Cruise to Mayhem

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Cruise to Mayhem Page 12

by David P. Remy

  Lucky was immensely relieved that Led hadn’t been charged. Led was his friend and as close to being a son as Lucky could ever hope to have in his life.

  As for Kris, and Maggie by default, well, they had learned a hard, but valuable, lesson about messing around with and risking their careers and livelihood. Sanjay and the custom authorities chose to whitewash Kris’ involvement in the matter of smuggling the Van Gogh aboard. In actuality, Kris was only a pawn in the hands of the true culprits. The hanging of a picture hardly demanded a criminal charge and imprisonment. Not to mention that the customs officials at the point of origin of the transatlantic voyage could very legitimately be incriminated. Even though they should have been charged, no one wanted “to go there”, as it’s said. Some crimes do go unpunished…at least in regard civil penalties.


  Queuing up for the immigration and customs ordeals, Lucky and Led heard that now way too familiar greeting. “Well, looky here, Joyce. Our favorite couple.”

  “Hi Charlie and Joyce,” Lucky replied. “Seems like the trip just flew by.”

  “You mean, sailed by, don’t you, Reverend?” Smirks all around.

  “Yeah, can’t believe it all went by in such a hurry. Seems like just yesterday when Cuddles and me got on board. Right, Cuddles?”

  “Oh, Charlie. Now, stop that. We’re in public.” Joyce pushed her luggage a step further along in the long line snaking in front of them. “Anyway, you keep track of time by the number of meals, Charlie. I swear you ate the cruise away…one banquet at a time.”

  Everyone chuckled at Joyce’s come back. She was showing some spunkiness. Never too late to stand up for one’s self.

  “All in all, quite an experience for me,” Led chimed in. “I’d have to say that it threw me for quite a loop. I’m really feeling the fool for falling for Breath. I should have seen through all that play acting. Still, I think she was hot.”

  “Hey, big man, you said you understood about shipboard romances. Who you romance on a ship stays on a ship.” Lucky patronizingly offered.

  “Whatever. I didn’t think my romance would literally stay on the ship, like, in the brig. That’s a bummer all the way around.” Led kicked his luggage an inch forward.

  “And but for a technicality that security didn’t charge you with breaking and entering the Chief Engineer’s cabin, you would still be with her. The fact that Kris legally had a master card key saved you along with Captain Andersen stealing the smuggled newspaper article from his and Maggie’s room. There was no evidence to use against the two of you for stealing anything. Count your lucky stars, young fellow.” Lucky punched Led on the arm.

  “Anyway, Led, we had some good meals in that dining room. Cuddles…I mean, Joyce… and I enjoyed having you with us at the table. You added a hay barn full of youthful vim and vigor. Not to mention that you brought the mean age of our table way down.” Charlie laughed as he nudged Joyce.

  “And we’re glad you finally joined us, Father Lucky. That way we had a blessing before every meal,” Joyce added.

  Just then, Charlie belched. “And, I didn’t feel so guilty about my gluttony.”

  “Everything can be forgiven, Charlie. Even gluttony. But, I think the good Lord just might turn a blind eye to overeating on a vacation cruise. I don’t think there are any scales in heaven.”

  “Maybe the good Lord forgives, but our waistlines don’t,” Joyce poked Charlie’s stomach, now protruding dangerously over his belt. You were a 52 when you got aboard, Charlie. Now, you’re an easy 54. And, I don’t mean your age.” Joyce was in rare form now.

  “No problem. I buy those trousers with them expandable waists. I can always keep a couple of inches ahead of the size printed on the pants.” Charlie grunted as he pushed his luggage a fraction of an inch ahead in the line.

  The immigration process went painlessly. The passports had all been cleared on board before the ship arrived in port, so a summary glance was all the authorities required. Customs was a nothing: nothing to declare, nothing to search for. Not many opportunities to buy stuff on a transatlantic cruise.

  As they stood outside the terminal waiting for the various types of transporters to the airports and day excursions, the foursome said their farewells.

  “This is strenuous. I don’t like the day coming or the day going to these cruises. Interrupts my eating schedule.” Charlie was bemoaning the sad state of his culinary affairs.

  In unison, Lucky, Led and Joyce placed their arms over each other shoulders making up a small choir as they sang out, “we know, Charlie…you’re starving.”







  The next novel from author, David P Remy, soon to be published for your E-reading enjoyment


  David P Remy was born in Iowa a few months before the Pearl Harbor “incident”, as those things are referred to in today’s parlance. He attempted to become educated in Dubuque, IA, Detroit, MI, Washington, D.C., South Orange, NJ, and New Orleans, LA. It took a long time, in a lot of halls of higher learner. Finally, a little of it stuck. He felt most success with his in depth study of Mardi Gras and restaurants in the Crescent City…the Big Easy.

  Up to this time of writing, he’s been a pastor, an educator, a counselor and tucked in the middle of over forty-four years of ministry, he served twenty short ones in the U. S. Navy as a chaplain to our courageous Sailors and a “padre” to our valiant Marines. He proudly adds, “Veteran” to his bio. Late in his life game, he appends “Author” to his resume. He will let the reader determine the validity of that claim.

  Almost twenty years ago, he began a volunteer relationship with several cruise lines, as a cruise ship chaplain. This united his life and love into a tandem as pastor and ship chaplain. With his years in the Navy and now, surpassing forty-five cruises with a variety of cruise ship lines, he has gained a veritable boatload of shipboard experiences with people at sea, both crew and guests.

  Thus, the birth of the Lucky and Led cruise ship mystery series. “Cruise to Mayhem” being the debut edition of the series. He plans to write several more of Lucky and Led’s adventures. The “Cruise” series is a mix and mash compilation of his cruising experiences in such a way as not to finger any particular person, ship or specific circumstance. A character or two in the stories may not possess the usual high quality and top notch standards of the individuals with whom one would expect to meet on board a commercial cruise line. Mark it up to the author of fiction’s privilege to create for the sake of the story. A mystery story always needs a villain or two.

  Now retired and living in the Florida Panhandle, David continues to transfer his memories to paper. You may meet him as he returns to sail the high seas on his favorite cruise line visiting new ports several times each year. He hopes you enjoy reading his books as much as he relishes writing them. He hopes to cruise with you someday. Who knows, you may become the prototype of a character in one of his novels…a reputable one, we can only hope.

  To contact the author, please place the title of the novel in subject line and email:

  [email protected]




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