Tin Universe Monthly #15b 2014 Extra Stuff In April Special

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Tin Universe Monthly #15b 2014 Extra Stuff In April Special Page 1

by Brian C. Williams

Tin Universe Monthly #15

  Copyright 2016 Brian Williams

  The sale of this book without its cover?.well, is, sort of, impossible since it really doesn't have a cover but let us go through the legal spray out anyways. If you purchased this book without a cover, you should be aware that it was reported to the publisher as "unsold and destroyed." Hands up to you who have books like this in your collection? Now that I put my hand down we can continue with the credits and copyright and legal and stuff that people just don't ever pay attention to unless it is pumping their own horn.

  An Original Publication of?System* Publishing, a?Tin Universe?book published by System*Publishing, a division of?System*Productions, Melbourne, Florida. This book is a work of fiction. Names, characters, places, and incidents are products of the author's imagination or are used fictitiously. Any resemblance to actual events or locales or persons, living or dead or living dead, is entirely and very much so in the coincidental.

  Written and Edited by?Brian C. Williams

  Cover Digital Work by?74 Images

  Photography by Stainless Photography

  Beta Reader Melinda George- Harold

  Ferrets Thief Bag

  This reality came to become known as The Tin Universe or The Tin for short by the words of an interplanetaryrealityuniverse traveler who called himself Record.

  Or at least that's the story The Black Friar likes to tell when drunk.

  How he knows?? I really don't want to inquire in more detail.

  The guy is one of the worst bastards in the universe.

  Record, though not as big of a bastard, still wasn't in a good mood because he was lost at the time when he stumbled upon The Tin Universe.

  This bad mood led to him getting extremely drunk with a group of Caspery scouts during a scientific expedition to a moon, not our moon, but a moon.

  When asked to talk about all the places he had travelled he went on a rant and when he got to where he was currently he said, "?and then you have this tin bit place."

  This tin bit planet on which these stories take place is much like our own but there are differences in a few noticeable ways.

  Different in the sort of ways brothers are different from one another and sisters are not.

  Different in the way cats are different from one another but dogs are not.

  BREAKING NEWS: Chinese satellite images show Pulpy in Japan on a military base they say is being used by the Japanese to plan an attack on China. An attack that is being supported by the U.S?

  BREAKING NEWS: Air Force Secretary: Patrick Air Force Base murder suspects were first class airmen and there were no signs of them being Beyond Humans?

  BREAKING NEWS: A small location, the size of a football field, in the middle of the Pacific Ocean has been raining for going on two years now. A U.N. science team has now been sent to investigate?

  We have emotional and physical responses that are needed when new stimuli enters our lives.

  For someone with an identity of identification ever changing from second to second, subject to subject, view to view, this applies even more so.

  Especially when said stimuli are bags of fucked up shit.

  Like all humans who have accidently tapped into reality touching spectrums Door Queen of the reality tapping group The Pearl spends most of her time doing very unusual fucked up things.

  And for the most part he loves it.

  She has grown into it.

  But there are still other moments of his life which is saddling up to normal everyday things.

  Like her cats.

  On a red leather couch.

  Her cats, Moot and Donnor, are very well behaved and respect the couch.

  The couch of the mother father.

  Caused by fucked up shit our responses, our ordinary needs to keep ourselves healthy emotionally and physically are very important to keep us from going insane from the madness that has entered our lives.

  That's where D.Q. is in her life. When life has pushed, forced upon him shit of the fucked up variety fight or flight is pumping through her blood at all times.

  Some people to get through this type of thing will increase everything that was good about their lives, everything normal.

  Others will decrease the changes to find a better place.

  The third kind is just chill.

  Coping, finding tangible support in friends or other things, and analyzing the burden that have been thrust into your life is just one battle you have to face now that things have gone tits up in a strange way.

  D.Q. will use moments on the red couch to center and calm the storms.

  BREAKING NEWS: Local police say there is no sign of missing Florida Beyond Human elderly man who was being hidden by his family until his escape?

  'I question all of the above,' Cherry

  Some people deal with difficult changes in their lives by questioning everything. They take the memories of past held beliefs, keep the knowledge, and reevaluate everything else. These people use questions like other warriors use a throat slit knife. If they were a chef they would be a master of the fillet.

  Having an on and off again day job of working for the NSA has taught Cherry a few things. One of those things he has learned is that questions unnerve people and the more powerful the people are the further questions will be seen as an attack and the weaker of these powerful people will crumble the most when you question them with sharp strikes.

  Information Processing Theory says information must be encoded to be processed by the brain. Cherry encodes information bit by bit with big question marks at the end of everything.

  The Pearl's cross-dressing enforcer has a brain that works like a finger that picks picks picks at everything that enters his life as if everything was a scab that needed a fingernail against it.

  That's how his brain works but when broken down it stores information for retention and for use in questions when he needs to access and retrieve. This has helped him develop an almost perfect memory system.

  Most people have three memory systems: Sensory, Short-term, and Long-term. But what Cherry does that's different is he takes the Sensory, the literal copy of information and his brain imprints it with curiosity of the highest order so it sticks around for more than 1-2 seconds.

  When it comes to Short-term and limited capacity he no longer has the aptitude for forgetting and everything falls into Long-term.

  But as with everything with members of The Pearl the normal is no longer the norm. When it comes to Cherry's Long-term it's beyond even unlimited capacity. Information isn't just stored and retrieved by category but also by information of original encounter, original thoughts, and reasons for storage in Long-term.

  And if I'm not boring you yet he has no sensory memory decay. No short-term memory loss. There is no filing up and he needs no rehearsal for recall. He doesn't need to use or fade, because once something has a question attached to it it is there until answered.

  The questions are his interface, his motivation, and he is codependent on continuing these actions of encounter and question, stopping could literally kill him.

  So sometimes Cherry finds himself sitting on the precipice of very high places so he can only look down on everything that could unfold into his day because looking up could make his thought fold back into themselves.

  BREAKING NEWS: Man calling himself Break appears in the middle of Presidential news conference to announce that he recently escaped from a secret prison holding Beyond Human immortals. White House says man is now being evaluated for mental illness and has no further comment?

  Besides being a very intere
sting piece of cause and effect that comes from this universe's time webbing existing as an intelligence created bionetwork a Ferrets Thief Bag is also a very powerful object if one had the power to possess, i.e. grasp it, take it inside them, and use it without it destroying them.

  If you could possess it a Ferrets Thief Bag could shake planets.

  Shake them until there is a split right down the

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