Devil's brood eoa-3

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Devil's brood eoa-3 Page 63

by Sharon Kay Penman

  He’d already bolted the door once Juvette departed. “I am beginning to believe my father puts Merlin to shame. If my suspicions are right, he could turn dross into gold. I think he has somehow convinced Richard to do homage to Hal.”

  Constance was astonished. “That is not possible…is it?”

  “You tell me. Richard was planning to leave Angers at first light, but he changed his mind of a sudden-after my father made a surprise visit to his private chamber. And they were later seen in the hall, conversing together with remarkable amiability given the outrageous demand he’d made of Richard.”

  Constance did not ask how he knew so much of Richard’s plans, for Geoffrey believed that knowledge was power and he paid well enough to attract reliable agents. “I fear you may be right. Richard must have come to terms with your father, for nothing else explains his behavior. It makes no sense, though. Why would Richard ever agree?”

  Geoffrey shrugged. “Witchcraft, threats, a staggeringly rich bribe-who knows? But if I’ve guessed rightly, the rebellion has breathed its last gasp. Which means our best chance of gaining Nantes or Richmond has given up the ghost, too.”

  Constance gnawed her lower lip, a habit she reverted to under stress. She and Geoffrey had agreed, after considerable deliberation, that their only hope of claiming the rest of her rightful inheritance depended upon Hal’s alliance with the rebels. If he won control of Aquitaine, he’d reward them with the promised Poitevin castles now and Richmond and Nantes once he became king; given the lavish way he’d been willing to compensate his allies during the last revolt, they had no worries that he’d renege upon the deal. And if he lost, it was still possible that they could win, for the unrest might give them the leverage they needed to pressure Henry into giving up Richmond at least.

  “And if the rebellion sputters out like a quenched candle,” Geoffrey said morosely, “we’ll actually lose more than Hal. Those routiers I hired did not come cheap, and if I have to cut them loose, they’re likely to do what masterless men usually do, and plunder the Breton countryside the way Richard’s dismissed routiers sacked Bordeaux a few years back.”

  Constance frowned at this reminder of their financial investment in the rebellion, for she was thrifty by nature. “Let’s assume the worst and you’re right about Richard. Why does that mean the rebellion is dead? Why not just delayed until a more opportune time?”

  “Because Hal is ruled by whim, and who knows what he’ll decide to do six months or a year from now. And because if Richard really does homage, he will earn himself unlimited credit with my father for the foreseeable future. Which means that Papa is likely to turn a blind eye to Richard’s border incursions.”

  As they were convinced that Richard was too predatory a neighbor for comfort, this was a prospect that they both found daunting. Constance chewed on her lower lip again, thinking that Richard’s next Clairvaux Castle could well be on Breton soil. “Well,” she said, “then we have to make sure that Richard does not do homage to Hal.” They’d dissected Hal’s failings with merciless honesty, but they’d not really discussed Richard’s weaknesses. “You know Richard better than I do, Geoffrey. Where is he most vulnerable to attack?”

  “At one time, I’d have said his temper, but he is showing signs of learning self-control. So I would say his hubris.”

  “I already know you had a fine education, so you need not flaunt it. What is hubris?”

  “Pride,” he said, “vainglory, arrogance, vanity, all terms that can fairly be applied to Brother Richard.”

  Constance nodded thoughtfully. “So we have a man who is prideful and hot-tempered. Surely you can find a way to turn those traits against him?”

  He was silent for some moments, and then he smiled. “Yes,” he said, “I think I do know a way.”

  Before a distinguished audience of bishops, barons, and highborn lords, Geoffrey did homage to his brother for Brittany, and then it was Richard’s turn. Making little attempt to hide his aversion, he came forward, fixed Hal with a baleful hawk’s stare, and knelt in the floor rushes. Before he could speak, Hal held up his hand for silence, and beckoned to his chaplain. The man hastened over, cradling a silver-gift reliquary as if it contained the Host itself. Hal accepted it with equal solemnity, although as his eyes met his co-conspirator’s, he winked. Geoffrey winced, thinking that if this was Hal’s idea of circumspection, God have mercy upon them all.

  Smiling down at his glowering brother, Hal seemed in no hurry for the ceremony to begin, and Henry frowned, for he was taking too much obvious pleasure in Richard’s submission. All eyes were upon his sons, and Henry could see the bafflement on many faces; from the moment he’d announced that Richard would do public homage to Hal, there’d been no other topic of conversation at Angers, for none could figure out how he’d gotten Richard to agree to this. Wanting to get it over as soon as possible, exasperated by behavior he saw as juvenile and petty, Henry shot his eldest son a warning look, making up his mind then and there to return Clairvaux Castle to Richard’s custody, and if Hal liked it not, what of it?

  Taking his cue at last, Hal again signaled unnecessarily for quiet. “An act of homage is not to be entered into lightly,” he said gravely. “Whilst I am gladdened that my brother, the Duke of Aquitaine, has offered to do so, I regret that I cannot accept his oath without some misgivings.”

  Richard stiffened, Henry took an involuntary step forward, and a low buzz swept the hall. Hal let the suspense build for a few moments longer, noticing that his brother’s eyes had fastened suspiciously upon the reliquary. Holding it up as if it were an actor’s prop, he said loudly, “As sorry as I am to say it, I cannot trust the lord duke’s sworn word without additional validation. Therefore, I would have him swear homage to me upon these blessed holy relics so that there will be no doubts as to his good faith.”

  Bedlam ensued, even more chaotic than Hal had hoped. Cat-quick, Richard was on his feet, his face flushed with incredulous fury, his lips peeled back in a snarl that went unheard in the confusion. Henry looked no less dumbfounded, staring at Hal in disbelief and, then, utter outrage. Quarrels were breaking out across the hall, as Richard’s followers began to exchange insults and threats with Hal’s household knights. Watching from the sidelines, Geoffrey kept his face carefully impassive, but inwardly, he was relishing the moment, a master puppeteer who’d succeeded even beyond his expectations.

  Richard had leaped onto the dais, was telling Hal in no uncertain terms exactly what he could do with those holy relics, and if his suggestion was anatomically impossible, it was nonetheless an eloquent declaration of his mood at the moment. By then Henry had reached them and, as Richard cursed his brother to Hell for all eternity, he grabbed Hal in a grip that would leave bruises. “Have you lost your bloody mind? Come with me-now!”

  Hal was not pleased to have his dignity disparaged like this, but Henry’s fingers had clamped onto his wrist like talons, and he decided against attempting to break free, not wanting to be seen physically brawling with his father in public. As Henry pulled Hal toward the stairwell, Richard turned on his heel and made a dramatic departure, slamming out of the hall as people scattered out of his way and his men made haste to follow.

  Constance moved to Geoffrey’s side with a low, throaty “well done” meant only for his ears. They were soon joined by several of the bishops, and when they entreated him to act as peacemaker between Henry and Hal, he graciously agreed to do what he could in the interest of family harmony.

  As he mounted the steps, Geoffrey could hear the yelling, only slightly muffled by the closed door. Entering without knocking, he found his father and brother glaring at each other, both shouting at once, neither listening. Geoffrey closed the door, and then leaned back against it to watch. Henry was as angry as he’d ever seen him, giving off as much heat as a flaming torch, berating Hal bitterly for his lunacy, his irresponsible, selfish blundering, saying all that he’d kept bottled up for years. Hal was more in control, but he was angry, too, defending him
self by casting as much blame as possible upon Richard.

  His chest heaving, his blood pounding in his ears, Henry at last exhausted even his hoard of invectives. Once his rage no longer burned so hotly, his suspicions began to flare up. “With that insulting demand, you alienated Richard to the point where he’s not likely to ever agree to do homage again. Is that what you had in mind, Hal-to cripple my efforts to make peace between you?”

  “Of course not!” Hal exclaimed indignantly, and Geoffrey decided it was time to intervene, not wanting to give their father a chance to dwell upon those suspicions.

  “Hal is not alone in his mistrust of Richard, Papa,” he said, moving to step between them. “I share it, too. I daresay you do not want to hear this, but we know Richard better than you do, and he has given us reason, time and time again, to doubt his good will, to suspect his good faith. Hal’s method may have been lacking in subtlety, but he was only trying to protect himself, hoping that a sacred oath might be more binding upon Richard than the one he intended to make.”

  Henry was inclined to give Geoffrey more credence at that moment than Hal. But their treacherous, ravening Richard did not resemble the man he’d bargained with last night. “Whatever your suspicions, Hal, you could not have handled it worse. I am not even sure I can repair the damage you’ve done this day.”

  When Hal would have argued further, Henry cut him short. “We’ve said enough,” he said curtly. “Better that we discuss this later, once our tempers have had time to cool.” And turning away, he left the chamber, left them alone together, hoping that Geoffrey might be able to convince Hal that compromise was an important aspect of statecraft. He’d spoken the truth when he’d confessed that he did not know if Richard could be placated, knew only that he dreaded trying. Could he truly blame Richard if he suspected collusion, if he’d concluded that he’d been led into an ambush?

  Retreating to his own chamber, he pondered the best way to heal this ugly breach between his sons. He could think of only one way to convince Richard of his good faith, and while it would not be easy for him to do, his son had spoken true yesterday. They had to trust each other. If he still held to his part of the bargain and ordered Eleanor’s release, that should convince Richard that he’d known nothing of Hal’s duplicity.

  Deciding that once again he must be the one to come to Richard, he rose tiredly from the bed, limping slightly for his bad leg was sensitive to wet weather. The bailey was muddy, but at least the rain had eased up. Catching sight of his steward, he called the man over; it might be best to avoid any surprises, to give Richard warning that he was on his way. When he instructed the man to carry this message to his son, though, the steward flushed in dismay.

  “I am sorry, my liege,” he mumbled, looking anywhere but at Henry’s face. “I thought sure someone would have told you…The lord duke is gone. He and his men rode out immediately after the…the altercation in the hall. He did not even take the time to pack, left his clothes behind in his chamber.”

  Hal escorted Marguerite to her mare, assisted her to mount. She was pale, but her eyes were dry. She’d shed her tears already in the privacy of their bedchamber as she’d argued against being sent to her brother’s court in Paris. She did not want to go. She could not counter Hal’s contention that it was too dangerous for her to remain as long as war might be looming. She’d had no answer for him when he’d reminded her how she’d been caught by Henry at Poitiers and held in honorable confinement for several months. She still did not want to go, for she did not trust Hal’s protestations of innocence. She suspected that he was still conspiring with the rebel lords against Richard, and she had a terrifying premonition that if they were parted now, she might never see him again.

  He’d laughed away her fears, assuring her that she had no cause for concern, that even if Richard forced a war, he’d be in no danger. Holding her hand in his, he pressed a kiss into her palm and promised that he’d soon join her in Paris. She mustered up a brave, farewell smile, trying very hard to believe him.

  Constance was no happier than Marguerite. She’d quarreled with Geoffrey for days, to no avail, for he was stubbornly set upon having her accompany Marguerite to Paris. She’d preferred to return to Rennes, but he insisted that she’d be safer in France in the event the war went badly for them. She’d finally stopped arguing, although she had no intention of humoring him. Once they were well away from Angers, she meant to inform her escort that there’d been a change of plans and they’d be heading back to Brittany.

  Standing in the castle bailey with Geoffrey, she found herself reluctant to mount her mare, reluctant to leave. She realized that her reluctance was illogical; she could not very well ride to war with him. Yet she continued to linger, delaying her departure with needless questions and last-minute admonitions. It was disconcerting to recognize the real reason for her disquiet-fear for his safety. She was not accustomed to worrying about someone else’s welfare, and did not like the sensation in the least. Nor did she want to sound foolish by urging him to take care. Instead she wrapped her arms around his neck and gave him a kiss that was not at all wifely, breathing in his ear a promise to celebrate his victory with a game of the novice nun and the lecherous monk.

  Geoffrey laughed, said with an incentive like that, how could he possibly lose, and helped her up into the saddle. Henry had come out to bid his daughters-in-law a safe journey, and he joined Geoffrey as the women’s escort mounted and they headed off. Hal went back indoors, but Geoffrey remained in the bailey to watch their departure.

  So did Henry. He looked drawn and tired, for he’d not been sleeping well. He’d sent an urgent message after Richard, but so far there’d been no reply. He knew, though, that Richard would have to come to Mirebeau for the peace conference with the rebels of Poitou and the Limousin, and he hoped, then, that he’d be able to give Richard the reassurances he clearly needed. How he would reconcile Richard and Hal, he did not yet know, but he told himself that he could only take one step at a time. For now, he had to concentrate upon making peace between Richard and his defiant barons, and with that in mind, he drew Geoffrey aside.

  “I want you to go to Limoges on my behalf. Do whatever it takes, but convince Viscount Aimar and the others that they must meet with me at Mirebeau. Assure them that I will hear their grievances and Richard and I will work out some sort of accord. Can you do that for me, Geoffrey?”

  His son looked startled, but then he smiled. “I can do that,” he said.


  January 1183

  Angers, Anjou

  Henry walked to the hearth and thrust a parchment into the fire, wrinkling his nose as an acrid smell of burning sheepskin filled the chamber. When he’d been unable to dictate the letter to his scribe, he’d dismissed the man and tried to write it himself, to no avail. The words just would not come. How could he tell Eleanor that the curse of Cain had afflicted their two eldest sons? He wanted to believe that he’d be able to patch up a peace between Hal and Richard, but for once his innate optimism and boundless self-confidence were guttering like candles in the wind. The survival of his empire had been predicated upon the premise of family solidarity. He’d envisioned Hal as ruling over a loose federation, ably supported by his brothers in Aquitaine and Brittany. He’d expected that they would be allies, never enemies.

  No, he could not burden Eleanor with such knowledge. At least he could take action, do what he could to mend the breach. She could only grieve and blame herself-just as he was blaming himself. As suspicious as he still was of her influence over their sons, he knew this was not her doing; she would never have deliberately tried to set Hal and Richard at odds. Better that she not know. He’d reluctantly sent Tilda an oblique warning, for she and Heinrich had settled in at Domfront Castle in Normandy, and they’d likely hear of the confrontation at Angers. With luck, though, the Channel might keep gossip and rumor from reaching Eleanor’s ears, at least until he’d been able to repair these fraying brotherly bonds.

bsp; He was watching the parchment burn when Willem and Geoff were escorted into the solar, and some of his edginess eased in their familiar presence. Thank God Almighty that there were still a few men whom he could trust. They were discussing his plans for the Mirebeau council when Hal joined them, and he entered enthusiastically into the conversation, criticizing the various Limousin barons as if these same men had not been his conspirators only a few months past. Henry watched his performance without comment, wondering how this stranger had gained possession of his son’s body. He refused to believe that Hal had always been this shallow and self-centered, could only assume that he’d somehow missed the warning signs that Hal was losing his way. He refused, too, to look too far into the future. A man who’d always been one for long-range planning, now he took one day at a time. Today he must reconcile his sons and then reconcile Richard and his barons. Tomorrow…tomorrow he would figure out how to keep Hal from heeding the seductive whispers of the serpent and taking another taste of the forbidden fruit.

  They were interrupted briefly when a servant entered and murmured a few words for Henry’s ear alone. His gaze fastening upon his son, he knew Hal would soon be seeking entertainment elsewhere, and he gave the man a low-voiced directive with that in mind. As he’d predicted, it was not long before Hal lost interest and found an excuse to depart, but it gave Henry no satisfaction that he was now able to read the younger man so accurately. He wished that, like Eleanor, he could have remained in blissful ignorance of his eldest son’s failings, both as a man and as a king.

  Once Hal had gone, Henry moved over to warm himself by the fire before telling Geoff and Willem that his best agent had arrived and was about to be ushered up to the solar. “I told Matthew to wait until my son went back to the great hall,” he said, and shook his head when they offered to leave. “No, there is no need to go. You’ve met him already, Willem, and it is time that you did, too, Geoff.”


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