Alexander: Memoirs (A Vampire In Love Book 1)

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Alexander: Memoirs (A Vampire In Love Book 1) Page 20

by May Freighter

  Alexander sauntered into the manor and searched for Tanya. He found her in one of the downstairs bedrooms. She whirled on the spot with a grin on her face. “This will be your office and next to it you’ll have your living room and—”

  He lifted his hand, silencing her midsentence. “I am pleased you are happy with the purchase. So, make sure you write down your proposal and have it in my hands by the end of the week. We can hire contractors to fix it up to your liking.”

  Tanya pouted and slapped her hands to her hips. “I am uncertain about the name. Do you have something in mind?”

  Alexander pondered her words. This place felt special. He wanted to settle down here for a century or more. But, nothing came to mind when he studied the bleached walls and the colourful furniture that was an eyesore.

  “Let’s remodel this place first and get rid of this furniture. We can decide on the name later,” he said.

  Tanya’s gaze travelled from the ocean-blue loveseat next to the white-framed windows to the double bed with pink covers. “I have to admit, this does not match you very well.”

  “I would like a more monochrome look, Tanya. I have grown tired of colours and their intensity.”

  She nodded. “Alright. Only monochrome stuff for your office and bedroom. But could I use colour everywhere else?”

  “Outside my space, you may do as you wish.”

  Aylesbury, outskirts of Dublin. June, 1965.

  With the renovations complete, Alexander relaxed behind his imported African Blackwood desk and outstretched his legs in the space underneath. He knotted his fingers behind his head and sighed. The lack of ideas for the club’s name was driving him mad. Tanya had planned a lot of events for vampire and human clientele alike. Getting famous people in should be a breeze with her by his side.

  Human customers could party their hearts out in the main hall while the vampires could either join them or visit the VIP room upstairs where they could play a dangerous game with silver bullets every Wednesday night for a lot of money. Why people liked playing life-threatening games, Alexander couldn’t understand. Younglings and newborn vampires were too impulsive. To get rich quick, they would risk their new lives. Money was money, and it was good business.

  Irate, he scratched his head, rested his arms on the busy desk, and pressed his forehead against the bills.

  A faint knock came from the doorway, and Alexander barked for them to enter without raising his head.

  The door glided open. A pair of heels clicked against the smooth black marble tiles of his office floor.

  “Alexander, have you not decided on the name?” Tanya asked.

  He grunted and raised his heavy head. “No, I have not.”

  “A simple name would suffice or a name we have used in England.”

  Alexander pushed away from his desk and got up. He walked to the window, seeing the vampires that had gathered for the night of entertainment which was due to happen in the VIP room. Then, it clicked.

  He turned on the spot and grinned. “How about we call it Russian Roulette?”

  “I don’t see a fault in the name but may I ask for your reasoning?”

  “I feel it matches the place perfectly. The humans will believe it is a catchy name and the vampire clientele will know that they are in the right place for a certain gamble.”

  Tanya tilted her head to one side. After a moment, she gave a curt nod and a faint smile played at her lips. “We can finally get a sign designed. I cannot wait!”

  “Off you go. Make the flashiest one you can think of.”

  Tanya ran up and hugged Alexander with enough strength to make his sides hurt. “This is why I love that you are my sire and not some self-absorbed ass,” she mumbled into his black shirt.

  Alexander could not help but return her embrace with one of his own. They stood there for a long minute until he separated from her and kissed her forehead. “I must be off to oversee the game.”

  “Of course,” she said, and they walked out of the office with lightness in their stride.

  Russian Roulette. September, 2014.

  “Tanya, have you seen my damned laptop?” Alexander shouted from his office. He lifted the posters and paperwork off his desk in search of the device.

  She strolled into the room, wearing hip-hugging jeans and a purple tank top, with her arms crossed over her chest. “Again? You must have left it on the sofa or something.”

  Alexander rushed to the double doors and opened them. His eyes scanned the dark room, and he cursed under his breath. “That thing always moves around.”

  Tanya snorted. “It cannot do that without help, Alexander. It seems that after two and a half centuries of being alive, you are already beginning to lose your marbles. Something to look forward to, I guess.”

  “Do not get smart on me,” Alexander called over his shoulder and strode back into the office with his laptop in hand.

  “You should tie that thing to your foot,” she added and scurried out of the office before he could throw anything at her.

  Grumbling, he sat in his office chair and placed his laptop atop a pile of new posters. He lifted the lid and logged into his e-mail account. His eyes widened when he read the title of the recently delivered message from Phil.


  It would seem Eliza has decided to bring Lucious in, claiming that he is guilty of conspiring against the Council. I don’t know how to respond to that. I have a meeting with him today, but I believe I will cancel it. I do not want trouble. I know he is your friend, so I thought it would be best to inform you of this.

  P. M. Burns

  Alexander dismissed the possibility that Lucious could be conspiring against the Council. It was not in his nature. He was a man of principle, and it was simply another game Eliza had to be playing. But, as he reread the e-mail a few more times, Alexander found himself reaching for his mobile phone with a shaking hand. Before he got it, the phone buzzed on his desk, making him jump in his seat. Since the caller ID was unknown, he was tempted to ignore the call. Nevertheless, he took in a steadying breath and lifted the device to his ear.

  “Alexander, it’s me.” Lucious’ nervous voice came through the speaker.


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  Russian Roulette

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  “Lover of cake, life, and writing.”

  May was born in the little Eastern country called Ukraine where winters are harsh and summers are too sunny. Having moved to Ireland at the age of twelve, she learned to appreciate the temperate climate and became addicted to tea, too.

  In her spare time, aside from writing, she likes to daydream of character murder (hopefully, it is the bad guys), plotting the next mystery, watching TV series, or simply diving into books.

  May is a fan of fantastical, horror, and a sucker for romance.

  You can find her on Facebook, Twitter, or her website for more information!


  To my loved ones.

  Thank you for always being there and supporting me in my darkest hours.


  A massive thank you to my editor, Jean Wallace, and proof-reader, Alyssa Breck. You guys are amazing for helping me put this story together.

  Also, a big thank you to my beta readers who have taken the time out of their lives to read the story: Lindsey and Dominica. Love you guys!



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