The Middle of Nowhere: A Billionaire Romance Novel

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The Middle of Nowhere: A Billionaire Romance Novel Page 5

by Piper Phoenix

  Thirty minutes later the thought of being with Rex was still fresh on my mind. His scent covered my clothing. I decided to take a bath to calm myself. There was no way I’d be able to sleep if I couldn’t clear my mind. All I could think about were his hands on my body, sliding upwards to my breasts. Oh dear, God why hadn’t he just put his hands all over me?

  I sat down in the cool tub and turned the water on, letting it splash over my feet as it filled the tub. My whole body shivered when I leaned back against the chilled tub. My eyes closed and I let out a large sigh. I hadn’t even been able to wait for the water to fill the bathtub before my fingertips found their way to my already aching nipples.

  My hand slipped down between my legs and my body relaxed. I thought of Rex, his touch… his kisses as my fingers rolled around against my most sensitive flesh. My knees were pressed hard against the sides of the tub, pushing and pushing until I could feel my orgasm building. I rode my fingers furiously imagining Rex was inside me. It didn’t take long for my climax to crash down all around me.

  I let me shoulders relax as I came down, it felt great but I was still frustrated. My body wasn’t completely satisfied, and it wouldn’t be until I had him. It was Rex I needed.


  That morning I had received a text from Rex asking if he could pick me up on his four-wheeler for a little daytime adventure. He wanted to take me for a ride along the lake. I thought I’d have to wait forever for him to see me again. Or if he had been using that as excuse to leave. I was thrilled when I saw the message.

  At first I had been so excited about the message, but now I was getting nervous. Nothing seemed to look good on me, or so I thought, and my mind was just a jumbled mess of random thoughts. I hated that I was such a mess when I was around him. And it wasn’t like he was the first attractive guy I’ve ever been around, but for whatever reason there was just something about him that drove me absolutely crazy.

  My only hope was that he didn’t notice it. But surely he had. How could he not have?

  I felt my heart speed up when I heard the engine of his four-wheeler off in the distance. Everything was so quiet around here that you couldn’t help but the hum of the engine. My fingers pulled back the curtains slightly so I could see when he came into view. I had decided to wear just a pair of jeans, a t-shirt and some old, tall boots, which I hoped was appropriate four-wheeler riding gear. Maybe I should have asked.

  The second he came into view I felt relieved because he was dressed similar, but then the butterflies in my stomach started swirling more and more the closer he got. I almost couldn’t take the torture from their pounding wings.

  I stepped outside and locked the door behind me. I wanted to take of all the locks while he wasn’t there to watch me, and question this whole thing. My hands were down at my sides as I watched him draw near. I was almost certain there was a stupid grin on my face.

  “Hey,” he yelled out over the rumble of the four-wheeler’s engine. He waved and then gestured for me to join him. I tucked my hands into my pockets as I made my way over to him.

  “Hi,” I said as I sat down next to him. My voice was so soft over the engine that I didn’t know if he had even heard me. I smiled, and he flashed me his sexy grin that drove me insane. I wanted him to kiss me, but he didn’t, he jerked the four-wheeler forward and drove up right up on the bank near the edge of the lake.

  Rex didn’t drive rough or aggressively. It was a nice and casual, but bumpy ride along the lake. The air was soft and sweet with what I assumed must be the scent of random wildflowers. The clouds in the sky were pure white and as fluffy as could be. I couldn’t have asked for a more perfect day.

  He pointed out a few things along the ride that he thought I might find interesting. There was large rock that was somehow balanced high up on a smaller rock. And further along, there was a group of birds soaring high up in the sky circling around as if looking for food. He turned down a little path between the trees that follow a brook and at the end was a beautiful little waterfall.

  After that, he turned around and I could tell he was driving us back to my house. I couldn’t even have guessed at how long we had been gone. It felt as though it had gone by so fast, but the sun was already starting its descent towards the horizon.

  Rex stretched out his arm behind me and rested it on the back of my seat. I sighed, which hopefully he couldn’t hear over the four-wheelers engine. I smiled as I watched the beautiful scenery pass by.

  When I saw my house come into view I worried that he would say his goodbye and leave. He would drop me off, and make his way back to his house. I wasn’t ready for the date to end. We hadn’t even had a real opportunity to talk. Or kiss.

  He parked near my porch and cut the engine. I climbed out and stood there staring at him. Rex didn’t move from his seat.

  “Would you like to come in?” I said watching my foot as I kicked an invisible rock. “There might be a little of that cheap wine left.”

  “There isn’t any of that cheap wine left,” Rex said with a wide smile. “But I’d love to come in.” He swung himself out of the four-wheeler and made his way to my side.

  He had probably been hinting at the fact that I had more than my fair share of that wine. The only thing I had to offer him to drink was milk or water. I should probably have gotten more beverages at the general store but at the time I hadn’t considered that I might eventually be entertaining in my home, let alone having a date.

  I could feel him watching me as I unlocked my unusual number of locks and opened the door for him. If he wanted to ask about it, he didn’t. Which I was happy about because at this point I wouldn’t have wanted to lie to him, but I wouldn’t have wanted to tell him the truth either. He probably wouldn’t understand and would think I was nuts.

  He stepped inside and I lightly closed the door once we were inside. I flipped only one of the locks into place. I thought he’d have a questioning look on his face, but the one he wore was something else. It was that same look from last night, the hungry look. The one that made me feel like he wanted to throw me down on a bed and make me experience something I never had before. My breathing felt uneven and heavy and I couldn’t think of anything but him.

  I rested my back against the door and he leaned against the arm of the sofa. It was like a staring contest. An extremely intense battle where, in the end, there would be no loser.

  My pulse quickened the longer he stared at me. I bit my lip and dragged the toe of my shoe along the carpet. He dipped his head down, before he took three large steps in my direction and pinned me against the door. My eyes focused on his solid chest, almost as it would just be too intense to look at the heat in his eyes. That I wouldn’t be able to take it. Even knowing his eyes were on me right now was almost too much.

  “Heather?” he said, his voice smooth like hot chocolate.

  “Yes?” I said still unable to meet his gaze. I didn’t want him to know what he was doing to me. How, at times, he made me feel powerless, not that it was his intention to do so, it was just that he was so tall and gorgeous.

  He put his fingertips on my chin and raised my head up forcing me to look into his eyes. Rex opened his mouth to say something but he stopped. And as if some magnet was pulling us together we started kissing. Hard. And with uncontrolled passion.

  I pressed into him lightly but he pushed me back against the door. The door rattled and a little gasp escaped from my mouth. His hands cupped my face as he drove his tongue inside my mouth. Something took over. Neither of us could get enough of the other. Like a thirsty man in the desert needed water, we needed each other.

  Rex’s lips glided over my chin and down my neck. My fingers gripped his shirt tighter as I tipped my head back. His hand pressed against my side and moved upwards. I let out a soft whimper when he cupped my breast and his thumb grazed across my already hard nipple.

  “Oh God,” I whispered as I pressed my hips into him. I could feel his arousal and it only made me push into him harder.

  Right when he thrust his hips towards me and pressed me tight against the door, someone knocked. I jumped away from Rex and started to open the closet for my shotgun. My breathing had already been fast from everything that was going on between Rex and I, but now it felt like my heart was going to pound right out of my chest. I felt the extra adrenaline surging through my veins.

  Rex stepped back and looked at me through narrowed eyes. I ignored his questioning look and squinted through the peephole. My body didn’t relax when it everything started to make sense again. It was the mechanic coming to fix my car. He was late, but he was here and he wasn’t here to do harm to anyone.

  I let a huge sigh as I put my shotgun back inside the closet and closed the door. My hands brushed over my clothing and I flattened my hair with my slightly damp palms before I opened the door with a fake smile plastered on my face.

  “Hello,” I said forcing myself to be calmer.

  “Here to fix the car, miss,” he said putting his palm out as if waiting for something. I tilted my head and then realized what he wanted. The keys.

  I could feel Rex watching me closely but he didn’t say anything. I closed the door lightly behind the mechanic and let out of a soft breath as my whole being returned to some kind of normal.

  “Would you like some coffee?” I said turning to Rex attempting to break the awkward silence.

  “Maybe I should go,” Rex said taking a step towards the door.

  “No!” I said altogether too loudly, “I mean, you don’t have to but I’d like you to stay.” I felt the heat fill my cheek and knew they had turned a bright shade of red.

  “Sure, OK, yeah I’ll have some coffee. If it’s not too much trouble—”

  “Not at all!” I said as I rushed to the kitchen to brew a pot. “Make yourself at home,” I said over my shoulder as I measured out the grounds and poured them into the filter.

  I was about to ask him how he liked his coffee, when there was another knock at the door. I set down the pot, but noticed Rex was walking to answer my door.

  He opened the door but the mechanic stayed outside, “It’s your battery. I can come back tomorrow with a new one and fix it right up for y’all.”

  Rex looked towards me and I nodded, wondering how much it would cost. But it wasn’t like I had a whole lot of options. It wasn’t like I could do it myself.

  “Sounds good,” Rex said taking a piece of paper from the mechanic. He closed the door and put one of the locks in place. Rex walked over to the kitchen and placed the paper on the counter.

  “I wonder what this is going to cost me,” I said sliding the piece of paper closer to take a look. I couldn’t stop the groan. “Ugh… more than I’d like to pay.”

  “If you can wait, awhile I could replace the battery for you.”

  I shook my head, “No, don’t worry about it. It’s fine. I’d rather just get it over and done with. Thanks anyway.” I handed him his cup of coffee, “Sugar?”

  “I like it black,” Rex said with his sexy grin complementing his gorgeous face. If I wasn’t holding scalding hot coffee I would have thrown it over my shoulder and jumped on him right then.

  “Should we watch some TV? Or maybe a movie?” I said walking towards the living room. I could hear him following close behind me.

  “Love to,” he said setting his coffee down before he sat down on the sofa. He long legs were wide apart at the knees which for some reason I found very distracting. I just turned towards the DVDs and kept my focus on them as I started looking for something, that hopefully, we’d both like to watch. It honestly didn’t matter in the least to me what it was. I just wanted him to stay, although I probably shouldn’t have.

  After several minutes I just grabbed something. I didn’t even know what I had taken off the shelf. I popped it in because all I could think about was Rex pressing me up against my front door. No one had ever had this effect on me before. Not once in my life had I experienced something like this. And on top of all that he was an amazing kisser. I could still feel his lips on my mouth… my chin… my neck.

  We both sat there staring at the TV screen. Occasionally, I’d take a sip of my coffee hoping it would help relax my body. The air surrounding Rex and I felt so tight, that I wondered if he could feel it too. But the coffee wasn’t helping. He seemed so far away over on the other side of the sofa and me on the opposite side. If only I could be bold enough to slide over next to him, but after I pulled out the shotgun when the mechanic knocked, I thought maybe things had changed. He had his arm stretched out over the back of the sofa… it almost felt as though he would welcome it. But maybe he was just relaxing and settling in to watch the random movie.

  “Should I make some popcorn?” I said feeling pretty confident that I didn’t even have any popcorn in the house. My thoughts were so scattered I wasn’t even sure I had pronounced the word ‘popcorn’ correctly. I was pretty sure I had used a British accent for some reason.

  “Sure,” he said, but as I stood up to go check the cupboards, he grabbed my hand. I paused and took a breath before I could make myself look at him. It took me mere seconds to see he had in fact been feeling the same thing in the air I felt.

  Instead of letting me go, he pulled me down on his lap and turned my face to his. He looked into deeply into my eyes, in a way no one else had ever done before and then he pulled me towards him. He slid his hand up the back of my neck and pulled me close. We held each other’s gaze up until he pressed his lips to mine. I hungrily accepted.

  It was as if I had no control over my own body. I pressed myself into his hard body and moaned. It felt as though it was an out of body experience. My hands quickly found the bottom of his shirt and anxiously tried to get it off of him.

  He reached down and pulled it off barely breaking contact with my mouth. His body was so muscular and toned, to me he was perfect. I ran my fingertips up and down his smooth skin memorizing every hill and valley those muscles created.

  I twisted to the side and swung my leg over him so I was straddling him. I worried for a second that maybe things were moving too fast but then he grabbed my hips and pulled me closer to him. I let a small moan escape, as I started to imagine all the wonderful things that we could do together.

  His hands ran down my shoulders, my arms and to the hem of my shirt. I moved away from him slightly and raised my arms above my head so he could more easily remove my shirt. He slowly pulled it off, not taking his eyes off of my body.

  We melted into one another, pulled together like two magnets. He lifted me off of his lap only to lay me back down on the sofa. Rex practically hovered over me as he kissed every inch of my exposed skin.

  I surprised myself when my hands raked down his back and slid around to the front of his jeans. As my fingers popped open the button, he groaned against my neck. And I knew, tonight he wasn’t going to stop me.


  We worked together in clumsy unison to remove his pants. I bit my lip at his gloriously perfect body. I wondered if he had a personal gym in his wilderness cabin, or if it was just from working outdoors and living out here alone that contributed to his physique. But, damn, he was hot.

  I closed my eyes and let my hand slide down his sculpted body, right to the waistband of his boxers. I just had to feel him. I stretched my fingers around the silky skin of his impressive length.

  “Mmm,” I said gazing up at him.

  “Shit, baby, you are over dressed,” he said as he reached around my back and unhooked my bra with one hand. He dove his head down and kissed my breasts wildly while his other hand worked to remove my pants.

  “Oh dear God,” I moaned, as he sucked my nipple into his hot, wet mouth. There was a part of me that was telling me to stop this. That I shouldn’t just dive into all of this headfirst. After all, I barely knew him. What did I know about him? All I knew is he was fucking hot. He was also kind and helpful. But, again, sooo fucking hot. But the other part of me was telling her to shut the hell up and enjoy.

�Stand up,” he ordered practically grunting the words out. I could tell he was a bit frustrated about not being able to get my pants off as quickly as he would have liked. And the desire and urgency in his voice caused me to look at him with a dark, seductive smile. But still I obeyed.

  I stood there before him, topless, with my hair a mess. He slowly leaned forward, breathed, and took his time unbuttoning my jean. Rex locked eyes with me as he pulled down the zipper. The fire in his eyes was burning so hot, I had to look up at the ceiling to cool down. I exhaled and relaxed my body.

  “Christ you are so beautiful,” he said as he slowly pulled down my pants down over my hips. When he let go and my pants dropped around my feet I stepped out of them. He looked up at me again and tugged on my panties. I clapped my hand down on top of his quickly. “What’s wrong?”

  “You still have yours on,” I said, my breathing heavy.

  He stood up and I couldn’t avoid his eyes… he wouldn’t let me. I watched him as he slipped his thumbs into his waistband and pulled down his boxers. He pressed his hardness against my stomach and I arched into him. I wanted him in this moment more than I had ever wanted anything in my whole life.

  “Your turn,” he said with that sexy grin that I knew I wouldn’t be able to say no to, not that I wanted to.

  But he didn’t wait for me. He slid his hands down and into the backside of my panties. He rounded his hands around my ass, feeling every inch before he dropped down to his knees, taking my panties down with him.

  “Ohhhh,” I breathed as his mouth found my wet opening. “Ooooh-mmmm.”

  He guided my legs apart and dipped his tongue deeper into my folds finding my throbbing clit. My legs tensed up at the sensation and couldn’t help but open wider for him. I twisted my fingers into his hair. My hands moved along with his head as it moved back and forth as he licked and sucked my most sensitive spot.


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