Bloodsucking Fiends ls-1

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Bloodsucking Fiends ls-1 Page 27

by Christopher Moore

  He dropped the money and sighed.

  "Those two cops believed you. They're going to leave us alone. They reported that the killer was on board the yacht when it went up. Lash gave the gate guard some money to back up their story. I couldn't believe they were going along with it. I think the big cop kind of likes me.

  "I'm going to write a book about this. I came here to find adventure and being with you sure has been that. And I don't want to give it up. I know we're not the same. And we shouldn't feel lonely when we have each other. I love you. I'm going to figure I something out. I've got to sleep now. It's been days."

  He got up and went to Jody. "I'm sorry," he said. He kissed the cold bronze lips and was turning to go into the bedroom when the phone rang.

  "It's probably the Animals calling from some casino," he said as he picked up the phone.


  "Uh, hi," a man's voice said. "Could I speak to Jody, please?"

  Tommy pulled the phone away and looked at it, then put it to his ear and said, "Jody's… well… she's deceased."

  "I know. Can I speak to her?"

  "You sick fuck."

  "Is this C. Thomas Flood? The guy from the paper?"

  Who was this guy? "Look, buddy, that was a mistake. They got the guy who did those murders."

  "Look, my name is Steve. I can't tell you my last name. Not until I'm sure it's safe. I'm a med student at Berkeley. I spoke to Jody the other night. We were supposed to meet the other night at Enrico's, but she never showed up. I'm kind of glad, I met a nice girl who works at the Safeway with you. Anyway, when I saw Jody's name in the paper I took a chance and looked up the number."

  "If you saw the paper, you know what happened to Jody," Tommy said. "This isn't very funny."

  The line was silent for a moment, then Steve said, "Do you know what she is?"

  Tommy was shocked. "Do you?"

  "So you do know?"

  "She is, I mean was, my girlfriend."

  "Look, I'm not trying to blackmail you or anything. I don't want to turn you in. I talked to Jody about reversing her condition. Well, I think I've found a way to do it."

  "You're kidding."

  "No. Tell her. I'll call you back tomorrow night. I know she's not up during the day."

  "Wait," Tommy said. "Are you serious about this? I mean, you can make her human again?"

  "I think so. It will probably take a few months. But I've been able to do it with cloned cells in the lab."

  Tommy covered the mouthpiece and turned to the statue of Jody. "There's a guy here that says he can help you. We can be…"

  Vapor was streaming out of the ear holes in the brass and swirling into a cloud in the middle of the room. Tommy dropped the phone and backed away from the cloud. He could hear Steve's voice calling for him on the phone.

  Tommy backed against the counter in the kitchen. "Jody, is that you?"

  The cloud was pulsating, sending out tendrils, or were they limbs? It was as if it was condensing into a solid shape.

  Jody thought, Oh Tommy, you can't believe what I learned last night. You're going to have the adventure of your life, lover. And it's going to be such a long life. The things you'll see — I can't wait to show them to you.

  She became solid, stood before him, naked, smiling.

  Tommy held the phone to his chest. "You're pissed, aren't you?"

  "I was never going to leave you, Tommy. I love you."

  "But what about him?" Tommy pointed to the bronzed vampire.

  "I had to make him think that I was going to go with him so I could find out what I needed to know. I've learned a lot, Tommy. I'm going to teach you." She started moving toward him.

  "He taught you the mist thing, huh?"

  "That, and how a vampire is made."

  "No kidding. That could come in handy."

  "And soon," she said. She looked back at the old vampire. "The bronzing was a pretty good trick. I didn't exactly know what I was going to do with him after I found out what I needed to know. Maybe later we can figure out a way to let him out and still be safe."

  "So, you're not mad? You're really not leaving?"

  "No. I thought I would have to leave, but I never wanted to. You and I are going to be together for a very long time."

  Tommy smiled. "Great, this guy on the phone says…"

  "Hang up, Tommy. And come here."

  "But he says… he can change you back."

  "Hang up." She took the phone from him and set it down on the counter, then moved into his arms and kissed him.

  FB2 document info

  Document ID: d39c139c-f100-4f1f-a9b9-9168eb09d3e4

  Document version: 1

  Document creation date: 2010-01-13

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  Scan Notes, v4.0: Released in RTF only, with italics intact. Proofed carefully against DT. Yes, Chapter 8 is really that short.


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