My Choice, My Chance: Men Of Crooked Bend Book 2

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My Choice, My Chance: Men Of Crooked Bend Book 2 Page 13

by Taylor Rylan

  Because I was about to become insanely busy, I told Sean I was taking a long weekend. It might seem unfair to Sean at first, but he didn’t know what Simon planned for the two of them. Liam and I deserved three days alone without phone calls and email interrupting us. I booked a room at one of the ski resorts. It seemed odd since we lived right there, but I wanted to take him away for the weekend. With short notice, I didn’t have much time to plan. I stumbled through planning a romantic weekend staycation. All I had to do now was go home and tell Liam.

  Just like always, when I arrived home that evening, Liam was in the office, glued to his laptop typing away. I learned early on to not interrupt. When I interrupted, he got pissed. When he got pissed, his inner-diva came out. When his inner diva came out, I was in trouble. Who knew that my little imp was so sassy? I sure didn’t, until I interrupted him one evening. He didn’t take too kindly to me interrupting his train of thought right in the middle of writing a steamy scene between Micah and Nolan. I didn’t realize at the time that his two characters were also in a relationship together. I more than made up for it when I dragged Liam to the floor of the office and showed him exactly what his two characters could get up to.

  Instead of having a pissed-off boyfriend, I diverted myself to the kitchen to fix dinner. I wasn’t nearly the cook Rhett was, or even Sean, but I did okay. Hopefully, if I made Liam’s favorite, the smells of garlic and chicken would bring him out of his writing cave. If not, I'd have to bribe him with garlic bread sticks. If that didn’t work, I could always just throw him over my shoulder. Come to think of it, that wasn’t a bad idea.

  I hadn’t really gotten overly dominant with him in the bedroom yet. I didn’t want to force the issue, nor did I want to cause any negative memories to resurface. I hadn’t pushed the subject even though Liam had hinted that he wanted to try to do some of the things we’d discussed early in our relationship. Maybe this weekend would be the perfect time to explore that side.

  “Something smells good in here.” Liam approached me and kissed me on the shoulder. “When did you get home?” Liam then reached up, pulled my head down, and kissed me on the lips.

  “Let’s see.” I put my finger to my chin and looked up as though I had to calculate time. “I’ve been home long enough to peek in on you in the office, then I came in here to cook dinner. About a half hour I guess. Did you finish whatever you were frantically typing?”

  “Yep, I sure did! What’s even better is that I’ve got this new idea for some spin-off characters. They're super chatty right now so I’m just going to go with it. As long as they're chatting, I’m going to be glued to my laptop typing. I should get a ways into the story this weekend if I keep at it. That will work out great because I’ve really wanted to come up with new characters for a while.”

  That was the absolute last thing I wanted to hear. I had plans for this weekend and I hoped that Liam would agree with them. I couldn’t ask if he needed to work. I knew it was important to him. I just smiled and turned back to the Alfredo sauce, hoping it hadn’t burned.

  My silence didn’t go unnoticed, though. “Hey, what’s up?”

  I shook my head and gave him a noncommittal answer. “Nothing, just finishing up dinner. Why do you ask?”

  Liam stood back and fisted his hands on his waist. “Maybe because after living with you for almost three months, I know you? I know that was a fake smile. What gives?”

  I took in a couple deep breaths before I answered Liam’s question. “Nothing gives. I just didn’t realize you were working this weekend. I took tomorrow off so we could spend three days together, but since you’re working, oomph.” I didn’t get my sentence finished, because I had one hundred and forty pounds of Liam in my arms after he jumped on me and started peppering me with kisses. My heart soared.

  “I can finish next week, no problems. I have, like, four chapters and an epilogue to write, that’s it. The new characters can definitely wait. Now what were you saying about a weekend together?”

  I had no choice but to put Liam down, otherwise dinner would be ruined. I reluctantly set him on the counter next to me while I finished the pasta. The Alfredo sauce was done so dinner would be done when the pasta was.

  “Let’s talk over dinner, okay? For now, the short version. I took tomorrow off so we could go away for a few days. We aren’t going far, just to one of the lodges in Jackson. I thought it would be nice to get away where nobody could bug us for a weekend.”

  Liam helped me plate the food and carry it to the table. Once we settled in, I told him what I planned, at least part of it. There were some things I wanted to surprise him with.

  “Simon called me today. Sean’s really stressed out about the wedding and everything at work. He wants to take Sean away for a week or two soon. I told him sure. That means in a few weeks I’m going to be really busy with work. I told Sean I was taking tomorrow off. I want to spend the weekend with you. I know a weekend away won’t make up for how long Sean’s going to be gone, but I’ve noticed how stressed he is. He needs this.”

  Liam reached over and palmed his hand over the back of mine. “Hey, don’t worry about it. I completely understand. There is no way I could ever plan a wedding. Just the thought makes me cringe. When you are working those long hours, I’ll work long hours, too! I need to keep going on those supporting characters my readers are asking about. It’ll work out great for both of us.”

  I looked at my perfect little understanding imp. “Are you sure? I know things have already started picking up and I’m already not spending as much time with you as I want.”

  Liam gave me a million-dollar grin and nodded, his blond hair flopping over his forehead. “It really is okay and I understand. I know things will get better once the new architect arrives in July. You always make sure you’re home early enough that we can talk before you pass out.” Liam smirked as he made his last statement. I caught on right away and couldn’t help teasing right along with him.

  “Pass out, is it? Is that what we’re calling it now?”

  “Hey, you know how it is for men of your advanced years, Cupcake.”

  “Advanced years? Are you implying that I’m old, Liam? I’m going to make you pay this weekend for every time you’ve called me Cupcake. You’ve been warned you little imp." I gave Liam’s lips a small kiss. I loved our banter. It was comfortable, fun, and enjoyable.

  Liam’s face lit up like I’d just promised him a month on the French Riviera. “Promise? I’ve been waiting for you to punish me, you know. Yet, my ass is still as unspanked as it’s always been. Don’t tease if you don’t promise to follow through.”

  “Trust me, Liam. I plan on fulfilling all kinds of promises this weekend,” I whispered in Liam’s ear right before I walked off toward the kitchen to get another bottle of wine. When I came back, he was doing his fish impersonation once again. I was unprepared, for the second time that evening, for Liam to throw himself at me, but that’s exactly what he did. We never got to that second bottle of wine.

  20 — Liam

  I won the lottery when I got Jasper for a boyfriend. At least, that was my opinion! I was happier than I’d ever been. It might not have seemed like a big deal to go away for the weekend and stay local, but it was the thought that counted. He was the first guy I ever dated that had done anything like that for me, ever. I thought it was fucking fantastic!

  After an amazing night of slow, sweet, lovemaking, we got up early to pack and drive to the slopes. We had gone skiing and snowboarding a few times over the past couple of months, but this time would be different. Personally, I was more a skier than snowboarder, but Jasper preferred to snowboard. I was learning, but it was slow going. Since it was already well into spring, my days of practicing with a snowboard were numbered. Not only was the weather warming up, but Jasper was about to get insanely busy with work.

  For now, I would enjoy what would probably be the last time we were on the slopes until late in the fall. I knew going into the relationship that Jasper would
be busier in the summer months than the winter. That didn’t mean he wasn’t busy in the winter, though. Architecture was a full-time job. Sean and Jasper spent the winter months designing and working on inside construction. Summer and early fall was when they included any outside construction. My boyfriend was about to become incredibly busy.

  After a day spent on the slopes, I was more than ready for our ensuite hot tub. When Jasper told me we were going to a lodge, I didn’t realize he'd booked one of the higher-end rooms. We had a massive king-size bed just like we did at home, with our very own private hot tub out on our private patio. I had quite a few plans for that amenity. First, a good, long, soak seemed the most appropriate action. I think I spent more time on my ass than I did on the snowboard so I really wanted to soak my sore muscles.

  We stopped in the lodge’s restaurant to eat dinner before retiring to our room. Once Jasper and I got back to the room, I told him I'd be in the hot tub if he wanted to join me. I left a trail of clothing along the way to my destination. I was just sitting down when an equally naked and quite excited Jasper joined me on the patio and climbed in. The moan he let out as he sunk down into the steaming water let me know I wasn’t the only one that was sore. Good. I didn’t think it would be fair if only one of us was suffering.

  “Damn, this water feels amazing. I didn’t realize how sore and tired I'd be after only a few hours of snowboarding,” Jasper said once he laid his head back against the side of the tub.

  Looking over at him, I couldn’t resist poking a stick at him once again. “Must be your advanced age catching up with you,” I said while doing my best to look completely innocent. It didn’t work, but then again, I didn’t expect it to either. I squeaked when Jasper reached over and grabbed me by the waist and hauled me onto his lap. My squeak quickly turned into a moan when my hard shaft met his equally hard one.

  “What did I tell you about that?” Jasper asked with a playful gleam in his eyes.

  “That you would make me pay for it? But, Cupcake, you still haven’t so I don’t think you’ll do it. You’re all bark and no bite. That’s okay, I’m still crazy about you.”

  “If I hadn’t just gotten in, I'd drag you to the bedroom and show you just how much I can bite. For now, I think I'll show you how dirty my mind has been all day while thinking about getting you into this hot tub.”

  I was aghast with feigned shock. “All afternoon? Why in the hell did you wait all afternoon? I’ve been ready to come back to the room for hours!”

  Jasper stopped nibbling on my collarbone long enough to look up at me. “Why didn’t you say something? I only planned on spending today on the slopes because I thought you enjoyed it. I want to spend the rest of the weekend here in the room ordering room service.”

  I shook my head. It was amazing to me. Why didn’t we ever just communicate? We both did a lot of assuming. “I didn’t say anything because I knew you love to snowboard. I prefer to ski. It’s just easier for me. I didn’t mind going. I had fun but the fun ended after a couple of hours of falling on my ass.”

  Jasper chuckled and inched even closer to me. “Liam, sweetheart, you should've said something. We could've left when you were ready to leave. I can’t read your mind, although that'd probably be quite interesting. Please, in the future, speak up. Alright?”

  “Okay, Jasper. Now that we have that cleared up, is it possible for you to go back to doing what you were doing? I rather liked it." I turned my head and presented my collarbone to Jasper so he would have easier access. He sure didn’t need it; he always seemed to have no problems getting to parts of me he was after.

  “Bossy bottom.” He nudged his nose into my throat. “I like it. You know you’re really asking for it? I promise, tonight, you’re going to get it. For now, I’m going to go easy on you.”

  Jasper grabbed my ass and pulled our groins together hard. The water provided just enough to make things slippery, it sure wasn’t nearly as good as lube. Things were a little floaty if we weren’t pressed together tightly. Who was it that decided that sex in a hot tub was a good thing? I sure wasn’t about to agree with them. Although, I wasn’t going to complain about the things Jasper was doing to my neck. It was a major hot spot for me and he knew it.

  After a few minutes of being frustratingly turned on, I pulled back from Jasper and looked into his eyes to ask if we could go inside. I wanted to take this to the next level, whatever that would be. I wanted to finish what we started so long ago. I was ready to finally get all of Jasper in the bedroom.

  Jasper carefully stood up and I let my legs drop from around his waist. I had no doubts that he could have climbed out carrying me, but I didn’t want to take any chances. It was so chilly! We quickly made our way in from the patio. I was a little surprised when Jasper pulled me into the bathroom instead of toward the bed.

  “Let’s shower first. Even though the hot tub is supposed to be clean, who really knows?”

  I scrunched up my nose, thinking about what mystery bacteria may have been lingering in the outside Jacuzzi. “Eewww. Yeah, let’s. I didn’t even think about that!" I was happy to jump into the shower and get clean with Jasper. After all, it was always fun to get clean before I got dirty with him.

  After a quick shower, we dried off and Jasper walked with me toward the bed. I was so excited, which was ridiculous because we’d had sex dozens of times over the past several months. This wasn’t anything new. But for some reason, this time felt different.

  “Are you sure this is what you want, Liam? Remember, this isn’t necessary. You can change your mind or can stop at any time. Understand?”

  “Yes, it’s what I want, Jasper. I’ve been waiting for this. You’re the one who kept saying not yet.”

  “I want to make it clear that I want you no matter what, Liam. This isn’t required, remember that.”

  I put my hands on Jasper’s cheeks and held his face in place, pointing toward mine. “I remember. I know. I’m anxious and more than ready for this. However this goes, Jasper, I want this. I want you, with or without this. I’m so willing and now you’ve got me rambling so kiss me so I can shut up.”

  Thankfully Jasper obliged and I was able to stop talking. I hoped I didn’t embarrass myself too much. My erection deflated just a touch, but was quickly back at full mast after just a few of Jasper’s amazing kisses. He definitely did it for me. He never had any trouble arousing me. Hell, the man could make me cum by sucking on my neck. He had, several times.

  Jasper stopped kissing me and I felt disappointed. He had some important things to tell me and I should be listening. “Alright, Liam. We have to set up some safe words. A good standard is red, yellow, and green. If you’re okay with them, this is how they work. Just like a traffic light, red means stop, yellow means you need to slow down, and green means you are okay to continue. I’m going to ask you several times what color you are, if you don’t answer, we stop, okay? The last thing I want to do is cause you any harm or pain. Understand?”

  I hadn’t even thought about safe words before, so I accepted what he was telling me. I was still processing all that Jasper had just said, so I just nodded. That wasn’t what he wanted.

  Jasper put his hands on my shoulders and guided my head up so I was looking into his face. “Nope, I need you to talk, Liam. I need to hear you say what you want. No nodding. Words, I need to hear them.”

  I inhaled a deep breath of air before answering. “Yes, I understand. Red-stop, yellow-wait, green-I’m good. I’m ready, Jasper.”

  “Alright then, if you’re sure." Jasper walked over to a bag he’d brought and put it on the bed. “I want you on your back on the bed for me, Liam. Remember, you can stop at any time.”

  I did as he asked and walked to the bed and crawled into the center of the bed and flopped down on my back. I was beginning to feel tension and thought the flop would help lighten the mood. It worked because Jasper chuckled at me.

  I couldn’t see what Jasper was doing in his bag, but I noticed he was putting severa
l things on the nightstand. Lube, check. Some sort of little black thing, check. Rope, check. Wait, rope? Did that mean?

  Jasper must have seen the confused look on my face because he picked up that little black thing. “Alright, Liam, this is to make sure you last long enough to enjoy what we’re about to do." I didn’t know what it was. It just looked like a strip of leather.

  “What is that?” I gave up trying to guess and asked.

  “This? It’s a Velcro adjustable cock ring. It’ll make sure you don’t cum before we get started, my little imp." With that, Jasper bent over and took my cock to the back of his throat. I couldn’t contain the moan that emerged from my throat; it felt so good. All too soon, he popped his mouth off my head.

  “Enough of that. Now that you’re hard enough, let’s get this on, shall we? Color, Liam.”

  “Green. Definitely green.”

  21 — Jasper

  When Liam gave me the green light, I had a fleeting thought to put the cock ring on myself instead. I was excited to finally get to play with him. We had a very healthy sexual relationship but I wanted to make sure he was comfortable with me and felt safe. I always wanted him to feel safe. I waited. Patiently. Because he was more than worth the wait. If playing around like this didn’t work, then that was okay. I wanted Liam any way that he was comfortable.

  Getting the cock ring on him was easy. I quickly had him strapped in. I moaned when I looked down at the sight before me. His cock was a beautiful thing to begin with, but when it was strapped in with his balls like that it was breathtaking. I needed another taste of him so I took one. Bobbing my head, moving my mouth up and down on his shaft, I don’t know who moaned louder, me or him. I had so much skin to explore that night that I needed to get going. I could always come back if I wanted. I sure planned on it.


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