Rapid Pulse: A Limited Edition Spicy Romance Collection

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Rapid Pulse: A Limited Edition Spicy Romance Collection Page 52

by Gina Kincade

  “I shouldn’t. This trip was intended for you, Your Highness,” Axton half protested.

  “You should. It’s an order. Go and report back once you’ve examined her.” Even if he didn’t want to do it—which Damon was certain Axton did—he would never go against a direct order, and they both knew it.

  Axton gave him a starchy salute that only he could get away with before turning and heading to the woman that had captivated his interest.

  With his friend gone, Damon was free to admire his mate. He didn’t approach right away, choosing to get his fill from a short distance, savoring the newness of the heat simmering in his blood.

  A couple of young males paused at her station, but after a soft growl from him, they hurried to the next. His message was clear: touch her and die. They understood. Her chest rose and fell with quickened breaths, making her breasts heave a little, entrancing him. Her slightly rounded stomach had his groin tightening at the thought of planting his seed inside her. She’d look beautiful with his dragonling growing in her belly. He glanced lower still. Her knees shook a little, but she held them open. Soon, his gaze would be the only one to light upon her body, but for now, he’d allow others to see her. Not that he had a choice. Until he signed his end of the contract, which Edmond should be coming with at any moment, he couldn’t cover her or remove her from her perch.

  He stepped closer, breathing deeply, yet not quite catching the scent he was so eager to capture. Odd. He came closer. His body blocked the sun’s rays from her skin, and she gasped. Her nipples hardened under his gaze, and it was all he could do to keep from bending over and taking one into his mouth.

  Sure, other men were doing that all around him, but he was a dragon, and he didn’t share his treasures. Not touches or sounds. And she would be making plenty of noise once he got her alone.

  “Ah, there you are, Your Highness,” Edmond said as he rushed up to him, keeping his gaze averted from the female before him. Smart man. “I have the documents you require.”

  “Good. When can I place my insignia on her?”

  “Three days, Your Highness. It will give you the time you need to decide if you want to keep her and prepare her body for the marking before you make that final pledge.” Edmond handed him the documents he’d already reviewed.

  “I don’t need three days. She’s mine.” With a flourish, he signed his name at the bottom, not caring if he hit the line it was meant to go on or not. Damon glanced over at Axton, who crouched over a petite woman with white-blond hair. The woman had her lip caught between her teeth and was trying not to smile.

  “Be that as it may, Your Highness, we cannot bend the rules, even for a king.” Edmond’s face turned a deep burgundy, but he held his head high.

  “Fine. We’ll abide by the rules. Once you’ve delivered my contract for processing, see to that male, as well.” Damon pointed to where Axton was. “If he so desires, he shall have that woman as his mate. Be sure to tell the High Priestess that it is my order, and that the additional bonus shall be yours.”

  Edmond’s eyes all but bugged out of his head. “Yes, Sir. Right away, Your Highness.”

  Once the man was gone, Damon turned his attention back to where it belonged—his mate. He came to stand closer, bending at the waist, bringing his sensitive nose to her. Her soft arousal teased him, but she hadn’t come. Amazing. If she had, the smell would have been stronger, her folds would have been wetter.

  From what he’d been told, stimulants in the soap used to bathe the women made it all but impossible for them not to have multiple orgasms from the time they had been exposed to it until it wore off hours later.

  “I wonder,” he said in a voice low enough for only the beautiful female on the station before him to hear, “how quiet you can be.”

  He unbuttoned his shirt, pulled it off, and hung it on the handle protruding from his mate’s platform. Taking a deep breath, he expanded the area between his shoulder blades, allowing his wings to push through. When he was done releasing them, he brought them around himself, encompassing the station, shielding his mate from prying eyes. No other had the right to see her from this moment on. He fingered the satiny material of her blindfold at her temple, and she gasped. Soon, he’d remove even that small barrier keeping her from him.

  “Can you? Be quiet, that is?” he asked her as he trailed the tip of one finger down from her collarbone to the tip of her breast. A needy whimper slipped past her lips.

  “You need to come, don’t you? I’m shielding you from sight. You may answer my questions by nodding.”

  She nibbled on her bottom lip for a second, then gave him the nod he was looking for.

  “If I touch you, do you promise that you won’t utter a single sound? Can you keep from crying out?” Damon didn’t want to make her wait—hell, he didn’t want to, either, but pummelling every male still in attendance for having heard his woman’s pleasure wouldn’t bode well for him. It might even nullify his contract—something he could not allow.

  She hesitated, then nodded again.

  “Good.” He lowered his head and flicked her nipple with his tongue. Her back arched from the platform, but nothing more. Not a sigh, not a whimper, not a moan. Perfect. For now. “As much as I want to draw this out, it’s safest if we get out of here as soon as you’re released, so I’m going to make this quick. Remember your promise.”

  She nodded again and released the lip she’d been worrying between her teeth as he slid his fingers between her folds. Slick and ready, her pussy quivered under his touch. It wouldn’t take much to send her flying over the edge. He stroked along her clit on one side, then the other before flicking across it. Her body tensed, and her fingers tightened around the posts she clung to until her knuckles turned white, but she remained silent.

  He needed to feel her come apart, not just watch the abridged version his position would allow. With a moan, he slid two fingers into her, then used his thumb to circle and press onto her clit. Her breathing quickened, and she drew a sharp, silent breath, then as quietly as could be, her body clamped around his fingers, squeezing them in her tight grip as she came for him.

  A fresh wave of her juices coated his fingers, and he wished he could start all over again, but not in the arena. He hadn’t considered the heady scent he’d just released from her, or the fact that other males now had the opportunity to take it in. The tension in his chest escalated at the thought. Already, the bond forging between the dragon and its mate was like a steel cord wrapped around his soul, connecting him to her, and her to him. He had to get her out of there before the beast lost control. What the hell was taking Edmond so long?

  With more strength of will than it should have required, he pulled his fingers from her body. “The next time, I’ll have you screaming my name,” he promised, then reached for his shirt, his wings still hiding her from view.

  Finally, Edmond cleared his throat from somewhere behind him, and Damon struggled not to growl at the faerie. In actuality, it hadn’t taken him long to process the paperwork, but every moment his mate was on that station irritated his dragon further. Too many males lingered in the arena.

  “Ava Garamond has been released from the Citadel of the Chosen into your care, Your Highness. She is under your protection and considered your ward from this moment until you leave the Citadel. You may remove her from her platform at your convenience,” he informed.

  “Thank you. Please leave us,” Damon said, his voice gravelly. Until they were fully mated, the dragon would be more territorial and possessive of its mate than ever. It was best they went to his tower at once. He didn’t wait to see that Edmond did as requested. The bonus for having secured an unexpected mating would be hefty. The man would bend over backward to ensure Axton’s mate was also secured.

  “You can move now, Ava,” he told her. Ava. Yes, that was a fitting name for a queen. Simple, yet elegant. He liked it.

  The woman took a deep breath, then reached up to remove her blindfold. She looked at his face, first
, her lips parting at the sight of him, then glanced on either side of her, where his wings still cocooned her in. Her eyes widened. “A dragon,” she said in a soft, accented voice, almost in awe.

  “Yes, mate. I’m a dragon. You can call me Damon.”

  Her gaze came back to his for a moment, then flitted down his chest. Her tongue darted out to wet her lips. “Nice to meet you, Damon,” she said when she brought her attention back to his face.

  He wanted to laugh at the absurdity of meeting his mate after he’d already had her coming in his hand.

  “As much as I’ve enjoyed the arena, it’s time we left, don’t you think?” He couldn’t help watching as she wiggled into the shirt he held out for her, making him as hard as steel.

  “I’d like that. Thank you.” The wild blush staining her cheeks made her all that more appealing.

  They’d only taken a handful of steps when Edmond came rushing toward them. “There’s a bit of a problem, Your Highness,” he said in a rush, motioning to the station where Axton had been. Another male was standing there, growling, and Axton looked ready to shift and swallow the guy whole.

  “Edmond, would you please see that my mate gets to my tower safely?” he asked the small man before turning to his mate. “I will join you there shortly.”

  “Of course.”

  He gave her a small peck on the cheek and turned away. The sooner he dealt with whatever was going on, the faster he’d be with her again.

  Chapter Five

  AVA PEEKED OVER her shoulder at the man who had claimed her. A dragon. An honest to goodness dragon. A million butterflies took flight in her stomach. Had she heard Edmond right? Had he addressed Damon as Your Highness? Should she curtsey when he came into the room? She lifted her hand to her lips, stifling her giggle. Surely, if he wanted that, he would tell her.

  “Come now, you don’t need to see whatever is going on back there.” Edmond ushered her out a different archway than the one she’d come through. “Your new mate will want you to be ready for him when he returns.”

  That drew Ava’s attention back to Edmond. “You called him Your Highness. Is he royalty?” she asked as she kept pace. At least he wasn’t running now.

  Edmond’s eyebrows rose. “You don’t recognize him? He’s the King of Tarakona Island.”

  Ava stumbled to a stop. “The king?”

  Edmond puffed his chest. “Yes. I suppose, if all goes well over the next few days, that will make you the Queen. To think that I was instrumental in mating a royal pair. It will bode well for me and my family.”

  Millions of butterflies in the pit of her stomach churned and took flight. She’d barely left the farmers’ fields for the past few years, much less kept up with world affairs. What did she know about being a queen? Her heart thumped against her ribs. She was in way over her head.

  “Edmond, wait,” she said, stopping in the middle of yet another long hallway.

  The man glanced at her and did as she asked.

  “Surely, he’ll want another dragon shifter. I’m no queen. He’ll see that and change his mind before the three days are up,” she said, voicing her worst fear, because now that she’d seen him, and he’d touched her as he had, she didn’t want anyone else.

  Edmond was shaking his head before she was done talking. “He was quite adamant. It was you he wanted. There were a couple of she-dragons in the arena, and he only had eyes for you. Now, come. I’ll have the maid return to get you ready once more. We mustn’t keep your mate waiting.”

  Speechless, Ava followed. At the end of the corridor, they came upon a winding stone staircase of what she assumed was the tower. She wished she could pause as they ascended and admire the gorgeous views from the arched windows, but Edmond pressed on. They didn’t stop until they reached the top. Edmond didn’t hesitate, pushing the heavy wooden doors open and ushering her in. “Your maid will be right in. I have to attend to another matter, but if you need anything, please call on me, and let your mate know that he is free to do so at any time of the day or night, as well. Oh, and don’t be late for the celebration at seven. All mates and their Chosen are required to attend.”

  “Thank you, Edmond,” she said to his retreating back as he closed the doors behind him once more.

  She stood there for a moment, staring, not quite sure what to do before turning to face the room. The space held a large wood-burning fireplace with a rustic wooden mantle. The antique vase sitting on top of it was probably worth more than her father’s house. Two couches, one placed to face the fireplace and the other to best take advantage of the outside view from the window, gave plenty of seating. Otherwise, the only furniture in the room was an oversized desk with a thickly cushioned chair. The tingling heat that had yet to recede came to life again at the thought of Damon taking her on any one of those surfaces. He’d said he would make her scream his name. Would he do it here? Or in the bedroom?

  Her gaze darted to the back of the room where another stone stairwell led higher.

  Her heart rate sped. Part of her wanted to see what was at the top of those stairs. A bed, for sure, but what else? Edmond had said she needed to prepare for her mate, but she had no idea what that entailed.

  Deciding against exploring on her own, she went to the window, taking in the valley beyond the Citadel walls. She wasn’t sure where Tarakona Island was, but that’s where she was going to live. With her mate. Grasping the fabric of the shirt Damon had put on her, she brought it to her nose. It smelled nice. The faint scent of salt water, the forest, and the wind clung to the shirt, but she suspected that came from him, rather than his usual surroundings.

  Behind her, the door creaked open, and she whipped around.

  Mia came in, her cheeks flushed, carrying a basket and some articles of clothing draped over one arm. “I can’t believe you did it. On the first day, no less,” she said in a rush but with a friendly smile on her face.

  “I’m a little shocked myself,” she admitted. “Here, let me help you with that.”

  Ava went to grab the basket, but Mia shoed her away. “I can manage. It’s my job. Let’s go upstairs. King Damon will be back soon, and we don’t want to keep him waiting.”

  Getting ready wasn’t so much of a physical experience, though Mia did strip her of Damon’s sexy smelling shirt and slipped a red satin gown over her—and nothing else. No bra. No underwear. Not even slippers. The thing clung to her body, leaving nothing to the imagination. The neckline swooped low, showing plenty of cleavage.

  “Go ahead and climb onto the bed. Show me how you’ll place yourself when your mate comes up the stairs.”

  “I’m sorry?”

  “I’m going to make sure you can please your mate. Get onto the bed. Put yourself on display. Touch yourself.”

  Ava gasped. What the hell?

  Mia gave her an exasperated look. “Do you want him to come in here and have a nap or take one look at you and tear that gown he bought you off your body before he ravishes you?”

  “Can’t there be something in the middle?”

  Shaking her head, the maid came closer. “Trust me, if what I’ve heard about dragons is true, you’ll want the ravishing. But...you’ll also want to be ready. They’re big. All over.”

  Swallowing hard, Ava went to the bed. She’d prepared herself for some discomfort, but she hadn’t considered she might mate with a dragon, or that his anatomy might create problems. Her lungs ached and she couldn’t quite catch her breath. What had she gotten herself into?

  Mia came to her, wrapping an arm around her shoulder and leading her to the bed. “I didn’t mean to scare you, Ava. We have products that will help. I promise, it’ll be fine.”

  She drew a steadying breath, then another. Backing out wasn’t an option. She’d signed a contract, and if she were being truthful, she didn’t want to run away. It was only natural to be nervous the first time, right? Right. Of course. This was what she’d wanted. What she’d hoped for and planned on. Her siblings were counting on her to get them aw
ay from their father. She wouldn’t let them down. “What do I need to do?”

  Mia pulled several different colored containers from her basket, along with a long, smooth, wooden phallus. She eyed her for a moment, then puckered her lips and, finally, grabbed the blue jar and twisted it open. “We’ll start with this. If you spread a tiny bit of it on your nipples, it’ll enhance your pleasure. It heats up, though, so only apply a dab on each.”

  She handed the jar over, then looked at her expectantly.

  “What? Now?”

  “You have something more important to do?” Mia asked, her eyebrows rising and her lips quirking up in the corners.

  Ava drew a shaky breath. Crap. “Can you at least turn around?”

  The woman outright laughed. When Ava didn’t move, Mia rolled her eyes and turned her back. “It’s not often we see a shy wolf shifter.”

  Just because most she-wolves were hyper sexual, especially around their heat, didn’t mean everyone was.

  She brought the container to her nose for a sniff. The white cream inside held a faintly sweet smell that all but disappeared the second she pulled it away. Tugging the gown away from her body, she applied it as directed.

  “Okay. Done.”

  When Mia turned, she grabbed the phallus and a red jar, shoving both toward her at once. “You’ll have to put some of this onto the wooden penis and then insert it into your vagina. Unless of course, you want me to do it.”

  Ava didn’t hear a thing after the word “insert”. She wasn’t a prude—truly—and she fully intended to have something inserted in there, but not one made of wood. Not for the first time, or rather, the second if she counted his fingers in the arena. At least those had been a part of him. A small, distressed sound rushed past her lips, and Mia frowned down at her.

  “What’s wrong? It will help you stretch. You’ll accommodate your mate’s length and girth better this way. It’ll be more pleasurable for both of you.”


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