Wicked Games: The Extended Edition (Steele Security #1)

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Wicked Games: The Extended Edition (Steele Security #1) Page 29

by A. D. Justice

  He knew Brianna would eventually run straight back to Noah and straight back to the evidence. He didn’t know where the stupid bitch had hidden the documents, but he knew she didn’t have them on her. He had searched her townhouse plenty of times while she was out on her runs.

  She didn’t even know he was the one who convinced Richard’s buyers there was a “new weapon” in the making. His brilliant schemes even surprised him sometimes. That thought brought a real smile to his face. Richard and that Alexa Pope bitch were both dead, her old man was arrested, and every day he heard of someone else in the circle had been caught red handed.

  Maybe Richard cutting me out of the circle actually did me a favor, he mused, since now everyone’s money will be mine. And as Brianna had pointed out, no one even suspected he was part of it.

  In a few minutes, the only two people who could delay my departure from the country will be dead, he sneered. I’ll take the account numbers from Noah’s cold, lifeless hands and disappear.

  He had secured Brianna to a wooden post in the old farmhouse that had once belonged to his grandmother. It had long since been condemned, and she moved into a nursing home. He’d held on to the property in hopes that it would be worth something one day.

  He laughed at his own witty self again. Tonight, this condemned house will be worth hundreds of millions of dollars. It would be valued at more than any other house in the world. The house was made of wood–old, rotten wood. It would burn to the ground with a single spark. And there was no doubt that there would be sparks.

  All around the room, he had set trip wires that crossed over another. No matter which way Noah rushed in, he’d set off the small bombs Stevens had crafted. His time spent on the LAPD bomb squad really paid off in the end. He’d learned how to dismantle bombs, but in doing so, he also learned how to build them.

  The ones he set in the house were little more than Molotov cocktails and didn’t take any real genius to rig. The trip wire would ignite the flares that sat beneath the rag hanging from the gasoline bomb. It was a short rag, so it would be a short fuse to burn. Once one went off, the whole house would catch fire, automatically igniting the others. With a fire burning that hot, everything should burn away without a trace. He knew there was no way Noah would leave Brianna in there to die alone.

  Stevens left Brianna inside as he quietly moved around the side of the house. He crouched down in the darkness as he waited for Noah to arrive. He planned to kill Noah first, take the flash drive from him before dragging him inside the house. Once the flares went off in the house, they’d both burn beyond recognition. Then, he would simply drive away and never be seen again. Such a perfect plan.

  * * *

  Noah jerked the phone up when he saw Brianna’s name light up his screen. He hit the button, heard her conversation with Stevens, and knew exactly what she was doing. He put the call on mute and transferred it to the vehicle Bluetooth link so the team could listen through the speakers.

  “Brad, track her cell phone and find her!”

  Brad was already on it. He was sure what he was doing was illegal, but Shadow gave him the nod to continue. He hacked into the cell carrier’s website and identified the towers Brianna’s phone pinged off of. A few calculations later, he had triangulated her position within a few hundred yards.

  Noah listened as Brianna continued to talk and kept Stevens talking. That was a small consolation, just knowing she was still alive and didn’t sound hurt. But Noah had also heard Stevens’ comment and his tone of voice. Stevens wasn’t leaving any loose ends, and Brianna knew too much to just let her go. He planned to kill her as soon as he got the bank numbers.

  Noah sped to the location Brad indicated and saw the SUV turn into a long, gravel driveway. The house couldn’t be seen from the road so the team would be forced to go in blind. There was a row of trees on either side of the driveway and they ran parallel with the road. He pulled over and told the guys to work their way up to the house. He was told to show up alone, and he would, but they would be close behind him.

  The other men quickly disappeared into the night and Noah drove on alone. He carefully took the scenery in as his SUV crawled along the gravel drive. He looked for any signs of traps. He knew what to look for since he had both set and been in enough of them in his military career. Just like riding a bike, he thought. Some training never really leaves you.

  A single light shone through the window in the house at the end of the drive. He knew better than to think rescuing her would be that easy. He caught a glimpse of movement outside, on the other side of the house, and knew it wasn’t any of his men. They would approach from the opposite direction, and they couldn’t have beaten him here. Stevens was lying in wait for him, and he would be damn sure Stevens was disappointed.

  He stopped the car in the gravel driveway. He left it far enough away from the house that it wouldn’t be seen but would completely block the only exit. He turned the dome light of the SUV off and silently slipped out the door. He crouched down beside the wheel as he searched the perimeter of the house. His gun was drawn at his side as he ran toward the house. He stopped to look in Stevens’ empty car before crouching beside the front of the house.

  He raised his head slightly to look in the window, where the light was on and saw Brianna sitting in the floor. His eyes quickly scanned the room but it took a moment to comprehend. When his mind registered what he saw, his heart stopped in his chest.

  That fucking bastard is already dead. He just doesn’t know it yet.

  Noah knew his men were within radio range and as quietly as possible whispered, “He’s mine.” He moved silently along the front of the house toward the direction he saw Stevens going. As he turned the corner of the back of the house, he saw a dark figure crouched by a large bush in the backyard. His eyes scanned the area around Stevens, looking for anything out of the ordinary. He caught a movement in his peripheral vision. His men were setting up for an ambush.

  Noah stole up behind Stevens, as silent and deadly as the Grim Reaper himself, caught him in a headlock with his left arm and the barrel of his Glock against his right temple. “Make a move, asshole. I dare you.”

  Stevens went rigid and stilled his movements. Noah had hoped for more of a fight than this. He didn’t like to kill anyone in cold blood if he didn’t have to. But this one time he might make an exception for Stevens. He also might just enjoy it. Stevens’ hand shot back and a brief flint of moonlight reflected off his Bowie knife.

  Noah was too close to completely avoid the nine and a half inch knife. He jumped back and to the left, but the knife sliced Noah’s right side and left a gaping wound. Burning pain tore through him as his left arm dropped to hold his injured side and Stevens whirled around to face him. Charging, Stevens extended his arm and stabbed the knife toward Noah again. Noah’s powerful roundhouse kick knocked the knife out of Stevens’ hand. As he dove for it, Noah shot at him. The bullet hit him in the side of his chest and this time Stevens didn’t get up.

  Noah gave him a hard kick in the side, but Stevens didn’t move or even groan in pain. If he were still alive, he wouldn’t have been able to take that kick. Especially since Noah strategically placed it right at the bullet’s entry wound. Noah walked away from Stevens while still holding his wounded side. Noah moved quickly to get Brianna out of the house before it went up in flames.

  The other men watched the interaction between Reaper and Stevens, but no one interfered. They understood Reaper’s innate need to handle Stevens on his own. Reaper briefed the men on what he’d seen in the house, and even though he didn’t need to, he stressed to every man to be careful where they stepped inside the house. They carefully entered the dilapidated house and stepped over numerous trip wires. Blake and Roman worked on removing as much of the threat as possible while the others helped free Brianna from her bonds.

  Once she was outside the house, Brianna saw Noah’s blood soaked shirt. She looked up at him with fear in her eyes. Not for her own safety, but fear of lo
sing him. “Oh my God, Noah! You’re hurt!”

  He tried to relieve her fears when he gave his best smile and boasted, “It’s nothing. I’ve had worse.”

  She knew better than to believe the wound was nothing. One of the guys gave her his shirt. She folded it and held it firmly against Noah’s side, putting pressure on the wound to help stop the blood loss as much as possible. She wrapped her arm around his waist to help him walk to the vehicle.

  A noise from behind them startled her and when she glanced over her shoulder, she saw Stevens lunge at Noah with his large knife. With her free hand, she grabbed the gun from Noah’s holster. She quickly turned to face Stevens, squeezed the trigger, and watched as the bullet hit him right between the eyes.

  She felt Noah take the gun from her shaking hand as she stood staring at Stevens’ dead body. Bull walked up beside her, put his arm around her shoulders, and quipped. “Our little sister doesn’t miss when she aims her gun.”

  “My brothers trained me well.” She gave Bull a weak smile and leaned into him briefly. She stepped back into Noah’s embrace to assist him into the SUV. “It’s time to take you to the hospital, Noah.”


  Chapter Twenty-Six

  “I don’t know about that, Noah. I’m sure going to miss him being in the CIA,” Brianna teased in her southern drawl as she curled another strand of hair.

  Noah had just told her that Shadow was turning in his notice at the CIA and coming to work for Steele Security. He half-jokingly told her that Shadow saw more action in the time that Brianna was up to no good than in all his years with the company combined. The truth was Shadow knew he was going to be an uncle soon and he wanted to be with his family. Noah was thrilled to have him join his security firm.

  Brianna was preparing for their date night. She stood in the bathroom in her camisole and matching lacy panties. Noah walked to her, rubbed his hand across the little bump on her stomach, kissed her, and then knelt to give the baby a kiss. She loved when he did that, and it had quickly become a daily ritual.

  * * *

  She said she would be right down, Noah thought for the twentieth time. He called up the stairs from the foyer, where he’d been waiting for the last fifteen minutes. “Brianna! Don’t make me come up there and get you!”

  She appeared on the second floor landing, looked down at him, and quirked her eyebrow up. “Oh, and just what do you plan to do with me?”

  He flashed his wicked, half-grin at her. He knew how that smile made her blood boil in the best way possible.

  Finally dressed and ready to go, she walked down the stairs and he never took his eyes off her. Her baby bump had made most of her clothes a little too tight for comfort. She shopped for new clothes to wear on their date night. At Noah’s insistence, she had someone from Steele Security close on her heels at all times. There were still people who wouldn’t be happy with being implicated from the scandal she broke, and Noah refused to take another chance.

  She picked an elegant aqua blue dress to wear out. The straps made a V up from the center of her chest and looped around her neck. It was gathered and belted below her breasts to draw the eye to them. The flowing material hung down over her bump and stopped at her mid-thigh. She wore her long hair pulled up in an elegant ponytail, with small wisps of curls strategically that hung down around her face. Her white-gold bracelets adorned her arms and matching earrings twinkled when she walked. Her sling back silver heels matched her silver purse that hung over her shoulder.

  “Wow. Maybe we should just stay home after all.” He was only half serious, but if she agreed to it, he wouldn’t argue. His eyes moved slowly up and down her body, and she could feel him undress her as she walked down the staircase toward him.

  “Not a chance, Mr. Steele. You are taking me out tonight.” Brianna smiled as she approached him, put her hands on his chest, and lovingly stroked the hard muscles underneath. “You look very handsome yourself, Noah.”

  Noah had made reservations at the most romantic spot he could think of for her. He knew her love of the water, any kind of water, and he had arranged for a four-course dinner on a private yacht. A small band would be onboard to supply the romantic music. She took his arm as he led her out to the waiting limo.

  He watched her face as they drove toward the marina. Confused, she looked at him, but he just shrugged his shoulders. She knew she wouldn’t get any information out of him, so she snuggled up to him and enjoyed the ride. She really didn’t care where they went, as long as she was with him. Anywhere was better with him by her side.

  She looked even more puzzled when they boarded a small boat and sped out into the dark ocean, but she complied. His pride swelled when he realized she didn’t question him at all, she just completely trusted him. When they approached the yacht anchored just off shore, her eyes grew big. She looked at him so lovingly and with the biggest smile on her face.

  He smugly gave himself a mental pat on the back. Oh yeah, score one for Reaper!

  He helped her board the large vessel and the crewman led them up the stairs to the top deck. The table was set with white linens, China plates, and crystal champagne flutes. There was no alcohol for her, though, but she savored every bite as the staff brought out one delicious dish after another. The band played slow, romantic songs, and just before dessert, Noah stood and asked her to dance with him.

  On the dance floor, she wrapped her arms around his neck, as he wrapped his around her waist and pulled her close to him. He whispered in her ear, “You are so beautiful.” He kissed her neck and along her jaw until he reached her mouth. “I love you, Bri.”

  Looking up into his eyes, she said, “I love you so much, Noah. This is all such a wonderful surprise. Thank you.”

  He leaned down and kissed her tenderly, loving the feel of her fingers playing with the hair at the back of his neck. Noah thought about how right it felt to hold her again. He knew he was the luckiest man in the world to have a second chance at creating a life with her.

  The staff brought out their dessert plates and he led her back to the table. Under the lid, a small black velvet box sat propped open on her plate. It held a three-carat round-cut diamond solitaire, set in a white-gold band, with fourteen diamond side-stones that wrapped around the band. She gasped and her hand flew to her mouth.

  She looked up to find Noah down on one knee beside her. He picked up the box and held up the ring.

  “Brianna, I can’t spend one more day without you by my side. I’ve loved you from the moment I met you. Will you give me the greatest pleasure of going to sleep in my arms every night and waking up in them every morning, of having my children, and taking my name?”

  With tears streaming down her face and smiling from ear to ear, she jumped in his arms, and yelled. “Yes! Yes! Of course, yes!”

  Noah helped her back to her seat as she continued to stare at her engagement ring. “It’s gorgeous, Noah. I absolutely love it. You didn’t have to pick out the biggest one they had, but it’s too late to take it back since it’s mine now.”

  Noah laughed at her candor and humor. “I’ll never take that back, Brianna. That promise will last a lifetime.”

  “I completely melt when you whisper sweet nothings like that to me,” she replied. “You spoil me so much more than you should, but that’s not why I love you. Your devoted heart owns me. Your sensual touch commands me. You protect me, help me, calm me, and excite me all at once.”

  “I do aim to please,” he winked.

  “Your aim is dead on then, because you definitely please me.”

  “Well, I’ll make sure the neighborhood knows that when we get home.”

  “Share your dessert with me so we can get out of here faster.” Brianna stretched her arm across the table and helped herself to his plate.

  “I love when you take charge,” Noah chuckled. “Now I’m taking you home, where my heart can own you and my touch can command you. I need to try these new features out.”

  * * *

ianna and her sister, Missy, had a girl’s day out shopping. Missy was as excited about the wedding as Brianna was, and they finally had a chance to spend the day as sisters and enjoy each other’s company. Missy insisted Brianna try on every wedding dress she could find until they found the perfect one. Then the perfect veil. Followed by the perfect shoes. Next was the perfect jewelry. Add to that too many bridal magazines. By the time Brianna got home, she was exhausted.

  “Have fun with your sister today, baby?” Noah greeted her as she walked in.

  “Yeah, I really did. I’ve missed her. She’s so excited about the wedding.” Brianna’s face lit up when she saw Noah. He was barefoot, and his jeans hung low on his hips. He was shirtless and showed off his sculpted chest, arms, and abs. She’d never get tired of looking at him. He held his arms wide open and she walked straight into them.

  She had dropped all her bags, except one long garment bag. “Is that what I think it is, Brianna?” Noah asked, as he took the bag from her hand.

  “Yes, that’s my wedding dress,” she beamed, but then her smile fell.

  “Hey, what’s wrong, Bri?”

  She let out a small chuckle and said, “I look fat. In every dress I tried on, I looked fat. It’s a girl thing, I guess.”

  After he hung the garment bag on the coat rack, Noah knelt in front of her, lifted her shirt, and splayed his hands across her belly.

  “I think this is so sexy, Brianna. I love that my baby is growing inside you.”

  She ran her fingers through his hair as he was knelt in front of her. He looked up at her with intense desire in his eyes and she felt her knees go weak.

  As Noah rose to stand, his hands rose and he pulled her shirt up over her head and tossed it aside. He gently stroked her cheek before his fingers lightly brushed down both sides of her neck to her collarbones. His hands flowed over her skin and left goose bumps in his wake until he reached her bra. He quickly unhooked the front clasp and let out a guttural growl as her growing breasts sprang free. He rubbed his thumbs over her sensitive nipples before leaning in to take one in his mouth.


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