Bait: Alpha Billionaire Romance Boxed Set

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Bait: Alpha Billionaire Romance Boxed Set Page 6

by Colleen Charles

  “I’ve got a nice bottle of Chianti and some of that Italian food from Frank you like so much.”

  My stomach growled at the thought of yummy garlic bread. “I’ve already eaten tonight.”

  “How about I bring over some dessert? Tiramisu?” Nolan asked.

  “I really am in my pajamas already,” I said, then immediately regretted it. I didn’t want him imagining me in my pajamas even though they were modest and up to my neck.

  “Even better. I’ll wear mine too.” Nolan paused for a second. “But just to warn you, I’ve never worn pajamas. So constricting.”

  I groaned as I ran a hand down my body, as if he were already in the apartment, naked and touching me. There he was in my mind. Nolan bringing me tiramisu in his birthday suit, spread out on my bed, hand feeding me. I faltered for a moment. “I’m afraid I’ll have to decline. See you on Monday.”

  Thirty minutes later, I’d finally fallen asleep, romance book on my chest, and hot cocoa barely touched, when the door buzzer went off. I glanced at the clock. It was close to midnight. Did Melissa forget her key? I padded to the door and pulled up the video monitor. I recognized Nolan’s driver standing at the door intercom system. The man had the good grace to look sheepish.

  “Yes?” I asked.

  “I’m here to pick you up, Miss de Monaco. Nolan Banks sent me.”

  What the hell? This man couldn’t take no for an answer?

  “Sorry, but Mr. Banks will be disappointed tonight.”

  “He said for me not to leave until you were in the car.” The driver looked into the video monitor. His eyes wide. Pleading. Either he was an Academy Award actor or his job really was on the line.

  I didn’t want to be responsible for getting the guy fired. Plus … Nolan’s actions were sweet and something I’d never experienced before. Without giving myself time to change my mind, I sighed and reached for the button. “Give me a minute to get dressed and I’ll be down.”

  Looking relieved, the driver went back to the town car parked on the curb and leaned against it to wait for me.

  I considered changing clothes for a moment and decided against it. Nope, Nolan was going to take me as I was. I wrapped my cushy white robe tightly around me and slipped my feet into my favorite moose slippers Melissa brought me back from an Alaskan trip. I padded down the stairs and got into the limo. These garlic sticks better be worth it.

  The driver let me into the apartment. Nolan lived on the top floor of one of his luxury buildings. The penthouse took up the entire floor. It literally took my breath away. The whole apartment must have been ten thousand square feet or more. Everything was decorated with modern furniture and accessories. It fit in with the Tribeca vibe. The window was floor to ceiling and looked out over a cool terrace and infinity pool. The Manhattan skyline loomed in the distance. I could just get used to this.

  “Charlie?” Nolan called from another part of the apartment.

  “No, it’s the Easter Bunny,” I shot back. “Were you expecting someone else?”

  I followed the sounds of laughter into the kitchen where I found Nolan setting out plates of food. He looked good wearing loose navy blue pajama pants, a V-neck white tee shirt that seemed to outline every muscle, and bare feet. Funny, I’d never pictured him in anything but a nice designer suit. Seeing the casual Nolan instead of dressed up Nolan gave me the warm and fuzzies for some reason.

  “I took the liberty of ordering takeout from Frank,” he said, dishing out the delicious food on glossy black plates.

  The designer kitchen looked like it had never been used. Gleaming black granite countertops, sterling silver appliances, and Italian marble floors without a crumb dropped anywhere. Probably had a housekeeper. The aroma of rich Italian food took over my senses. I watched as he uncorked a bottle of wine.

  “You seemed to like the food at Frank so I thought I would take a chance and order more.”

  “How?” I asked. “The restaurant probably closed at ten. It’s after midnight.”

  “I called in a favor.”

  Didn’t he realize I was his attorney? He didn’t need to impress me with this romantic bullshit. I was a practical girl from the wrong side of the tracks. My fantasies didn’t involve a knight on a white horse or a glass slipper. Now, fuzzy moose slipper, that was another fairytale.

  “How did you know I would come?”

  “You haven’t … yet.” He pulled out a plain brown paper bag, a smirk on his face as he pointed down to my slippers. “Besides, I had to see what you were really wearing. And, I know that you couldn’t resist these.” The garlic knotted cracksticks. They were my weakness.

  Okay, I thought. He was being really sweet. He handed me a plate and I followed him to the living room. His living room was the size of my apartment. We sat on the leather sofa and ate in companionable silence. I almost wondered if the great Nolan Banks was a little lonely. Sure, he was always surrounded by hangers on and gold diggers, but did he have any real friends or family to support him?

  Nolan had a robust appetite and I wondered how many hours he spent at the gym to eat carbs like he did and stay so ripped. I tried to come up with something witty to say, but I was too busy watching Nolan nibble on pasta. And I was a pragmatist. But he seemed content eating the spaghetti and just chilling out.

  Finally, I finished the last of my lasagna and asked him, “Now what?”

  Nolan contemplated for a moment. He walked over to a large cabinet that was situated under the enormous flat screen TV and pulled out some DVDs. “I suppose you like movies?”

  I nodded. “Mostly old comedies that have Chevy Chase or Steve Martin. My favorite’s The Jerk.”

  Nolan smiled wide like a kid on Christmas morning. “I happened to be a lover of all things Chevy Chase too.” He held up a DVD. “Three Amigos?”

  I pushed my plate away, wiping my mouth with a napkin. “Sounds good to me.”

  He started to put the DVD in the player.

  “Do you have a bathroom I can use?”

  “Of course.” He pointed down a hallway. “Second door on the left. Take your time. I’ll clean up.”

  The guest bathroom was as magnificent as the rest of the apartment. Clean, sterile, with modern touches. The toilet flushed automatically. There was a separate bidet, but I chose not to use it. I wasn’t sure if I wanted water shot up my crotch. It was already wet enough; had been ever since I’d met Nolan Banks. The faucet had sensors and came on as soon as I ran my hands under it. This was some fancy shit. There was also a comfy velvet chaise lounge in the corner. I wasn’t sure what that was for. In case someone strained on the toilet so hard they needed a nap?

  Walking into the living room, I found Nolan stretched out on the couch, waiting for me. He patted the seat next to him. Dangerous. Far too dangerous for me to sit that close to him.

  “No funny business,” I said as I sank down next to him and he wrapped a sinewy arm around my waist and fingered my terry robe.

  “I’ll behave,” Nolan said as he placed two fingers in the air beside my head. “Scout’s honor.”

  I had a hard time picturing Nolan ever being a boy scout. He pressed play and the fun began. Three Amigos was one of my favorites. We laughed our way through the whole movie. Nolan was repeating some of his favorite lines, which I found adorable. My dad and I watched movies together over and over because we couldn’t afford new ones. There were some we could both recite and had often done so to lighten the mood when the darkness started to envelop us both.

  “How many times have you seen this movie?” I asked, playfully hitting him with a throw pillow.

  “Apparently once too many.” He reached over and tickled me on the side in response.

  I froze for a moment at the feel of his hand on my body. It felt warm, his fingers were strong. He was so close. My head was a little fuzzy from all the wine we’d consumed. God, Nolan stop touching me. Stop touching me before I rip off my flannel barriers and beg you to fuck me.

  Touch me.

/>   “Raminsky introduced this movie to me. He was more of a father to me than my own dad. My parents were absent most of my life. Always traveling abroad and I was left home with the nannies and housekeeper. Raminsky was always there for me. I owe a lot to that man.”

  I started to understand why he pulled the little prank on me at the construction site. My heart broke for Nolan.

  He whispered the last words, and for a second, I thought he was going to lose it. “I want to repay him by doing something good with that lot he’s giving us.”

  All along, I’d thought Nolan was playing Raminsky and was just going forward with the Grant Project to get the luxury high-rise building.

  He continued, “Raminsky’s only wish is for me to be happy and be with someone who loves me for me.”

  I swallowed a large lump in my throat and said, “I wish you would have told me to begin with.”

  “I just …” He shrugged. “I didn’t know how to get you to go along with it. From the moment I met you, I saw your fire and passion for the charity project. I knew you were the right person for the job.”

  “Wait, you weren’t at my interview. Jasmine is the one who hired me.”

  “We tape all our interviews. I get the final say on who we hire. I saw your tape and told Jasmine to hire you. I liked you from the moment I saw you walk into the interview room. All poise and confidence.” His voice was soft, caring. His fingertips brushed against my cheek, turning it to face him. Those eyes. I could lose myself in them. I could fall.

  For once, I was at a loss for words. “I don’t know what to say.”

  “You don’t have to say anything.” His fingers threaded through my hair.

  Suddenly, I forgot how to breathe. The tender way he touched me. How he caressed my long hair, fanning it through his fingers like it was silk. Lifting it to his nose to inhale my cherry shampoo. Making me want more. Making me want him.

  Nolan leaned in, his lips just a fraction of an inch away from mine, his mouth open and inviting.

  “I’m … I can’t … I’m sorry.” I stammered. “I have to go.” I stood quickly. I couldn’t let this happen. Not with Nolan. This wasn’t supposed to happen. No matter how much I liked him, I couldn’t let it go further. “Thanks for dinner. And the movie. It was nice.” I rushed to the door. I heard the quickening of footsteps behind me.

  “Charlie, please wait.” He placed his hand on my shoulder and spun me around. “Why are you always running?” He pressed me against the door.

  And kissed me.

  And I let him.

  The softness of his lips caused a tingling sensation to run through me. I wanted more. My tongue teased his lips, savoring the taste of him. Nolan explored my mouth, gently at first, and as he pressed every hard plane of his body against mine, his kiss became more urgent. I wrapped my arms around his waist, pulling him closer, loving the feel of his hardness against my curves.

  I wanted to slide my palms under his cotton shirt so I could run my hands all over every indentation, appreciating the power underneath his clothes. I felt helpless against him as he gripped my hips with fierce possessiveness, as if he wanted only me. Only now. This moment. When he leaned against me, I felt his arousal, hard and straining.

  “Nolan.” It came out as a throaty groan as I broke away to lick the side of his neck where his pulse throbbed. He exhaled as I began to trail little nips from his neck to his collarbone. He tasted fantastic. The groans he emitted made my nipples harden. I could feel my panties dampen as my pussy clenched in anticipation. God. If only he’d slide his hands down and ease the unbearable ache with his fingers.

  His hands ran down my sides, coming back up and cupping my full breast through the layers of fabric, finding my erect nipple. It hardened further. So hard it became painful as he used his fingertips to trace the outline. Nolan unbuttoned the first few buttons of my plaid, flannel shirt and slid his hand inside. The feeling of his skin upon my skin was almost too much to bear. I whimpered as he pinched my nipple and rolled it between his fingers.

  “Oh God, you’re so beautiful, Charlie.” He stared like he was drunk. Drunk on the sight of my body. Of me. Reaching out, he lifted one nipple toward his mouth, pulling it in, sucking gently. “I can’t believe you’re a lawyer. Who would have known what was hiding underneath those layers of tailored tweed?”

  A pathetic moan was all I could manage as he lowered his head and sucked my other nipple, using his tongue and teeth to tease it. “Do you want more?” he whispered.

  I clung to his neck for dear life.

  “Say you want more,” he demanded huskily.

  “I want you,” I breathed, getting lost in the passion. Lost in his scent. Lost in the sensations taking hold of me.


  “I want you, Nolan. I can’t deny it anymore. I’ve wanted you from the moment I saw you in the meeting room that day.” An admission. Something I’d never been brave enough to do before at a moment like this.

  Desperately, I pushed myself against him, eager to feel his touch. I wanted him to take me. I wanted to feel all of him. I wanted him to sink deep inside me over and over. I wanted to belong to Nolan Banks.

  He surprised me by picking me up as if I weighed nothing and carried me back to the living room. He laid me gently on the couch. “I’m going to make you feel so good,” he growled as he opened the sash of my robe, pulled it from me and tossed it to the side. He finished unbuttoning my pajama shirt then peeled it off my shoulders and down my arms until I was naked from the waist up. He reared back and sucked in a breath. “Charlie. You’re exquisite.”

  I blushed and looked away, but he wouldn’t let me be shy. Nolan cupped my chin in his strong fingers and forced me to look at him. His other hand hooked into the elastic waistband of my pants and tugged. Once they’d joined the sleepwear party on the floor, he crawled that same hand up my inner thigh, but stopped at the juncture of my thighs. Avoiding the place I wanted him. Needed him.

  “Say it, Charlie,” he rasped. “Where do you want me to touch you?”

  “There,” I whispered, taking in the intensity of his gaze. Owning it.

  “Not good enough.” I could feel the warmth emanating from my engorged pussy and the longer he waited to put his fingers in my slick heat, the wetter I became. My silence caused him to remove his hand and bring it back up to my breast. I’d only had one boyfriend in college and he’d never made me feel like this. Like my skin had been turned inside out and all my nerve endings headed straight south to my throbbing clit.

  He pinched my nipple hard as I cried out over the punishment for my silence. I wasn’t used to dirty talk. Not that I couldn’t or didn’t want to, but I’d been as conservative in my love life as I’d been in every other area. But Nolan Banks wasn’t going to allow it. He would evoke every sensation, every emotion I possessed. He set my skin on fire as he traveled down with his mouth, his tongue dancing over my body, taking his sweet time. When he reached my thighs, he lingered there, kissing and licking me. Inching closer and closer. When he stopped, I allowed my eyelids to flutter open.

  “I’m waiting, Charlie.” I felt his warm breath.

  “Touch me, Nolan,” I moaned. “Touch my clit.”

  I bucked up, throwing my hips up to meet his fingers. I wanted to feel it. Every single sensation leading to the most spectacular release of my life. I needed to touch him so badly. I slid my hands through his hair as he continued to tease me. His fingers circled my clit and I thought I would melt right then. But instead of melting, an explosion. “Please, oh God, it feels so good—” I shuddered as the final wave subsided. I wanted to feel his mouth on me next, but I couldn’t say it. Yet.

  “Good girl.” Nolan’s warm breath answered. “Get ready, Charlie. I’m going to make you scream.” Before I could answer, his tongue flicked my clit, diving deep into my folds, licking me up and down like he couldn’t get enough. Could I possibly orgasm again so soon? My whole body quivered as ripples of desire ran through me. I felt as if I was on
fire. Like Nolan Banks had consumed my entire soul.

  As Nolan’s tongue begin to speed up, devouring me with intensity, I moaned. A long, slow sound on a heated breath. “Oh God, Nolan, I need you … please don’t stop.” It was happening. I was going to come again.

  I wanted to melt right into the leather couch. He’d turned me into jelly. I would do whatever he wanted. Nothing had ever felt this good. He sucked, licked, and lavished his tongue on me as if I were the most delicious thing he’d ever tasted. I pressed myself hard against him as he dipped it inside me. Widening me, Filling me. He had me moaning, whimpering, and pleading.

  I screamed as he gave my clit one more demanding lick. My climax began to build as he pulled it all the way in his mouth and sucked hard. Stars burst behind my eyes as I bucked up against him and came fast against his mouth.

  “You taste so sweet.” He crawled up and laid on top of me, levering his weight to balance on one strong arm. His hard cock strained against his thin cotton pants. I reached down and stroked him. He felt so good in my hands. Straining and powerful. And huge. Oh God, I wanted to fuck him so badly.

  “You want me,” he said. “You’re a naughty little girl. So surprising.”

  I nodded. I wanted him to go deep within me, plunging inside of me until I was coming so hard I couldn’t breathe. I wanted to dig my fingernails into his back as he climaxed, losing control because of me. I wanted to break him. Possess him until he wanted me. Only me.

  His hard eyes locked on mine as he reached down and peeled off his pants, freeing his massive erection. He lowered himself on me as I gripped his hips. In one smooth motion, he entered me. Spearing me. Ripping me apart physically and emotionally. I gasped as his cock filled me, realizing I would never be the same.

  “You feel so good.”

  His fingers dug into my hips as he continued to glide in and out, my pussy stretching to accommodate his girth. I spread my legs wider, wrapping them around his waist tighter. Wanting him deeper. Deeper inside my body but even deeper inside my heart.


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