Heart of Light

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Heart of Light Page 8

by T. K. Leigh

  “Okay. I’ll be back soon,” Elsie said, leaving the dance floor.

  Jolene kept moving to the music, finally feeling free, even for just a minute.

  “Hey, beautiful,” a voice with a thick New York accent said, startling her and bringing her attention away from the song.

  “Ummm…hi.” She nervously scanned the area, thinking that she should have gone with Elsie. She had never been to a bar before and she didn’t even consider that anyone would attempt to talk to her, apart from people she actually knew.

  “Are you here alone?” He raised his eyebrows at her and it made her hairs stand on end. Her heart raced when he licked his lips, his eyes roaming her body in a suggestive manner. She had seen that look before…too many times to count.

  “No. I’m here with a friend,” she responded, her voice edgy. “She just had to go use the ladies’ room. She’ll be back soon, so if you’ll excuse me…” She attempted to move past him, but he blocked her escape.

  “Dance with me, beautiful. It’ll probably be a while before she comes back. The line for the girls’ room around last call is always long.” He smiled at her, his gaze focused on the small amount of cleavage that was visible above her tank top.

  “No, thank you.” She tried to walk away once more, and he blocked her exit again.

  “Come on, baby,” he begged in a coy manner. “I’ve been looking at you all night, trying to figure out how I know you. Your face looks so familiar.”

  Jolene tensed up. Over the past ten years, she had been tossed between more men than she could keep track of. After the first few months, she stopped looking at their faces. That made them human, and those men certainly were not human. They were all monsters.

  “I have a horrible memory, ya know?” the man said softly. “So why don’t you tell me your name, sweetheart?”

  He took a few steps closer, and Jolene backed up in response. Her heart raced when she hit the wall, nervously searching the bar for Elsie. Instead, all she saw were drunk bodies dancing to the music.

  “I never forget a name.” He reached for her face, brushing a stray curl behind her ear.

  She tried to avoid his touch, but there was nowhere for her to go. She was trapped. Cringing from the feeling of another man’s hands on her body, her chest heaved in distress as his fingers lingered on her face.

  “Don’t touch me,” she demanded in an unsteady voice.

  “Why not? You have such soft skin. How could I not want to put my hands on it?” He took one more step and before Jolene knew what was happening, he had her body pulled flush with his. “Come on, beautiful,” he whispered against her neck. “Let’s get out of here. Ditch your friend and come with me. I’ve got a great suite at the Ritz. We can watch the sunrise together. I’m on vacation. I’m assuming you are, too. May as well have something to remember when you go back home, don’t you think?”

  Jolene couldn’t comprehend what was happening. She blocked out everything the man was saying. All she could focus on was the burning sensation running through her core. She tried to open her mouth to tell him to let her go and to leave, but no words came. Her normal defense mechanism had kicked in. When everything goes to shit, just shut off and let the darkness come.

  “I’m pretty sure the woman asked you to let her go,” a soft but firm voice said, bringing Jolene back from the dark place she was heading. She snapped her head in the direction of the voice, sending a pleading look to those vibrant silver eyes.

  Cam seethed as Jolene trembled, held against the body of another man. He knew that she didn’t like to be touched, but he actually found himself jealous of the man, as ridiculous at that sounded. He wanted to feel her body against his, but he wasn’t going to risk her having a negative reaction, particularly based on how she appeared to be responding at that moment.

  “Who the fuck are you?” Cam heard the drunk prick ask, breaking his attention away from the frightened look on Jolene’s face.

  “I’m a friend,” he answered forcefully. “And she asked you to leave her alone. I suggest you do as the lady asked.” He stared hard into the man’s glossed-over eyes, willing him to make a move, but also pleading with him to take his hands off Jolene’s body.

  “Is that what you want, beautiful?” the man asked her in a flirtatious manner.

  She remained frozen in place, unable to formulate any response while he kept her body glued to his. All she could feel was the burn.

  “Come on, Tomorrow,” Cam said softly. “Come back to me.”

  Jolene turned her face back toward Cam’s, meeting his eyes once more. That voice. It was so tender and caring. And gentle. And soothing. She listened. He needed her to come back.

  “Yes,” she finally croaked out. “Please stop touching me.” She glared at the man, her entire body shivering. “Please,” she begged.

  He rolled his eyes and reluctantly let go. “Fine. Your loss, beautiful, but if you change your mind, I’ll be here until next Sunday.”

  “Get lost,” Cam hissed. “If I hear you’ve come within an inch of her again, you’ll regret it!” he called after him.

  “Whatever.” He flipped Cam off, walking away from the dance floor and out of the bar.

  Cam turned his attention back to Jolene, examining her body in the sparse light there was to make sure there didn’t appear to be any physical harm to her. “Are you okay?” His voice was full of concern as he refrained, with all his resolve, from wrapping his arms around her in a show of comfort. It was all he knew. Not being able to touch her was killing him.

  Nodding her head, she swallowed hard. “I’ll be fine,” she replied, her voice weak.

  Her demeanor was entirely different from the strong-headed Jolene that Cam had seen earlier.

  “I’m sorry. I don’t know what happened. I just shut off. Age-old defense mechanism.” She turned her head, evading his inquisitive eyes.

  He opened his mouth to ask why she always had a horrible reaction whenever someone touched her, but he stopped. He didn’t want to bring up memories of the past. He took a step closer, surprised when she didn’t back away. Their eyes met and, for a minute, the world seemed to disappear. Yes, he saw the fear in them from everything she had probably endured in her life, but he also saw something else. He saw strength. He saw resilience. He saw courage. And, most of all, he saw hope.

  “Come on. I’ll take you home,” he said, breaking their rather intense moment before he did something he would regret. “Elsie’s pretty drunk so there’s no way in hell you’re getting in a car with her behind the wheel.”

  “He’s right about that,” Elsie interrupted, approaching them with Benny close behind her. She slung her arm over Cam’s shoulder, which proved difficult due to his towering six-and-a-half foot frame.

  “Are you sure? I don’t want to be a burden. I can call a cab or something.”

  “Stop it. I take care of my friends and that means driving their drunk asses home from being over-served at the local bar, thanks to this island’s favorite bar wench.” He winked. “Ready to go?”

  Jolene nodded at him before turning her attention to Elsie. “Thanks for tonight. I had fun.”

  “Anytime, Tomorrow,” she slurred. “I’ll stop by this week and we’ll continue our discussion about you-know-who.” She gestured toward Cam with her head.

  Jolene’s face turned red and her eyes grew wider than she thought possible. Avoiding his cocky expression, she walked, rather determined, toward the front door of the bar.

  Cam followed, grinning ear-to-ear as he watched her hips sway the way he admired so much in just the short time he had known her.

  Jolene felt him approach behind her on the sidewalk and slowed her steps. She couldn’t avoid him forever.

  “I’m sorry you have to drive me home,” she said, trying to break the awkwardness that seemed to permeate the atmosphere on the empty street, the only sounds that of closing time at the few bars that dotted the downtown area.

  Cam glanced down at her and smiled a
t how adorable she looked when she was drunk. “Don’t be. I’m actually happy Elsie drank a little too much because now I get to spend some time with you.”

  “You’re like a completely different person than you were this morning, ya know?” Jolene commented, her speech slurred. “I’ve been trying to figure out your deal all day. The more I think about it, the more I’ve come to realize that you’re not an asshole. Or a prick. Or any other name I may have called you, as much as I kind of wanted you to be.”

  Cam turned to stare at her. “Why did you want me to be an ass?”

  She shrugged, stopping to face him. “Because then it would be easier.” Taking a deep breath, she knew she would probably regret what she was about to say, but Elsie had already pretty much put it out there. What was there to lose?

  “I like you, Cam, although I shouldn’t. And I see the way you look at me. Ever since Mr. Hyde turned back into Dr. Jekyll, there’s been a different kind of spark in your eyes. It’s there right now. You like me, too. But all I can offer you is friendship. I can’t do relationships. You see how I am. I can’t even deal with someone touching me, no matter who it is. So how do you expect to have a normal, healthy relationship with me knowing that every time you lean in to kiss me, I will cower in fear? You can’t. So I appreciate everything you’ve done for me, but this isn’t going to go anywhere. Please, let’s just be friends. I don’t want to complicate things with you.” She spun quickly on her heels and continued down the street.

  “Are you done with your speech, Jolene?!”

  She stopped abruptly, taken aback. The way her real name rolled off his tongue in his peaceful voice made her heart skip a beat. Butterflies formed in her stomach and she gradually turned around to face him.

  “Say it again.” Her voice was soft and song-like as she begged him.

  He took several deliberate steps toward her, respecting her boundaries but, at the same time, pushing them a bit.

  She inhaled quickly as she stared at Cam’s heaving chest mere inches from her own. There was this magnetism to him that she felt, and it confused her.

  “Please, Cam,” she said quietly, meeting his eyes. “I want to hear you say it again.”

  He smiled, his dimples popping. “Jolene.”

  She closed her eyes, relishing in the warmth she felt from his body so close to hers. “You’re the only man to call me by my name in over a decade, and it doesn’t make me want to cringe. I like the way you say it.”

  He admired her beautiful silhouette underneath the moonlight, her hair glowing in a way that made her look like an angel. He took a step closer, her eyes still shut, her breathing ragged. Their bodies were almost touching. Not even another inch and he would feel her against him.

  “Come on. Let’s get you home,” he said, interrupting their moment before he couldn’t control his desire anymore and would do the one thing that would betray her trust.

  Jolene slowly opened her eyes to see Cam gazing affectionately down at her. She couldn’t recall anyone ever looking at her like that, except for her mother and her father when he was sober, but that was years ago.

  “Okay,” she exhaled, turning and heading in the direction they had been walking.

  Cam led her to his silver Lexus, opening the door for her.

  “Nice car, surfer boy,” she said sweetly as she collapsed into the leather seat. “But I kind of like the Wrangler better. No need to impress me.”

  He chuckled a bit and closed the door before running around to get behind the wheel. He glanced over to see that Jolene was already fast asleep, her mouth open just slightly as she mumbled something over and over…surfer boy. Cam couldn’t help but smile to himself as he eyed her beautiful sleeping form during the short drive to the shore. She seemed so peaceful, and he wanted to keep that look of complete contentment on her face.

  Pulling up outside the beach house, the gravity of the situation hit him. Jolene couldn’t stand being touched, and here she was, passed out in the front seat of his car. He refused to let her continue to sleep there, but he had to get her into bed somehow. He tried to wake her without touching her, but nothing worked. He got out of the car and paced back and forth, knowing that he really didn’t have any other option. Sighing, he resigned himself to do the one thing he didn’t want to do.

  Opening the passenger door, he leaned down and gingerly picked up her delicate frame. The moment she was in his arms, a feeling of euphoria rushed over him, taking him by complete surprise. It was as if she was meant to be there…with him, in his arms. Desire flooded through his veins as he held her and he delighted in the feel of her silky flesh against his body.

  He heard her mumble in her sleep and swiftly made his way up the deck, trying to be quiet as he carried her to the master bedroom. He was fearful that she would wake up and have a complete meltdown because he was touching her. He wanted to keep the calm, tranquil look on her face. He knew she was beautiful, but at that moment, as she lay in his arms, she was absolutely breathtaking…more alluring than any woman he could remember.

  After carefully laying her in the bed, he made his way downstairs in search of aspirin. Based on her drunken state earlier, he had a feeling that she would wake up with one hell of a hangover. Heading back upstairs, he placed a few pills and a glass of water on the nightstand next to her bed before sitting down in the glider in the corner of the room. He watched her sleep for a while, her chest rising and falling in an even pattern. As she slept, he kept repeating her name over and over. He loved the way it rolled off his tongue. It was perfection.


  JOSEPH FITZGERALD STUMBLED OUT of his rented BMW after throwing the keys to the valet attendant outside of the Ritz Carlton. He reluctantly made his way back to his suite, surprised to see both the older man with the buzz cut and the rather slimy-looking middle-aged man with dark hair who seemed to bathe in cheap cologne sitting in the living room. The younger man, who had introduced himself as David earlier in the day, had a look of eagerness on his arguably attractive face, licking his lips in a way that made Joseph feel slightly nauseous.

  “Where is she?” David asked, a sad expression on his face when he saw that Joseph had returned without the company of a beautiful blue-eyed angel.

  “I couldn’t get her to come with me,” he explained as he walked over to the wet bar and poured himself a bourbon. He didn’t offer one to his uninvited guests.

  “What?! Why not?!” His voice was pressing and it was clear that he was agitated.

  Joseph shrugged. “I don’t know. I had her cornered, but she freaked when I touched her. And then this prick came up to me…”

  “Wait… What?”

  “It’s the guy I was telling you about before. I sat out on the beach all day, like you asked. He’s the one that owns the house she’s living in. Search the property records and I’m sure you’ll come up with a name. He was there tonight, too. It looks like they’re starting to get a little chummy. Just a few minutes after I left, I saw her leave with him and I followed them to the house. They just sat in the driveway for quite a while. I had no idea what was going on because I couldn’t see into his car, but he finally got out, paced for a minute, and then carried her into the house. I don’t get it. She freaked out when I touched her…”

  “Wait a second. She let him touch her?” David became concerned. He loved the look of fear on Jolene’s face when he was about to touch her. It made him hard.

  Joseph took a sip of his drink. “I guess so. She looked really drunk. She may have just been passed out.”

  “Good. That’s good.” David breathed a sigh of relief, hopeful that he could still get off from Jolene’s body quivering beneath him. “Anything else you think I should know about?”

  “Nope,” Joseph said curtly. “That’s it.”

  David nodded toward his driver and they both got up from the couch and headed to the door. He turned back to face him one last time. “You’re certain about that? If I find out that you’re keeping information from me,
you’ll find yourself in Sing Sing with your cousin…oh, what’s his name?”

  Joseph’s eyes grew wide. Who is this guy? he thought. “How do you…?”

  “Oh, I have friends in very high places. We know all about your little problem with underage girls. It was also rather easy to find out that you ratted out your own cousin on gambling and racketeering charges back in New York, isn’t that right? And I’m pretty sure that if there’s one thing a guy in prison hates, it’s a rat, don’t you think?”

  Joseph stared at him in shock. He was unsure how to respond.

  “So you’ve told me everything, right?”

  He sighed in resignation. The guy seemed a bit creepy and he had been reticent to give him too much information. “No. She’s got a job.”

  His eyes perked up. “A job? Where?”

  “At a beach bar down the street from where she lives. She’ll be bartending there. She starts this Thursday.”

  David’s expression turned conniving. “Perfect.”



  JOLENE WOKE UP THE following morning with a pounding headache. Opening her eyes, she focused on her nightstand, surprised to see a glass of water and a few aspirin set out for her. She shot up in bed, panic-stricken as she contemplated who could have left those. She had no recollection of grabbing aspirin or water, or even how she got home last night. She had been rather drunk, but there’s no way that she would have invited anyone over.

  Replaying the night in her head, she tried to remember what had happened. Her mind flashed to all the beer and the multiple tequila shots she had consumed. And then the silver eyes walking through the door of the bar, the cold black eyes of the man who grabbed her, and the kind silver eyes helping her. He called her Jolene over and over again. It warmed her heart. She dreamed of his soft voice calling her name, but she wouldn’t have allowed him to stay the night.

  Stumbling out of bed, she held on to the wall as she got her bearings, wishing that the room would stop spinning. Her brain was fuzzy and she wondered how her father could have drank like he did if he felt the way she did right now. She was fairly certain that if everyone suffered from the hangover she was dealing with at that moment, they would step far away from the liquor bottle. Then again, she didn’t know much about addiction.


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