The Bride Who Bailed

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The Bride Who Bailed Page 3

by Misty Carrera

  "I know, but it's been a stressful morning, I think seeing you save 75% on a designer top might just make my day."

  "Oh, really...?" I looked him square in the eye, and ran my finger gently across my bottom lip while I said it.

  He laughed, "Well, there's always room for another way to make my day..." and he waggled his eyebrows at me.

  Butterflies, his smile gave me butterflies. My own fault for flirting. I told the butterflies in my stomach that they were going to have to shut the hell up, mostly because fooling around with my new (temporary, but still) boss, would be an excellent idea. And of course by excellent I mean freaking terrible. The only way to improve on a month when I ducked out of my own wedding, would be to fool around with this guy. Still, he made me feel giddy, it was fun to be with him and I was definitely planning on enjoying our time together.

  Launching myself from the seat of his tiny convertible I stopped and waited for him to join me, then we walked together to the first store. It was weird, he wanted to shop with me. Ok, I could do this. Should I show him stuff, ask his opinion? What could it hurt?

  "This," he said, pulling a pink dress off the rack.

  "No," I put it back.

  "This then," a top this time, also pink.

  "I don't do pink."

  "You should, it compliments your coloring."

  I just stared at him. My mom always said that too. About pink I mean. He sounded like he knew what he was talking about and I was ignoring him. I was being rude. I didn't mean to be, I sorta hate pink, but could he and my mom both be wrong? Well, yeah, they could, but it wouldn't hurt to humor him.

  "I'm humoring you," I said, to make sure I made my point. "This is not going to look good on me," I flounced into the dressing room and dragged the top over my head, and returned to the sales floor without so much as combing my hair just to show him how wrong he was.

  Drew was already charming the sales woman, together they were collecting clothing for me, as if I was some sort of pet project.

  "Ahem," I cleared my throat.

  Together they turned, and stopped talking. I knew it, it was awful.

  "Stunning, I knew it would be."

  "He's quite right, dear, it's lovely," said the clerk.

  "I...wait, what?" I turned to look in the mirror, and my pale complexion was kinda glowy, I had to admit. Shrugging my shoulders in mock defeat, I took the clothing, in colors I would never wear, into the dressing room to try on. There was more pink, some turquoise, a lavender, totally not my thing. And yet, the colors were somehow perfect on me.

  "How did you do that?" I asked him as I paid.

  "What? Pick clothes?" he laughed "it's kind of a secret, but my first love, career-wise, was film. I loved everything about it, taking pictures, making movies, and I learned a lot when I filmed people. I learned about color and complexion and what works and what doesn't. That kinda thing sticks. Like the colors in the suites at the hotel, pale blues, pinks, mauves, most people look good in those colors in the evening. And that's when the romance happens at a resort, right?"

  "Well that's just, huh. Who'd have thought? I'm sorry I doubted you."

  "You're gracious in defeat," he laughed, "join me for lunch?"

  "Sure, as long as it's seafood, I haven't had any yet."

  "Excellent, back in the car you go then, I know just the place."

  Drew drove through town, off the main drag and past the edge of the touristy part until we got to a restaurant that looked more like a shack, decorated by a big sign proclaiming "The Seasoned Sole". We walked in and found our own seats at a an old beat up formica table. The place was sparkling clean, the wood scrubbed and polished, the silverware shiny. We were approached by a woman whose gray hair was scraped back into a neat bun, she had an apron layered over her jeans and tee-shirt.

  "Drew! It's been ages," she said as she threw her arms around his neck and planted a kiss on his cheek.

  "Aggie, I know, it's been too long. It's great to see you. This is my friend Cat, Cat meet Aggie, the best cook on the Panhandle."

  "Well, it's nice to meet this who's been keeping you busy?"

  "Ah, no, no," Drew laughed, "she's new in town and I'm showing her around."

  "Still nice to meet you sweetheart, have a seat, and we'll bring you lunch."

  "We don't get to order here, Aggie will send out what's best today. What would you like to drink? I suggest sweet tea, that's what everyone drinks down here."

  "Well, sweet tea then," I said and Drew went to the bar.

  Lunch was delightful, gulf shrimp, oysters and fried mullet, finished off with key lime pie.

  "I'm stuffed, I don't think I can move."

  "That's not an option, c'mon, we're going to the beach." He took my hand, and I tensed. I didn't mean to. The heat our hands together made scared me a bit. I had just ducked out of my own wedding and...

  "Hey, relax, it's no big deal. You're on vacation, lighten up. I'm not getting all serious with you, just wanted to hold your hand." Gently, he turned my face to his, "Just for fun, ok?"

  "Yeah, ok." I let go of a breath I didn't know I'd been holding, and took his hand. It felt good, strong, warm. I liked holding it, and I was going to practice not taking everything so seriously. We walked to the water's edge, and soon the awkwardness fell away again and we were laughing and chatting.

  "So, tell me, how do you like paradise?"

  "Well except for Jake following me down here, it really is beautiful. Thank you for showing me around today, I'm sure you had better things to do."

  "You're welcome, but I'm selfish, I did it for me too you know."

  "Thanks..." his hand tightened on mine as we walked and he stopped suddenly, his outstretched arm reeled me back in and I stumbled in the sand. He caught me by the waist and his touch made the butterflies in my stomach duck and swirl. I was suddenly breathless, a little bit dizzy. Warmth was spreading from between my legs upward and I could feel it breaking out as a blush across my chest and inflaming my cheeks.

  I reached up to touch his face and he brought his lips to mine and I melted right into him. He wrapped his arms around my waist and held me tightly while his tongue gently danced along my lips. Inch by inch I could feel myself relaxing into his kiss, and idly I wondered what I had done to deserve this. Something good. He ran his hands up and down my back, and everywhere he touched I felt sparks of pleasure, and desire. The warmth was spreading over me, licking along my nerves where he touched me, and I arched my back to press toward him. My breasts were becoming sensitive to the touch, and my nipples ached to feel him graze his fingertips across them.

  Slowly his fingers drifted down my neck and across the exposed tops of my breasts, and I couldn't recall having this much fun in a long, long time. We pulled apart slightly, and he looked down at his fingertips as they traced every so slowly in circles down, down inching toward my nipples.

  Suddenly I heard a loud cough, and when I looked up, Jake was standing on the dune, waving a gun at us. And crying.


  The shot missed us, and I looked over my shoulder as it whizzed past us.

  "Jake, put that down." I shouted

  "No, I want you to come with me, you don't belong with him."

  "I'll get him," whispered Drew, "you wait here."

  "NO!" I shouted as Drew moved forward slowly in the sand heading for the dune Jake was perched on. Jake lifted his gun and shot again. This time it was a direct hit, and Drew fell to the ground as a stain spread on his shirt. It was yellow.

  "Paintballs?" Drew gasped. "He's shooting us with paintballs?"

  "I'm not the least bit surprised" I said as I knelt by him. "You're gonna have a bruise. I didn't think he'd really shoot anyone."

  "Well technically, he didn't. Where is he?" Drew sat up rubbing his chest underneath his shirt"Damn, that hurt. He's a jerk, you know that?"

  "Yep, I do. He's gone. We should get you some fresh clothes. And ice for the bruise." I sighed, "I'm sorry. He's such a dope.
He must have followed us here, I wish he'd go home, this is ridiculous."

  Drew drove to his condo so he could change. I couldn't help but watch the road for that clown I almost married. This was getting ridiculous.

  Drew's condo was on the edge of the hotel property, it was a typical three story with a garage underneath. The front door opened to an entry way and living room, with a set of stairs leading to the dining area. The rooms were furnished in similar colors to the suite I had been in. They were also full of toys. Kid's toys. Well, that was unexpected.

  "Oh," he said, seeing my face "don't mind the debris. My step-sisters kids hang out here kind of a lot. She sorta lives here some of the time."

  "Sorta?" I said, looking around.

  "Well, mostly. She's divorced and doesn't always have her act together. So, I help her out, and she does help out with the place. It's a good deal, really. Except for looking like the toy store threw up most of the time."

  He was hot, he liked kids, apparently. He was good to his family, and he was still speaking to me after my ex shot him with a paintball gun. This right here was a good man.

  "I'll be out in just a minute. So, do you have any thoughts about why this guy is chasing you down this way? I mean I get that he thought you were getting married, but it seems like he's not taking the hint all that well that you decided against it?"

  "You know, I don't really get it. He's kind of a big man around our little town, his family has a business, they're pretty well off. It's not like no one else would be interested in him. Well, probably. My little slide show might have put some of them off, I guess."

  "Do I know this? What did you do exactly?"

  "I took pictures of him leaving bars with various women and showed them to our wedding guests as I walked down the aisle."

  Drew laughed, "And you seemed so sweet, too. Remind me to stay on your good side."

  "It's simple really, I just can't stand liars."

  Drew came out of his room wearing a freshly laundered shirt. He stepped toward me and pulled me tightly against him. "I think we were interrupted earlier," he said as he lowered his lips to mine. His hand on my back was firm and sure, and the warmth from the touch of his lips spread down my spine and around and back up again. My knees went weak as he kissed me tenderly, then with more urgency. His hand found its way to the back of my head and he pulled me closer, stroking my back gently with his other hand. My senses were all lit up, fireworks running along my nerve endings. He pulled back for a moment and looked into my eyes, with his hand along the side of my face, then began kissing along my jawline, and down my chest, his thumbs grazing my nipples, which were already pebbled with excitement.

  I arched my back and pressed my breasts into his solid chest, my arms around his neck and as we kissed I drew my hands back down until they rested gently on his ass. One hand on either cheek, I slid them around to the front and drew my fingernail gently along the denim, against the outline of his cock that I knew I'd find there. He gasped into my mouth and whispered my name against my ear.

  My body was like liquid fire, and I felt drugged by his touch, and his taste. I ran my hands back up his chest and began to pluck at his buttons, revealing his warm solid chest.

  "Fair is fair," he whispered and slid his hands under my shirt, stroking my skin with a sure touch. His fingers dipped gently below my waistband and made quick work of unfastening my jeans. Heat licked at my He slid his hands under my top and slipped it over my head, "Let's get you out of these clothes," he said as he slid my bra straps down my shoulders and revealed the tops of my breasts. His tongue was on them in moments, first one, then the other, and I gently clasped my hands behind his head and pulled it down.

  "Come here," his whispered hoarsely, and pulled me toward the bedroom. I turned and pushed him down on the bed and straddled him. Untucking his shirt I slid my hands down his torso and felt him shiver underneath me. Taking my time I planted little kisses along his collarbone and worked my way down his chest. He was moving underneath me, his hands on my back stroking me as I moved toward his waist band. Unsnapping his jeans I lowered the zipper and heard his sigh. His hands tangled in my hair as I blew warm air across the fabric covering the tip of his cock and felt it harden in response. He pressed me closer and as I lowered the edge of his boxers I opened my mouth and brushed the tip with my lips. There was salty pre-cum there already and I touched my tongue to it then engulfed him with my mouth, swirling my tongue as I sucked. His breath was stuttering and sharp as his cock thickened in response and he arched his back toward me.

  Rolling to his side, he pulled me away from him and he sprung free with a gentle pop. "C'mere," he whispered, "as he tugged me toward him, and gently brushed my swollen lips with his. I groaned into his mouth and he slipped his hand down my belly toward my pussy. He bumped gently against my clit and I felt sparks lick along my nerve endings in response. The tension was gone from my body and I felt both relaxed and excited at the same time. My senses were heightened. Everything felt good, the brush of the sheets against my skin, the warmth of his breath on my face and neck, his fingertips sliding along ever so slowly, inching forward until the tips were inside me.

  "I want you, now," he said, "shall I get a condom?" I nodded, mid-kiss, and I heard the tell-tale crinkle as he reached into a drawer and withdrew the packet.

  Rising up on his knees, he gazed down at me with his hand stroking his hard-on. He leaned forward and teased my legs apart, and I could feel the dampness as my excitement increased. It had never been this way with Jake, he was formulaic, there was no formula here, it was lust and desire and need. I was wet and ready and he slid just to my entrance and held there, while he looked into my eyes.

  I braced my hands on his shoulders and pressed him forward. His cock filling me up felt amazing, every nerve was on edge, every movement he made was excruciatingly delicious.

  "Oh God, Drew, take me, please I need you!" I begged even as he slid himself in and out of me, bracing his hands on my hips. His face was intent as he continued to thrust and I felt him thickening and thrusting harder, then harder. I reached down and spread my lips exposing my clit as I soared toward my own climax.

  He sucked in his breath and began to groan and I felt his release as I reached my own, I saw stars and then felt the cooling rush as I came with him buried inside me. My pussy clenched around him convulsively and he rested his hand gently on me as he stroked my side. I loved basking in the afterglow, and he indulged me, holding me tightly and stroking my hair.

  Well, fortunately this won't complicate things at all, I thought to myself, and we stretched and untangled our limbs. After is always the most awkward part, I think. Even more awkward than before. I mean if you want each other and you know it, then the before thing isn't all that weird. But, after is weird. What do you do with yourself? How do you go home?Do you go home?

  This is what I was wrestling with, instead of bathing in the afterglow.

  I stood, and sat down again immediately. Head rush. I guess my blood wasn't really moving yet.

  "Mind if I shower, quick?"

  "It's your place," I laughed, "sure, me too." I followed him to the bathroom, and stood behind him as we looked into the mirror together. Pressing my breasts up against his back I rubbed my hands up and down his chest and began to kiss along his shoulder and jaw.

  Just then I heard the unmistakable whine of Drew's sister Ashley.

  "Drew, are you here? Drew? I need to drop the kids with you tonight, is that ok?"

  "Busted," Drew whispered to me in the bathroom. So much for our sexy second round.

  "I'll be right out," he called. "Stay here," he whispered.

  I sat down in the shower and waited, dragging a towel over me to keep me warm. I heard raised voices, but tried not to pay any attention, it wasn't really my business. Then I heard a knock at the door, followed by an all too familiar voice. I rested my forehead against the cool tile, hoping the voice would go away. It wouldn't.

  There was a soft knock
at the door and Drew whispered, "Can you come out here, please?"

  Wrapping the towel around myself I walked out of the bathroom to see my former fiancee, of course, and Drew's sister, waiting for me.

  "Jake! What. Is. It?" I hissed through clenched teeth. God, it would have been easier to marry him. I'd probably have seen less of him.

  "We need to talk," he said.

  "No, no we don't. Are you armed by the way? Squirt gun, paint ball gun, caulking gun, anything counts. I need to know now!"

  "No, no, that was a terrible mistake, I'm so sorry. It won't happen again."

  "Damn right it won't, you're going home so you won't be here to do it again!" I was beside him in a flash, and grabbing his ear as I yelled. "I'm done, you got that? Done. Go away. Go home, go anywhere, but leave me alone!"


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