A Vampire's Wicked Hunger: An Edgy Paranormal Urban Fantasy Romance featuring Sexy Vampires, Werewolves, Wicked Witches and Shapeshifters (Love on the Edge Book 4)

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A Vampire's Wicked Hunger: An Edgy Paranormal Urban Fantasy Romance featuring Sexy Vampires, Werewolves, Wicked Witches and Shapeshifters (Love on the Edge Book 4) Page 4

by Chloe Adler


  I retreated into the kitchen, returning a moment later with a tray, two cups and a teapot, which I placed on the living-room table. I poured us both a cup and sat next to her.

  She rubbed her hands on her pants and looked up at me, licking her bottom lip. “Okay, well, this is a little embarrassing but here goes.”

  I took a sip of tea, moving my cup to my lap and resting it there.

  “Elijah. He's so great. And everything in our relationship is wonderful. The way he treats me. How attracted to him I am. He's attentive, not overly controlling, a complete gentleman. He has a great job, plans for the future . . .” She stopped and took a sip from her cup and then met my eyes. “There's just one thing. And it's so small I thought I could overlook it but . . .”


  “I can't seem to get it out of my head and I thought maybe you would have some insight.”

  “Maybe. What is it?”

  “I have these fantasies.” She looked away and down at the floor, taking a deep breath and holding it.

  “Go on. Please. I may be the least judgmental person around.” I smiled, placing my cup back on the table as she lifted her eyes back to me.

  “I figured,” she said. “So I've never been in any type of relationship other than your standard one.”


  “I've never experimented.”



  “And you want to?”

  She looked at Rex, who was lying on the floor. “I want to be dominated,” she said quickly, keeping her gaze averted.

  “Oh.” I wriggled on the couch. “And?”

  “I've spoken to Elijah about it. He's not opposed to it but he doesn't know what to do. He's never tried anything like that before.”

  “Are you asking for my help?”

  “I-I've heard that you—” Warmth flooded her dark cheeks. “At the club, someone was talking about how you . . .”

  “Topped them?”

  She nodded.

  “And you want me to teach Elijah how to top you?”

  She placed her own teacup on the table, sinking back into the couch and covering her face with her hands. “Do you even do things like that?” she spoke between her fingers.

  “Can I train a Dom? Is that what you're asking?”


  Gently, I tugged her hands away from her face. “I can and I do. I'd love to help.” I gave her a full smile, teeth and all. “There's no need to be embarrassed about your needs, your desires. They're natural.”

  “Oh thank you!” She threw her arms around me and squeezed.

  I squeezed back. The mere act of touching her dampened my panties. Perhaps the training would lead to more with this woman. Shit, just seeing her tied up, vulnerable and naked was enough. Almost. Burying my mouth in her hair, I stifled a snort. God, I was acting like Rex being offered a bone-not a good look for a Domme. Could watching me with his girl and teaching him how to top her encourage Elijah to want more? I certainly hoped so.

  “When do you want to start?” My face was still buried in her hair, those pheromones jumbling my thoughts.

  “As soon as possible.”

  “Great, let's figure out a night to start. You talk to your man and text me with some ideas. I'd like to do it at the club, if that's okay with you.”

  “In one of the back rooms?”

  “Exactly. They're all set up for play, and it's a little more official there.” And keeping things businesslike would remind me that, at this point, they only wanted me for my expertise, not for sex. Would seeing them together hurt, watching yet another couple play happy-happy? Not if I was in charge.

  She nodded, pulling away. “That would be great, just great.”

  “And Elijah? He wants this too, yes?”

  “Very much. He's willing to do whatever it takes to make me happy.”

  Lucky girl.

  Chapter Four

  A few days later, Jared, Chrys and I were cleaning the house for my father's arrival.

  “Where's he staying?” Jared was polishing the coffee table.

  “At Inn Above the Ocean.”

  “Oh,” said Chrys, “that place is pricey. No?”

  “Burg's dad is filthy rich,” said Jared. “He bought her this—”

  “That'll do,” I interrupted.

  “He's coming here first?” Jared changed the subject.

  “Said he'll check into the hotel and then stop by. He's never seen the house.” This worried me a little since he had paid for it, which is why we were cleaning up so well. I wanted to make him proud.

  The doorbell rang and Rex ran over, barking.

  “Oh shit, he's early.” I smoothed the front of my housedress, a lovely black velvet number that was tame for me, and went to answer. “Rex, stand down.” The Rotty sat, watching the door with a look that said I'm here if you need me.

  Opening the door, I was immediately struck with how different my father looked. He'd lost a lot of weight and was darker. Tanned. When he smiled, those teeth almost blinded me. Bleached? I threw my arms around him and he body-hugged me back awkwardly.

  “You look well,” he said through a clenched jaw as I held the door open for him.

  “And you.” I smiled up at him. “Welcome to Casa Mañana. This is Rex, our dog. You remember Jared? And this is our newest roommate, Chrys.”

  My father completely ignored Rex, who tried to push his wet nose into his palm. He held his hand out to Jared instead, who shook it, and then he hugged Chrys, as was our custom. “Sadie moved out? Or is she hiding somewhere?” My father looked around the living room.

  “She moved in with her fiancé, remember? I told you months ago.”

  “Yes,” he waved his hand about, “I forgot.”

  Rex whined and my father's eyes narrowed. “Why on earth would you get a dog?”

  “He was a gift from Sadie and he's great protection.”

  “You can protect yourself,” my father scoffed.

  “Trackers came here and vandalized the house,” Chrys said.

  “Oh yes.” My father looked around again. “I remember you saying that. Tour?”

  Double take. “Of course.” I waved him toward the kitchen.

  After taking him through the house, I ended with the yard. “And here's our outdoor relaxation spot,” I said with a flourish, opening the back door.

  He stepped outside, eyeing Jared's landing pad. “You have a permit for this?”

  I nodded. “Of course.”

  “Good.” He put his hands on his hips and walked back inside. “I can't say that we have the same taste in decor but it suits you, mi chica.” He leaned in and kissed each cheek. “I'm going to rest at the hotel for a while but I forgot to ask. Do you have an available donor? I'd like to replenish after such a long flight.”

  Vampires in the same family didn't usually share their donors. It was very personal—for me especially, since I had sex with all four of mine as well. “I can ask,” I hedged.

  “Be a doll and have one sent over to the Inn.” He patted my cheek.

  “I'll see what I can do.”

  His eyes flashed. “You'll see? No. No, sweet Maria. You'll do. And . . . make it a beautiful woman. I'm sure you have at least one female.”

  “Of course. I'll send someone as soon as I can.”

  “Thank you, love.” He offered me one of his enigmatic smiles and headed out, calling over his shoulder, “Nice to meet you, Chrys.”

  After the door clicked shut, Chrys appeared at my elbow. “He didn't say goodbye to Jared?”

  “Must have been an oversight,” I said. But my father was calculating. He rarely did anything without a reason.

  Chrys meandered toward the couch, plopped down and picked up her Kindle, leaving me to dwell. The decor I'd painstakingly chosen for my house suddenly appeared garish and bright. Is this how it had looked to my father, decorated by an eccentric teenager who'd just moved away from
home? All it needed was a Starry Night poster, and it would look like every college dorm room in America. I winced.

  “I'll be back in a few minutes.” I fled into my bedroom, then stopped in front of my full-length mirror. Studying my reflection, I took several deep breaths, lingering too long before I reached for my phone.

  “Burgundy,” Amber drawled upon answering. “I didn't expect to hear from you for another week.”

  “I have a favor to ask, Am. My father is in town visiting and would feel more comfortable drinking from one of my donors, rather than going to a vectum.”

  “Oh . . . of course. That's different, but your family is my family. Shall I pop over?”

  “Would you mind going to his hotel?”

  “Normally I'd say no, but for you, anything. It would be an honor to service your father. I can tell him what a wonderful job he did by bringing you into this world.” She giggled.

  “Thank you.”

  “I may ask for an extra orgasm next time I see you,” she said with a smile in her voice.

  “I may give you three.”

  After giving Amber my father's location and details, I texted him to tell him she was on her way.

  I hope she is up to my standards, he texted back.

  My father had always been partial to gorgeous female donors. Oh—had Margery started as one? It wasn't uncommon for vampires to fall for their donors, I supposed. My mother had always been jealous of my father's interests, but I'd told her that drinking from a beautiful woman was not the same as cheating. They'd been monogamous though, as far as I knew, and married for a very long time, almost a century.

  My mother and I had a difficult relationship at times. It'd always been that way. Being a “daddy's girl” probably didn't help matters, but she always seemed weak to me and I had a hard time respecting that. Weak and insecure, even crying and carrying on when my father left to meet a beautiful female donor or colleague. If she'd truly suspected him of cheating, why had she stayed with him?

  Personally, I couldn't imagine being with the same person for a month, let alone a century. Though I did believe in polyamory for myself, I also firmly believed that all parties should be informed and in agreement. There's no integrity in philandering.

  Chrys handed me a cup of tea when I returned to the kitchen.

  “Everything okay?” Jared looked up from a book.

  “I think so.” I took the cup, nodding my thanks, and sat next to him at the kitchen table, relaying my dad's request.

  “I know it's not typical, but I can imagine it from his point of view. He's in a new area, he doesn't know or trust the random donors that show up at the banks, but he trusts his daughter's.”

  “But isn't he rich enough to go to a high-end vectum where all the donors are thoroughly screened?” asked Chrys.

  “Maybe he likes the idea of sharing something this intimate with his daughter,” suggested Jared.

  I got up to pour more hot water into my cup. “I normally hate having rules about everything but I wish there was one for this.”

  “Weren't they trying to get something like that passed a few years ago?” Chrys met me at the kettle to refill her own cup.

  “Yeah. Actually, my father was one of the lawyers who fought it.”

  “And won, apparently.” She raised her eyebrows.

  “I think the idea of letting the final decision remain with the donors themselves was best for all,” said Jared.

  “One would think,” I said, “but oftentimes they choose to become donors because they don't have other options for earning or because they're addicts trying to support an addiction.”

  Chrys gasped, bringing the kettle to Jared and refilling his cup. “I thought they screened for that.”

  “At most vectums, yes, but at some of the more budget levels, they let anyone in.”

  “Makes sense,” said Jared. “It's not like drugs or alcohol in their systems affects you.”

  Sometimes I wished it would. I only drank alcohol for the taste, but most vampires didn't drink or eat anything at all. That I could not imagine; food was delicious and worth every extra pound. And it would be nice to be able to check out of my feelings the way humans and other Signum could with a little imbibing.

  “So which one of your donors are you sending to your dad anyway?” asked Chrys.


  “Whoa.” Chrys sat down at the table, placing her cup down on the polished wood with a thud.

  I looked over at her questioningly.

  She turned a pretty shade of pink. “I'd be so jealous if Carter were to drink from a woman that gorgeous.”

  “You'd be jealous if he drank from any woman,” Jared scoffed. “Who do you think you're fooling?”

  The pink flush of her face went crimson. “Okay,” she held her hands up, “you got me.”

  “Isn't Amber trans?” asked Jared.

  I shrugged. “Yeah, so?”

  Chrys looked between us, her head swiveling. “I didn't know that,” she exclaimed.

  “No reason for you to.” I gave Jared my stink eye. “Why'd you even bring it up?”

  “I know how old-fashioned your father is, is all. I wondered if he knew or if you were going to tell him.”

  “There's no reason to tell him that.” I was getting annoyed. “It's no one's business. He asked for a donor, that's all. Who cares if she's trans?”

  “No. No. You're right.” Jared sighed. “I just thought that if your dad were to find out, he might be freaked or pissed.”

  “I don't think he'd care, and again, it's a moot point. He's not fucking her.”

  Sharing a donor with my dad was certainly pushing boundaries, but sharing sex partners was akin to incest. My stomach roiled at the thought of it. And why the hell would Jared even insinuate that?

  Since Jared, Alec and I didn't have to work that night, we all went to Promise, the local ecstatic dance club at the foot of the pier.

  As usual, the boardwalk itself bopped with teens and young adults, being a safe hangout for the under-thirty crowd. Unfortunately, the circus tent, its flags flapping in the fall breeze, would close soon for the winter months.

  Inside, Promise was at least ten degrees warmer than outside, with sweating bodies bouncing to frenetic beats. The club drew the yoga and spiritual crowd since it was based on a specific five-rhythm dance foundation. The DJ spun all forms of techno, ramping up at the beginning of the night with slow beats that peaked fast and furious before dropping back down and ending in low-tempo jam. Most patrons wore flowing pants and skirts with cotton tanks. Some went topless but since it was an all-ages club that didn't serve alcohol, those were usually just the men. The few young kids that attended were in a separate room with a trained sitter who helped them with art projects. The around-eighteen crowd was often lying on a rug at the far end, zoning out on the ceiling light show.

  I was moving to the up-tempo beats with Jared behind me and Alec in front. Being a Burgundy sandwich had its advantages, even though I knew that unless both of them were ridiculously drunk, nothing would happen. My eyes were closed when the body behind me disappeared for a second and then was replaced by small, pert breasts rubbing my back. I reached my hands behind and grabbed the woman's waist to pull her closer, leaning my head back to catch her scent. Strawberries. It was Amber.

  Spinning around, I took her mouth in mine, sucking on her plump lips. She moaned and ground her body into mine. “Well, isn't this a surprise,” I broke the kiss to whisper in her ear. “We're not due for a session until next week.”

  “I needed to see you,” she said.

  Pulling back, I captured her gaze. “Is everything okay?”

  She bit her bottom lip, smearing the beautiful shade of coral.

  “Let's go sit for a minute.” I pulled her off to one side where thick exercise mats were spread out for people to relax on and watch the lights or other dancers.

  She lay down completely on her back and I couldn't help but straddle her, pushing my groi
n down into hers. Amber was all woman but had decided to wait on her sex reassignment surgery and she had the most delicious “shenis” I'd ever seen. Immediately I knew something was wrong when she remained soft.

  “Tell me.” I looked into her eyes. They were a honeyed brown with shades of green and even turquoise.

  “Shit, Burgundy.” She looked away. “I think your father made a pass at me.”

  “Hey.” I gently touched the side of her jaw, stroking her soft skin. “Whatever happened, it's not your fault.”

  I wished I were more surprised but first of all, who could blame him? Amber was stunning. And second of all, like father, like daughter. I was pissed though. It's one thing to think it and quite another to act on it, especially when you're putting up a monogamous front.

  “Do you want to tell me what happened?”

  “Nothing happened really, but while he was drinking from me, his hands started wandering over my body.”

  I relaxed a little. “Maybe it was involuntary.”

  “Yeah? I wasn't sure. You're the only patron I've ever had and I wasn't sure if maybe sometimes that can happen . . . involuntarily, like you said.”

  I had heard it was more difficult for young male vampires to control their sexual urges while feeding and I didn't doubt it. But my father, at his age, shouldn't have that problem. “I'll talk to him.”

  “Oh no, please don't. I'd be so embarrassed.”

  “Well, if it made you uncomfortable, please don't service him again. I'll make some excuse for you.”

  She bit the inside of her cheek, her eyebrows drawing together. “He paid me really well and I'm saving money for my SRS. It's crazy expensive. I'd rather have him as a patron than not. I mean, while he's here. If it's okay with you.”

  “Whatever you want, sweetie.” I leaned down to kiss her again and pushed my breasts into hers, moving my hand down to palm her groin. She moaned into me again and this time her anatomy responded pleasantly. I wanted to take her right there, but we weren't supposed to be overt with our sexual engagements at Promise. “Come home with me,” I growled.

  “I'd love to,” she panted back, “if you're not otherwise engaged.”

  I grabbed her hand and forced it down my panties so she could feel how engaged I was. With her.


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