Prince With Benefits: A Billionaire Royal Romance

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Prince With Benefits: A Billionaire Royal Romance Page 44

by Nicole Snow

  His cock swells inside me a second later and I feel the first thick rope of his seed. I come on the spot, pinching my teeth together so hard I think they're going to break.

  My eyes roll back and I jerk my body up, throwing my head back, grinding my hips into his as his cock pumps lava into my depths. His balls keep heaving it up into me, pulsing and shooting, filling me until I completely overflow. New screaming fireworks hit the sky, drowning out our love screams.

  The same merciless fire bathes everything.

  Above and below, inside and out, all over the fucking place.

  I can't even take it all in as ecstasy pulls me in deeper, drowning me for what feels like an hour. We keep rutting on each other for a small eternity. When I finally come down from it, I'm gasping for air, and only the last reverberations above us hit my ears.

  A minute later, he's holding me, gently stroking my hair. It's quiet, and deeply satisfying.

  Ty pulls out of me and keeps his hard-on nestled against my thigh. I swear he doesn't go soft. It's just as well, because I know we'll be right back at it soon.

  It doesn't seem to matter how much we fuck. It's never enough for me, never enough to completely scratch the itch that's always there when my flesh touches his.

  He reaches up, brushes my messy hair away from my face, and plants a kiss on my forehead. “You know how fucking much I love you, babe?”

  My eyes snap open. We lock eyes for a moment, and then my gaze softens. I can't help but smile. I also can't believe that he's beaten me to saying it, and my heart swells faster than the rest of me.

  I lean in, give him a long, salty kiss. “Of course I do. I love you too, Ty.”

  It's the perfect beginning to a flawless night. This is one of those nights where time breaks apart and blurs, losing itself in the darkness and passion.

  The night cools around us as we lay and fuck, stopping only for snacks and drinks conveniently waiting around the corner. Caviar and champagne make our evening more decadent than ever, and I take my fill of everything.

  We're still fucking by the time there's light on the horizon. Ty has me on all fours, hammering into me from behind, fisting my hair in one hand so fierce it promises to leave me sore tomorrow.

  I'm going to be a mess tomorrow, and I don't care, damn it. The sun coming up doesn't even bother me.

  Tomorrow isn't official until we're back in Bellingham, plotting the rest of our lives, and that won't be for several days. After a night like this, I believe we can do anything.

  We're unstoppable – aren't we? I can't imagine anything that'll come between us, even if our parents try to destroy this beautiful thing we've tasted.

  One thing's for sure – his thrusts don't stop until my mouth forms an O and I'm completely breathless, bent over, and coming my heart out to the sound of the day's first seagulls squawking their way to shore.

  We take our sweet time getting back home, almost a full week. The dream lasts as long as it possibly can, and I squeeze it for dear life. Unfortunately, there's no way to keep dreaming forever until you hit reality face first.

  When we start to feel the cooler bite of Washington's mid-July waters, my heart sinks. It's two more days to home. My mind runs wild with all the grim possibilities we're going to find back at Gary's estate.

  I tell myself I'm ready for anything, and I hope to God I mean it. I know I don't care what happens, just as long as I get to stay with Ty.

  I swear I'm prepared for anything. They can try to put Ty in handcuffs or send me away from him, but we'll always find our way together again. We have to.

  Mom and Gary can't control me. I'm twenty-two, for fuck's sake.

  Sure, my first job was a bust and money's dwindling, but there's got to be a way to make this work. I'm smart, I'm motivated, and I'm in love.

  That's got to count for more than all the hell our parents can throw at us.

  Ty feels it too. He looks more serious when he's steering the ship into familiar waters, and he's not quite as playful when we stop in the marinas for drinks and dinner each night.

  Thankfully, the sex is just as explosive as ever. I've got to set an extra reminder to take my pill with all the craziness going on. One night with this animal and no protection is plenty to leave any girl knocked up – probably with triplets.

  I'm at his side when the dark day finally arrives. It looks like nothing's changed at the huge estate on the hill, surrounded by the dark forest. The tall castle looms over the horizon, just as cold and imposing as ever, and Ty navigates the ship carefully toward the boathouse.

  We're coming in after midnight, and I'm grateful for the darkness. Maybe it means we'll have a chance to camp out and rest before dealing with some serious crap tomorrow.

  “Come on, babe. We're here,” he says, as soon as the ship's engine stops droning.

  He takes my hand and leads me out, extending the stairs so we can walk down to the dock. It's a warm night, dark as thick mud, and it's like we never left.

  I try not to freak out or worry as we exit the boathouse and head toward the house. There's no car waiting for us, of course. I don't know what's happened to either of our cars since we left.

  Ty leads me on the long, slow walk, carefully passing along a few points off the main path so we don't alert security. We're coming through the gate near the back, right next to the huge pool, when we see a light on behind the massive glass panes.

  “Shit! Stay the fuck down.”

  I duck, but it's too late.

  Joan gazes right at us, frozen behind the huge glass door, a small squeegee for cleaning windows in her hand. Ty growls, shakes his head, and curses again.

  “Come on, babe. Let's get this the hell over with. She saw us.”

  My heart starts pounding with every step we take. Tension lines the older woman's face as we draw closer, but she pops the door and holds it out for us.

  I don't have a fucking clue what I'm going to say. Jesus, I don't know what Ty's going to say or do either. It's dangerous. If we have to confront our parents now, someone might end up getting killed.

  We're not ready. I'm not ready for this. We haven't rehearsed or planned anything.

  Joan speaks first. “Welcome home.”

  Ty cocks his head. I stand next to him, nervous and tight lipped as a guilty kid next to teacher.

  “Thanks. You gonna tell my old man we're back, or what?”

  Joan's face softens. “I won't do that, Tyler. I don't care what he threatens this time. I've been ready to walk out the door for weeks without looking back now that I've seen somebody who has the courage to do it.”

  That makes me grin. I step forward, give her a hug on impulse. It's too hard to contain the relief humming through my veins.

  Ty seems a little more uneasy, but he's not fighting mad.

  “We're leaving soon,” he says. Then he does something that almost drops me to the floor.

  He steps forward and throws his arms around the woman, pulling her tight, the way a man hugs his mother after a long time away.

  “Lady, I don't give a fuck what he does either. You're family as far as I'm concerned. You're welcome to follow us up to Alaska or wherever the fuck we end up anytime, if you can stand the cold.”

  Jesus, he's right. I really might have to follow him up there to stay together. I have no idea what I'll do for work, but keeping Ty in my life means everything. That's what love is, and I'm watching it spill over onto the old servant in his embrace, looking at me with tears in her eyes.

  “I'll pack my best sweaters, Tyler.”

  “You got it. Now, we'll get the hell outta your way so you can get back to work. Hopefully it's just about the last you'll do in this house. Come on, babe.” He pulls away and I follow him, shooting one last smile over my shoulder at Joan.

  I've never seen her look so happy. To be fair, I've never seen her do much of anything except clean up after us, but the gratitude flashing in her face doesn't lie.

  You can't buy that kinda loyalty, and i
t makes my heart swell. It's sweet to see my man do the right thing too, proof that the heart hiding in his rough exterior doesn't only open to me.

  We head for his room and shut the door behind us. I inhale deeply, amazed that it's still got his scent after all these weeks away. Good thing too. His masculine richness helps calm me down. It's hard to worry about us being back here, staring down the barrel of a gun, when he truly surrounds me like this.

  He steps out into the middle of the floor and starts to get undressed. It's amazing, really. He's so chill. Deciding to follow his example, I stand up from his bed and strip, enjoying the nighttime coolness against my body.

  “You're magic, babe,” he says, stepping close to me. “Gotta be. There's no other explanation for why the hell you look just as beautiful when we're under the sun or moon or rolling rain. Shit, even when we're back in this God forsaken place...”

  I blink, then feel a big grin coming. “Hm. When did you turn into such a poet?”

  He wraps his strong arms around me. If I'm forever beautiful in his eyes, then he's forever huge, forever hard, forever a superman in mine.

  I can't imagine anything that'll ever break his brute strength. Being in the ring with Fat Boy came close, but he won, using the same persistence that's natural to him.

  One hand runs down my back, fingers spread, before they stop next to my ass and give me a sharp whack, ending in a possessive grab. He's growling, tickling my cheek with his stubble, pressing his lips to my ear.

  “I'm in an artsy-fartsy mood tonight. Call it nostalgic. This might be the last time we ever fuck in this bed. Better make it count, Sis.”

  My breasts flatten deliciously against his chest as he pushes me to the bed. The kisses keep coming, hot and feral. We're tired after the long journey in, not to mention the stress, but I'd be certifiably insane to pass up sex.

  It makes me feel alive, reminds me of everything we've built. When he pushes between my legs a second later, grabbing my hips and wiggling them to take his cock deeper, I see our whole future.

  And yes, it's really a future together, more than just endless naked romps. I see us growing old together.

  This thing is more than temporarily losing our minds on a hot, forbidden summer tryst. This crazy affair's going to last forever. I don't care who says it's wrong, or how often they scream it in my face.

  I'm going to do it. I'm going to build a life with this man, just as soon as I can stop losing my mind on his dick every night we're together.

  He's thrusting hard now. His hips hammer into mine, and he leans down one breast, dragging my nipple against his teeth. He catches it and sucks hard, letting another growl slip, vibrating me right to the bone.

  God, I love fucking him. Only him. With Ty, I'm not even curious about anyone else. I don't care that he's the only man I'll have for the rest of my life. Instinct tells me no other man comes close, and giving him my V-card was just the start.

  I'm going to give him everything. Everything.

  The thrusts deepen. My pussy tingles with delight, creaming and tightening on his cock. My hands go over my head, helping me push my body up to meet his. We're colliding, fucking at a more frantic, anxious pace than we did on the yacht, but it's just as amazing as ever.

  Ty's teeth form a tight ring around my nipple. The energy hits the bolt coming up from my pussy and my nerves ignite, crying for release.

  It comes a couple seconds after he kicks his thrusts into overdrive. I'm no longer attached to a gorgeous man. There's over two hundred pounds of rock solid fuck pressure between my legs, slamming me deep, filling me to my breaking point.

  Oh, God. Oh, Ty. Oh – fuck!

  My head snaps back and I come, reaching desperately for a pillow to stuff into my mouth before I scream so loud the house lights up. Snarling, Ty drills hard and steady, baring his teeth before he holds his swelling length to my womb and lets go.

  The loud clap of his balls on my ass stops. Next thing I know, he's filling me, pouring his liquid heat into my core. It makes me come so hard I shake, whimpering into my pillow, keeping it between my teeth so I don't chip a tooth as they grind together.

  Orgasm doesn't describe it. This is a climax, a crescendo, a peak so high I'm bound to wind up a little battered when I jump off it. And I do, falling straight into the wonderful mass of man surrounding me, spilling himself into me, driving his seed to my depths.

  This is the medicine we need tonight. It's clear when he finally pulls out, and my heart doesn't slow to a dull thud. I should be dreading tomorrow.

  Instead, I'm more content than ever, wrapped up in his arms. He holds me tight while I press my thighs together, trying to keep what he's given me inside. I don't want to lose his heat.

  I don't want to lose him.

  “I love you, Ty,” I whisper in the darkness, nuzzling his shoulder.

  “Love you twice as much, babe.” I blink, surprised by the challenge, and he smiles. “What? You gotta be crazy if you think your heart pumps harder than mine. I'm more than twice your fucking size.”

  I snicker and roll my eyes, settling in on his warmth. Yeah, he's still a fire breathing asshole when he wants to be.

  But he's my asshole, damn it, and I'm willing to put up with his crap for all the joy he brings.

  “You useless fucking cunt! If you're not going to help me find them, then get the fuck out of my way!”

  I jerk up like the house is burning the next morning. At first, I think the harsh, deafening words are a nightmare, and then I think they came from Ty. But he's sitting up next to me, eyes wide open, tight lipped.

  That can't be Gary...can it? Holy fucking shit.

  “Wait! Please, wait, Mister Sterner! You can't go down there!” Joan's voice sounds small, muffled, desperate. It cracks like tears are piercing through it.

  “Get dressed, babe.” That's all Ty says right before the staircase down the hall thunders.

  He doesn't wait for me to move. Ty jerks me out of bed and grabs my clothes off the floor, throwing them into my hands. I try to follow his lead, dressing as quickly as I can, but the world won't wait.

  Angry fists start beating on his bedroom door.

  Ty doesn't have time to put his shirt on. He stands in front of me like a wall, ready to destroy anything that comes through the door to threaten us. And it does a second later when the door blows open, so loud I think the hinges snap.

  “Oh, God! Fuck. Damn it!” Gary's beet red face stops and stares at us. He takes one look at us half undressed and stumbles backward, smashing his trembling fists against the walls. “It's true, it's true, it's goddamned true...”

  I notice he's holding a newspaper or magazine in one hand. Ty steps forward, his lips quivering like a dog getting ready to bite.

  “Something you wanna say, Dad? Had a funny feeling you'd greet us like this after we came home. Didn't put a scratch on your precious Stingray, in case you're worried. You're gonna give us the same respect.”

  He rips himself up in a flurry and stands tall. For a second, I think he's stupid enough to try getting through Ty, into the room, but he stops. The newspaper flies out of his hand and hits the floor where we're standing.

  “I've got nothing else to say to you that these goddamned jackals haven't said for me, you ungrateful little idiot. I've got nothing to say to this fucking whore either!”

  He shoots an accusatory finger toward me. Despite standing behind Ty, I want to dig a hole into the floor and hide forever. Seeing this billionaire aim his long-bottled hellfire my way makes my heart want to stop.

  Still, I have to see what the hell's got him so riled up. Before Ty can lunge and beat his father to smithereens, I reach in front of him, snatch up the paper, and give it a good shake.



  Okay, now my heart really does stop. I barely have the energy to tug at Ty's sleeve and whispe
r his name. His eyes dart down to the tabloid and skip over the awful headlines.

  We're both staring at the same thing – the pictures. Several are from our unforgettable Fourth of July holiday.

  There's Ty and me walking around the beach, hand in hand, smiling as we hold our ice cream cones. Then we're on the deck of the ship, locked in a passionate kiss. The real killer is the one that's half blurred. We're both naked and horizontal on the deck while fireworks light up the sky, a thousand word picture carefully shot by some kinda camera with an amazing zoom from the marina.

  I want to gag. I want to die. Mostly, I just want to bawl, and the tears are coming, stabby and brutal.

  We tried so hard to keep our relationship under wraps for our own sakes. Obviously, it wasn't hard enough.

  “You piece of fucking shit!” Ty explodes, eyes fixed on his father, ripping the paper out of my hands and crunching it in his fist. “Who the fuck did you hire to tail us?”

  Gary snorts. “Jesus! You think I did this? My God, I really raised a dipshit for a son. Why the hell would I destroy myself when I have your careless, degenerate tryst with your sister to do it for me?”

  Ty doesn't move as his dad steps toward us, this time crossing the threshold to his room. I cover my face just as Gary stabs a finger in his chest.

  “You're the one who's getting off easy. I've had to live with this nightmare for days. The butt of every late night talk show joke and gossip rag. Poor Mandy, she's heartbroken. She'll be lucky to hold a state rep seat again before she's hit sixty with this kind of scandal. And it's all because you pissed off Jacobsen.”

  “Jacobsen?” Ty shakes his head.

  My heart slams against my ribs. I feel like I'm going to faint if this was my fault.

  “Martin Jacobsen, dummy!” Gary stabs his son in the chest again with his rigid finger. “You know, the big environmental nut. The same man your sick little sister couldn't hold down a job with. Apparently, some knuckle dragging animal got mad because Martin's son asked her out, and fractured the kid's jaw. I know the Neanderthal was you, Tyler, and don't you fucking deny it.”

  Gary looks like he's about to blow up and shower us in his gore. Ty looks at the floor, too stunned to speak, undoubtedly feeling the same ruthless ice crawling across my brain.


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