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Nabbed in New Zealand

Page 15

by Christine Edwards

  “That’s it, Judge. Easy there, bro.”

  Huffing with effort, he stands on his right leg in the garage, hanging onto us for balance. “Just give me a second.” His chest rises and falls several times before he addresses us again, “All right, I think I’m good to go now. Lead the way.”

  “Your mom has all the lights on and your favorite meal is in the oven. That should be an excellent incentive for us to get you upstairs. Take your time, Judge.”

  “Ta, petal.”

  We slowly make our way into the lower level exercise room and cross to the flight of stairs. It takes five minutes to reach the top. By the time we hit the top step, Judge is clearly exhausted from the effort. We do our best to get him over to the sofa, where he collapses from the exertion. I watch his petite blonde mother flit around him, fluffing pillows beneath his leg and head. She arrived hours after his surgery. The surgeon had a nurse phone her. The three of us have been taking turns at the hospital and Judge’s mountain house for the past four days now, waiting eagerly for him to be released. Although it was awkward to be around Tane at first, I’ve gotten over it.

  Judge reaches out to clasp his mother’s small hand in his. “Aw, you’re sweet as, ma.”

  She smiles and looks to Tane and I. “Please come sit. I’ve made enough herb roasted lamb for everyone. Darling, you just relax. I’ll fix you a plate.”


  It’s clear that they adore each other. I’ve watched them interact while he was laid up in the hospital. She dotes on him and it’s evident that he holds tremendous respect for the kind, soft-spoken woman. This man has a heart the size of the island he lives on. He would have given his life to save me from that big cat. I love him and have told him so countless times during his four night stay in the hospital. There was a touch-and-go twenty hours following the surgery when a nasty infection began to set in. We are all grateful for strong antibiotics and this man’s naturally powerful immune system.

  I had a chance to speak with both Guy and Lana separately by phone. They were very relieved once they found out that I was all right. I didn’t want them to have to lie if the police grilled them, so I decided to tell them the same story I told the police. Eventually, I’ll fess-up to Lana, but it needs to be in person after everything has quieted down. Lana confessed that she and Guy have fallen for each other, and they are going to try out the possibility of a long distance relationship. She is still in New Zealand, having extended her vacation. She and Guy are having a fine time ‘exploring’ each other, from the sound of it.

  The police were surprised when I turned down the ride to the airport after the statement I gave at headquarters. I simply told them that I had ‘unfinished business’ to attend to and that I was headed back to the hospital.

  Judge calls out to Tane, “Mate, could you grab that bottle of bubbly and bring it on over this way?”

  “Right, I’m on it.” Tane lands him with a mischievous grin as Alma hands something to Judge that happens to be just out of my line of sight.

  Once the bottle of Cristal is popped open with a fizzy overflow and poured into four slim flutes, Judge calls to me, “C’mere, sweetheart.” His flat palm pats the leather near his hip.

  I sit close and gently stroke his hair.

  My heart is so full, seeing him back in his mountain home surrounded by those who love him. My decision to stay was not a difficult one. Over the course of the past four days we had much to learn about each other as I held fast by his bedside, keeping him company, reading him books and news articles and encouraging his steady progress.

  He explained to me that his six-month relationship with Juliana ended nearly two years ago. He truly cared for her and thought that it was leading to a serious relationship until she began exhibiting unstable behavior, asking him for things that were well off-limits, even in his book. She told him that her prior Doms had no problem giving her the brutal treatment that she asked for and that he should as well. He knew at that point he had to end it rather than risk furthering an unhealthy relationship. He did not consider himself the kind of Dom who could cause lasting injury to a partner, it’s not in his make-up. He broke it off and held onto the letters as protection in case anything awful happened to her. He didn’t want anything to come back to haunt him. He wanted proof that they broke up long ago.

  Judge takes a deep breath before saying, his tone serious, “Valla, you are the one true love I didn’t dare hope to find in this world. I promise to be everything you need and more in a husband. Would you please do me the honor of becoming my wife?”

  Tears spill from my eyes and I blink them away, striving to control my emotions. I thought that the champagne was to celebrate his homecoming, not to toast our engagement. Serenely, I answer the man I’ve come to love. “Oh, Judge,” I whisper, “you’re a dream come true. Of course, I would be honored to marry you.”

  A proud, full smile beams across his stubbled face and congratulatory clapping from both Tane and Alma fill the room.

  Eyes never leaving mine, he says, “Let me have your left hand, petal.”

  I hold it out to him as he reveals an exquisite marquis-shaped diamond resting in an ornate Edwardian setting and slips it onto my trembling finger. It is just a tad loose but nonetheless breathtaking in its impressive size and stunning clarity. Words fail me as I close my fingers around his.

  In a clear, proud voice he says, “This ring belonged to my grandmother. It was crafted for her in the Netherlands. I hope you like it.”

  “Oh, Judge, thank you,” I say. “Thank you, it’s mesmerizing. I love you so very much. It’s such a relief that you’re all right now. We were all so worried those first few days after the incident. I’m overjoyed that things have worked out the way they did.”

  He chuckles. “Yeah, that makes two of us, sweetheart, and that’s exactly why I’m not wasting another second of my life looking back. It’s forward sailing for you and I from now on, petal. We have a beautiful future to get on with, eh, my love?”

  A hearty, amused male laugh cuts through the room. Tane calls out, “I’m all on board with that, but let’s curb this sentimental bullshit and get to the toast ’cause I can’t wait to get pissed on this choice champagne!” He raises his glass, his hand dwarfing the delicate crystal as he says in his impossibly deep voice, “A toast! I’m overly stoked for you both, couldn’t imagine a more wicked-awesome couple!” He dips his chin and pins Judge with a mischievous gleam in his eye. “Come to think of it, mate, thinking you’re the one who now owes me, because this fine Yank is a choice piece. Hope you have lots of crazy kids I can teach to play rugby. Cheers, you two!”

  “Oh, Judge,” Alma calls out in her delicate voice, “I’m over the moon for you and Valla, son. What a wonderful thing. I’m still in awe over how you met. I must say, this is one for the history books, my love. Both of you, congratulations.” She brings two bubbling flutes over to us and we immediately toast and indulge in the crisp, fine champagne.

  Judge tugs on my fingers, bringing them up around his smooth neck. Cool eyes roam my face, causing my breath to hitch as he says quietly, “I do believe that I need a kiss from my soon-to-be missus.”

  I lean into him and once I’m close, his palm reaches around to cup my head, pulling me into him as his full mouth covers mine in a slow, seductive kiss.



  Five Months Later

  “C’mon, Valla. Come lie in the sun with me.”

  I turn away from the sparkling blue water and walk along the edge of the sailboat toward Judge. He shades his eyes with a large hand and watches me. I stop five feet away from him and drink in his unique beauty. His lush tan makes him look like a magnificent bronzed god. He’s shirtless, clad only in a pair of low-slung dark cargo shorts. One broad hand rests on his hip and the other is wrapped around the wheel of our boat.

  We’ve spent the past several days floating around the South Pacific, soaking in the sun and relaxing. The calm water and glowing sun
have been a wonderful break from the cool mountain air at the cabin. After Judge’s injury, we spent quite a bit of time there while he recovered. Even though we’ve moved into his home in the city, the cabin is still one of my favorite places and we visit often.

  Wordlessly he strides over and grabs me by the waist, pulling me against his warm, honed body while untying the top of my red string bikini. It falls to the teak floor.

  “Baby, hey!” With narrowed eyes, I feign annoyance, “Slick, real slick, you bad boy. Are you certain we have time for this? Lana and Guy will be at the mountain house to meet us in a few hours. Shouldn’t we be heading back? We have a lot to do before they arrive for the weekend.”

  Staring down into my wide eyes, he says in his low, vibrating voice, “Bad boy, eh? Actually, the way I recall it, petal, it was you who sang to me about being a very bad girl that first night. Isn’t that right?”

  His cool gaze dares me to challenge his statement. I swallow hard before nodding in agreement as a soft tremble works its way through my body. The all-too-familiar ache deep within my core is ramping up to manic levels and I know it can only be assuaged by his touch. I’m so eager that I can’t disguise it. He has such a potent effect on me.

  With one arm wrapped tightly about my waist, he twists us around so that his back is leaning against the polished rail. I’m pressed against the heated expanse of his chest, my palms flat against his skin.

  “You know how I feel about that sassy mouth of yours, woman.” He leans in close and nips at my neck. My body tenses in anticipation. This is a wicked little game of ours. Sometimes I intentionally provoke him because I crave his dominant touch. “Now, Valla, I expect you to take your punishment gracefully. Understood?”

  I nod shyly and try to look away. He catches my chin gently between his strong fingers and pulls my face back to meet his.

  I blink up into his handsome, shadowed face. “I understand, Sir.”

  A look of satisfaction flares in his eyes. “Good. Now grab a towel, spread it out on the deck, and get down on all fours for me.”

  I do as he asks. Inside of a minute I’m down on hands and knees with my legs spread wide, just how Judge likes it. I know what’s coming. I welcome it and relish the perfection of his punishments.

  I turn and watch, nearly transfixed as he lazily flips open the four buttons of his shorts. They fall to the floor of the deck, and I’m grateful he’s decided to go commando today.

  He kneels down behind me. My eyes slide shut as I wait, anticipating what is to come. The soft hairs on his arms caress mine as he braces himself, hovering over my back. His velvet voice sounds against my ear. “You’re my bad girl. I need to teach you a lesson, isn’t that right?”

  I can only manage a whisper. “Oh, Sir, yes. Yes, please.” Every nerve in my body is tingling. The waiting is torment.

  “Mmm. Now hold still, girl, and take what’s due.”

  I curl my fingers tightly into the soft turquoise beach towel as he leans away. His hand clamps onto my neck, locking me in place. It’s a gesture Judge reserves for my harshest spankings, I’ve come to learn. The hip strings on my red bikini are undone and the bottoms are quickly discarded. The build-up threatens to unnerve me. Without delay, he lays into my bare ass. The spanking is so forceful that I can’t help but cry out.

  “Ahh, oh!”

  Every inch of my behind is smacked over and over, without any break in the swift, punishing rhythm. My lips part and during each brief reprieve I suck in gulps of air. Finally, around swat twenty-five, he is done. The pulsing ache that burns within my saturated pussy is all that remains. A deeply satisfied grunt emanates from his honey-colored chest. “Now flip over and wrap your legs around me, Valla. Give me all your heat, little tigress.”

  My pulse spikes as my body responds. A fresh wave of arousal blooms, flowing in a hot torrent through my system. He’s always coming up with sexy little pet names, keeping our play fresh and unpredictable. I know better than to dawdle. The punishment is over. Now comes my reward.

  Hell yes, lucky me!

  Once I’m flat on my back, I latch onto his neck and twine my tanned legs around his sculpted waist. Judge has fully recovered from the awful incident with the mountain lion. Only the gruesome scar on his leg and several running across his knuckles remain as visual reminders of that frightening day.

  Holding me by the shoulders, he lowers himself down onto me. I pant in shallow breaths only inches away from his sculpted lips, letting him know how ready I am. With his right hand, he begins to tease me mercilessly by ever so slowly running his thick shaft against my throbbing, eager folds. I spread my legs wider and beg. “Please, Sir, oh please. I promise to be your good girl. I’ll behave, but I want you now, so badly. Please don’t make me wait.”

  His head slowly shakes back and forth, and I nearly groan in frustration as the heat of his thick cock recedes from the entrance to my core. “Demands from my sub? I think not, little petal.” His crystal eyes narrow in both arousal and disapproval.

  God, he’s so fucking hot.

  Even though I know it’s coming, I still gasp as he brutally pinches first one hardened nipple then the other, tweaking them between his strong thumb and index finger with relentless precision. I whimper beneath him.

  Finally the pain ceases. He lowers his dark head to lave his skilled tongue across each alert, rosy bud. I feel dizzy as he drives me wild for his touch. He knows exactly how to push me to my outermost limits. He leans back to study my throbbing breasts, a mischievous, calculated smile on his chiseled face.

  Smug man! Wait, who am I kidding? I love it all….

  A dark rumble weaves through his rich voice. “You know how much I love it when you’re a good girl and behave for me, Mrs. Judge.”

  Oh, do I ever ….

  “Now that I’ve set you straight, girl, I believe I’ll continue on with my plan.” His head tilts and a brow arches in question. “That is, unless you want to try and go for another punishment? It’s your call, Valla. ”

  He watches me closely as I stammer, “N-no, not at all, Sir. I’m eager to behave for you, really.” Let him know I’m sincere.

  With watchful eyes, he dips his chin in a nod. “Good. You’d better prepare, Valla, and it’s a damn good thing that we’re well alone out here because I have every intention of making that pretty voice of yours scream for me.”

  My eyes widen in surprise and before I can respond, he grabs my hips and hauls my blazing backside forward. Lifting my hips, he shoves into me with such measured force that there is nothing I can do but take the thick, filling heat. After only two brutal pumps, I’m overrun and begin to convulse around him, involuntarily screaming in mindless pleasure as I am engulfed by waves of euphoria.

  As the gripping pulses escalate, he continues thrusting into me, so steady and vigorous. His breath is hot against my ear as he purrs, “That’s right, Valla, scream nice and loud, baby. Give it all to me. God, how I love you.”

  * * *

  Erotic Romance Author Christine Edwards grew up in the Deep South on Hilton Head Island, SC. At an early age she developed a passion for the arts that led her to earn a bachelor’s degree in Art History from the College of Charleston in South Carolina. Christine has a special place in her heart for reading and writing erotic tales. She continues to publish stories that immerse readers in exotic and realistic geographic settings amid interesting subcultures of adult life.

  Within the vein of BDSM romance, her main focus is on loving, multi-faceted relationships involving intense alpha males and feisty heroines. She adores snow skiing, traveling the world, and spending time with her amazing family. Christine currently resides in the sleepy coastal town of Beaufort, SC.

  Please visit Christine Online:

  Facebook: Christine Edwards Author



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