The Story of Annabelle & Alison

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The Story of Annabelle & Alison Page 11

by Lydia Rose

  “Like have I ever noticed how feminine your features were and how you didn’t have any hair of on your face.”

  Alison’s hand went up to her mouth. “Oh my God.”

  Bill nodded. “Yeah. I told him I saw plenty of soldiers without hair on their face. He wasn’t convinced until I brought up his two grandchildren.”

  “Do you think you eased his mind?” Alison asked.

  “I’m not sure. I hope so.” Bill answered.

  “I’m not leaving if he finds out,” Annabelle said adamantly.

  “If he finds out, we all might be forced to leave,” Bill said softly.

  “He would never throw me out, Bill.” Alison insisted.

  “Just be careful. I’ve heard you slip on occasion and refer to Belle as she or her. You can’t do that now. He’ll know. I’m going to get some sleep. Good night you two.” Bill walked to the door.

  “Good night.” They called.

  Once Bill had left they sat side by side whispering. “Belle, I’ll never leave you even if he finds out. I don’t care. I love you and that’s all that matters.”

  Annabelle comforted her wife, but she was also worried.


  The next few months, Alison and Belle watched what they said to each other. They felt they were on pins and needles whenever Hank was in the room. As Annabelle worked in the fields, she’d look up only to see Hank’s eyes on her. She worried that one day he would know and he would tell her to leave.

  It was rough on Hank too. He had no one to talk to about this besides Bill. He couldn’t talk to Chet about his fears because of the consequences. So he carried the burden of not knowing for sure.

  As time went on, Hank wondered if it made any difference. Alison loved Belle and Belle loved Alison. The children loved them both. That’s the thing that kept him from thinking that his fears were unfounded, the kids. How could Alison have had two children if Belle was a woman? Then he got angry. Angry thinking about Bill. Could he have slept with his daughter and gotten her pregnant? The three were such good friends and wondered would Alison have done that to have a child? He had to know the truth or he would drive himself crazy. But he said out loud. Are you ready to hear the truth old man?

  The following evening they were sitting on the porch. Alison walked out the front door after putting the kids to bed. Annabelle sat there watching Hank fidget in his seat. Alison noticed it too and glanced at Annabelle.

  “Dad, you might as well say what’s on your mind,” Alison said wanting the tension to end. She knew she was taking a big gamble, but they couldn’t live this way any longer. The three of them would jump every time Hank walked into a room.

  Hank’s head shot up and looked at her. His mouth opened, but no words came out. He looked from Annabelle to Alison. “Just tell me if it’s true.” Hank looked down unable to meet their eyes.

  Everyone froze. It was only Alison’s courage that kept them from falling apart. “Yes, dad. It’s true.”

  Hank scratched his beard and tears formed in his eyes. “How could you do something like this?”

  “Because I love Belle.”

  “But she’s a woman,” He said standing up. Hank looked at Annabelle. “You did this.” Hank got in Annabelle’s face. “I should have thrown you off the farm the day you showed up here.” He turned his back on his family, but when he turned around he was livid. “You.” He pointed at Bill. “You slept with my daughter too.”

  Bill leaned away from Hank’s hands and fell out of the chair.

  They let Hank blow off steam before Alison walked up to him. “Dad, sit down.”

  Hank glared at his daughter. He tried to see his little girl in her face and Hank finally sat down.

  “Belle did nothing wrong. Belle told me that she and I could never be together.”

  Hank cringed at Alison using the female pronoun. “So you knew she was a woman from the start?”

  “No, dad. I didn’t. I just know I fell in love with a wonderful person who kept telling me we couldn’t be together. Belle wanted to leave here. She did everything to stop what was happening. I wouldn’t let her leave and I found out her secret. Dad, I love Belle with all my heart and she loves me too. I would have done anything to be with her. Even if it meant leaving you.”

  Hank sat quietly listening and the fear of Alison leaving him was stronger than what Alison was admitting to.

  “I knew there had to be a solution so we could stay together, but for months I didn’t know what it was until.” Alison swallowed. “It was a lie about Belle being married before. I had hoped you would let us be together if you knew she could never marry me.” The tears dropped onto Alison’s cheek. “I wasn’t going to give her up, dad. You have to know it killed us to lie to you, but there was no other way.”

  “The children?” Hank asked softly.

  “I am the father, Hank,” Bill answered softly and watched Hank fly out of his chair and grab Bill’s collar.

  Annabelle pulled Hank off Bill. “Hank, Bill never touched Alison. I would never have agreed to that.”

  Hank glared at Annabelle. “How then?”

  “Do you want to answer that one, Al?” Annabelle asked taking her seat.

  “Turkey baster,” Alison said hiding her face behind her hands.

  Hank sat with a thud on his chair. “I’m hearing your words, but I can’t believe this is all true. I suspected from the time Belle got sick, but I hoped I was wrong.”

  “Dad, we’ll leave if you want us to.” Alison allowed her tears to flow and Annabelle held her close.

  “We understand, Hank that this is very difficult for you to accept. We didn’t want to deceive you, but we saw no other way to be together.” Annabelle admitted.

  Hank looked at Annabelle. “You know I could get the law to throw you off my property. Alison and the children would be forced to stay here.”

  “Dad you can do that, but if Belle leaves, you won’t be able to stop me from leaving with her.”

  Hank knew he could have Annabelle arrested and Alison would be forced to stay, but did he want that. “Did you break your leg on purpose so you wouldn’t be caught if war broke out?”

  “No sir. That was an accident.”

  “If you didn’t break your leg, what were you going to do about the war?”

  “I was going to shoot off some of her toes,” Alison said giggling.

  Hank finally laughed. “I believe you would have done that, Alison.” Hank stood up. “Even though I had my suspicions, I have to let this all sink in. Good night.” He walked to the door and went inside.

  “There’s nothing we can do until he decides,” Alison said softly.

  “Yes, there is. We can leave here tonight before he brings the law into this.” Annabelle stood up.

  “Belle’s right, Alison. He could have her arrested or worse, committed. He could have me arrested for rape.”

  “The kids are young. We could go somewhere and start a new life, Al.” Annabelle took her hand.

  “My father is a good man. He won’t do anything to hurt his family. We have to trust the man that we love to do the right thing.”

  “I’m not sure, Al. I still think we should leave tonight.” Annabelle insisted and Bill nodded his head in agreement.

  Alison sat there thinking. “Where would we go?”

  They didn’t realize that Hank could hear their conversation. The tears fell onto his cheek as he listened. Did his pride mean that much to him to lose the three people he loved more than anyone in this world? The children, he panicked. Could he live the rest of his life never seeing them again?

  The screen door opened and the co-conspirators jumped. “Dad, are you all right?” Alison asked.

  “No one is going anywhere. Do you hear me? No one is sneaking off in the middle of the night and taking my family away from me.” Hank stood there with his hands in his pocket so the others couldn’t see they were shaking.

  “Dad, are you going to be able to live with knowing?”
Alison asked.

  “I had to learn to live with this one making you scream,” Hank grinned. “I guess I can learn to find forgiveness and understanding.”

  “Oh, thank you, dad.” Alison grabbed him and hugged him tight.

  Annabelle and Bill stood there wanting to hug him to, but held back. Hank opened his arms to them and they stepped into the embrace.


  Ten Years Later

  The twins were almost fourteen years old and the old house had gone through many renovations over the last few years. New modern appliances and central heat were added to the home. Hank had slowed down in the last few years and he no longer worked in the fields. He stayed close to the house and tended the garden daily. Hank’s joy was watching his grandchildren. He forgave Alison and Annabelle almost immediately and they went back to living as they had in the past as the loving family he always wanted. Annabelle and Bill did the daily chores and kept the farm profitable.

  Alison sat looking at her father with her children. She knew someday she would have to tell them her secret. Alison wondered when the time would be right. She began writing a diary that day laying out the story of her and Annabelle.

  The family lost Hank in 1956. He went to sleep and never awoke in the morning. The family buried him next to his wife in the family plot.

  Annabelle held Alison’s hand as they stood at his grave. “I’m so sorry, honey. He was like a dad to me too.”

  “I know, Belle. He was the best father that you and I could have ever had.”

  Annabelle shook her head and squeezed her hand.

  “I couldn’t bear to lose you, Belle or our children. If something happens.” She began to sob.

  “Honey, we’re not going anywhere for a long, long time. Our children will be burying us in this plot someday. Together, I hope.” Annabelle reassured Alison.

  Billy was taking to farming as Annabelle had when she first came to the farm. Annabelle and Bill taught him what they knew so that someday he could keep the family farm prosperous and thriving.

  Alison was teaching Annabelle how to sew and cook for a family she would have someday.

  Annabelle came home after school one day almost too excited. Alison looked at her daughter and asked. “What happened in school today, Annie?” The family had begun to call her Annie years ago.

  “Nothing, mom.” Annabelle wasn’t admitting to anything.

  “Sit down, honey.” Alison pointed to the kitchen chair. “You can tell me.”

  Annabelle looked at her mother. “We have a new boy in school. He’s so nice to me.”

  “What’s his name?” Alison asked trying to keep the smile on her face.

  “Stanley Summers, III.”

  “How old is he?”

  “Fourteen.” Annabelle’s smile grew wide. “They just moved here from Texas.”

  “Honey, you know you’re too young to date,” Alison said taking her daughter’s hand shaking her head.

  “I know, mom, but maybe he can come over some time. We can just sit and talk.”

  “That sounds like dating to me.”

  “Please, mom.” Annabelle begged.

  “Let me talk to your father and see what he says.”

  “Mom, dad’s going to say no. I see when we’re in town and boys look at me. If they even talk to me, he gives them a dirty look.” Annabelle was now whining.

  “Your father is just looking out for your best interest.” Alison insisted.

  Annabelle came in the back door. “What’s going on?’ She asked.

  “Your daughter likes a boy in school,” Alison said softly.

  “No. You’re too young to date.” Annabelle shook her head.

  “I’m not asking to date, dad. I just wanted to invite him over so we can sit and talk.” Annabelle explained.

  “Annie,” Annabelle said and then looked at her face. The blond hair was darker than Alison’s, but their eyes were identical and she found herself saying. “You can invite him over for Sunday dinner.”

  Alison’s eyebrows rose. She was shocked that Annabelle agreed so easily.

  “Thank you, daddy.” Annabelle hugged her father and ran for the phone.

  “Wow,” Alison said.


  “You caved easily.” Alison giggled.

  “I’d rather her be here with us than run off someplace on the sly.” Annabelle grinned. “She has your blood running through her and sneaking around was something you and I did.” She shrugged. “It’s better if we know where they are.”

  “That won’t stop them from sneaking off later to be together.”

  Annabelle looked at Alison and stood up. “I’m going to tell her I changed my mind.”

  “Sit down, Belle.” Alison laughed. “We’ve brought her up right and she’s got you and me watching. Don’t forget she’s also got Bill and Billy watching out for her.”

  “I guess between all of us, she doesn’t stand a chance of doing anything wrong.” Annabelle finally relented.

  Annabelle filled Bill on her daughter’s crush.

  “What’s his name?” Bill asked chuckling.

  “Stanley Summers, III.” Alison answered, but saw Bill turn pale. “Bill, are you okay?”

  Bill swallowed hard. “Did she say if they just moved here?”

  “Yes. She said they just moved here from Texas.”

  “What’s going on, Bill?” Annabelle asked seeing Bill wipe his brow.

  “Stanley Summers was the man I was involved with during the war.”

  “It can’t be the same man, Bill,” Alison said. “Could it?”

  “I guess we will know if he drops off his son on Sunday,” Annabelle said. “Did you ever tell him about Alison and me?”

  “No. I just said I was living with a wonderful family,” Bill said smiling.


  Sunday morning Bill paced around the yard. Annie had told them that Stanley’s dad would be dropping his off at their house and Bill went into overdrive.

  Annabelle walked out to the yard. “Bill, calm down. There’s nothing you can do. Your affair was years ago. He’s obviously happily married.”

  “Suppose he wants to get together?” Bill asked.

  “You tell him no.” Annabelle answered.

  “Yes, I can do that,” Bill said and grabbed Annabelle by the arms. “No I can’t, Belle. If he asks me, I will say yes.”

  “Then why don’t you go wait in the shed until Stan leaves. I’ll take the kid home. This is Annie’s first boyfriend. I’m sure there will be many more and this one won’t last long. You know her, she always changing her mind about things. I’m sure this will be no different.”

  “You’re right, Belle.” Bill walked back to the house with Annabelle.

  The only problem was when they walked into the house, Stan was there with his son.

  Stan looked up and saw Bill. The smile he was wearing disappeared and his face changed color. Annabelle thought the man was going to pass out.

  “Honey, why don’t you get our guest a glass of lemonade,” Annabelle pointed with her head. “You kids go get one too. We’ll introduce ourselves to Stan.”

  Alison looked at Annabelle and then back at Stan. She ushered the kids from the room.

  “Stan, have a seat before you pass out,” Annabelle said guiding him over. “By the way, I’m Belle. I’ll let you talk to Bill.” She left the room.

  Annabelle and young Stan were sitting at the kitchen table obvious to the others in the room.

  “I thought he was going to pass out,” Annabelle said into Alison’s ear.

  She nodded in agreement. “What are we going to do?”

  Annabelle shrugged.

  “Hello, Stan,” Bill said as he took a seat on the couch.

  “I can’t believe it’s you,” Stan said holding his head. “What are you doing here?”

  “I live here. Remember the family I told you about?”

  Stan nodded.

left Texas,” Bill said.

  “My business brought me here a few months ago.”

  Alison walked in and handed each of the men a glass of lemonade.

  “Thank you, Mrs. Adams.”

  “Alison,” she said before leaving the room.

  Stan drank the cool liquid. “Annabelle is not your daughter, is she?”

  “No, Stan. Annabelle is Alison and Belle’s daughter.”

  “They must think there’s something wrong with me?”

  “Don’t worry about them, Stan. They’re friends.”

  “They know?” Stan asked showing fear.

  “They won’t say anything. They’re not like that.”

  Stan wasn’t convinced.

  “They have known about me since the beginning. There is no bigotry in this house. There never has been nor will there ever be.” Bill hoped his words were calming Stan.

  “You never married?” Stan asked.

  “No, Stan. I have a wonderful family here and that’s all I need.”

  Stan sat quietly sipping the cold drink. “They won’t treat my son poorly?’

  “Only if he tries something with their daughter,” Bill said with a chuckle.

  “It’s real good to see you, Bill. I’ve thought a lot about you over the years.” Stan admitted.

  “I’ve thought about you too, Stan. You have a good looking boy there.”

  “Thankfully, he looks like his mother.” Stan chuckled which carried to the kitchen.

  Annabelle and Alison shared a smile knowing the conversation was going well.

  “Mom, can Stan and I take a walk?” Annabelle asked.

  “Yes, but stay in view of the house.” Alison insisted.

  The couple went out the back door.

  “Seems like a nice kid,” Alison said.

  “Yeah, a nice kid with ranging hormones.” Annabelle answered.

  Alison laughed. “No that was just you dear.”

  Bill walked into the kitchen. “Stan wants to say good bye before he leaves.”

  Alison and Annabelle got up and followed Bill back into the living room.

  Stan held out his hand. “It was nice to meet you both,”


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