A Shade of Innocence (The Illuminati Book 1)

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A Shade of Innocence (The Illuminati Book 1) Page 43

by Jane West

  In the next breath, we bound each other's bloody hands, extending our arms to the ceiling. Bane commence with the incantation in a language that I didn't recognize.

  Following immediately, without a chance to catch my breath, Bane was on top of me, thrusting inside me. The pain was so blinding that it felt as if my insides were jammed up to my throat. I screamed as tears streamed down my cheeks.

  Directly after, the pain ceased, but before I had a chance to catch my breath, we were thrown into a whirlwind. If I thought fading was a violent twister, this had to be the Mac Daddy. It was as if aliens had seized the world. Everything began spiraling, lightning shattered around us. Magick crackled in the air. A strong force shot between us.

  I swore, when my eyes cut back to Bane's face, his eyes glowed like marbles of fire. Some strange force of white energy viciously ripped through both of us down to my core. Without warning, an explosion licked through me, shattering around Bane, as he seemed to have the same reaction as his body quivered against mine.

  When the spell finished, the room ceased spinning. In a blink, the candles blew out, and even the fire suddenly died. The cottage stilled and Bane and I both collapsed. Our hearts pounded against each other as we both heaved for air, lying in each other's embrace.

  The Rose

  The endless night had finally grayed into dawn when my eyes opened. Slowly, fighting a throbbing headache, my memories began to seep back into my skull. Bane must've carried me to bed last night. I no longer felt the cold floor against my body. Instead, I lay in a soft cloud of feathers on the white linen bed.

  I stretched and yawned as a sudden soreness struck the lower region of my body. “Damn,” I muttered, drawing my legs to my chest and rolling over to face Bane.

  To my disappointment, his side was vacant and the only proof he'd been with me last night was the slight dent in his pillow and the rumpled sheets. The cottage was still, and he was nowhere in sight.

  Then I spotted a note with a long-stem, red rose on the nightstand.

  I scooted over to his side and snatched up the note and the rose. I sat up, legs drawn to my chest and I tipped the rose to my nose and inhaled the aroma of sweet pepper. “How sweet,” I whispered to myself.

  My eyes dropped to the white folded paper in my hand. I unfolded the letter as an unexpected wave of nervousness washed over me. The first thing that came to mind was a Dear-John letter. My eyes brushed over the words,

  Getting breakfast. Be back shortly.

  Forever yours!


  I didn't know why, but seeing the note laying there felt as if the rose's thorn had stabbed my heart. Why didn't he wake me up? I sighed, feeling like a possessive girlfriend. Then again, after everything I'd been through, it was understandable why my nerves were frayed.

  Last night was wild. The spin-tale crazy crap, a storm of fireworks that charged through us and leaving us panting in each other's arms.

  My eyes drank in the quaint room. It was fair in size, yet tiny as an ant in comparison to the castle. Over by the front door, which I hadn't a clue if the door was an actual entrance, I spotted a stark white love seat, a coffee table made of distressed wood and a vase sitting in the center filled with pink roses. Fresh, I assumed. On the other side, I spotted an overstuffed couch in the same theme color nestled in front of the fireplace.

  My brow arched when I noticed no traces of burning wood.

  By the bed another vase filled with deep purple hydrangeas was placed on my nightstand.

  Funny, I didn't see Bane in this little house at all. I wondered if he'd conjured up this quaint little spot. The cottage's décor appealed more to a woman's taste. Funny, I recalled him mentioning that no one knew about this place.

  I scooted off the bed and padded my way to the bathroom. I probably should shower before he returned.

  * * *

  I walked out of the bathroom after a nice long hot shower and instantly, my gaze gravitated to Bane on the sofa by the fireplace. I noticed he'd found new clothing, jeans, brown leathered boots and a sweatshirt. His cologne wafted in the air, his signature woodsy scent that I could never get enough of.

  I still had the same towel from last night wrapped around my body.

  Bane's head snapped up in my direction. His blues sparkled. “Good morning, Princess. I trust you had a restful sleep?” His perfect smile was the kind that you wanted to fall into.

  “Yes, thank you.” I made my way to the other side of the sofa and seated myself. I fiddled with my hair, still wet and dripping.

  I noticed that Bane seemed preoccupied with the newspaper. The silence grew and so did my uneasiness. “Umm,” I cleared my throat, “Where you've been,” I asked, nonchalantly.

  He poked his eyes barely over the rim of the paper. “I went to get our food and clothes. It's over there on the table, hot coffee too.” He nodded over at the bed. “Everything you will need is lying on the bed.” He tossed a curt smile and went back to his newspaper.

  “How considerate.” My voice bounced off more agitated than I intended.

  Bane arched a brow and dropped the paper on his lap, giving me his undivided attention. “Is there something on your mind, my love?”

  “I'm just feeling a little uneasy about where we go from here.”

  Bane drew out a long sigh, “Are you having second thoughts?” His blues were like a chisel chipping away at me.

  “No,” I paused, “But I would've liked waking up next to you this morning. You could've at least awakened me before you left.”

  He smiled. “I'm sorry. I didn't want to wake you, you were sleeping soundly.”

  “Oh.” Now I was acting like a possessive girlfriend. “I'm sorry too. I guess I'm a bit on edge.”

  “Its fine, Love.” There was a faint glint of humor in his eyes.

  I wanted to change the subject. “So we are safe from your uncle's clenches?” I couldn't let go of this nagging feeling that something was off.

  “Now that we are linked, Van can't touch you. I imagine he'll be fuming for a while, but he won't go against the councilmen now that they know about his defiance.”

  “So now that we have this bond between us, we can't ever be separated?”

  Bane paused for minute, eyes sharp as a tack. “Do you wish we part our ways?”

  “No!” I was startled that he'd asked such a question. “Do you think I would've agreed to last night if I wasn't in this for the long haul?”

  Bane's eyes softened. “I don't think the works of last night has completely hit you, my love.”

  “Then help me,” I insisted.

  “It will take time. Be patient.” Bane smiled, yet it didn't reach his eyes. He went back to reading his paper.

  My eyes shifted down to my lap, and then slid to the fireplace, trying to gather my thoughts. Then I fixed my gaze on Bane's face. “Well, I have questions.”

  The paper ruffled as he folded it and laid it on the other side of him, “For example?”

  “For example did you ever meet my father?” I held my fix on his face.

  “No, but I knew of his good deeds. He was a Samaritan.”

  “Really, like how?”

  “Jon believed in the good of the people. If a person needed his services and didn't have the money, he'd handle their case anyway. That was one of the good things about him. Unlike the Family, he didn't need money.”

  Tears began to surface, but I held them in check.

  “Did my father know that the Family had chosen you?”

  “Yes. Jon was informed.”

  “Did my dad know that you were a Druid and immortal?”

  “Yes, he knew.”

  “Why didn't my dad meet you?”

  “The Family would not permit it, some technicality in the contract.”

  “Did my father approve of you as my chosen mate?”

  “Quite frankly, I think that's why he agreed.”

  I sat back, baffled. “Then why did Dad change his mind?”

think that when Jon realized the great lengths that Sara had gone to betray him, it opened his eyes and he proceeded to stop her.”

  “Why does Van hate my father?”

  Bane drew in a sharp breath. “Hmm, who knows with my uncle? Your father was a well-liked man and those he stood firm against, hated him. Van and Jon had butted heads a few times. I think Jon saw Van's turpitude.”

  “Why was Van blackmailing you? What was he holding over your head to force you to partake in his rebellion?”

  All at once, Bane's expression tightened. “Love, in my world, our world, sometimes we are forced to make harsh decisions, decisions that those on the outside might not understand.” He smiled but it didn't reach his eyes. “Can we leave it as that and you trust me for a change?”

  I smiled back even though my heart ached for him. I could see in his expression it was a painful memory that he didn't care to rehash. I just needed to trust him that some secrets were best left alone. “Okay, I'll pass on that one.” I paused. “The blonde you were dancing with last night is your sister?” I still felt a little sting from that. Maybe it was because I felt more of an outsider and inadequate to be an equal partner.

  A sparkle danced in his eyes. “Ah, yes, Helen.”

  I felt my neck bristle, “Just Helen?”

  Bane sighed. “Helen Claire Du Pont.”

  “Her name suits her. She's very elegant.”

  “Yes, for a sister I suppose.” The warmth of his smile echoed in his voice.

  “I have more questions.” I'd rushed my words before he closed me off again with his nose back in the paper.

  He replied, “And?” He appeared open with my probing questions.

  “Who was that creature? I saw him step from the fire?”

  “The creature is a mythical dragon. He comes every year on Samhain to speak to us. We call it the Feast of Beast. On this night, the walls between different worlds are at its thinnest. Creatures such as Cruis can cross over into our dimension.”

  “He killed one of the men in robes. I saw it with my own eyes.” I shuttered reliving the vision.

  Bane's lips tightened as he folded his hands and laid them in his lap. “That is a prime example of your lack of understanding. Lives are expendable in my world. Death is often a learning tool.”

  “What's there to learn after death? It's permanent!” I crossed my arms.

  “What would you have me do? Strike the mythical creature that is immortal?”

  “I reckon not, but I want to know why the man in black attacked me.” This question I wasn't wavering on.

  Bane shifted, facing me. “Zak wanted revenge against Van for holding him prisoner. I found out later that he'd planned to attack you that night at the carnival, but I showed up in the nick of time. Crypts are creatures of darkness. They never do well in the company of humans. My uncle held him down from acting upon his true nature, and simply, Zak decided to take his revenge out by getting rid of you. He knew Van had banked on your essence.”

  Ice slinked down my spine. “Lucky me!” I frowned. “I have another question about your eyes? Last night when we were in the throes of the spell, your eyes blazed. What was that?”

  “It's part of Druid magick. The more powerful the spell, the more intense the fire becomes.”

  “Does it hurt?”

  “No, it's actually not fire. It comes from the energy of the earth. This planet flourishes with electricity.”

  “Oh, will my eyes fire up too?” That is one ability I'd like to have.

  “Possibly,” he replied as he shrugged. “Concerning your talents, we are still in the trail basis of how far advanced your abilities will become.”

  “Where does my magick come from?”

  “Yours is a derivative of angel magick.” Bane leaned over and tucked a strand of hair behind my ear. “It's different from earth magick.”

  “I keep hearing I have powers, but the only time I've seen any hint of such was the explosion.” I shrugged. “I'm still trying to understand that.”

  Bane sighed. “We can't be certain the full measure of your gifts. Right now, we can only speculate. I think as you become older, your abilities will manifest.”

  “I have the DNA of both my father and an angel. How is that even possible?” Just trying to figure that one out made my head spin.

  Bane clasped my hand and squeezed gently. “I know how difficult this is for you.” He hesitated, “How does mankind procreate?” He smiled. “Our scientists have advanced technology, alien technology that far surpasses anything humans can fathom.”

  “Is that why you became angry with me for going to the police, because I'm—different?”

  “I thought we covered this but yes,” He leaned closer to me. “If the hospital had discovered that you're not human, it would've started a catastrophic mess. The Department of Defense and the CDC would've jumped on you, and well, you can only imagine the rest.”

  I dropped my gaze to my hands in my lap. “It makes sense but how did my pictures disappear on my phone?”

  “Our world is cloaked. Humans cannot see our magick. We are hidden from their eyes.”

  “Then why couldn't I see the pictures?” I stared at Bane, not quite sure what to make of this.

  He shrugged. “I'm not sure. Perhaps since you are young and coming into your gifts, your abilities aren't reliable.”

  I shook my head, feeling the impact of a world full of the strange and the unexplained, “But Jen saw the closet too.”

  “My Love, I don't have all the answers. Perhaps, your friend Jen is a seer.”

  “What is a seer? Never mind, I don't want to know. I want to know if I'm immortal.”

  “At this point, we can only speculate, but we believe you are immortal.”

  “Now, I have a question?” There was eagerness in his eyes.

  “Ask away. I'm an open book.” I squeezed my waist.

  “Where's the key I gave you?” Bane gently tapped the tip of my nose.

  Oh hell, any question but that one. “Eh, don't get mad but I wasn't sure if either one of us would make it through the night alive. So, I made a rash decision to give the key to Jeffery.” I bit my lip harder than intended. “I wanted Jeffery and Dom safe.” I squelched. “Are you mad at me?”

  “I didn't give you the key to give it away. I actually wanted you to leave town.” He drew in a long breath. “I didn't expect you to be willing to agree to the spell, that's why I didn't mention it. I'd hoped to have appeased the councilmen to buy us more time to disarm Van.” He blew out a harsh breath, “Even if it meant killing the bastard.”

  “So, you think this is my fault?” I gawked in disbelief.

  “Not entirely. If you had just left—” Bane didn't finish his sentence.

  “I thought this was what you wanted?” I blew out, feeling the sting of shock.

  A shadow of disappointment crossed Bane's face. “You'll soon find out that there isn't a solution without consequences. We just need to make the best of an unpleasant situation.”

  I leaped from my seat. I was irked by his admission of regret. “If you didn't want me last night, you should've said something. I promise you, it wasn't a bed of roses for me either. It hurt like hell!” I stormed. The cynicism of his confession ripped my insides out.

  Bane made his way to me. I could feel his breath, brisk my shoulder, as my back remained turned to him. It was hard to stand my ground when I wanted him to love me back. “Will you look at me, please?” His fingers took my arm with gentle authority.

  Swallowing the sob that rose in my throat, I turned to face him.

  “I'm sorry.” His blues were tender as his whispered, “I didn't mean that I regretted being with you. I meant that I wished it had been more natural. There was no tenderness last night. It was harsh and savage. I'm sorry you had to experience your first time like that. I wanted your first time to be a cherished memory, more special.”

  I faced him, tears bordering in my eyes. “Where do we go from here?” I wasn't
sure I was ready to face a lightless future without Bane.

  He touched my trembling lips with his thumb. “I thought I'd round up Jeffery and Dom, get my key and we all go somewhere far from here, out of the clenches of my uncle and the Family.”

  “Then what?” I swatted his hand away. I wasn't giving in that easily.

  Amusement flickered in his eyes. “We get married.” His fingers brushed my collarbone, lingering.

  My eyes narrowed. “Stop that!” I pulled away.

  “Stop desiring you?” His voice was deep and sensual.

  There was a stir of longing, a yearning in my heart.

  “Is there something wrong wanting to make love to you?” Bane fingered the tip of my towel, tugging at it gently. The smile in his eyes contained a sensuous flame.

  “Will you be making love or just having sex?” I held my gaze, denying my body's response to his tender touch.

  A smile ruffled his mouth. “Perhaps, I should demonstrate.” A mischievous glint in his blues apparently had a double meaning, and I was powerless to resist.

  Suddenly, I was lifted into the cradle of his arms, and in the next blink, he eased me down on the soft bed. Bane stripped his clothes off and dropped them to the floor where my towel somehow ended up too. He climbed into bed next to me. Gently he gathered me into his arms as he whispered in my hair. “You are even more beautiful in the light.” Moving downward, his lips kissed the pulsing hollow at the base of my throat.

  A delightful shiver ran through me. This was different from last night. Gentler, more arousing, more loving. Bane moved back to my face as he feather-touched my lips with a tantalizing persuasion that sent waves through my whole body. I wanted him, and I needed him even more.

  Then things got heated. Bane took my mouth with intensity, and I returned his kisses with fervor, succumbing to the forceful domination of his lips. “You belong to me,” he whispered, between kisses.

  His hand moved under the cover to skim my hips and thighs as his fingers searched for pleasure points. Soon he slipped his hand between my thighs and my body arched from his skillful touch. “Holy, Toledo! What are you doing to me,” I murmured, my breath panting.


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