Sweet Alien Savage (Zerconian Warriors Book 4)

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Sweet Alien Savage (Zerconian Warriors Book 4) Page 15

by Sadie Carter


  “So the ambassador set this all up?” Dex asked incredulously.

  “Yes,” Koran replied quietly, aware of Mila sleeping in the next room. She needed her rest and he wanted her to sleep for as long as she could. Everyone else could wait.

  “So she could become ambassador to Zerconia? Why did she not just apply to the Earth Council?”

  “According to my mate, the Earth Council would not have considered her sister for that role. She was being transferred to a less influential post on Adroit.”

  Dex winced. “That planet is not one I would wish to live on.”

  Nor would Koran.

  “I had not considered a female. I was just hoping that Earth would not change their mind and would still send someone.”

  “Neither did I. But a female would make sense. They would know what would make human females feel safe. What would help bring them to Zerconia.”

  “Agreed.” Dex nodded. “But I cannot allow Aline to be our ambassador.”

  “No, not Aline. Mila.”

  Dex’s eyes widened. “Your mate? You would wish her to be the ambassador?”

  Koran considered the question. Did he wish it? “I do not wish it. She works too hard and I worry about her health. But my Mila would be a good ambassador. She cares about people. However, she can also be firm. I will give her the home and security she needs, but I believe that to feel truly happy and accepted, she needs a purpose. I wish her to be happy. I find that is very important to me.”

  Dex smiled. “Never thought I would see the day you learned to adapt and compromise. Wait until I tell Zoey.”

  He snorted. “Perhaps I will take the long way home. Wait until she has stopped gloating.”

  “Don’t you dare,” Zoey yelled out, appearing behind Dex. “Fell hard for her, didn’t you? I knew it. You love her. You want to marry her.”

  Koran frowned. “I am already mated to her.”

  “Yes, but there is still the ceremony. Party time!”

  Dex shook his head. “There will be no partying for you, my own. You are on bed rest.”

  Zoey pouted as Dex pointed at the sofa. She sat, though.

  “I’m sick of bed.”

  “It’s been one day,” Dex replied in exasperation.

  “Is everything all right?” Koran asked, alarmed.

  “Some spotting,” Dex answered and Koran could see the tension in his face. “Thor placed Zoey on bed rest just in case.”

  “I’m dying of boredom,” Zoey exaggerated. “Bring your mate home so I have someone to play with.”

  Koran wasn’t so sure he wanted Mila around Zoey. “You will not corrupt her.”

  Zoey grinned. “Of course, I will.”

  “What will you have me do about the sister, Koran?” Dex asked.

  “Truthfully, I do not want the responsibility of that decision. My mate loves her. I do not want to do anything that will hurt my mate. But she cannot be allowed to get away with what she did.”

  Dex shook his head. “I will speak to the Earth Council and take care of it. You may need to remain on Zazarn until a decision is made about the ambassador.”

  Koran nodded. “Certainly. And my suggestion about my mate?”

  Dex smiled. “Let me meet with Mila first.”

  He signed off.

  “Did you mean it?”

  He turned to find Mila, dressed in just a long t-shirt, standing in the doorway.

  “Did I mean what?” He was unsure how much she had heard. He was actually surprised she had managed to sneak up on him, especially given her habit of tripping over air.

  “You think I would make a good ambassador?” There was hope in her gaze as she watched him.

  “You are intelligent, patient, and caring. You can also be firm. I have watched you negotiate deals and fix problem after problem. I think you would make an excellent ambassador.”

  “I’ve never been good with the lies, though.” She nibbled at her lower lip.


  “All the wining and dining and charming. I have seen Aline tell the biggest lies with a straight face. I can’t do that.”

  “On Zerconia, lying is considered hugely dishonorable. It would not be acceptable.”


  “Yes. As for wining and dining? Do you mean dinner?”

  She nodded.

  “I would be with you. I would also demand a limit on your time. You need time to rest and eat. I would make that nonnegotiable.”

  “But I probably won’t get the job.” She tried to hide her disappointment.

  “Why not?”

  “Because there is a process to these things. The Earth Council will choose their ambassador and I don’t even have the training.”

  “I think that the Earth Council will be willing to listen to Dex’s preferences on this, considering what one of their ambassador’s attempted to do.”

  She sighed. “Aline is in so much trouble, isn’t she?”

  He moved towards her and cupped her face. “Yes. There is little you can do, Mila.”

  “I know. I’d like to see her. To say goodbye.”

  He nodded. “We will remain here for a few more days.”

  “Time enough to pack and say goodbye.”

  He sensed her sadness as she turned away. “You wish to stay, Mila?” Suddenly, he knew that if that were her wish, then he would make it happen. Even though it would cause him great pain to not return to Zerconia.

  But it would cause him even greater pain to see her in distress.

  “It doesn’t matter what I want.”

  Turning her towards him, he glared down at her. “What you want is all that matters.”

  Eyes wide, she gaped up at him. “It-It is?”

  “Within reason. Should you decide to jump off the top of a building, I would stop you. But for something that makes you happy, I would do whatever I needed to make happen. So if you need to stay, Mila, I will make that happen.”

  She wrapped her arms around him. “Thank you.”

  He closed his eyes, allowing himself a brief moment of sadness. “I will let Dex know.”

  “Yes.” Stepping back, she beamed up at him. “Let him know that I would make a damn good ambassador, better than anyone the Earth Council could send.”

  Mouth open, he watched her.

  “Better shut your mouth before flies gather,” she told him.

  “Why would flies gather in my mouth?” he asked. “Never mind. Another riddle. You wish to come to Zerconia?”

  “Yes. I love that you want to make me happy. But that’s what I want too. You would never be happy if you stayed here.”

  “I could. If you were happy.”

  “I will be. On Zerconia. It’s a new adventure. I won’t lie, I’m a little scared. But I’m excited too. For the first time, I’m not in Aline’s shadow. Is that a terrible thing to say?”

  “No. You were never in her shadow.”

  He gathered her close again.

  “That wasn’t a very logic-driven suggestion,” she teased.

  “I do not wish to talk of it,” he replied stiffly.

  “You know, I don’t really believe in love. But if I did, I think I would believe that I loved you,” she told him.

  “I have been around Earthers too long,” he muttered.

  “Why is that?”

  “Because I actually understood what you just said. And Mila, me too. Me too.”


  “Wait, so instead of telling each other that you love the other one, you both agreed that if you believed in love, you would love each other?”

  Mila frowned, thinking that through. It sounded rather complicated when Zoey put it like that. “Yes.”

  Zoey shook her head. “Koran found someone as cuckoo as he is.”

  “He isn’t cuckoo,” she defended, glancing through the doorway to where her mate talked to Dex. “He’s perfect.”

  She was sitting next to Zoey’s bed. The other woman was on stri
ct bed rest due to spotting and it was driving her nuts. Luckily, she didn’t have long to go until her due date.

  Giz rested up against her side, sleeping. The furry little creature did a lot of sleeping.

  They had arrived on Zerconia a month ago after having to spend another week on Zazarn. The Earth Council had asked that Mila remain as temporary ambassador until the new ambassador could arrive.

  Aline, Bastian, and Zac had been escorted back to Earth to await trial for their crime. It made Mila sad to think of her sister facing jail time, but she had done this to herself.

  Since they had arrived, she had been acclimatizing herself to the harsh heat in Zerconia, the different customs, and organizing her mating ceremony.

  “Are you ready for tomorrow?” Zoey asked.

  Much to Koran’s chagrin, she and Zoey had become close friends. Zoey was funny and easygoing. She had eased Mila’s homesickness with her snarky attitude and sarcastic sense of humor.

  Even though she and Koran grumbled and snapped at each other, Mila could tell they cared about each other.

  “I think so. We’re just keeping it small so there wasn’t much to organize.”

  “Lucky you,” Zoey grumbled. “I had half the damn population at mine.”

  “Well, you are the Crown Princess.”

  “That’s not as glamorous as it sounds. No one even curtsies or shows me the proper respect as is my due. Rude ingrates.”

  “Oh, my apologies, Your Highness.” Mila stood and curtsied. “Please, may I kiss your toes and fan your hot, sweaty face.”

  “Bitch,” Zoey snapped, but she was grinning. “Sit down, will ya? I’m just grateful Dex listened when I put my foot down about who was attending the birth.”

  Mila raised her eyebrows. “You don’t mean…”

  “Yep. Apparently, the whole damn family wanted to attend the birth of my baby.”

  “Oh hell.”

  “Could you imagine Dex’s mother, aka the wicked witch, lecturing me about proper behavior as I’m pushing a baby out of my hoo-ha?”

  Mila smiled, then she started to laugh.

  “Exactly! It’s a joke!” Zoey harrumphed grumpily but then she started to laugh as well. “It is pretty funny. Bet she never said a word while giving birth to Dex. Probably didn’t even sweat. Just gave one push then got up and organized dinner.”

  “I am sure you are a huge disappointment to her.”

  “Oh, I know I am. I just don’t care.”

  They grinned at each other. Dex’s mother was a difficult person to get along with and that was putting it politely.

  Which was something Zoey rarely did.

  “What is so funny, my own?” Dex asked as he walked into the room. Dex was a handsome man. Not gorgeous like Koran. But when he wasn’t standing next to Koran, she might call him cute.

  “Nothing,” Zoey told him, winking at her.

  Dex ran his hand over her hair. They were an odd pairing, but they seemed to work. Dex often seemed weighed down by his responsibilities, and Zoey lightened him up with her perky attitude.

  “We were just talking about Mila and Koran’s mating ceremony. I’m going to sing.”

  “You are?” Dex asked, surprised.

  “No,” Koran growled.

  “Koran,” Mila scolded, trying to keep a straight face.

  He shook his head. “Have you heard her sing? It is like a Jaffa bird being strangled.”

  “I’m not sure what a Jaffa bird is, but I can imagine.” She moved over to him, patting his arm. “It’s okay, big guy. She’s pulling your leg.”

  Koran glanced down at his leg. “Is that some other odd human custom?”

  “It means she is joking with you,” Mila explained.

  “While I would gladly sing at your mating ceremony, Koran. I like Mila, so I’ll spare her.” Zoey sniffed. “Although I don’t think I sound that bad.”

  The three of them gave her incredulous looks.

  “Fine! Fine! I’ll just sit there like a big blob and try not to cry.”

  “No one is asking for miracles,” Mila said dryly. Zoey cried all the time. She cried whether she was happy, sad, angry, or worried.

  It was a surefire way to clear out a room.

  Even now, she wiped at her eyes, sniffling. “I’m so happy for you guys.”

  “We’re leaving.” Koran stood abruptly and held out his hand.

  Mila watched Zoey carefully. “You’re faking.” Mila had started to wonder if Zoey brought on the waterworks just to get some time to herself.

  “Faking! Me? How dare you. I am the Crown Princess.”

  “Uh-huh. You’re also a terrible actress.”

  “Works on these guys just fine,” Zoey said grumpily.

  “My own? You have been faking your tears?” Dex asked in a low voice. Uh oh, Mila hadn’t meant to get Zoey into trouble.

  “Most of the time I don’t. But sometimes I just want a little peace and quiet.”

  “You only had to ask.” Dex’s voice was scolding, but his eyes were soft.

  “And you’d have listened to me? You’ve been kind of overprotective lately. Sometimes I want some time alone, especially when your mother is visiting.”

  “She said you burst into tears when she offered you some advice over the birth.”

  “That was out of desperation. She was actually trying to tell me how I would need to keep my voice quiet so as not to alarm my baby.”

  Dex sighed. “She is looking forward to the birth. Everyone is worried about you.”

  “I don’t need to apologize do I?”

  “No, I think we can keep this between us.” Dex ran his hand over her strawberry-blonde hair. Then he turned to Mila. “Mila, I was just talking to Koran about your sister.”

  “Have you heard something?” she asked.

  “My contact with the Earth Council told me this morning that she pleaded guilty. Sentencing is still a few weeks away, but it appears she may get home detention.”

  Mila let out a big sigh. “Good, I hated thinking of her in prison. But I know she has to pay for what she did.”

  “I have convinced the council to allow my choice of ambassador.”

  “Really?” She held her breath, not daring to even ask.

  “I asked for you. If you would like the job.”

  “I don’t have any experience. I mean, I’ve never done the job before. But then you know that.”

  Stop rambling, Mila!

  “Awesome way to sell yourself,” Zoey told her sarcastically.

  Mila bit her lip. Now or never. “But I have worked as Aline’s assistant for years. I know the job and I believe I would be good at it.”

  “I believe you would too and so does Koran.”

  She glanced up at Koran, who gave her a nod of encouragement.

  “Then I would love the opportunity. Thanks, Dex.”

  He smiled. “I would not thank me yet. You have a big job ahead of you. We want to build our relationship with Earth so that more humans visit.”

  “I can help make that happen.” She had been thinking about this problem for a while and she had some ideas.

  “But she will not work long hours. She must remember to eat and rest.” Koran gave her a firm look.

  Dex nodded. “Mila’s health comes first.”

  “I’m a big girl. I can look after myself.” Mila glared at them both.

  “Give up,” Zoey advised her. “They’ll never change.”

  Mila turned her glare on the other woman.

  “Hey! Don’t punish the messenger. I’m pregnant, remember? You’re not allowed to upset me.”

  “You milk that way too much,” Mila told her.

  Zoey shrugged. “Gotta work with what you’ve got. Now go away. Go celebrate.”


  Koran entered their living room then grabbed Mila around the waist and turning, lifted her. Pushing her up against the wall, he kissed her.

  It was a hot, scorching kiss that dominated.

  “I nee
d you.”

  “Take me,” she whispered.

  Those two words shot straight to his cock, sending his blood soaring. He let her stand then pulled at her clothes, until laughingly, she pushed his hands away.

  “Let me.” She stripped quickly and he soon followed.

  “I’ve wanted to fuck you all morning,” he told her, lifting her up once more. He sucked on her nipples, then bit down on one. His cock hardened further at her low cry of ecstasy.

  He licked on the nipple soothing it. Pulling back, he gazed into her glazed eyes. “You are so beautiful.”

  She smiled and cupped his face in her hands. “Kiss me.”

  Koran took her mouth once more, nipping at her lip before slipping his tongue into her mouth. Heat surged through him. Resting her weight back against the wall, he reached down with one hand to tease her clit.

  Then he drove one finger down into her pussy. She was wet, slick with need.

  “You’re ready for me.”

  “Always,” she told him.

  He aligned his cock with her pussy, sliding inside her. She sighed. The sound one of pure enjoyment.

  “Place your hands around my neck,” he ordered as he pulled back then thrust inside her.

  Faster and faster he moved, driving himself inside her. Clasping her close, he turned and walked towards the bedroom.

  “Koran!” she protested.

  “I want more access. I want to touch you.” He lay her back on the masic before ordering it to rise so it brought her pussy level with his hips.

  He couldn’t understand why humans slept on those mattresses. A masic, which easily moved with a command, was much more convenient.

  He pulled her legs up, placing her feet flat on the edge of the masic and well spread. Reaching up, he toyed with her nipples, squeezing them then running his thumbs over them as he continued to drive himself in and out of her pussy.

  “Koran! I need to come!”


  He had been teaching her to hold off her orgasm, to prolong it as long as she could to increase her pleasure.

  “No,” she groaned.

  He placed his thumb on her clit, not moving, just letting her feel the pressure.

  “Please, please.”

  “Soon. Soon, Mila.” His own need to come was pounding at him. He started to rub her clit.


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