Rapid Pulse: A Limited Edition Spicy Romance Collection

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Rapid Pulse: A Limited Edition Spicy Romance Collection Page 91

by Gina Kincade

  He smiles at her, fixing his sleeve for the final time. "Ready, babe?"

  Blanche's chest rises then falls. "As I'll ever be."

  THE NOISE LEVEL IN the restaurant is as expected for a Saturday night in one of the most sought after places in the Big Apple. Hunter knows how long it takes for people to get a reservation at such a place, not that he's ever tried or that he's ever had to.

  Blanche offers her name to the maître d’, the man nods and asks them to follow.

  As far back as they can go, they're led toward a four-seater table, where a woman with striking features, not too dissimilar from Blanche, daintily tilts her head up and scrutinizes the couple heading her way. Hunter feels the brush of Blanche's fingers against his. Without a word, he intertwines his with hers, lifts her hand up and kisses her knuckles.

  Blanche connects with him, silently thanking him for being there. For Hunter, no matter how difficult the night may be, he can't see himself spending it anywhere else than with Bee.

  A few more steps to reach her mother. Then a movement catches his attention along the side. Blanche's grip on him tighten, he can almost feel her trembling, as they both realize that Blanche's mother did not come alone.

  Chapter Twenty-Three

  "There's my Blanche."

  Did he hear it right? 'My Blanche'? As soon as they're in front of Bee's mother and her guest, she lets go of Hunter's hand and flies toward the man's open arms. Hunter wonders who he is. He can't possibly be the douchebag Perry. Somehow Hunter knows that Bee isn't into much older men.

  "Let me look at you. Ah...it seems pregnancy suits you. How are you doing, my sweet girl?" the man asks Blanche as soon as their embrace is done.

  At least he doesn’t threaten her. Although at first he thought that she feared the man. The way she's looking at him now, with awe and respect, Hunter can surmise that he's someone she regards well. And he must stay in his best behavior. Not only does he need to impress her mother, there's this other man too. Bee never asked him for such a thing. All she has asked for was to meet her mother. And here he is, standing like a big oaf, waiting to be introduced.

  "I've been great, Andres, just wonderful." Her smile is wide and her voice is soft and honest as she places a hand over her belly. When Hunter sees her glance over at her mother, that smile disappears. As though she just remembered that he's there with them, she reaches for Hunter's hand again. "This is Hunter Peters. Hunter, this is Andres, my ahm..."

  "I'm a friend of the family," Andres finishes for her, extending his hand out to Hunter. "It's a pleasure to meet you, Mr. Peters. Thank you for taking great care of our little Blanche."

  Before Hunter can reply, he hears the scoff, which came from Bee's mother. He keeps eye contact with Andres. "Hunter, please. It's been a pleasure taking care of her, when she lets me, of course." He sends a smile to Blanche, who smiles back. Then, he turns to her mother. "And you must be Blanche's mother. It's great to finally meet you, ma'am." His mother would be proud of how pleasant he is. He offers his hand to the older woman, but all she does is stare at it and scoff once again.

  "Don't mind, Reyna. She's had a tough couple of days," Andres tells Hunter and Blanche. "Have a seat please."

  Hunter pulls out the chair for Blanche, leans down to press a quick kiss on her cheek, before sitting beside her. As soon as he settles, he feels Bee's hand on his thigh. With a surreptitious glance, he sees her sit stiffly, back straightened, not a hair out of place, and her face not giving out any signs of emotion. He gives her hand a little squeeze, to ensure Bee that he's there for her to jump, run or do whatever it is she wants.

  A server appears by their side, welcomes Hunter and Blanche and explains the prix fixe menu and seasonal specials. Then she offers to pour the wine that's sitting on the table. They both decline, but Hunter asks for a shot of whiskey and Blanche for sparkling water.

  As soon as the server leaves, Reyna trains her cold eyes on Hunter. "What is it that you do, Mr. Peters?" Reyna's voice is arctic.

  Blanche's hand tightens her hold under the table. He rubs circles on her skin, hoping to soothe her. "I'm an artist," Hunter answers proudly.

  One of Reyna's eyebrows pops up. "An artist?" She scoffs again. Hunter wonders if the woman is capable of any other expressions. "Aren't artists a dime a dozen in this city?"

  Blanche trembles at the insinuation. "You're right about that. And that's why I decided to specialize. My canvas is skin. I'm a tattoo artist." He's happy he said it, judging by the scowl on Reyna's face, she disapproves of it.

  "I imagine that's a profitable career," Andres adds in. At first, Hunter wonders why he's even present in this little reunion, and now, he's grateful for it. He's a wedge between the mother and daughter war.

  "Is it enough to raise a child?" Reyna spits out. "And to provide the way of life Blanche is accustomed to?"

  "We live a very satisfying life," Blanche answers for him. Pride fills his heart, and joy too when he heard the word 'we'.

  "You may say that now, but what happens down the road when he cannot give you what you really want?" Reyna counters.

  "You don't even know what I want. You never did because you never bothered to ask." Blanche 's voice raises a notch. Hunter releases her hand and places his arm over Blanche's shoulder, bringing her closer to him.

  "I have given you everything you would ever need and more!"

  Several glances direct their way, as the mother and daughter continue to argue.

  "Except for my freedom, and love, Mother. Have you even heard of such a thing? Love? Are you even capable of it?" Blanche's voice shakes.

  Sorrow grips Hunter's heart as he listens to Blanche. There is no doubt that she was raised in an affluent home, but a loveless home? He can't even begin to think how it would have been for Bee. His parents have been nothing but loving and supportive of him and his six siblings. He squeezes her shoulder, to relax her and make sure that she knows no matter what, he will love their child.

  "Reyna, why don't you calm down a moment," Andres butts in, patting a hand over Reyna's on the table. "We are not here to argue. We are here to meet this young man."

  "I don't care for him or what he thinks he can give my daughter!" Reyna responds.

  "Then why did you ask to meet him? This was your idea, Mother, not mine." Blanche stands, pushing back her seat.

  Hunter reacts quickly, wrapping an arm around Blanche as he stands steadily beside her supporting her. Think before you speak, he reminds himself, and besides, there are things Blanche needs to get out of her chest.

  It may hurt a bit that it hasn't been Bee's idea to introduce him to her mother, but he can't blame her. Not if Reyna's attitude is anything to go by.

  "So that you can see your mistake, Blanche!" When she threw the word 'mistake', she pointed at Bee's burgeoning stomach. Hunter has to bite the inside of his cheek to keep from exploding. "So you can come back home and do what you were born to do, fulfill your engagements, and return to Perry." Reyna is on her feet as well.

  Andres stays seated, shaking his head. It doesn't escape Hunter that Andres hasn't let go of Reyna's hand, but her last words ring into his brain. She wants her daughter to go back to the man who's caused her physical and possibly mental anguish?

  "How can you ask her to get back together with the same man who's beat her to a pulp?" Hunter asks, looking down at Reyna. Unasked questions present themselves on her face, which leads Hunter to suspect that she doesn't know. All semblance of peace has gone out the window. The chatter around them has quieted down, and so did the clutter of utensils. They are now the focus of the restaurant.

  One of the servers came up to their table. "I'm sorry but you will all have to quiet down. You're disturbing our other guests." He waves his hands around.

  Hunter snarls at him, and the server steps back, afraid. "That's fine. We're leaving." He turns to Blanche, sees tears welling up in her eyes. He holds her tighter and kisses her forehead. "Let's go, babe. This is a waste of time."

nbsp; She nods and lets him lead her out the restaurant.

  WHATEVER SHE THOUGHT would happen did. When Reyna asked to meet the father of her unborn child, Blanche was determined that it would never occur. But Hunter has shown her a different side of him, someone who cares and can protect her. She isn't wrong.

  They sit silently in the back of the cab, but she can feel Hunter's rage. She isn't afraid of it. Or him. Hunter is not Perry.

  When the cab reaches their apartment building and pays the driver, Hunter steps out first and runs to her side to open the door for her. She takes the hand he's offered once again and sags against him while they walk up the steps.

  Once inside the apartment, Hunter pulls her flush to his body. "I'm sorry you had to go through that, babe."

  It isn't what she expected to hear, and it's enough to cause the tears in her eyes to spill out. She sobs against his chest, as he strokes her hair and kisses the fingers intertwined with his. He doesn't say anything more. He just lets her soak his shirt with her tears. Perry would have never done that. Perry would have called her a spoiled princess and laughed at her tears.

  When her sobs turn to little hiccups, Hunter carries her to the bedroom and lays her on the bed. He pulls the folded handkerchief from his pocket and abs at her cheeks and eyes. He smoothens her hair off her face and kisses her tenderly on the lips. Then he reaches down and removes her shoes.

  "I'm going to make us dinner. You still need to eat," he tells her.

  Bee shakes her head. "I'm not very hungry."

  Hunter brings her hand up to his lips again, saying, "You still have to eat, babe. I'll make something quick. Do you want a bath while I cook?"

  Bee bites down on her bottom lip. How did she not see this side of Hunter before? The achingly beautiful man who's willing to do just about anything and everything to make her feel comfortable. She nods and watches him walk to the bathroom. She hears the gush of the water, and a few minutes more, Hunter returns and picks her up. He doesn't say anything to her, but he doesn't have to. The tenderness remains in his eyes. And something else that she's not prepared to examine. Hunter lets her on her feet by the tub. He walks behind her to unzip her dress. The fragrance of her bath oils surrounds her, almost immediately soothing her tenses muscles.

  Her dress pools around her feet, and Hunter scoots down, lifting a foot then the other to free her of it. Then her bra and underwear follow. His fingers trace her skin, but his kisses produce the shivers. She moans as he cups her breasts. Blanche wiggles her bottom against his trousers. He's hard as steel and she wants to feel him inside her.

  "Join me?" she asks with her eyes closed, and brings her head to one side to give Hunter better access to her neck.

  "Let me make dinner first, then I'll join you," he rasps against the back of her ear. His fingers trail down her body, stopping at the apex of her thighs.

  Blanche whimpers at the sensation he elicits from one flick of his thumb. She leans the back of her head on his chest and hopes that Hunter doesn't stop. She hears the groan coming out of him, and feels the tremble in his chest. When Hunter inserts a finger in her, she gasps. When he adds another, her breathing falters.

  "You're soaked, baby." His voice registers belatedly. "I want to taste how sweet you are."

  Blanche shakes her head. She's not used to having anyone's mouth between her legs, but Hunter seems eager to do it. With two fingers pumping in and out of her, Hunter moves against the wall, and faces her. His tongue plunders her mouth before he makes his way down.

  Pops of stars appear before her when his mouth covers her sensitive nub. When his tongue circles it, her arms grasp for anything she can get a hold of and end up gripping Hunter's thick hair. The more she tugs, the closer he gets, until his tongue replaces his fingers.

  If she's known what it would feel like, she would have let him do this that very first night. Of course, everything that Hunter has done to her since has far exceeded any of her previous experiences with Perry. She focuses again on how delightful Hunter's tongue and lips and even his teeth feel. With the buildup in her center, she's about to lose her mind. Blanche pulls at his hair again and he grunts, causing a vibration to shoot into her core. And she explodes, releasing the pooling of heat in her center. Her softs moans and whimpers turn into a full out scream as he continues to lap at her juices.

  "I can't," she pants, plants her hand over her chest, making sure that her heart cannot jump out of it. Her knees are ready to buckle, weak and replete, but she wants more, more of him.

  Hunter kisses his way back up to her, then shock hits as her own scent and flavor register in her brain.

  "You taste amazing, Blanche, sweeter than honey."

  Slowly, the rest of her surrounding returns to her addled mind.

  "Better get in the water before it gets too cold."

  Bee doesn't say anything. She can't, not after what she's just experienced. Hunter helps her into the tub, and she welcomes the soothing warm water on her skin.

  Hunter kneels beside the tub, kisses her again, before getting up to leave.

  I can get used to this, Blanche tells herself inwardly. And she knows she's thinking more than just great sex and warm bath.

  HE RETURNS SEVERAL minutes later, with most of his earlier attire off. Hunter offers her a smile, sweet with a hint of salaciousness. Blanche lifts her hand, with an offer for him to take. Without hesitation, he takes her hand and kisses the back of it. Then lean down to sear her with the most luscious kiss she's by far experienced.

  Once he stops and steps back, she whimpers and pouts. But not before long, the pout is replaced by a little knowing smile, as he sheds the rest of his clothes. His stiff cock springs out of his boxers. She aches to touch it, to feel it inside her, to stretch and fill her.

  "Is the water still warm?" he asks as he dips his feet in it, and then sits behind Blanche. He circles his arms around her, cupping her breasts and licking the apex of her neck and shoulder.

  Blanche, filled with bravado, shifts closer to him, and reaches behind to grasp his erection.

  "Fuck, that feels so good, babe." His gravelly voice makes her quicken her pace. "Are we allowed in the bath?" It may sound like a silly question if it hasn't been swimming in her mind this entire time.

  "I'm not sure." She turns around, sloshing water out the tub, and hooks her legs around Hunter's waist. He welcomes her in his arms, taking the offer of her lips, breathing in her scent.

  "Then we won't. Better be safe."

  Blanche bites her bottom lip, slightly disappointed with his decision, but agrees with it. "Can I keep doing this?" She squeezes him with both hands. Hunter's head lolls backwards.

  He sucks in a breath. "Yes, babe. Its amazing." He looks back at her, raises a wet hand to run over the side of her face. With a gaze of adoration, he tells her, "You're so beautiful, and brave and sexy and sweet. I'd be a fool to let you go now, Blanche."

  Her hands still. Where did that come from? Bee stares at him, unblinking. What does he mean?

  Hunter takes her hands off his cock, and pulls her in a tight embrace. "Your ex was a fool to lift a finger on you," he says with a whisper of his hand on her chin. "He was a fools to not realize what treasure he's had, but I'm glad he was stupid enough to not know. If he'd realized it, I wouldn't have met you. You wouldn't be here now with me, pregnant with my child, our child," he continues, tracing her lips, her nose and her cheeks.

  Blanche cannot take it. Her body starts to tremble. Tears blur her vision and spills down her face.

  "Baby, what is it? Let's get you out of here, and we'll talk." Hunter steps out of the tub, helps her out too, wrapping a terrycloth robe hanging from a hook around Blanche. Then he uses a towel to cover his lower half before carrying Bee to the bed. There he sits her on his lap, cradling her and letting her cry.

  "It wasn't just that one night," she says between sobs. Hunter kisses her hair, her forehead. "He'd been physically harming me, but he's been careful not to mark me where people could see. Bu
t it got worse, and he drank and fucked other women." The hatred in her voice is loud and clear. "When I told him that is finally had enough, that I'd tell my mother what he'd been doing all this time, he..." Bee covers her face with her shaking hands. Sobs wrack her entire body.

  "It's okay, baby, I'm here." Hunter tries to soothe her, rubbing her back.

  Then Blanche's sobs stop, and she looks at him with tear-soaked eyes. "He forced himself on me. I tried to fight him off but he was so strong and angry. Then he punched and kicked me around once he was done. I thought he was going to kill me."

  Hunter stiffens at this revelation. Blasts of white spots appear before him, making him dizzy from boiling rage. He will find him, he determines. He will find Perry and destroy him. It's his promise to Blanche and the child growing in her.

  Chapter Twenty-Four

  Sundays are the best! As far as Blanche is concerned, she hasn't had such an enjoyable morning in a long time. Sure she looks forward to sleeping in on the weekends, but waking up with Hunter devouring her under the sheets tops everything else. Once she's increasingly aware of what's going on, her whole body tingles everywhere, and she feels the pool of liquid heat in her center. Blanche shoves the sheets aside and finds Hunter between her thighs.

  He stops for a moment, lifts his head up and spreads his mouth into an achingly sexy smile. "Good morning," he says to her before diving back to it.

  "Yeah," Blanche breathes out. She pants and moans. Her hands find and tug at his hair. As she gets closer to a foot-numbing orgasm, her hips arch off the bed, bringing her heated folds to Hunter's hungry mouth.

  Her eyes roll back. An involuntary shiver snakes down to her extremities. To think that she's missed this sensation all of her sex life. She may have no one to compare to, but she knows that Hunter is very, very good at it. In fact, he is great with everything.


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