Discovery: Altera Realm Trilogy

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Discovery: Altera Realm Trilogy Page 24

by Jennifer Collins

  "I have to get her to the infirmary," he said kneeling next to Syney.

  "You shouldn't be here," was all Fern said.

  "Do you want her to die? Because I don't," he hissed.

  Fern stared him down for a moment before taking her hands off Syney and allowing him to pick her up and disappear out the door. Fern stared after him, breathing heavily, for a moment before jumping up and heading for the infirmary herself. She may have let him take her, but she still had a duty to be there with her, as Leaf had ordered her to do.


  There were at least ten Magic Users waiting in the infirmary when he swept in. He laid Syney on a high bed in the middle of the room and stepped back. The people looked at them for a second before rushing to Syney and starting whatever work they could do. They spoke quickly to one another as they cut off Syney's dress and examined her wounds.

  "She's lost a lot of blood," Gabe said, backing away slowly. "Her pulse is down to forty and dropping. Her temperature is going down also."

  One of the Magic Users, a woman who seemed to be in charge, shot him a look. "Did you see the weapon?"

  "No," he said.

  "I did. It was a knife. Long—about seven inches," Fern said, as she pounded through the door, breathing heavily.

  "Prep the surgery bay. There's internal bleeding that we need to control," the doctor said, as they rolled Syney into a back room. There was a large window into it, so Gabe could still see what was going on.

  There was so much blood on his clothes and hands. He was trying not to take a breath. It wasn't necessary for him, but he had grown accustomed to doing it among those who did. He hadn't fed in a while, and wearing Syney's blood wasn't helping him from ripping someone's throat out. He needed to get the blood off himself. He went for a metal sink and started to scrub his hands. Then he ripped off his shirt and tossed it into a garbage can. They weren't going to be able to save her, he thought, as he looked through the window. She was too pale and had lost too much blood. They didn't have the right spells, only simple ones.

  Leaf and Hunter came in after a while. They both walked to the window and stared in.

  "Did you get him?" Fern asked.

  Hunter shook his head but didn't turn away from the surgery. "I lost him and his scent a few miles from the Village walls."

  Leaf turned away from the window. "Did you smell him?"

  "Yes," Fern said.

  "Shifter?" Gabe asked.

  "No," Leaf said.

  "He could have been masking his scent. It has happened," Fern said.

  Hunter shook his head and finally turned to them. "It was a Magic User."


  They all turned to see Helen walk in, shock filling her face. Ember and Noelle followed close behind her.

  "Oh, goddess," Helen whispered, and rushed to where Hunter and Leaf were. "She looks so small and pale."

  "Is she going to be OK?" Noelle asked, joining Helen at the window.

  No one answered.

  "I should have gone into the room with her," Hunter said, his face pale.

  "Now isn't the time to second-guess anything. The three of us were all there. Any one of us could have checked the room, but we didn't. Now we have to make a plan not only to find out who did this but also to change protocol. We need to be at battle readiness," Leaf said.

  Gabe could see why he was the commander. He had just taken control of the room with only a few sentences. Gabe even found himself ready to jump into battle if Leaf asked.

  The head doctor came out of the room. "We managed to control the bleeding," she said, "but she lost a lot of blood—more than our transfusion spells can handle. I'm not sure she'll make it through the night. The queen should be informed."

  "I'll go." Leaf walked over to her. "She cannot die. Do you understand?"

  "Trust me. I do. We'll do everything we can. But I suggest we all pray." She went back into the surgery room.

  Leaf turned to Gabe suddenly. "What can you do?"

  Gabe looked over to Syney, who was lying on the surgery table. Even through the glass, he could hear her pulse. It wasn't much better than it had been. She really was going to die. "Nothing."

  "You gave her your blood once," Hunter said. "Do it now. Help her."

  "There could be...adverse effects."

  "Like what?" Leaf asked.

  "Half-blood," Noelle said quietly.

  They all turned to her, but she was watching Syney intently.

  "She's right. I read about it. If someone gets Vampire blood more than once within a certain time period, they can become blood crazy," Helen said. "They're called half-bloods because they aren't really Vampires, but they become animalistic and only want flesh and blood."

  "What's the time period?" Hunter asked.

  "No one knows. Half-bloods are dangerous. No one's wanted to test it," Helen explained.

  Hunter looked at Gabe. "What's the time period?"

  Gabe looked at him. "A month or two. Close enough that I won't try."

  "I'll go update the queen." Leaf left, and the rest of them returned to their silent state.

  Gabe knew the only way Syney would make it through this would be with Cass's help, but that depended on her tapping into her power, and he didn't know whether that would happen in time.


  When the master alarm sounded, Raine was in the Great Library, in the shadows, watching Cass as she flipped through tons of books trying to figure out how to open the secured-secured section. He wasn't sure what had brought about her sudden urge to get in, but he was thankful for it. Getting the spell that he needed was his first priority. When the alarm went off, he rushed up the stairs and stopped at Cass's side.

  "What's going on?" Cass asked, looking around. "That's the master alarm. It hasn't gone off...ever."

  "I don't know, but we'll stay here. This is a pretty safe room."

  Cass looked at him nervously. "You should find out what's going on. I'll be fine. I'll lock it after you leave, magically."

  "No, protocol says I stay with you."

  "Raine, stop fighting me and go."

  He stared at her for a moment. He wanted to go, but he was supposed to stay with her. But if he knew what was going on, he'd be able to better control the situation to protect her. He nodded and left. It didn't take long for him to find a Royal Guard, who told him about the situation with Syney. This wasn't good on any account. He took off back toward the library and waited for Cass to let him back inside the room with her.

  "It's not good," he said, pushing her to the floor. He wanted her out of sight for a while.

  "What happened?" Cass asked, her blue eyes wide with fright.

  He didn't want to tell her, but he knew he had to, not only because she had a right to know but also because this might be the push she needed. "It's Syney. There was an attack in her room."

  "Is she OK?"

  "They say it's up and down. She was stabbed and lost a lot of blood."

  "But they have spells to help with that."

  Raine looked at her. She was so naïve. He tried to pull her into the realities of this world, but it never seemed to stick. He needed her now, not just for him but also for Syney.

  "Cass, listen to me. She's probably going to die. The spells and skills they have down there aren't up to where they can be. You saw what a real healing spell does."

  "But all of that was lost. I don't know how Becca does it."

  "She does it because she has spell books that help her—some of the same spell books that are up there on that shelf."

  "No, no, that can't be right."

  "Come on, Cass. You know I'm right."

  "Raine! Do you even hear yourself? My mother locked up those books. If there were books up there that could save people, save Syney, then they wouldn't be locked up."

  "Why would your mother want to help Syney? Syney's here to take her place."

  "Stop it!" Cass jumped up and paced the room. "You don't know what you're talking about."

  Raine sighed and grabbed her by the shoulders. "I have never lied to you. I know there's a book up there with healing spells—ones that could help save Syney's life. Trust me."

  Cass started to cry. "I can't believe it. I just can't."

  "You have to. Syney needs you right now. You have to get onto that shelf!"

  "I've been trying all night! There are two spells still that I can't figure out."

  "You're a royal Crystallianna princess. You were born magic, Cass. Are you really going to let some little spells get in your way?"

  "No!" Cass yelled, and smashed both of her hands onto the secured shelf. It lit up blue for a moment before the invisible barrier fell. She stared at it for a moment before running her fingers along the titles.

  "The red one says 'Healing,' " Raine said softly. He knew she could do it, but he worried that what he had just done might have lasting consequences.

  She grabbed the red one and flipped through it. "You said she was stabbed?"


  She nodded. "I think there are a few things in here that might help. But I need some stuff."

  "I know where we can get it."

  Cass looked at him. "Where?"

  "There's an old apothecary room in the basements. When it was closed, they never cleaned it out. I'll take you there."

  She seemed to hesitate before talking. "OK." She turned and started down the stairs.

  Raine looked back toward the shelf, grabbed a small blue book, and slid it into the waistband of his pants, covering it with his shirt. He then hurried after her, passing her in four strides. He led her down to the basements and quickly broke into the old dust-filled room with one shove of his shoulder. He watched Cass's eyes light up as she looked around the room, which brimmed with jars and boxes filled with all sorts of herbs and plants.

  "You should be able to find everything you need here."

  "OK. I'll grab everything, and we should get to the infirmary as quickly as we can," Cass said, placing the book on a table and running a finger down the page.

  "No, let me go up there and clear the room first."

  Cass looked up at him. "Why? We need to get this done."

  "We also need to keep you alive and out of jail. These magics are locked for a reason. You can't go around performing them without people noticing and telling the wrong people," Raine said carefully. There was so much more that he wanted to tell her but knew he couldn't.

  She stared at him for a while. "You mean, you don't want my mother to find out."

  He nodded.

  She looked away and seemed to be arguing with herself. Finally she nodded. "I'll get everything ready. But don't take too long."

  Raine let out a breath and put a hand on hers. She immediately pulled it away. "I'll be back," he said.

  He took off and headed up to the infirmary. He stopped at the door. There were more people than he'd expected. He'd assumed that Hunter and Gabe would be there, but Helen, Ember, Fern and Noelle also were there.

  "What are you doing here? Where's Cass?" Leaf asked, walking up behind him.

  The rest of the room looked over to him after his presence was announced.

  "She's in her room with Prey. She wanted an update on Syney," he said.

  "Doesn't look good," Helen said.

  Raine nodded and dared a look over to Gabe. He looked away, knowing he already had gotten his attention in those brief seconds. Cass got the secured section open, Raine thought. I have the book, and she has the healing book. She's down in the basement at the old apothecary. I'll get her once the room is clear.

  He glanced back at the Vampire, who gave a slight nod of acknowledgment.

  There was silence for a moment before Helen spoke up—only she didn't entirely sound like herself, almost a little dazed. "It's really late. We should all go to sleep, see how she is in the morning."

  Leaf nodded in agreement. "You and Noelle should go. We'll get you if anything happens."

  They both nodded and filed out of the room with Ember in tow.

  That wasn't good enough.

  "There doesn't need to be so many here. I'm sure Hunter can handle anything that comes about," Gabe said, giving Hunter a look.

  Raine found it interesting that Gabe seemed to trust Hunter. Gabe didn't give his trust very quickly.

  "There should be a lot of guards on her," Leaf countered.

  "It's all right," Hunter said, placing a hand on his shoulder. "Get some sleep. Tomorrow is going to be a big day. You'll need to be prepared."

  Leaf looked at him stubbornly but nodded. "OK. Stay here, though."

  "I will."

  Leaf gave Syney one more look before heading out, followed closely by Fern, who gave everyone a cursory nod.

  Once they were gone, Hunter looked at Raine and then at Gabe. "Care to tell me why I just helped you clear the room?"

  Gabe looked at Raine.

  Raine didn't want to be the one to explain. What he was doing—what he was a part of—went against everything they had been taught. Still, he knew Hunter would be fine with what they were doing tonight, because it was to help Syney. "Princess Cass will be coming up in a moment. She's going to perform some healing spells—spells that could get her into trouble if many people knew."

  Hunter gave him an appraising look. "This isn't you. What's going on?"

  "Much more than you can imagine," Raine said, and walked out of the room. Hunter didn't need to be pulled into this any more than he had to, and he would see to that.


  Cass couldn't think about anything except for each spell as she grabbed all sorts of ingredients from the dusty shelves and cabinets. She was amazed this place was actually in the palace and untouched. But it did make some sense. Most of these ingredients were no longer needed because these spells weren't used anymore. And these spells scared Cass. They weren't simple, and they needed way more power than she thought she had. But she did remove the spells in the library—not that she even knew how she had done it. Once she had gathered what she needed, she grabbed a cloth bag off the floor and shoved everything into it then waited. Now all the thoughts she had pushed aside assaulted her. Raine, her Raine, her Protector—she had no idea who he was anymore. She always had trusted him; she had to, but she also wanted to. But now everything was up in the air. And then there was the fact that she had used magic, and not just magic from a spell. She had broken those spells with something primal inside her. She had felt it build as she fought with Raine and then felt it release the moment she had hit the spells. It was crazy but also amazing and exhilarating. But it scared the crap out of her too. While she and her people were known as Magic Users, there wasn't much magic around. But this...this was magic, and it was inside her.

  Raine slipped back into the doorway and waved her over. "All set."

  She nodded as she grabbed the bag and followed him out of the room and up into the infirmary. Hunter and Gabe both looked at her when they entered. She glanced away nervously and went straight to the window that looked into the surgery room. They weren't working on Syney anymore, but a few doctors were standing around. She looked over to Raine, who looked over to the Vampire.

  "Got it," the Vampire said softly.

  A moment later all of the doctors walked out of the room and passed all of them, as if in a daze.

  Cass looked to the Vampire. "Thank you," she said shakily.

  He gave her a nod.

  She turned away and took a big breath. This was a large task, and she wasn't sure she could handle it. She looked at Syney lying lifeless on the bed behind the glass and felt her resolve build. She could do this; she had to do this. She walked quickly through the swinging doors and to Syney's side. She looked pale and still had some dry blood on her skin. Cass didn't know what was worse—all of the stitched-up areas on her abdomen and chest or her bruised and swollen face. It was disgusting that someone could have done this to her. She fought back tears while Raine pulled up a long metal table for her. She nodded to him
and pulled out the herbs and plants. She flipped open the book to the spell on healing deep cuts and mixed together what she needed in a bowl that she also had found in the dusty room. After she had mixed the ingredients, she held her hands over the bowl and repeated the spell in the book. At first nothing happened. She felt no surge of energy. She sighed, frustrated, and looked at Raine.

  "Try it again," he said softly.

  She put her hands back, and he gently put his above hers. She said the words again and immediately felt his hands warm hers. Once they did, she felt that tug of energy flow through her hands and onto the mixture. She looked up at him, silently questioning.

  He gave her a small smile. "Magic is all about life forces. You just borrowed some of mine."

  "So we can all do magic?" she asked.

  He nodded. "To an extent. But you were born with a magical life force that's stronger than any others."

  Cass wanted to ask more but knew she had work to do. She brushed the mixture onto Syney's sutures with her fingers. Once she was done, they started to shine, as if blue gems were implanted in them. She smiled. That must mean it's working, she thought. Next she mixed up something for any internal bleeding and then something to replace Syney's lost blood. Raine helped her with both the creation and injecting it. The last step was Syney's face. Cass moved quickly, mixing ingredients and then saying the spells over them. This time, however, she didn't need Raine's help. She felt her power run freely now, as if it was just there on the surface, waiting to be pulled upon. After everything was applied, injected, and covered with cloth, all they could do was wait. Cass pulled up a stool next to Syney and offered up some prayers to the gods. She was pretty sure everything would work, but it didn't hurt to add prayer to the list.

  After about an hour, Cass looked at Raine and nodded. She pulled off the first cloth to see clear skin with only a faint scar. She smiled, and they both took the rest of the cloths off. Her face was still a little purple, but it was much lighter and not swollen at all. Her color was even picking up in her whole body. Cass had done it. She smiled at Raine and then at Hunter, who watched like a hawk through the window.


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