The Originator Wars: Search for the Lost: A Lost Fleet Novel

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The Originator Wars: Search for the Lost: A Lost Fleet Novel Page 5

by Raymond L. Weil

  In front of the Avenger, a fleet of eighty other heavy dreadnoughts waited. These would be the flagship’s escorts to the Median Galaxy. In addition, there was a second fleet of four hundred Originator battlecruisers, each 2,000 meters in length. The Originator battlecruisers were operated and commanded by AIs. There were also four of the special military AIs with the fleet to ensure a chain of command would exist if there were a battle. The military AIs were trained for war and more were being built and programmed every day since the threat from the Eternals had now become a reality.


  “Admiral Calmat says he is ready to proceed on the hunt,” reported Lieutenant Shayla Lantz.

  Admiral Calmat was a Carethian and had insisted on going on the mission to rescue Grayseth. His flagship was the heavy dreadnought Hunter.

  “Inform the admiral the hunt begins,” ordered Jeremy. He had tried to talk the Carethian admiral into remaining behind since he was second in command of the Carethians behind Grayseth, but the admiral had insisted he was honor bound to go. Jeremy had relented, understanding how serious the Carethians were about honor and the respect of their clans.

  “Activating Accelerator Ring,” reported Aaliss as a massive circular structure on the main viewscreen suddenly exploded with energy as a deep blue space vortex formed. The ring was one hundred and ten kilometers across and one of several in the Communications and Transport Hub complex. It could send a ship anywhere within the eighteen million light years of Originator controlled space.

  “All ships are tied into our navigation system,” added Ariel. “We can enter the vortex upon your command.”

  Jeremy nodded. It would take them two days to reach Galaxy X-938 and then another 4.28 days to reach the Median Galaxy. “Take us in; let’s go see if we can find Grayseth.”

  The Avenger darted forward on its gravity drive, entering the vortex followed by the two fleets serving as escorts. Jeremy was taking a large enough force this time that if he encountered the Eternals, he would be able to stand and fight if need be. He was determined if Grayseth was still alive, he was going to bring him home.


  In the Median Galaxy, Fleet Commander Norlan watched the main viewscreens in his ship’s Command Center as more battlecruisers arrived to reinforce his fleet. Upon his return from Galaxy X-938, he had expected to be severely reprimanded for failing in his mission to secure the galaxy’s Shrieel. Failure was not tolerated by the Eternals. Upon reflection and after studying recordings of the battle, the Council of Eternals decided the Originator AIs were contemplating interfering with the Eternals’ expansion of their empire and had set a trap for Norlan’s fleet. That was the only logical explanation for their foray into the Median Galaxy and their exploration of the Stralon Star Cluster.

  Just recently Norlan had received information from the council, which indicated they believed the AIs had either developed or found a race of proxies to fight the war for them. It was these proxies who had invaded the Median Galaxy and who had commanded the Originator fleet he fought in Galaxy X-938.

  “Our fleet now numbers over one thousand vessels,” Second Commander Telan said as he studied the latest data on his console. “That is more than we took into battle the last time. We must strike as soon as possible before the Originator AIs begin building new warships. The Shrieels have a tremendous construction capability.”

  Norlan gazed at the viewscreen as another Eternal four-kilometer in length battlecruiser exited hyperspace. He flexed his right hand into a fist. With the aid of mechanical nanites, his fist was capable of crushing the bones of a normal biological being. “The Originator AIs are not fools,” he said. “They will have strengthened the defenses of the Shrieel and possibly added more ships. I am convinced they have already begun to build newer and more powerful vessels in preparation for war. We will be taking ten thousand vessels into battle this time. That should be sufficient to annihilate any fleet they send to resist us. Once we have destroyed their ships, we will engage the defenses of the Shrieel. It will take time, but once we have demolished their weapon emplacements on the outer hull we will land and force open one of the main hatches, giving our fleet entry. Using our warrior robots as well as Eternal shock troops we will take over the Control Centers. Once that’s been accomplished the Shrieel will be ours.”

  “A daring plan,” replied Telan. “The Originators once had combat robots. They could have built more to defend the Shrieels. It may be difficult to gain control of all the Control Centers; the AIs will resist us. There were once military AIs who fought in the war. It is possible the current AIs have built more.”

  Norlan shook his head. “Those old combat robots are very primitive. They will not be able to stand up to our warrior robots. The fighting may be intense, but we will prevail. If the AIs have found or created a proxy race, I don’t believe they will have built any new military AIs. There was always a great fear of the military AIs by the Originators because they were capable of commanding such destruction and violence. I’m certain after the war with us the Originators destroyed all of them. Their other AIs would have been afraid to build more.”

  “We must find out how numerous this proxy race is,” stated Telan. “If they are small in numbers, the Originator AIs might surrender once we have annihilated their proxies.”

  “There are over two hundred Shrieels,” replied Norlan as he watched another Eternal battlecruiser exit hyperspace. “We could greatly increase the speed at which our empire is growing if we could make use of their construction capacity to build warships.”

  “We are the Eternals and it is our destiny to rule this universe. The Originator AIs, while powerful, will only be a minor hindrance in our rise to overall supremacy.”

  Norlan shifted his gaze to his second in command. Telan was hungry for power and wanted a fleet of his own to command. The war against the Originator AIs could allow him to rise in the ranks of the Eternals. While Norlan would rather see Telan remain as his second in command, another could always be trained if the council chose to promote him. Norlan himself expected to be given greater authority after he conquered Galaxy X-938. Perhaps he would be given command of the Shrieel in that galaxy. Originator space contained over six hundred galaxies, all waiting to join the empire. He was perfectly willing to lead the conquest of those galaxies. His eyes shifted back to one of the viewscreens as two more battlecruisers exited hyperspace. In only a matter of a few weeks he would be ready to return to Galaxy X-938 and show the Originator AIs and their proxy race the true power of the Eternals.


  Two days passed and the Avenger dropped out of hyperspace in Galaxy X-938 just a short distance from the Dyson Sphere.

  “We’re being challenged,” reported Lieutenant Lantz.

  “We have ten heavy dreadnoughts approaching us,” added Kevin. “Their energy screens are up and we’re being targeted.”

  Jeremy nodded his satisfaction. It was understandable Rear Admiral Mann was taking no chances. Hailey had a force of 1,200 hundred heavy dreadnoughts and 4,200 Originator battlecruisers to defend the Dyson Sphere. It was obvious she was taking the threat of the Eternals seriously.

  “Send our recognition codes,” ordered Jeremy. Rear Admiral Mann had been notified of their expected arrival. However, it could just as easily have been an Eternal fleet dropping out of hyperspace near the Dyson Sphere.

  “Codes acknowledged,” reported Lieutenant Lantz.

  “Confirmed,” added Aaliss. “There are Originator AIs on all of the heavy dreadnoughts. They report no Eternal activity in the past several weeks.”

  “Maybe their defeat in this galaxy has made them think twice about returning,” suggested Kevin. “They have to know we have a large number of Originator battlecruisers at our disposal. Maybe they realized they’d stirred up a hornet’s nest and have decided to leave us alone.”

  Aaliss shook her head. “The Anti-Life will tolerate no threat to their existence. The battle here demonstrated there is a force in this universe, w
hich is a danger to their desire to rule all the galaxies they can conquer. They will marshal their forces and return in far greater numbers.”

  “We also have no idea how many galaxies they control,” said Ariel, stepping forward closer to Aaliss who was standing in front of Jeremy’s command console. “It could be a few hundred to thousands.”

  “The Dyson Sphere here has greatly increased the weapon emplacements on the outer hull,” said Commander Malen as she studied the latest reports on her command console. “They have added several thousand ion cannons as well as additional heavy energy weapons.”

  “Don’t forget our most dangerous weapon,” said Aaliss. “It will stop the Anti-Life from ever conquering a Shrieel.”

  Jeremy knew she was talking about the blue energy spheres the Dyson Spheres were equipped with. The only ship armed with the deadly spheres was the Dominator. “I still don’t understand why you don’t place those weapons on your warships.”

  A look of great sadness and fear spread across Aaliss’s face. “They are too dangerous. When the Originator scientists discovered the secret of the spheres, there was much discussion about destroying the research. The weapons have the potential to destroy a world. We can never allow the secret of the weapons to fall into the hands of the Anti-Life.”

  “Were the weapons ever used against the Anti-Life?” asked Kevin.

  Aaliss shook her head. “No, the discovery of how to construct the energy spheres occurred several thousand years after the war with the Anti-Life ended.”

  “I have Rear Admiral Mann on the comm, Admiral,” reported Lieutenant Lantz. “She would like to speak with you.”

  “Transfer her over to my console,” ordered Jeremy. He wanted to speak to Mann before they continued on their mission. Jeremy was still concerned over a pending Eternal attack in this galaxy aimed at the Dyson Sphere.

  “Fleet Admiral Strong,” Rear Admiral Mann said respectfully over the comm. “I know you’re in a hurry to get to the Median Galaxy but I am greatly concerned about the forces I have at my disposal. We have been running some battle simulations and believe the Eternals will soon return with a large fleet and attack the Dyson Sphere. While the Originator AIs here, particularly the Military AIs, are confident the Dyson Sphere can be defended, I’m not as certain. I would like another two thousand Originator battlecruisers assigned to my command. They would stay inside the Dyson Sphere and be used in case the Eternals manage to breach the outer hull.”

  “Two thousand more ships,” said Commander Malen, her eyes widening. “That would give her over seven thousand ships to defend this galaxy. Do we dare risk that many warships?”

  Jeremy nodded. He knew the Originator AIs had over 500,000 battlecruisers in their Dyson Spheres and were constructing more at an ever-accelerating rate. The new heavy dreadnoughts the Originator AIs were building for Jeremy were also under mass construction. He wondered if the Eternals had any idea of what they might be facing. “I’ll send the order before we enter hyperspace. However, instead of two thousand battlecruisers you will be receiving five thousand more. If the Eternals return to this galaxy, I want them soundly defeated.” Jeremy was willing to send the extra ships as there were now enough military AIs to command such a force.

  Rear Admiral Mann was silent as if shocked by the number of ships Jeremy was going to send her.

  “We’ll hold the Dyson Sphere and keep the Eternals out of this galaxy,” she promised after a few moments.

  “I’m also sending Rear Admiral Braedon Cross though you will be in overall command.”

  “Braedon is an excellent officer,” Mann replied. “I can definitely use him.”

  “We’ll be departing in about two hours for the Median Galaxy. I’ll get the communications sent off immediately for the additional ships. I believe as you do that the Eternals will shortly return and attack the Dyson Sphere. Your number one priority is to protect it. Don’t let the Eternals pull your fleets away from this system.” Jeremy was concerned the Eternals might want to fight a fleet battle out of range of the heavy weapons of the Dyson Sphere. As long as Rear Admiral Mann stayed near the megastructure, she would have a distinct tactical advantage.

  “We’ll stay near the Dyson Sphere,” promised Admiral Mann. “If the Eternals attack us we will destroy them.”

  Jeremy knew Rear Admiral Mann was deadly serious. She was an excellent admiral and one who could be counted on to get the job done. “With any luck we’ll be back before anything happens.” Jeremy didn’t expect to be gone for more than a few weeks at most.

  “I hope you find Grayseth.”

  “So do I,” answered Jeremy.

  The comm went silent and Jeremy leaned back in his command chair, feeling the chair readjust to his new position. He had thought long and hard about what he might find in the Median Galaxy. Grayseth might be alive on the planet, but there was even a greater possibility his friend had never made it there, instead dying on the remains of his ship as it plummeted through space.

  Chapter Four

  Jeremy was sitting in the ship’s cafeteria eating a light meal. He was feeling anxious about the mission and what they would find in the Median Galaxy. It was haunting him that so much time had passed before they realized Grayseth might have survived. Due to his injuries suffered in the battle in Galaxy X-938 plus the modifications made to the new heavy dreadnoughts, even more time had passed before they were ready to launch the rescue mission.

  “You should eat more,” admonished Ariel, who was sitting next to Jeremy. She was sipping on a chocolate shake, which was one of her favorite drinks. While her AI body needed no food, it could still convert what she consumed into energy. Ariel sat the shake down looking at it with a hint of chocolate still on her lips. “I like these. I never understood until recently the fascination Humans and other species have for food. Take Kelsey for instance; she loves strawberries. I have seen her eat them several times a week covered in whipped cream.”

  Ariel’s comment brought a smile to Jeremy’s face. Kelsey had always had a thing for strawberries. Even back at the Fleet Academy on Earth’s moon she could be found in the cafeteria with a bowl full. That was back before he learned she was from Ceres and the daughter of a fleet admiral.

  “It is true of the Originators as well,” Aaliss said. She was sitting across the table next to Kevin. “Due to their early explorations and increased lifespan they developed many foods they claimed were pleasing. Even now the surviving Originators take pleasure in eating their meals.”

  “I can understand that,” Kevin said as he cut into his steak. He was trying for Katie’s sake not to eat so many hamburgers. “When people sit down at the table together for a meal it’s a time to set aside their worries and just enjoy being with one another. Food seems to help bring everyone together and helps the conversation along.”

  “It’s something we should all do more often,” said Jeremy, recalling the evening meal at the Italian restaurant. It had been relaxing and highly enjoyable for all of them to go out together.

  Kevin looked over at Jeremy as he buttered a roll. “I looked up the information we have on the planet we’re going to. It’s not someplace I would want to go for a vacation.”

  Jeremy frowned and then spoke. “The planet has actual dinosaurs on it. It’s very similar to Earth in the late Jurassic period. The planet will be warmer with thick vegetation and possibly heavy rainfall. There are dinosaurs on the planet similar to a Tyrannosaurus only larger. If Grayseth and any of his crew survived and made it to the planet, they would have to hunt for food. There weren’t enough emergency rations in the section that contained the Command Center for their food supplies to have lasted this long.”

  Kevin’s eyes widened. “So they would have to hunt and kill a dinosaur for food?”

  “Possibly,” replied Jeremy, trying not to imagine how hard it would be to survive on such a planet. “There are probably smaller animals but it would depend on where they landed on the planet. Its atmosphere has a higher oxygen c
ontent, but a much higher carbon dioxide level. The air would be fine for the dinosaurs but difficult for a Carethian or a Human to breathe. They would have to wear breathing masks anytime they ventured outside the cutter.”

  Kevin put his fork and knife down next to his half-eaten steak. “The cutter can only hold a few people. Could they survive this long in that type of atmosphere?”

  “They could if they went underground,” Ariel answered. “The cutter has the equipment to regenerate oxygen and clean out contaminants. They could build an underground shelter where they could maintain a normal atmosphere only having to venture out to hunt for food and bring back water.”

  “I wish there had been an Originator AI on board the Warrior’s Pride,” said Aaliss. “The AI could do the hunting and could survive in the planet’s hostile environment.”

  “I don’t know if even an AI could survive the wildlife on that planet,” said Jeremy with concern. “Grayseth and his crew come from a society trained to hunt from the time they are cubs and through their entire adult life. They’re also bigger than a Human. On this planet that will be an advantage.”

  Jeremy picked up the half of a ham sandwich he was eating and took a bite. He wished Kelsey were here with him. Sometimes he needed her advice. She had a very pragmatic way of looking at things.

  “Grayseth is a skilled hunter,” commented Kevin as he picked up his knife and cut a piece off his steak. “If anyone can survive on that planet it would be him.”


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