Gods and Frogs, Oh My!

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Gods and Frogs, Oh My! Page 16

by Crymsyn Hart

  The god got up. His robes were torn. His hair was disheveled and there were smudges of dirt on his face. He seemed gaunt and his portly frame had diminished. His toga hung around him. Even his expression was haunted. Something devastating had happened to the man. He should have been all high and mighty, but whatever had happened to him had certainly put in him his place. Kalliope suspected that had been a strong blow of reality for the guy. Serves him right. I’m sure he’s screwed over enough women to make them want to put him in his place. Kalliope shook the thought from her head. She tried not to be judgmental, but she still had a hard spot in her heart for cheating men since Quince.

  “The girls? Oh yes! Zeus forgot about them. It’s been so long since Zeus has seen their luscious lips and their succulent breasts. With eyes…”

  “Yo! Zeusy boy. Back on track here. Why. Are. You. Here?”

  The god got up and tried to be dignified. He wiped some of the dirt off his toga. His voice still quivered when he spoke. “Zeus was tricked.”

  Kalliope groaned. The god was still a chauvinistic ass even if he was deceived. “When does Almighty Zeus get misled into leaving Mount Olympus unless you’re chasing some nymph tale? You rule the other gods with an iron fist and can rain down lightning bolts to smite the one who duped you. At least that is what I’ve heard. I guess mythology is all wrong. I’ve found that out lately.”

  The god broke into tears. “The mortal witch is correct. Zeus is pathetic. Zeus is a fraud. Hera promised Zeus a night like Zeus hadn’t seen in a long time. But that hussy trapped Zeus and clamped this on Zeus.” He stuck out his sandaled foot. Around his left ankle Kalliope saw a gold band. “Hephaestus is the only one who has the key to take this off. Zeus hates the Underworld. All the ghosts have been playing horrible pranks on Zeus, so I’ve been hiding. Zeus thinks Hades has been taking advantage while Zeus is off the throne.”

  Kalliope shook her head. The cuff made the god powerless and must have cut at his ego because he went from being all powerful and then cut down to nothing more than a mere mortal all because of the woman that he loved. At least the stories said that he loved Hera. He couldn’t stand her bickering so he would fool around. Basically his brain was in his penis, like all men. Gods were turning out to be the same as humans. Of course she didn’t classify Lugh in that category. She’d had enough of this. She wanted all of this to be over. She had to find Flidais and get the hell out of the Underworld and free Lugh. She wanted her normal life back. She didn’t care how many mythical creatures came knocking on her door for advice.

  “Would you like to get your throne back and get out of here?”

  He stood up straighter when she asked him that. “Zeus will kill all those that have kept Zeus from it. Zeus will even punish Zeus’s beloved wife for her treachery against Zeus and siding with her good for nothing son.”

  “Great. Well, if you help me out, I’ll get that bracelet off you. Deal?”

  “Zeus will do whatever the beautiful mortal witch wants. Lead the way gorgeous one.”

  Chapter Eighteen

  “Do you see any pomegranate seeds?” she asked the god. Excalibur was glowing brighter while she kept descending. They had been walking for what seemed liked hours deeper into the Underworld. The ghosts had been aware of her presence. Every once and a while, they got up the courage to float close to her, but they never go too close. Kalliope figured it was because they sensed the power of Excalibur.

  “Why would Zeus even think of eating those nasty fruits? Zeus only dines on the best wine and fare. Pomegranates are things of this foul place.”

  “Will you just look!”

  They walked a little while longer until Kalliope was fed up. Had Charon led her on a wild goose chase? Before she knew it, she was going to end up in the Chinese Underworld if she wasn’t careful. Her feet were sore and so was her arm from carrying the sword. Without it she wouldn’t have that much light. She wanted to save her strength for her magick in case she needed it to get Lugh.

  “Gorgeous human, Kalliope. Is this what you are looking for?” Zeus announced.

  She turned and saw that he held a seed the size of a penny in his hand. Her lips spread into a smile and without thinking she rushed into his arms and gave him a wet kiss on the cheek. The god was amazed and returned the gesture. His hand slid under her leather skirt and grabbed her butt hard. His tongue slipped into her mouth and met hers. Once she realized what he was doing, she pulled away and squirmed out of his grasp. She wiped her mouth with the back of her hand, trying to get the old fish taste out of her throat. She was about to say something to the god, but he smiled.

  “You said nothing about not returning Zeus’s affections. Come here Zeus’s little snuggle bunny. Once you’ve had Zeus you never go back.” He leaned in closer for another stolen kiss, but Kalliope raised her sword and brought it between the two of them. The god backed off then.

  “I am no one’s snuggle bunny. Well maybe one someone, but he’s being held prisoner at the moment so I really don’t have time for your clowning around.” Kalliope brought Excalibur down and struck the metal band around his ankle. When the cuff fell away, he drew himself up. The power surge that she felt was incredible. A bright light flared around him that blinded her. It dimmed and Kalliope could look at him again. When she did, he was back to his glorious self. His robes were pristine white. His black hair slicked back with oil and his olive skin was immaculate down to his cuticles. He waited a moment and then bowed, something she figured that he would never catch himself doing around any other gods because he would be lowering himself to her standards.

  “Zeus humbly thanks the gorgeous mortal witch for freeing Zeus and returning the Furies to their rightful place. Zeus regrets the misfortune that has been caused by this upset. That will never happen again. Zeus assures you. Zeus will make Hephaestus pay for what he has done to you. Name your reward and it will be done.”

  “Leave Hephaestus to me. No one hurts those I love. I’ll get back to you on the rest of what you owe me. I’m not through yet. Not by a long shot. For now, can you zap me to Flidais, please? I’m getting tired of following bread crumbs.”

  “As the ravenous witch commands.” Zeus snapped his fingers. Her stomach lurched forward and then back down again. Her feet settled on the ground and her vision cleared. Once it did, she saw Flidais slumped over with her back against a large stalagmite. When Kalliope looked around, she was in a room no bigger than her kitchen with the stalagmite that took up most of the room. Chains were wrapped around the goddess to keep her unconscious. Kalliope wondered if the magick from the chains had knocked her out because the goddess was still not a complete goddess yet. By her last count Flidais still had two more Oak Apples to eat before she could rejoin the other Celtic Gods. She tried shaking the goddess, but nothing happened.

  Excalibur flared to life and vibrated in her hand. She glanced at the sword. The chains were pretty thick. “You think you can cut through those?” she asked the sword.

  It ignited bright red. A flame surrounded the blade. The hilt grew slightly warm, but it was not enough to burn her. “Okay. I’ll take that for a yes.” This thing has gotta have some kind of magickal artificial intelligence. There was no way it was only made just of metal.

  Without another thought, she brought the sword tip down to the chains. She half expected the blade to break into pieces or knick, or something, but the red glow hit the chains first. Where the sword touched the metal, the links in the chains grew bright orange. Once it was done, the glow was gone. Kalliope sheathed it. This time the sword didn’t go invisible, but stayed right by her side. Her next course of action was to go get Hephaestus and kick his ass.

  She removed the chains from the goddess. Even when she touched them, she felt slightly weaker. The goddess was breathing easy, but there was no change. Kalliope knelt down. Pebbles dug into her skin, but getting bruised and battered was par for the course when it came to saving the world. But now was not the time to think about herself. Her mind wandere
d to Theresa. She hoped her friend would forgive her for not getting her to a hospital. She hoped that the twins were okay. But she would have to understand that she was doing it for the greater good and had to save the world. Besides, the Furies were back in the Underworld. Now she just had to free the CEOs of the fast food restaurants and things could go back to normal. If there was such a thing.

  Kalliope checked the goddess. On a whim, she leaned over and kissed her on the cheek hoping that maybe a kiss would wake her out of the slumber. There was no change. She closed her eyes and tried to quiet her mind. There was so much going on. Her thoughts were racing around her brain to see which would come out first. It wasn’t helping. She needed calm. Finally, she relaxed enough that her mind was a blank canvas. Then she thought of Dagda, the cart wheeling, coffee addicted hotty, who had pawned her off to Zeus in the first place. She held the image in her head of the god. It changed. She saw him sitting on his throne playing chess with a very fat, but familiar looking beaver. Kalliope got a glimpse of the board. The beaver was winning.

  At that moment, the god sensed someone or thing was around him. Kalliope concentrated harder. Things went dark for a moment and then it was light again. She stood at the chess board.

  “Hi, Kalli!” Dagda said. “Have you saved the world yet?”

  Kalliope wanted to punch him. He knew perfectly well that she hadn’t saved the world yet. She waved her hand. All the pieces went flying from the chessboard. The beaver glanced in her direction and shook its fist at her.

  “Sorry.” The oversized rodent got off its log and began picking up the pieces. He passed right though her. She was getting the hang of astral projection.

  “No worries. Martin was letting me loose. If you haven’t saved the world, then why are you here? I have other important things to do.” Dagda stroked his beard which was greener and fuller than the last time she had seen him. He then moved his hand through her stomach. It felt like she was being tickled. She tried to push him away.

  “Stop that!”

  “But it’s fun. You have to finish saving the world so we can have some more fun together. It’s been so boring without you and Flidais around. Have you seen her by the way? She was supposed to meet me here eons ago.”

  “That’s why I’m here. She’s been captured. I can’t wake her up. I need your help.”

  Dagda waved his hand over the chess table and it disappeared. The beaver threw up his paws scattering the chess pieces even more. They vanished along with him before they hit the floor. The god got up. There was panic in his expression. “What do you mean she was kidnapped? I would have known if she was taken prisoner. Has she been hurt? Where is she?” He grabbed her arm. This time his fingers didn’t pass through her flesh. They gripped her flesh hard near where Hephaestus had burned it. He noticed the hand shaped burn mark. His face softened. He released his hold on her and traced her cheek. “I never meant for you to be put in harm’s way. I apologize for what I have caused you. But how do you know that I can be of any help to Flidais?”

  “Because love is the strongest magick in the world.” Her love for Lugh would never fade away nor his love for her. They were meant to be together. She didn’t understand why the revelation came to her. But peering into the face of a man who was desperate and so concerned to find the one that he loved made Kalliope see that Constance was right. Love was the strongest magick in the world, no matter what realm they were in. She didn’t need a spell to find Lugh or to call him. She had been in love with him the first moment she had laid eyes on him months ago when she first saw him naked, in the woods, in the pouring rain. He loved her no matter what. And she loved him. It wasn’t the point that he had given her part of his heart. He had only done that to show her how he felt. Now every fiber of her being hoped that he would be okay when she got to him. Months ago, he had saved her from a crazy death god. Now it was her time to save him from a crazy fire god.

  “How did you know to come to me?” Dagda asked.

  “Because you love her with all your heart even though you don’t want to admit it because it would make you look vulnerable to the other gods. To ones who might want to use her against you and take your throne. You keep them all at bay. Some would consider you weak because you are in love with a goddess that bore half-human children. Don’t close your heart against her. If you want her back then give her the two apples she needs to be fully restored. She pines for you and you pine for her. Will you come please and wake her? I have my own love to save.” Kalliope touched the god’s face and smiled. With a thought she wanted to be back in her body and she was.

  Everything about her was cold. She opened her eyes and felt another presence next to her. When she looked up, it was Dagda. He knelt down next to Flidais and took her in his arms. Her head fell back against his shoulder. He stroked Flidais’s cheek gently. There wasn’t a mark on her except she was unresponsive.

  “What did they do to you?” Dagda asked. “You feel so human. Why did I ever exile you?” He looked at Kalliope and noticed how she was dressed for the first time. “You’re a warrior princess now, hmm? I think it suits you, but I don’t think you’re Xena material.”

  “Let me guess. You’ve met her?” Kalliope asked.

  The god gave her a knowing smile. “Do you really want to know?”

  “No. Please wake her up.”

  “You care for her too?”

  “Does that surprise you?”

  Dagda smoothed some hair away from Flidais’s peaceful face. “I thought you might have felt obligated to her for everything she had done for you and your parents. Did she tell you she chose to be human?”

  It had never occurred to her. She assumed Dagda had put the punishment on Flidais to become mortal because she had given her the apples. “No, she didn’t. Why would she want to give up her life and become human?”

  “It wasn’t because I punished her. I wanted someone to keep an eye on you to see if you could control the magickal gift. I had to be sure. She chose to be your guardian. By staying with you and seeing how you lived she knew that you could handle it. Flidais told me you would do great things with you powers, Kalliope. And you have. Look at where you are today. Even as we speak a new generation is being born that has been blessed with the magick of this world. All because you made it happen.” Dagda kissed Flidais’s lips. The color came back to her cheeks. Her eyes fluttered open. Kalliope smiled at the display of raw emotion that she saw on the two lovers faces. It just showed they were closer to humanity than they gave themselves credit for.

  “Well. I’m going to save the world now. Have fun you two.”

  “Kalliope, wait.” Flidais called after her.

  She turned back around to find the goddess on her feet. “Yes.”

  “I’m coming with you.”

  “No, you’re not.” Both women were surprised to see that Dagda was protesting.

  “Yes, I am. She needs my help.”

  “She is more capable than you realize.”

  “Dagda,” Flidais said. “I know how you feel. But I have to help her.” She leaned in and kissed him tenderly. Kalliope averted her eyes. “I promise. I’ll be okay.”

  The god sighed and looked at her. “If she gets hurt, I’m coming to look for you and even Excalibur won’t be able to protect you. Go on and save the world. I don’t know why you haven’t done it already.” With a bow, the god disappeared.

  Flidais chuckled and turned to Kalliope. “Well, let’s go get that hunk of yours so I can get back to mine. Did you know Hephaestus wanted me to be his queen? God, he hasn’t changed since the old days!”

  “You knew Hephaestus in the old days?” Kalliope asked when the arrived at the entrance of the room.

  “Oh yeah. We used to date before Dagda decided to take over my throne and all. Heph could never get over the fact I just didn’t see anything in him. He was always going on about every other god hated him because his mother threw him off Mount Olympus and since that moment he was ugly. You know how sick of whining
I get?”

  “So, he kidnapped you so you would be his queen after he got Excalibur and killed All Hail? Sounds like a great guy.”

  Flidais shrugged. “I was young. I was rebellious. My father hated that I ran with the Olympians, especially Hephaestus. He was such a bad boy and those muscles. I never cared what he looked like, but he never believed me and thought I started seeing Dagda because of his looks. He thought I should have never given my throne away without a fight. I never thought he would do this. But living with Aphrodite could do that to a god after a few millennia.” The goddess gave Kalliope a hug. “Let’s go get Lugh and set those poor people free.”

  Kalliope nodded. She liked the sound of that.

  Chapter Nineteen

  Kalliope cleared her mind. It was easier than before because she just wanted to be in Lugh’s arms and make the nightmare go away. She wanted his kisses trailing along her neck, his fingers rubbing the stress out of her muscles. She wanted all of him inside her with his power flaring over hers so she could see the ends of the universe in her mind. Once she thought of him, there was a tugging deep inside her. In her mind’s eye, she saw the same hall where he was being kept. He must have sensed her presence because he looked up.


  She took a deep breath and followed the link that vibrated between them. Power moved over her. She gasped at the warmth and emotion that she got from him. His heart was open to her. All she had to do was look into it. She had been so worried about what he would think from those stolen and accidental kisses with Apollo, Zeus, and David. There was no resentment in him. Kalliope sensed he knew she did what she had to do in order to get back to him and to save the world. All he wanted was to get out of the chains so he could hold her.


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