The Middle of Nowhere: A Billionaire Romance Novel

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The Middle of Nowhere: A Billionaire Romance Novel Page 8

by Piper Phoenix

  I heard the zipper on his pants and a second later he was gently bending me forward against the wall. I pressed my palms against the cold concrete.

  “Oh God,” I whispered, my words floating away on the breeze. My body and mind ready for everything Rex was offering.

  He ran his hand down my back and over my ass. With both hands he assertively widened my stance and I held in my gasp. My body tensed slightly when I felt the warm, silky skin of his cock against my bare flesh.

  I pressed my lips together to hold in any noise I might make when he thrust himself inside me. The position and the angle made him work for it, but he seemed to enjoy it. And I knew I was enjoying it. Immensely.

  “You feel so amazing, Heather,” Rex said softly as he glided himself agonizingly slowly in and out. I found the edges of the concrete railing and grabbed on tightly as if my life depended on it.

  “Oh, Rex,” I moaned as he grinded himself deeper inside me. I closed my eyes and held on so tightly my knuckles turned white.

  His hands held my hips tightly in place while he worked himself inside me. I felt as though at any minute I’d just soar right off the roof and fly around the night sky in absolute bliss.

  “Oh-mmmm-ah,” I moaned as he slid a hand up towards my neck. He slipped his hand into my hair and wrapped it loosely around his fist. A shiver ran down my spine and I was almost certain he must have been able to sense how close to the edge I was.

  He reached around me with his other hand and thumbed my clit. It didn’t take more than a simple brush against my sensitive skin to send the electricity coursing through my veins. I tensed around him as I came unable to hold in my cries of pleasure. For all I knew the whole city below had heard me calling out.

  “Fuck,” Rex grunted as he rode me harder until he finished his orgasm. He collapsed on top of me for a brief moment before he stepped back and helped me get my pants back up.

  After I made sure everything was where it should be I turned around to face him. He put his hands on my chin and looked into my eyes. I let out a little sigh at what I looking back at me. It seemed as though he was falling for me just as much as I was falling for him.

  Rex embraced me and kissed my lips softly. My breath was still ragged and uneven, and I didn’t even know if it was possible for it to return to normal when I was this close to him. This man had me. Every part of me. I didn’t have a choice. Somehow something started between us and it wasn’t something I could stop. Nor did I want to stop it.

  “It’s late,” Rex said looking up at the moon hanging high in the sky. “Would it be all right with you if we stay at my apartment and fly back in the morning?”

  “Do you live close by?”

  “It’s within walking distance,” Rex said smiling and pulling me along. He opened the door that would take us to the staircase down from the roof. It was a narrow set of stairs but he followed closely behind me. At the bottom there was a metal door which he yanked opened and waited for me to walk out. It led to a larger staircase encased in concrete with white painted walls. He took my hand and we descended the stairs together. And it hit me that I was in this Gates Corp building and not only was I in the building after hours, I was inside with the owner. This was Rex’s building.

  We walked down several flights of stairs before he opened a door that led us past a large office with huge glass doors. Inside on the wall it said “Gates Corp” in big bold letters. It appeared to be designed very upscale and with a modern touch. No fancy office is complete without shiny metallic trim, stained wood and frosted glass doors and windows.

  “Is that your office?”

  “Well, there are several offices in there. Mine is one of them,” he said as I heard the muffled sound of heels clicking against the tiled floor. They were getting louder as the person wearing them drew nearer.

  One of the frosted glass doors opened and a beautiful woman with a sleek business skirt and long hair tied into a tight ponytail emerged. She waved her index finger at Rex.

  “Shit,” he muttered when he realized it was too late. She’d seen them and he couldn’t pretend not to have noticed her.

  “Who is it?” I asked carefully, keeping a small smile glued to my face.

  “My sister,” he said as she leaned back against the large glass door and crossed her arms.


  “Just the person I was hoping to see,” she said to Rex. Then she forced a tight-lipped smile in my direction. “Although it appears as though you have the night off. While some of us are never off the clock.”

  I didn’t see him roll his eyes, but I was almost positive he had. After all, he had mentioned that his sister barely works and would rather just sit back and collect the money that came in from whatever it was they did at Gates Corp.

  “That’s right,” Rex said stiffening his spine. “This is Heather,” he said turning to me, “and Heather, this is my sister, Tavia.”

  “Hi nice to…,” I started to say, but she nodded and turned back to Rex.

  “We have a problem. I could really use your help right now,” she said as she stood up taller and took a step towards Rex. “It’s not good.” She started shifting her weight back and forth from leg to leg. She shot me a quick glance as if she was hoping I’d excuse myself.

  “Look, I’ll worry about it in the morning,” Rex said sounding annoyed. “Go home, go to bed, I’ll take care of it.” He sounded as if he almost knew what she was referencing. I couldn’t even guess as to what kind of problem would need immediate attention at this hour anyway.

  She released a puff of air from between her lips and a loose strand of her perfect hair floated away from her face. “Dad would be so proud,” she muttered as she stepped away from us and back inside the office. The door closed slowly behind her, but if she could have I knew she would have slammed it. I could tell she was walking away because each click of her heel got softer but dug into my skin just the same.

  She seemed to be rather intense and harsh, but maybe it was just because she sounded like she was stressed out about something. For all I knew outside of the workplace she was a sweetheart, but somehow I kind of doubted it.

  “Sorry about that,” Rex said as he tugged me towards the elevator.

  “She seemed, umm—”

  “Yeah,” he said as he pushed the button that would take us down to the ground level. It felt like it was the slowest moving elevator I’d ever encountered and I think Rex felt the same based on his shaking leg. I could tell he was anxious to get away. I didn’t know if it was because he wanted to get away from his office and all things work related or if it was because of his sister. Whatever it was he wanted distance and it wasn’t happening as fast as he would have liked.

  Once we were on the ground floor he walked towards the huge main doors with gold trim. He nodded at the security guard as we walked by. The guard smiled back and I could tell he most certainly knew who Rex was.

  I tensed up when I was out on the sidewalk. Seeing all the people walking around made me cling a little tighter to Rex, but he hadn’t seemed to mind. If he hadn’t been with me, I think I would have had some kind of melt down. I forced myself not to think about my mom and dad as we walked quickly down the street.

  Rex didn’t seem to mind walking fast and I soon figured out why. Every so often, I saw a random person look at him and point or whisper to the person they were walking with. They’d smile and try to get his attention. He pretended not to notice but I was sure he had.

  He turned us towards a building and we jogged up the porch stairs. Rex swiftly opened the door and held it for me as I walked inside. Both of us letting out a matching sigh when we couldn’t hear the hustle and bustle of the people outside any longer.

  The building had a locked entrance so he had to use his key to get us through the next set of doors. The first floor wasn’t overly fancy but it was enough for me to know it was one of the more upscale apartments in the area. There were only four mailboxes and each one with a name and apartment number. R
ex’s box was the last one.

  “I’m upstairs,” he said when he noticed me looking.

  We took the elevator up and it seemed to take longer than I would have expected. I started to get a little worried that maybe it wasn’t working properly but Rex didn’t look concerned at all. It must have just been a slow elevator, or maybe I was just excited to get up to Rex’s apartment.

  “Each apartment is two stories,” he said noticing my confused expression. “The building is bigger that it looks.”

  “Oh,” I said and the doors finally opened into a small room which had only one door across the way. Rex inserted his key and opened the door. He stood back allowing me to enter first… he was always the gentleman.

  I could feel my eyes widen as I stepped inside. His apartment was not at all what I would have expected. It looked sterile as it hadn’t been lived in… ever. Which I guess based on what he said he didn’t really live here much but I would have expected something a little, well, different.

  There was so much wide open space and the furniture was either white or black and all the sofas and chairs were oddly shaped as far as I was concerned. It looked totally uncomfortable.

  “Nice place,” I said hoping to sound authentic, but he laughed.

  “No, it’s not. My sister had it decorated for me, but I guess that’s what I get for giving in to her attempts at interior decorating. Come back this way,” he said leading me around a corner and up a flight of stairs.

  He opened the door into a large bedroom that was practically as big as my cabin. “Is that a mini kitchen in your bedroom?”

  “Think of this as my apartment within my apartment,” he said kicking his shoes off.

  This section of the place was more warm, cozy. The carpet was so perfect and plush it looked as though it had to be new. I imagined when the camera crews came through to photograph his house they wouldn’t be allowed up here.

  “Make yourself at home,” he said closing the curtains. He opened his dresser drawer and found a large button down shirt, “You can change into this… if you want. Of course, I wouldn’t care if you wore nothing at all.”

  His smile was so big that while I believed he’d like to see me in his shirt he’d be even happier if I agreed to walk around without anything on. Tt wasn’t like I was going to sleep in my clothes so I took the shirt, “Where is the bathroom?”

  “Right in there,” he said pointing to a door between the sitting area and the sleeping area.

  “Oh my God,” I mouthed to my reflection in the mirror once I was alone. I couldn’t believe this place, all this stuff, it had to cost a small fortune. And he rarely even spent time here! The whole thing was just simply unbelievable, although I couldn’t have ever even dreamed up something like this. It just had to be real.

  I used the bathroom and changed into his shirt. I held it to my nose hoping to smell him, but it was a clean shirt that smelled only of laundry detergent. He probably didn’t even do his own laundry. Rex probably had people who took care of all those kinds of things for him.

  This world of the rich and the semi-famous was overwhelming. A person could have whatever they wanted, whenever they wanted it just by paying a little extra. Or maybe even just for the asking. I had to keep telling myself that this was the same Rex I’d known since that first day trying to find my cabin. He was still the same person I was finding myself falling for.

  I folded up my clothes and stacked them in a neat pile on the counter. Rex was already laying in the bed when I stepped out of the bathroom onto the soft carpeting. He was shirtless, with the covers pulled over his muscular abdomen and staring at his TV hanging on the wall, flicking through the channels.

  “Come on in,” he said folding the covers back so I could slip inside next to him. I lowered myself into his impossibly luxurious bed and hesitated before I rested my head on his chest. “Oh great… you’re freaked out.”

  “No, not really, maybe a little,” I blurted pressing my face into his smooth skin. Honestly, I didn’t know what I was.

  “I didn’t take you here to try to impress you, or show off my things. I brought you here to show of this part of my life. It would have been strange to keep it from you. This isn’t my favorite part, but it is part of who I am,” he said lifting my chin with his index finger. “I want you to like me, all of me.”

  I shook my head vigorously, “I do like you. I’ve just never had money, especially nothing like this. It’s not something I need, or want or really care about.”

  And for some reason that made me think of my parents. Maybe it was because all the money in the world couldn’t change what happened to them. What good was money anyway. Money causes problems. People kill over money.

  “Good,” he said and kissed me on the top of my head. “This me living in this overly expensive apartment doesn’t need it either. I have it. I pay for it. But it’s not something I need. I could get by just fine sleeping on a mattress stuffed in the corner, with regular sheets from Target.”

  “I like the sheets,” I said grinning.

  “They are really soft—”

  “Like laying on a cloud.” I rubbed the sheets against my cheek.

  “OK, well you get my point, I don’t need any of this to be happy. The one thing I need in this apartment isn’t just something I can buy.” He turned back to the TV and flicked the channels again. Rex seemed to want to change the subject. Had he meant me? He already had me. Didn’t he know that?

  I yawned and clapped my hand over my mouth trying to pretend I hadn’t displayed how tired I was. After all we had just gotten here.

  “Do I bore you?” he said with his sexy half smirk.

  “No! Nothing like that, it’s just it was a busy day,” I said feeling slightly embarrassed.

  “I’m only joking. I’m tired too, go ahead rest,” he said as he moved the hair out of my face and stroked my cheek. The soft, gentle movements only made me more sleepy. The last thing I remember was some politician on TV complaining about the economy and then I was asleep.

  . . .

  The next morning, I woke before he did, but I just laid there in bed looking around at everything. I tried to stop myself from putting price tags on everything. I glanced at him, and couldn’t help but smile at his peaceful sleeping face.

  He started to stir and I quickly started picking at one of my fingernails. Rex groaned and stretched up towards the headboard.

  “Morning,” I said after he blinked his eyes open a few times.

  “Ahh, good morning,” he said standing up and walking towards the bathroom, “You been up long?” he called through the open door.

  “No, not that long,” I said sitting up and hugging my knees to my chest.

  He walked out of the bathroom in only his boxers. His hair was a mess, but it was perfect. Everything about him was perfect. I grinned at him. I couldn’t believe any of this was actually real so why not enjoy it until I actually woke up from this most fantastic dream.

  “Hungry?” he asked smiling back.

  “Sure,” I said, wondering if I should offer to make something. He picked up his phone and typed something into it before he took a big drink of water and crawled back into bed.

  “Hope you like omelets,” he said, wrapping his arms around me and pulling me down on top of him.

  “Who doesn’t like eggs and cheese?” I said sliding my hands around his neck and twirling my fingers into his hair.

  He practically growled and rolled me over. He pinned me down loosely against the bed. “Do you like showers?” he asked as he pressed his lips to mine.

  “Who doesn’t like showers?” I said and he pulled me up off of the bed before I had even finished my sentence. I followed skipping behind him to the bathroom where he swiftly stripped off his boxers and stepped into the shower. He turned on the faucet and the water washed down over his hair. Steam started to fill the room as if he had some kind of steam making machine in the shower.

  “Come in,” he said curling his finger at
me so that I’d join him.

  I unbuttoned the shirt of his that I was wearing and he seemed pleasantly surprised to see that I hadn’t been wearing anything else underneath. He looked up towards the ceiling before he rested his eyes back on me.

  “I’m totally wearing that shirt today,” he said once I stood next to him. The water dripped down over my face. “Christ, you are so beautiful,” he said running his finger down my wet cheek down to my neck and over my breast. I felt my nipples harden at his gentle touch, or maybe it had just been his words that got me going. I had it bad, there was no denying that.

  He reached over to the tray that held the body wash. The silky soap smelled just like him. It was a rich, masculine scent but I didn’t mind. He lathered it up into a rich, luscious foam and started rubbing it all over my body.

  I took the bottle from him and started lathering the soap all over his sculpted body. My fingertips glided over his perfection. Neither of us bothered to hide the fact that we were admiring each other. I was wet, in more ways than one and I could see he was so ready for me. I could stand it a minute longer, and neither could he.

  “Hold on,” he said as he hoisted my leg up and entered me with ease. I wrapped one arm around him and braced myself with the other by pressing my palm hard against the cold, wet tile.

  He held me tightly make sure I wouldn’t slip away while he slowly drove his length in and out. The water hit us from above and washed the foamy lather off of our skin while the intoxicating aroma of his soap filled the air.

  The steam billowed up around us making it look like we were engulfed in a cloud of steamy passion. I dug my fingertips into his wet skin as I felt my orgasm building.

  “OhGodOhGodOhGod,” I cried out as I drew closer and closer with each thrust. He held me even tighter and it was like we were floating up and out of the shower together. We were drenched but at the same time I somehow felt weightless.

  “Come for me baby,” he whispered into my ear. “I want to watch you come.”


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