills,

  We are sucked in as our brains overfills,

  Achievements and glory in digital form,

  It is nothing but the latest norm.

  We are playing video games,

  To build up our own names,

  We learn to move with haste,

  As only winners are graced,

  Who could blame us for it,

  He who is but a hypocrite.

  Playing video games,

  From hiding to rescuing dames,

  The life you gamed is spent in vain,

  You'll never see your dream to visit Spain,

  You will just purchase the new game and start anew,

  You know hot keys for maps but when it comes to life you do not know whereto.

  Video games,

  Can you see the flames,

  Was it all really just for fun,

  Did you really enjoy all that you have done,

  What was this world even build for,

  If you never soar?


  I stand on a bridge looking down to the stream below,

  It is already dark and cold as I watch the fall of snow,

  This feeling of guilt and shame simply overflows,

  I look back upon my life and only see a fiasco,

  I have walked my path and ended up in Alamo,

  And thus in my helplessness I can only wallow,

  I try to swallow, and into the stream I go.


  I see you smile,

  It has been a while,

  Did you do something erstwhile,

  Is it because of your new hairstyle,

  It is sad how we get no break in this lifestyle,

  It seems we just float around as life passes on meanwhile.

  But I see you smile,

  It still makes it all worthwhile.

  Intelligence quotient

  I have been called stupid all of my life,

  It has filled my heart in turmoil and strife.

  So once I went to test the extent of my quotient,

  What I got back could not have been more blunt;

  If I were to trust both the results and words of others,

  It would change the hindsight of years worth of slurs.

  If I was truly as stupid as people had claimed and said,

  In turn everyone else would not be that far from brain dead.

  Yet I find myself asking where it alls leaves me,

  A lifetime of opportunities now lost into the sea,

  Thus my course was set before I even knew of it,

  But alas I can always enjoy words of my own wit.

  So now I find myself in the market square,

  I stand perfectly still to enjoy the faire.

  I wonder if anyone knows,

  Who understands the flow,

  Where the wind blows,

  Oh, how I seem to glow.

  How the city came to be ruled by magisters (For a fantasy novel)

  There once was a king,

  Who loved the spring,

  The flowers blooming,

  And even the flies buzzing.

  But then came out the rats,

  With treachery of aristocrats,

  Who happened to slay the wildcats,

  Thus all was usurped by the autocrats.

  Old and young were dying,

  Those who lived were crying,

  And struggling on while starving,

  No one could bring a new spring.

  But then stood up the magisters,

  Who put the end to ravagers,

  Through spell and massacres,

  Who would question their characters.

  Thus laws were placed in writing,

  Upheld by men tasked in guarding,

  Trade once more became welcoming,

  And even the spring came back knocking.

  Eons have passed since,

  Not a soul longs for a prince,

  As people dance to the violins,

  And practise exchange of florins.

  Headache, yet again

  The pain throbs and pulses,

  This anguish never ceases,

  It just lingers on and ever on,

  Even carries over to the dawn,

  I cannot escape or hide from it,

  I would rather be buried in a pit.


  It seems your stomach growls,

  Louder than wolf pack howls,

  You wish to eat and consume,

  Anything from fish to mushrooms,

  Desire to taste stuff on your tongue,

  Is greater than need of air in your lung.

  Oh how you fidget and shake,

  How you long for a decent steak,

  It really is the worst kind of ache,

  Without food your mind will break.

  You open the freezer and see nothing there,

  It is like the view of tundra: cold and bare,

  You turn to your browser and try place an order,

  To get your hands on a cold turkey or a broiler,

  Yet all the shops and stores remain closed,

  How could you bear this cruelty imposed.

  You crawl to your bed unfed,

  You gnaw and bite your bedspread,

  Oh how it pains to be so underfed,

  That you lust to be overfed.

  The morning rays beam,

  And it is time for your scheme,

  You dash out of the door,

  With a singular thought for more,

  You fork out your cash,

  And in a flash you get your food to smash.

  You stomach is bursting,

  Such is the result of overeating,

  Your act of wanton feasting,

  Good thing no one is starving,

  In developing countries or something.

  5 Year Old Jordan

  I heard you spin a rap and it is crazy neat,

  I am really jealous how you got an ear for beat,

  So blinded by my cynicism I suspect a scheme,

  An online scam definitely most extreme,

  It would be easy to tell a kid what to do,

  Especially when a camera leaves out so much of the view,

  So I find myself conflicted between my heart and brain,

  Whether to believe your talent is true or something washed away by the rain,

  And I guess this is something you hear all the time,

  As it is easy to doubt talent as nothing but a crime,

  But regardless of whether I think it is true or not,

  I want to tell you how the effort is not for naught,

  How you should never give it up,

  You made me smile and that is no hiccup.


  There is a light house by the sea-coast,

  A lone man is preparing a roast,

  A dinner of two served on the coast,

  Right under the old milepost,

  I guess it is a strange act for most,

  But where else to share the anniversary toast,

  Even if your beloved wife is nothing but a ghost.


  A company that puts out video games,

  The kind with recognisable names,

p; But ultimately always the same,

  As you play a nobody without a name,

  Perhaps it is why it remains mostly good,

  As you travel around picking up firewood,

  Talking to a non-player character or two,

  That hold the whole thing together as glue,

  But there is always something amiss,

  Something that drives the fans to hiss,

  Because as Bioware tries to fix something,

  It also shatters something else with the same swing.

  That brings us to the game known as Inquisition,

  Whose combat was ruined by a focus on nothing but action,

  The combat is still fun as long as the difficulty is set on easy,

  As the greatest foe is the camera angle that kicks you in the knee,

  And the lack of action sequence queue to avoid constant micromanagement,

  So just put the difficulty to easy and watch how the combat explodes,

  You might find it more enjoyable than the constant need for reloads,

  It saves your blood pressure for the other minor faults,

  Like how inventory clean up is behind three to eight somersaults,

  No longer can you do it by just drag and drop,

  Thus the game really is just a well made slop.

  That is pretty how a game shall faire,

  When it is made by Bioware,

  What else could anyone ever expect?


  The rain drops keep falling on my head,

  Without an umbrella I went to buy some bread,

  Umbrella would have kept me from becoming wet,

  But as the weather is pretty much set,

  I see how it is all too late,

  So it is rain that I hate.

  I caught them all

  Through tall grass I waded,

  Over rivers and seas I surfed,

  And the dark caves I explored.

  I cut down every bush,

  And all the stones I did push,

  Despite the constant Zubat ambush.

  Little by little I built up my team,

  And taught moves like solar beam,

  To take down opponents most extreme.

  I stand tall with a team that cannot fall,

  Against the last challenge and my final brawl,

  At long last I can finally say that I caught them all,

  All I can do now is but fly over the world as the master of all.

  Religious sacrifice

  My heart raced with the storm,

  As I stood bound on a platform,

  I was bound so others might thrive,


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