And I did.
I’d spent my entire life running from my past, my name, myself. It had taken me twenty-five years, but I finally knew who I was. A daughter, a sister, a fiancée. A strong woman who stood up for herself and fought for what she believed in. And yeah, sometimes I was mean, and sometimes I got scared and felt weak. But all of it made up me and I wouldn’t trade it for anything.
Not even for a brand-new pair of limited-edition Manolo Blahniks.
Whenever I see images of writers, they are usually sitting alone at a computer, hacking away at their manuscript. The truth is, books are written by multiple people. While the author may be the one to put the words onto the page, it is only with the help and support of many people around them that those words actually get anywhere. This book is one of those that simply wouldn’t exist without certain people. A year ago, it was barely a fragment of an idea, random thoughts that seemed impossible to thread together. Thank you to these people who helped me weave the story into something tangible.
First, to my agent, Kathleen Rushall. The word agent doesn’t even begin to describe what you do for me. Thank you for talking through plot lines, for keeping me sane, for listening to me, for comforting me when things fell down. I consider myself so lucky to work with you and to be a part of #TeamKrush. Grateful doesn’t come close to covering it.
Thank you to my amazing editor, Elana Cohen. I’m so glad you saw the potential in a story told from the villain’s point of view. Your energy and your insights are unparalleled. Thank you for taking a chance on me and these characters, and for bringing me into the Pocket Star family. This has been an incredible ride.
To my talented friend and critique partner, Molly Lee. I can barely put into words how thankful I am for you. Thank you for reading this book chapter by chapter in the wee hours of the night, and then re-reading it chapter by chapter once it was complete. Thank you for cheering me on when I started to feel like it was never going to happen. And most of all, thank you for pulling me out of the Pitch Wars slush a few years ago, thus starting this amazing CP/friend bond. I am so lucky to not only get your amazing insight into my stories, but to get to read your awesome ones in return. You rock.
To my other friend and critique partner, Rochelle Deans. The speed at which you manage to get through my words (while also coming up with concise and on-point edits) never fails to astound me. I am forever grateful to you, not just for your edits, but for your belief in me and these stories. I have that same belief in you. I cannot wait to hold one of your books in my hand. It’s just a matter of time, my talented friend.
To my beta readers, past and present, who have helped me carve out ideas and find places where the plots do and don’t work: Tiani, Adriana, Kara, Andrew, and Sheri. Your advice and encouragement mean the world to me. Thank you.
Thank you to my lovely copyeditors from Pocket Star, Christine Masters and Polly Watson, for making the story sparkle like a pair of studded Manolo Blahniks. And to everyone else at PS who contributed to this book, from the cover designers to publicity, thank you from the bottom of my heart. I am so lucky to be a part of the Pocket Star family.
My favorite part of being an author is getting to know the amazing writing community. I wouldn’t be here without the support of some incredible groups:
To my Life Rafters: Amanda, Anise, Brenna, Colleen, Heather, Kelly, Kimberly, Stacey, and Tara. Ladies, this has been a year and a half for all of us. I don’t think I would have gotten through it without all of you. Your support and advice has been invaluable. Not only that, but each one of you is incredibly talented in your own right, and I am so lucky you even let me into your group. I heart you with all the heart emojis and crazy unicorns in existence.
The Wenches: this group has kept me going more than once. I am so grateful for all of you. For your advice, for your hugs when needed, for your talent, and for the hot pics. Thank you for having me and for just being awesome. I love you all to bitty bits.
QT: I wouldn’t even know what a query letter was without you guys. I know I’m not around as much anymore, but I still think of all of you and check in (or lurk) when I can. I can’t wait to see all of your books out in the world.
#TeamKrush: I can’t believe I get to be a part a group full of so many talented authors. I pinch myself every day. You are the kindest, most gifted people, and I can’t wait till I can meet all of you in person. (This will happen! )
To all the reviewers and book bloggers out there: Thank you for spreading the word about authors and their books. I appreciate all the time you take to read our stories and write reviews (even when you didn’t like the book). You keep us going and get our names out there. Thank you for all that you do.
As well as having writing support, an author needs life support, and I am very lucky to have that in abundance.
To my husband: thank you for putting up with me as I panic about deadlines, whine about characters who want to do their own thing, and assault you with plot ideas and character arcs. Thank you for always supporting me in this crazy endeavor, and for believing in me to the point where you’ll sit in a coffee shop with me for hours and bring me drinks and watch my computer during bathroom breaks. You are the best husband a girl could ask for. I love you.
Sweet little Spike: thank you for bringing a smile to my face when I desperately needed it. And thank you for being the best bunny and companion anyone could ask for. There is a bunny-sized hole in my heart without you. I am going to miss you forever.
To my extended family and friends: thank you for all the support when the first book came out. From traveling to come to the book launch, to promoting it on social media, to simply reading the book—it all meant more to me than I can say. I love you all.
And now, to my parents:
Dad, I can’t even begin to tell you how touched I was with your unending support through this. Receiving Christmas presents wrapped in my own cover, and hearing how proud you are . . . it honestly brings tears to my eyes. Thank you for always having my back and for every little and big thing you’ve done for me. I love you.
Mom, you have believed in me since I handed you my first poem. I believe it was about a frog that got run over. Yet you still hung it on the fridge, and read it to family members with pride (much to my own embarrassment). You have always been the one who told me writing is where I need to be. Even when I veered away from it, you never failed to remind me that it was there to fall back on. And you were right. I don’t even know how to say thank you for everything you have done for me. You are my mom, but you are also my best friend. I love you.
Finally, I want to thank you, the reader. Thank you for giving me a chance, for giving Veronica a chance. Thank you for every review, every tweet, every Facebook like. I appreciate each and every one of you. <3
Check out the first charming, sparkling installment in Samantha Joyce's Love in Disguise series!
Elise Jameson is the secret author behind the bestselling, cult hit Viking Moon series. But when a stranger poses as Elise, the painfully shy, deaf nineteen-year-old starts to see how much she’s missing. Can she really hide in the shadows forever?
Flirting with Fame
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About the Author
Samantha Joyce has wanted to be an author since she picked up her first book and realized authors get to create new worlds with just a pen and paper (or laptop, if you will). She loves to write about romance because, as someone who married her high school sweetheart, she absolutely believes in true love. She also loves making people laugh and feels love and laughter go hand in hand. If she can make someone both swoon and giggle with her words, she considers that a success. When not writing or at her day job, Samantha can be found either singing and dancing onstage in local musicals, or at home watching geeky television shows with her husband. Her debut, Flirting with Fame, is available now from Pocke
t Star.
Connect with Samantha Joyce:
Twitter: @SamJoyceBooks
Instagram: SamJoyceBooks
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This book is a work of fiction. Any references to historical events, real people, or real places are used fictitiously. Other names, characters, places, and events are products of the author’s imagination, and any resemblance to actual events or places or persons, living or dead, is entirely coincidental.
Copyright © 2016 by Samantha Joyce
All rights reserved, including the right to reproduce this book or portions thereof in any form whatsoever. For information, address Pocket Books Subsidiary Rights Department, 1230 Avenue of the Americas, New York, NY 10020.
First Pocket Star Books ebook edition November 2016
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Cover design by Janet Perr
Cover photograph of couple by Steve Wisbauer/Getty Images and balloon by Compassionate Eye Foundation/Chris Windsor/Getty Images
ISBN 978-1-5011-2686-4
Dealing in Deception Page 23