No Place to Vanish

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No Place to Vanish Page 3

by Jaden Skye

  “I knew we needed help with this, and I told Sean that,” Pietra continued. “I said if you’re not going to call the police right away and tell them, at least call Raine’s best friend from college down. She’s smart. She’ll help us.”

  Olivia felt out of her depth. “But you need a real detective,” she said. “There’s protocol when people go missing.”

  “I don’t believe in protocols and you’re better than most real detectives.” Pietra leaned closer to her. “And you know Raine. You’ll care more about her. It matters to you to bring her home.”

  That was true for certain; Olivia did care. Having seen Sean and now being with Pietra, Olivia felt close to Raine once again. There was no choice but to dive in fully.

  “Okay, tell me what you think is going on,” Olivia asked Pietra. “Fill me in on everything.”

  “Sweetheart, by now I am convinced something is definitely wrong.” Pietra’s voice got lower as she leaned closer. “Raine is definitely missing. It’s obvious, isn’t it?”

  “Obvious to who? All her friends?” asked Olivia.

  “I think so,” said Pietra. “Why wouldn’t she be back by now? Raine’s a smart girl. She knows her way around. She even goes down to Key West often. There’s a gallery there that sells her photos. They’re beautiful, you know.”

  “That’s what I heard,” said Olivia. “So she’s familiar with the place, comfortable there?”

  “Absolutely,” said Pietra. “Something had to have happened.” Pietra started wringing her hands.

  “Like what?” Olivia suddenly felt chilled. “Was Raine depressed or upset? Could she have decided to run away from it all?”

  “That’s ridiculous.” Pietra flushed. “Of course we all get upset here and there, but what would she be running away from? You saw her house! You saw her husband. Did you meet Clea yet?”

  “Not yet,” said Olivia.

  “Raine has it all.” Pietra’s voice grew husky. “And she realizes it. Her husband dotes on her, so does everyone. He’s the kind of husband everyone dreams of. There’s nothing she has to run away from.”

  Pietra jumped up, ran to a nearby counter, and poured herself a cup of tea.

  Olivia got up and ran over to her. “Tell me about the bachelorette party,” she asked quickly. “What happened at it?”

  “Just the usual.” Pietra shrugged her shoulders. “We were all dancing and drinking and had a little fun.”

  “Dancing with who?” asked Olivia.

  “Whoever was there. We were in the Sancho Hotel. It’s well known, fun, crowded, everyone joins in. They have lots of bachelorette parties.” Pietra drank all her tea in one gulp.

  “Everyone at the party had a good time?” asked Olivia.

  “Of course they did, why wouldn’t they?” Pietra replied. “We’re all so happy for Sloane. After plenty of rough times with miserable guys, she’s finally getting married.”

  “Tell me about Sloane,” Olivia quickly jumped in. She realized that she had to know everything about everyone who attended, fast.

  “There’s nothing to tell. She’s our age, beautiful, works here in town,” Pietra started. “Sloane had plenty of guys that weren’t good for her and then she finally met Lance. They went out for a long time and he wanted her badly. Finally, he convinced her to walk down the aisle. What’s the big deal? We made her a bachelorette party to celebrate.”

  “I need details, Pietra.” Olivia zeroed in. “Who was at the party? What happened?”

  “It was fine, believe me, I’ve been to tons of these things. Nothing out of the ordinary,” Pietra repeated, pouring herself another cup of tea.

  “Are Raine and Sloane close?” Olivia felt as if she were cornering Pietra now.

  “Of course they are, very close,” said Pietra. “In fact, Sean and Raine contribute to the charity Sloane works at. We are all good people, every one of us, and, more important, good friends.”

  “I know you are.” Olivia put her hand on Pietra’s arm to calm her. “But something has gone wrong. I have to ask you all these questions.”

  Pietra took a long breath. “I know you do, honey, but you can’t begin to suspect any one of us, ever! That’s completely crazy. Promise me.”

  “I don’t suspect anyone yet,” Olivia answered.

  “Yet?” Pietra’s eyes opened wide, alarmed.

  “I’ll have to suspect something eventually, won’t I?” Olivia answered. “That’s my job, isn’t it? It’s possible someone could have done something to Raine.”

  “Nobody we know did anything to her!” Pietra was emphatic. “They never would! It’s out of the question!”

  “Could she have been taken?” Olivia asked somberly then.

  “Taken? Kidnapped? Absolutely not! How could it be?” Pietra was shaken to the core by the thought of it. “What would they take her for?”

  “Money. Ransom.” Olivia looked at Pietra closely. “Raine’s obviously got lots of money and there are plenty of drug gangs in these parts.”

  “No, that didn’t happen to her!” Pietra insisted, agitated.

  “Or maybe someone has something against her husband, Sean?” Olivia wasn’t letting up.

  “Crazy, that’s crazy,” Pietra insisted. “Sean’s a wonderful man, helps everyone. There’s nothing in the world to have against him.” Pietra shuddered.

  Pietra was unwilling to consider any option. She was probably holding something back, thought Olivia.

  “You have to tell me everything you know, Pietra.” Olivia grew firmer. “Otherwise, you’re obstructing justice.”

  “Now you’re accusing me?” Pietra was totally horrified.

  “No, I’m not, not at all,” Olivia jumped in. “I’m just letting you know how important it is to tell me every single thing you might know.”

  “Okay, listen to me, I’ll tell you something.” Pietra trembled and tried her best to comply. “But you have to swear you won’t say a word to anyone.”

  “I don’t know if I can swear to that,” said Olivia.

  “You have to.” Pietra stamped her foot hard.

  “Don’t put me into a box.” Olivia became adamant. “We’re looking for Raine, something could have happened to her. I need to be able to use all the information I get.”

  “But you can’t say a word to Sean, ever!” Pietra’s eyes flashed.

  “What do you have to tell me? Say it, please!” Olivia felt fire rising in her as well.

  “Raine was really drunk at the party,” Pietra went on in a hushed tone. “I even told her to lay off the booze a little, but she just laughed at me.”

  That was like Raine, Olivia recalled, to drink a lot at parties. “Has she become an alcoholic?” Olivia asked alarmed.

  “No, not at all,” Pietra said firmly, “but that night she was drinking really heavily. We were all having fun, it was a good time. There were even a few strippers dancing for us.”


  “One of them kept dancing too close to Raine.” Pietra’s eyes rolled. “We all noticed it. At least I did. He was really cute, too! Too cute for his own good. But I can’t be sure of exactly what happened between them. I was drinking heavily too.”

  “You weren’t too drunk to notice that he was cute, though,” Olivia zeroed in.

  Pietra began laughing now.

  Olivia was appalled. “What happened with Raine and the stripper?”

  Pietra stopped laughing on a dime. “You just said it, not me. I swore not to say a word about it to anyone.”

  “A word about what?” Olivia stood tall, confronting her.

  “About Raine and the stripper. Okay, it’s not such a big tragedy. I think Raine may have played around with this stripper, cheated on Sean. These things happen. It’s just the heat of the moment. It happens and then it’s over with fast.”

  Olivia felt both saddened and sickened. “Maybe this time it didn’t end so fast?”

  Pietra paled. “Why the hell not?”

  “Could be Raine’s st
ill with him?” Olivia said.

  “That’s completely ridiculous.” Pietra was adamant. “It was a one-night stand. They happen all the time.”

  “Could be the stripper had an accomplice who nabbed her?” Olivia was purposely turning up the heat. She wanted to hear all Pietra had to say.

  “It’s crazy! You’re crazy!” Pietra spun around. “Gals sleep with these guys all the time. It’s just for the moment and then it’s over. It means nothing to anyone!”

  Olivia grew chilled and silent.

  “What’s the matter with you?” Pietra flared up. “Who are you anyway? You think you’re too good for us?”

  “Not at all,” said Olivia slowly. “It’s just that playing around does mean something. It means something to a lot of people now, doesn’t it? Raine’s gone, isn’t she? She hasn’t returned.”

  “So go to the hotel in Key West and see what you can find there!” Pietra shot back. “Drive or take a small plane. It will only take a little while.”

  “I will,” Olivia quickly agreed. “Tell me who this stripper is. Give me all his contact information. I’m going to meet him myself.”


  Olivia drove down to Key West along the narrow, scenic highway bordering the ocean. As she rolled down the car window the warm ocean breezes drifted in, soothing her. It was wonderful to be near the water again. It was healing and also strange to be headed back down to Key West so soon. Olivia couldn’t help but feel that it was almost as if she were being called back, had left too soon. As if there was definitely unfinished business for her to complete.

  As she approached her destination, a flood of memories washed over her. Olivia recalled the magical night she and Todd had become engaged, with his vows of undying love. Olivia had felt transported to a place of such beauty, safety, and love. It seemed as if her entire world had turned a corner, with everything finally falling into its rightful place. Somehow at that moment, all the pain and disappointment she’d gone through in her life before made perfect sense. Her love for Todd had washed it all away.

  Later, as the investigation into his shocking death went forward, when Olivia learned that Todd had still been deeply involved with an ex-girlfriend, her whole world cracked into pieces. The joy of their relationship turned into ashes. Now, as she drove down the familiar streets, Olivia realized that both the bitterness she felt for Todd and the love still lingered.

  It wasn’t so easy to erase the wonderful times they had shared throughout the five intense months of their relationship. The connection between them had been perfect right from the start. It was wonderful being able to share everything so deeply with another person. Olivia had never experienced that before. Being with Todd had opened up parts of her that could be spontaneous, adventurous, daring even. Her relationship with Paul had been different. He’d always been good to her, dependable, romantic even. Yet there had been a gulf between them that could not be breached, an undercurrent of loneliness.

  But this trip to Key West wasn’t about her and Todd. Olivia’s thoughts quickly turned to Raine. Was she still down in Key West, extending her vacation? It was possible, but didn’t seem likely. Why wouldn’t she be in touch with anyone? Olivia had to talk to everyone who knew Raine down here, trace whatever footprints she could find. She also had to be absolutely positive that Raine and the stripper had actually been together. Sean had said their marriage was terrific. Friends often imagined all kinds of things about each other, especially when they were drinking at bachelorette parties. If what Pietra said was true, though, it would tell Olivia a lot. Not only about Raine’s marriage and what was going on in her life, but where she might be hiding right now.

  Olivia looked at the time as she drove. The trip was going quickly. As soon as she arrived in Key West her plan was to check into her hotel and then go straight to the Sancho. Pietra had called and found out that the stripper, Luigi, was scheduled to be dancing there tonight. Pietra also made a reservation for Olivia at a hotel a few blocks away from the one she and Todd had stayed at. Olivia didn’t want to return to her old hotel or remain at the Sancho for too long.

  Before she knew it, Olivia turned off the highway at the familiar exit for Key West. It would be only a few moments before she was back in town again. Tears stung her eyes as she passed through the familiar streets and promenade. How was it possible that she was returning here alone?


  By the time Olivia checked into her hotel, changed, and then arrived at the Sancho it was early evening, with the light starting to dim. To her surprise, the Sancho was imposing, set back from the street, with a long, rolling lawn in front. Olivia had expected something different, a place that was a bit sleazy or sordid, but the Sancho seemed to be mainstream, hosting parties and events of all kinds. A cobbled walkway led up through the lawn to the main entrance.

  Olivia drove around to the back parking lot. She parked, got out, and walked slowly to the front and then into the lobby. The place was hopping, filled with cheerful visitors thoroughly enjoying their stay.

  Olivia went straight to the front desk and asked a very slim woman who sat behind it whether Luigi was there yet.

  The woman cast a nervous glance at Olivia. “Yes, he’s here,” she replied in a flippant tone. “Why?”

  “Great, where can I find him?” Olivia continued, bypassing the second part of her comment.

  “Luigi’s in the club in the back, the Requiem, where he always is,” the woman replied. “In fact, a bachelorette party’s starting there in about half an hour. Are you going to it?”

  “Not that I know of.” Olivia tried to smile, but the woman frowned. “Well, thanks anyway,” said Olivia as she turned and made her way to the club at the back.

  Olivia walked through one hallway after another and finally at the very end, double doors with a sign “The Requiem” over them greeted her. This had to be the place she was looking for. Grinding music was playing loudly inside, and flashing lights were blinking over the sign. Raine had been here just a few nights ago, Olivia realized. The thought of it was mind-boggling.

  Olivia pushed the doors open, almost hoping to see Raine waiting there for her. Instead, the place was dark, musty, and mostly empty, filled with tables and a long bar. Olivia stood there looking around for any sign of life, someone she could talk to.

  “Can I help you?” a man’s voice called out from behind her. “The party doesn’t start for about half an hour yet.”

  Olivia spun around. A man in his late forties, dressed in dark slacks and an open shirt, stood there with a notebook in his hand. It seemed as though he were in charge of everything.

  “I’ve come to talk to Luigi.” Olivia was suddenly uneasy.

  The man stopped and looked at Olivia oddly. “Luigi’s dancing later tonight. Is he a friend of yours?”

  “No, not exactly.” Olivia took a few steps away. “He’s a friend of a friend.”

  “He’ll be out later,” the man replied. “There’s a party here tonight, are you a guest?”

  “No, I’m not,” said Olivia plainly. “My friend was a guest at another bachelorette party that Luigi danced at.”

  The man, puzzled, scrutinized Olivia more carefully now. “And what about your friend?” he asked, trying to understand what was up.

  Olivia didn’t know if she should tell him that her friend had gone missing, never returned home. Should she tell him that it was an urgent matter, that Olivia was here to find her? The information had not yet been made public. The man would ask why the police hadn’t been called in. And it would be a good question.

  “I just need to talk to Luigi for a few minutes,” Olivia said instead. “It won’t take long. It’s an important matter.”

  To Olivia’s surprise, the man nodded his head. “Yeah, all kinds of people want to talk to Luigi. Okay, come with me,” he said quickly. “Just a few minutes, though. You wait over here near the bar and I’ll tell Luigi you’re here. What’s your name anyway? You look familiar.”

“Olivia Wells,” Olivia answered, suddenly realizing that this man may have seen her on the news when she was searching for Todd’s killer.

  The man became more interested now. “Your name’s familiar too. Will your name be familiar to Luigi?”

  “I doubt it,” said Olivia. “I’m here to talk to him about Raine Merkin.”

  “I get it. Okay.” The man backed off. “I’ll bring Luigi to you right now.”


  In a few minutes, Luigi came out the back door. Tall and swarthy, he was dressed in a rough, sleeveless shirt, with dark hair falling over his forehead. A large tattoo was plastered all over his forearm.

  “What’s going on?” Luigi asked, eyeing Olivia closely.

  “Thanks for coming to talk to me,” Olivia replied, trying to buy some space and time.

  “What’s going on? I’m a busy man,” Luigi repeated, rubbing his sweaty face.

  “Do you remember a woman named Raine Merkin?” Olivia had no choice but to jump right in.

  Luigi smirked. “Honey, if I remembered all of the ladies who come to this place, I’d be some kind of genius. And I’m not.”

  Despite herself, Olivia smiled. Luigi may not have been a genius, but he was certainly engaging.

  “Raine was at a bachelorette party here just a few days ago,” Olivia filled him in.

  “Yeah, and?” None of it was computing.

  “Raine’s tall, beautiful, with long brown hair and big green eyes.” Olivia tried to jog his memory. “I heard she enjoyed your dancing a lot.”

  “They all enjoy my dancing.” Luigi grinned suddenly. “Oh yeah, the green eyes I remember. Not too many with green eyes like that. She’s one hell of a bombshell, isn’t she? And that lady certainly knows what she wants.”

  Olivia was startled. “What does she want?”

  “What does everyone want when they come to a party? Fun, excitement, pleasure! Nothing wrong with that, is there?”

  Olivia was caught short.

  “What’s up now? What do you want to talk to me for?” Luigi was getting restless.


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