Chasing Bad Boys 8_A Bad Boy Romance Series

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Chasing Bad Boys 8_A Bad Boy Romance Series Page 8

by Kylie Parker

  I walked back to my office and was just in time to receive a call on my landline phone.

  “Hello, sir.”

  “Hello,” I answered, “Did you set up the meeting?”

  “Yes, I did.”

  “Alright,” I answered, “Brad remember you owe me, and it is in your best interest that you keep this discreet.”

  “I understand.”

  I hung up the phone and threw a look at my wrist watch; it was 3:00 pm in the afternoon. I still had a lot of work to do but much like Sarah I too was distracted. I got to my feet and decided to indulge in an activity that would make me get my head back in the game.

  After asking my assistant to hold off my calls for the rest of the afternoon, I walked out of my office and headed straight to the parking lot. I had intentionally left my phone on my desk. It was a way of letting anyone who will be looking for me know that I was in the vicinity.

  I had gotten used to the rented car when I got in it and securely strapped my seatbelt. I looked around the parking lot before reversing my car and heading on for the road ahead. All the while, I thought of my sister, she really liked this bastard. Part of me wanted to stop and not go on digging through his past; I simply wanted to shield her from heartbreak. But the investigator in me wanted to get to know who this ‘Robbie’ character was and how he made his living.

  I drove on in silence and decided to turn on the radio to keep me company. The highway was parked which traffic which discouraged me from getting to my destination. I always loved going to shooting ranges to blow off steam and with my FBI pass I knew I would not be charged.

  The traffic eventually cleared up making me happier, and I drove on. There was an interesting discussion on the radio about powerful women dating ordinary men that got me interested.

  I approached the range in due time and parked my car safely in the parking lot before stepping out of it. A blonde woman walked by me with an exceptional huge rack which made her conspicuous. I noticed her by the casual attire she had on, in my experience a most woman who visited shooting ranges were more butch like. I didn’t bother myself with more irrelevant questions as I got into the range.

  I knew my guns and choosing one was not a problem for me, I took off my coat and decided to take up the exercise with my suspenders on.

  I had a barrage of questions wrestling through my mind as I took the gun in my hand. I wished I could get my answers from the shots that I accurately fired. The one question that kept popping up was Robbie’s livelihood and how he had been able to hide from the IRS all this time. He must have a money laundering business or businesses to cover up his tracks.

  After a good forty-five minutes, I felt refreshed. My right arm had begun to act up and the fact that I had left work pending made me get my ass back to the car. Driving back to the office was smoother, the traffic was less and within no time I was back at the office.

  Just as I had suspected, my phone had been ringing off the hook. I took a seat in my office chair, and one by one returned the calls. Five of which were from Marisol. I regretted my decision about returning her call as soon as I had her complain about nothing in particular (as always). She still went on and on about Judith’s panties in my car. All I could do was listen and at some point I zoned out and let her rumble on.

  “Why do you do this to me, David? After all, I have done for you?” Trust Marisol to be the biggest pity party thrower. She wanted something I was not sure what exactly but had an inkling, I had hidden all my credit cards before leaving home and had good reason to do so.

  After whining and fake sobbing she hang up the phone and left me to my work. The next phone call I needed to return was from a strange number, but I called it back anyway.

  “Hello, sir.”

  “Yes please.”

  “The bait has been set,” he assured.

  “Thank you, Brad,” I answered and hung up the phone.

  I leaned back in my seat thereafter and bit at my pinkie fingernail, a bad habit that I had never been able to get rid of. There was gun powder residue on my hand, but I did not mind, Robbie had taken the bait just as Brad had revealed. It was now time to sit back and wait for how it would all play out. I thought of Sarah, although she was one tough cookie, breaking her heart would be devastating but getting the truth out at this point would do more good to her inclusive of the broken heart.



  It all felt strange, everything about this meeting felt remarkably peculiar and was not sitting well in my gut. From the phone call that morning to the meeting time, something was just not adding up. But I knew I had to show up; I had nothing to hide. At least, nothing that would be caught in plain sight.

  I walked into the park, and my thoughts were buried by the children’s merry making noises. Spotting him was not hard; he was seated on a bench opposite the playing ground looking at the kids play. I walked over to him cautiously; one would think he had set a bomb for me, but you could never be too sure.

  “Hey there,” I said with a polite smile on my face as I stood over him and blocked him from the mid-afternoon sun.

  “Hello Robbie, you look well.”

  “I am well,” I answered and went on to sit next to him. The curiosity got the better of me, and I did not have time for plastic pleasantries.

  “To what do I owe the pleasure, Brad?” I asked.

  “Straight to the point are we now?”

  I let out a half smile and realized hanging out with Sarah had somehow made me like her. She was always blunt and brutally honest and would hardly mince her words for anyone.

  “Well, I have a business that needs my attention,” I answered.

  I had one leg crossed over the other, and both my hands were buried in my coat.

  “I have a job for you.”

  These words hit me like a sledgehammer; I hadn’t expected him to give me a job. I had thought he would borrow my money or ask me to give one of his family members a job but not in a million years had I expected him to offer me a job. As if to sense my agitation, he looked straight into my eyes searching for a reaction. I, in turn, did not give him the satisfaction and decided to have a blank expression.

  “I am sorry Brad, I am not in the business anymore,” I apologized.

  “I know that.”

  “Then why are you offering me a job?”


  It had now gotten more interesting, and I looked into his direction before shifting in my seat.

  “Keep talking,” I encouraged.

  He took out a photo from the inside of his pocket and handed it to me. The photo was small and fit in the palm of my hand.

  “Now are you interested?”

  “Damn right I am,” I answered, “But I thought he was dead?”

  “He covered up his tracks pretty well,” he answered.

  I looked at the photo one more time and a suspicious wave seared through me again.

  “What do you get out of this?” I sat up “Your boss could have had anyone on the team get rid of him, but you instead came to me, why?”

  “After carrying out a background check on you Robbie, I realized you wouldn’t do it for the money. I can see you are doing pretty good for yourself now”.

  “There has to be something else other than me possibly doing it pro bono.”

  “Personal vendetta,” he answered, “I know he stole your girl from you once upon a time.”

  I stared at the photo again and looked at the son of a bitch who pulled a serious Judas on me back in the day. But vengeance almost seemed futile now that I had new found love in my life.

  “Have you gone soft on me Robbie, come on!”

  That was enough reason for me to take up the job; I had a reputation to maintain. I placed the photo in my breast pocket before getting to my feet and looking at Brad. He had aged well, had a few gray hairs on his head and beard and a dragging beer belly. But the same old conniving heartless bastard was still in there I could see right straight to

  “I will think about it,” I replied and with that turned on my heel and made it to my c ar.

  “I will call you,” he called after me, and I waved in agreement.

  I had left my cell phone in my car and was not surprised when I walked into it buzzing like crazy.

  “Hello, Sir,” Edward’s voice sounded through the receiver after picking up the phone.

  “Hello Edward,” I answered, “Meet me at the house in about half an hour.”


  I always drove myself whenever I had discreet meetings like these; I would never compromise the safety of my stuff without knowing the danger involved first.

  Sarah called me next, which was weird because she mostly texted when at work.

  “Hi dear,” I saluted as soon as I picked the call.

  “Hello,” she answered, “I am meeting my brother for drinks later; I think I will spend the night in my apartment tonight.”

  I felt both disappointed and jealous after hearing these words; I was looking forward to licking her pussy and slapping her ass. The perfect remedy after a long day of work.

  “I wish I could join you,” I hinted.

  She hesitated for a minute before answering me “I wish you could, but David is going through some marital issues he wants to talk about.”

  “I didn’t know you had a degree in psychology?” I joked.

  “The term quack shrink would best befit me,” she answered with a giggle.

  “Alright,” I answered, “Call me if you need a ride or anything.”

  “I will.”

  The rest of my evening was free, and I was still horny as hell. I drove towards my house and headed to my room as soon as I gave Edward my car keys. My house was big; gigantic was a term I could use lightly. It was furnished with expensive furniture, filled with priceless art and had the best view. But even with all this in my life, I still felt empty. Sarah’s presence had made me feel less lonely, but it all felt too much sometimes.

  I was still feeling horny regardless and without having second thought took out my phone and dialed a number I thought I never would dial in a long time.

  “Hey, stranger.”

  “Hey Lexie,” I replied, “Can you come over?”

  Lexie hesitated but agreed to it after bribing her with her favorite bottle of expensive wine; I hung up the phone and fixed myself a drink as I thought about what I had just done. Sarah and I were not exclusive, for all I knew she might be fucking some other dude. Lexie must have been in the neighborhood she got to the mansion in well under fifteen minutes and stood at my home office with a dangerous sly smile. She looked gorgeous and was still clad in her official work clothes.

  “Get you a drink?” I asked after getting to my feet and planted a wet kiss on her left cheek.

  “Yes please,” she sat on a chair opposite mine and crossed one leg over the other as she patiently waited for her drink.

  “I have had the longest day at work,” she announced and rubbed the back of her neck with her left hand.

  “Want me to take care of that?” I asked and handed her a glass of the promised wine.

  “Yes please.”

  I took a sip of my scotch before placing the glass on my office table and began kneading her shoulders and applying pressure just how she liked it.

  “Mmmm,” she moaned out pleasurably “That feels really good.”

  I went on to rub her shoulders and loved the peaceful place my expertise had taken her to. She had shut her eyes and looked as though she was in a world of her own.

  “Do you know what else I would immensely enjoy?” she asked seductively.

  “I don’t know,” I answered, “Tell me.”

  She took my left hand and directed it to her left breast where she then guided me by cupping it firmly. My crotch responded well to the gesture, and I had pitched a tent in my trousers from my hard on.

  “I missed you, Robbie,” she said this and stared at me waiting for my answer. For a person who claimed not to be emotional, Lexie sounded touchy.

  “I missed you too,” I answered and wondered if it was sincere.

  I then turned her chair to face me and got down on my knees, her choice of clothes that day excited me. A pencil skirt, with an official silk blouse that showed the outline of her bra. My hands reached forward and took out her panties; she had on a black thong underneath, and I directed it to my nose. The whiff of her pussy played on my nostrils which drove me insanely hard.

  However this same gesture became a killer turn off for me, my mind reluctantly raced back to Sarah’s scent. I wanted her even though I was holding some other woman’s panties in my hand.

  “Are you okay?” Lexie asked.

  Her question made me realize that I had involuntarily paused and zoned out to another point in time.

  “I think I am,” I answered.

  “Don’t lie to me Robbie,” she said and leaned closer to have another look at me “It’s that woman isn’t it?”

  “Yes, it is,” I answered and let my gaze fall to the ground. I half expected Lexie to lash out and storm out of my office in a fury, but she instead did the exact opposite.

  She threw her head back and indulged in a hearty laughter before shaking her head in disapproval and reaching for her glass of scotch.

  “Robbie, you my friend, are in love,” she announced before sitting up in her seat and waiting for me to either confirm or deny the allegations. I took a seat opposite her and buried my head in the palms of her hands before nodding in agreement.

  “I think I am.”

  Lexie laughed again, this time, it was a pity laughter, and I didn’t like it one bit.

  “Fuck!” I let out as my fist met my office desk in a heat of rage “I never fall in love, love is a weakness”.

  “It sure is my dear.”

  Lexie was right I had been thinking of Sarah and the simple fact that I could not have sex with anyone, but she was overwhelming.

  “What the fuck should I do?”

  “Don’t fight it,” Lexie answered, “It will only get worse, lean into the feeling and see where it goes.”

  I was half amused by the way Lexie was making all this look casual, I admired her cold heart and wished I could be the same way.

  “Tell me about her,” she probed on and went on to take a sip of her wine a sign that she was immensely enjoying my meltdown.

  “She is gorgeous,” I started “Demanding, strong, brave, determined, independent very good in bed and simply amazing.”

  “But?” Lexie asked.

  “What do you mean?”

  “There is always a ‘but’ Robbie; nobody is perfect. What is her flaw?”

  “She is an FBI Agent.”

  I saw how Lexie gritted her teeth at the mention of this, and I hadn’t expected anything less from her. She downed the contents of her glass and without warning moved closer to me and smacked me right across the back of my head.

  “What the fuck Lexie?”

  “I was hoping that would knock you back to your senses,” she answered angrily “Are you out of your mind Robbie? What are you smoking?”

  Lexie knew of my way of life and the raw dealings I would sometimes involve myself in. Furthermore, she knew about my past, granted it was well buried but anyone who was willing to dig far enough would get to it.

  “I know Lexie; this is very foolish of me.”

  “You think?”

  My left hand was still on my head where Lexie had smacked me, and a look at her angry face reminded me how much I would get turned on by it.

  “Robbie, if she finds out about your past...”

  “I know,” I interrupted her “But it is a risk I am willing to take.”

  “Man are you pussy whipped or what?” she asked and shook her head again. She was just about to ask me something else that I assumed would involve a couple of insults but was distracted by her phone ringing. I was beyond grateful that it sounded urgent and watched her give me the ‘fuck you’ l
ook as she spoke on the phone.

  “I will be there in fifteen minutes,” she announced before hanging up.

  “Leaving so soon?” I asked mockingly.

  “This conversation is not yet over,” she warned before turning on her heel and leaving. She got to the door where she straightened her skirt before looking back at me and pointed to her thong which was still in my hand.

  “Souvenir,” she said, “In remembrance of good unattached fuck days.”

  I laughed and waved it in the air as I bid her farewell and watched her leave. The events that had just taken place ran through my mind again, and one thing was for sure. I was either in love or pussy whipped only time would tell.



  I was woken up from my sleep by the alarm clock at the right time but was still very sleepy. I blamed it on the previous night’s drinks with David and massaged my hand on my temple as I rolled out of bed. I threw back the sheets and walked over to the bathroom where I splashed some cold water on my face.

  “You look like crap,” I said after looking at the reflection that stared back at me. My hair was a tangled mess, and I could swear that was puke dripping from the left side of my mouth. “A hot shower would definitely make me feel better,” I said to myself as I walked into the shower.

  After five minutes of standing under the hot droplets, I stepped out, not because I wanted to but because I had to. I needed to get to work as soon as possible before my phone started buzzing.

  I walked into a dizzy spell and had to seat on the toilet seat to avoid falling down.

  “What is wrong with me? I asked myself. Before I could decipher the question, I was on my knees hurling my guts out into the toilet bowl.

  I had always been one to hold down my liquor; this was quite peculiar for me. After downing some ginger ale, dressing very slowly and taking a pain reliever for my throbbing head, I was in my car heading to work. The office felt stuffy as soon as I walked in and headed to my desk, I could feel the ginger ale threatening to make its way out of me but forcefully held it down.


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