Rapid Pulse: A Limited Edition Spicy Romance Collection

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Rapid Pulse: A Limited Edition Spicy Romance Collection Page 132

by Gina Kincade

  “I agree.”

  And I did. The wax clung in large red dots over my arms and legs.

  I scrubbed my body with the body wash, then took my time peeling each hard, red dot off my skin. I knew we had to eat, but now that we were tucked into the warmth of our room, I really didn’t want to leave.

  David walked back into our bedroom and began to dress.

  I took one more minute to enjoy the heat running over my back, then begrudgingly turned off the water.

  “Brrrrr.” I shivered, climbing out and grabbing the other white towel.

  “Do I have to put my princess outfit back on?”

  He stepped back into the bathroom, his black velvet pants and blue tunic back on.

  “Of course.”

  I quickly dried myself and got back into my dress.

  “So, where are we going for dinner? Didn’t the lady say we would be alone tonight?”

  “Yes, but they have a small restaurant here and they agreed to put on a dinner for us. A royal feast of sorts.”

  He gave me a cheeky grin and I gushed as I stared up at him.

  “Oh, that sounds amazing, my King.”

  He offered me his arm and I took it. We stepped out into the darkened courtyard and he directed me to the restaurant I’d seen earlier on our tour.

  We stepped inside and there was no one to be seen.

  But the long table had been decorated with a long white table cloth and the food was laid out in true banquet style.

  “Wow. This is lovely!”

  David checked the time on his watch. “We’re pretty much on time, so most of it should still be hot.”

  He pulled out a chair and I sat down in front of one of the two place settings.

  Before us was roast meats, hot potatoes, salads, and rice dishes.

  To my left was a bowel of chocolate mouse and a platter of fresh fruit.

  “Let’s eat.”

  I began serving myself then looked up at him digging into this own plate of meat.

  “Shall I serve you my King?”

  He picked up a chicken leg and tore at the flesh with his teeth.

  “Not tonight, my princess. Although that chocolate mousse may make an amazing breakfast.”

  I nodded and smiled at him happily, loving the indulgence of such a simple thing.

  After filling and emptying my plate twice and with my stomach full, I sat back in my chair and rubbed my belly.

  “That was awesome. I feel so much better.”

  David agreed and grabbed the bowel of mousse and plate of fruit.

  “Let’s take these back to the room.”

  “Who’s going to clean up?”

  He smiled. “You shouldn’t worry about such things. Now come. I have more tests for you.”

  A quiver of delight shot through my belly and I took his hand once again. On unsteady legs I walked with him back through the now deathly quiet castle, and let ourselves back into the room, locking the door behind us.

  “Strip for me. I want to look at you again.”

  I did as I was told. Stripping out of my dress and crawling onto the bed and laying down onto my tummy. I lay still and twisted my head to gaze at him, giving him a contented, submissive sort of look.

  “Hmmm, you are gorgeous.” He sighed as he ran his hand over my very fleshy bum and thighs. I have never been thin, nor did I want to be. But David’s level of adoration was completely new to me, and I reveled in the attention.

  “Thank you so much for doing this for me, my love.”

  I didn’t know how to put into words how touched I was that he had organized all of this. No one had ever put so much effort into anything for me, especially not my ex-husband, and never for my birthday.

  If I got a birthday card, it was a good year. This gift was out of this world.

  He continued to stroke my skin and smiled down on me.

  “You’re worth it, beautiful. Bath time?”

  I nodded and let him help me up as he stripped down to nothing as well, and I climbed into the three-person spa. He turned on the water and I moved until I lay beneath the warm spray.

  David stepped out of the room, then walked back into the bathroom, tea light candles in hand.

  “I thought this might set a better mood.”

  I giggled and nodded, what sort of man thought of these things?

  “Since we didn’t bring the salt lamp, you mean?”

  David nodded and lit eight candles, laying them around the bath before climbing in.

  The water rose as his bulk filled the space and his phone buzzed on silent. He grabbed it just as the person hung up and he frowned.

  I asked, “What’s wrong?”

  “My ex has rung three times. I hope everything’s okay.”

  David’s daughter had just had shoulder surgery that day, so although I loathed breaking the mood, his ex-wife never called more than once.

  I took a breath and pulled my kindness into me to use.

  “Maybe you should call her, hon. Something might be wrong.”

  David rolled his eyes and groaned, a classic reaction to having to deal with the woman he affectionately termed ‘Drac.’ After the original vampire. This one, however, tended to feed on love, affection, and life. Not to mention David.

  He tapped on the phone and then the ringing connected.


  Drac’s voice flowed into the steamy air around us and I turned around in the water, sliding between David’s open thighs and laying my back on his chest.

  That woman gave me the creeps so bad. There was something about her voice that made me literally shudder. How he lived with that woman for so long, I’ll never know.

  Well I did know, actually. I just didn’t like to think about it. She let him fuck whoever he wanted, and she was a tiny blonde thing that any man would be proud to have hanging off his arm.

  Pity she was such an insane bitch.

  I tried not to listen, absently closing my eyes and trying to focus on David’s beating heart. Unfortunately, it didn’t drown out her voice.

  David’s daughter’s surgery had gone well, Dracula was just reporting on it.

  Oh, that’s good. I’m glad she’s doing better.

  I waited for David to hang up, but the woman kept talking. Her high-pitched voice echoing in my ears. She reported on their sons sporting activities, their daughter’s new house rental, the bloody weather at the moment!

  They weren’t married anymore, what was she doing? Sure, they shared their kids, but this conversation was getting absurd.

  I knew she wanted him back, she’d made that abundantly clear with the flood of emails, texts, and sexual offers she’d sent him since the night she met me.

  Well, she wasn’t getting him back! He was mine.

  And keeping him on the phone on my birthday was really starting to piss me off.

  David moved his hand through the water, the wet slapping noise making it obvious where we were.

  In the bath!

  Yet she didn’t stop and David made no effort to end the conversation.

  I made hurry up gesturing movements with my hands as anger began to rise in my belly like a fire. Growing, stretching, tightening, and burning.

  He hated my jealousy of her, and I needed to stop. It wasn’t rational to worry about a woman he didn’t want any more. If he still wanted to be with her, he would be.

  But when my mind was screaming at me, it was hard to talk myself out of an overreaction.

  I blew out a breath, trying to calm myself down and yet I couldn’t seem to stop the growth of this anger.

  Didn’t he realize that... that woman was ruining our magical night? Why did he even have to speak to her? Because he did... like, all the time.

  When he finally hung up, I took his phone and practically threw it down the other end of the room. It banged against the tiles and then the wall. I didn’t hear any glass crack, but part of me hoped that it broke and she wouldn’t be able to call anymore.

  He nudged me. “What was with the hand movements?”

  The anger exploded and I couldn’t hold it back. “Couldn’t you have hurried up? Why’d you let her talk to you for so long?”

  I moved onto the seat opposite my lover, feeling stupid and wounded. There was no real reason for it, but I was mad and didn’t want him touching me while I felt like this.

  “Woah, I know she kinda killed the mood, but you told me to call her.”

  I glared at him. He was a very intelligent man. Didn’t he see there was a problem here?

  “I know I did, because I thought something was wrong. When you found out she just wanted to interrupt, why didn’t you hang up?”

  David chuckled a little and settled into his seat better.

  “There’s a big guy driving on the freeway and he gets cut off by someone being stupid. He chases the small guy down and they pull over. He pulls the small guy out of his car and draws a circle. He puts the small guy in the circle and says, stay in that circle, then proceeds to smash his headlights. The guy in the circle laughs, so the big guy smashes all his windows, and the guy laughs again. The big guy smashes in all the panels, and the small guy laughs again. He finally turns around and says, why are you laughing? The small guy says,” And at this moment, his voice turns all high and mocking, “Every time you turn around, I jump out of the circle.”

  I didn’t get it.


  David sighed. “That’s my ex. She could hear the echo of this room, she knows I’m with you. She has no power at all, and felt like making a nuisance of herself.”

  “But you let her. And you know how I feel about her. She is evil. A real witch. I hate her. I hate her voice, I hate knowing you have so much contact with her.”

  His eyebrows rose, seemingly affronted.

  “You talk to your ex.”

  I shook my head. “No, I don’t. I email or message, but I don’t have chats every day. It would creep me out and I don’t know how you do it.”

  He shrugged, laying back against the edge of the spa as though he was as relaxed as could be.

  “Because we were separated for years before I left officially. The kids were so young and I didn’t want them to endure the pain I did, when my parents split.”


  I hadn’t realized any of that.

  “We had separate bedrooms for years. I dated other women, and she knew. We just tried to keep the family together for the sake of my kids, so I suppose, it’s just a habit of mine to keep in touch with her all the time.”

  I blew out a breath, most of the anger now dissipated.

  “So, you had to spend years living with a woman you didn’t love, pretending to be a happy family.”

  “Yep. I told you. You have no reason to be jealous of that horrible woman. I tried everything I could to make us work. For a decade. And it was a lost cause.”

  I huffed out whatever negative energy I had left and tried to settle myself. I knew David’s children were his number one priority, and having a child myself, I knew how deep that love ran.

  I just had to remember that his loyalty to his kids didn’t mean he still loved his ex-wife.

  “So, you don’t still love her?”

  He’d answered the question before, but I still wanted to hear it.

  He groaned and rolled his eyes back in exasperation.

  “Of course not! You can’t love a person like that. Who doesn’t have any deep feelings. You’re ten times the woman she is, and I am so grateful to you for getting me away from her.

  Tears sprung into my eyes and I blinked them away. This was not the way I wanted to spend our one day together.

  Stop killing the mood. Are you trying to sabotage this on purpose?

  I slowly crept back to him across the bath, wanting to be close to him again. Despite everything I’d learned about their dysfunctional marriage, I still had too many insecurities about the woman David had lived with for twenty years. But I had to trust him. As I regretted marrying my husband, I had to assume he regretted his marriage, too.

  I’d never actually know what went on in their marriage. The only thing I could do was push through these feelings and not let her achieve what she’d wanted to do, which was ruin our night.

  “So... what’s next for my tests, Sir?” I asked, pressing my large breasts to his hard chest and kissing him gently on the lips.

  He hummed in his throat with happiness and deepened the kiss, pressing himself closer and licking my tongue with his.

  I pulled back and smiled at him, letting the love I felt for him flow over and heal the rift I’d allowed his ex to cause.

  “Let’s go.” He stood up, water running down his body in rivulets, dripping off the end of his beautiful cock. He offered me a hand, which I took, and together we stepped out of the bath.

  He handed me a towel and we dried ourselves quickly. I pushed any coldness to the side and focused on what we would be doing next.

  Naked, we walked back into the huge, darkened bedroom.

  I stepped towards the bed and looked over my shoulder at my caveman. My King.

  “Your instructions, Sire?”

  He stepped up behind me and spoke into my ear.

  “Time to see if you can seduce me.”

  I relaxed into his embrace. Now this was going to be fun.

  “I think I’m going to enjoy this one.”

  David stepped away and I shivered as I waited for him to make his next move. His hands slid over my eyes and a blindfold blocked out my vision.

  “Oh... this is definitely going to be fun.” With her eyes closed she was more aware of where her body was in space. Her skin tingled, waiting for him to reach out and touch.

  David’s hands slid around my waist and tied something to me. Then something thick and fluffy bumped against my ass. If I was right, it was a sort of tail that sat between my buttocks and touched the back of my thighs.

  David whispered into my ear. “I want my pussy cat to crawl across the bed and around the floor. Wait... just a minute.”

  He let go of me and I went up onto my toes, then down again. I couldn’t wait for this one! But he was so relaxed at the moment.... Too relaxed. How was I going to seduce him if he was in such control? Maybe I could tip the scales in my favor?

  When he moved back in front of me, I placed my hands on his solid pecs, loving the feel of his hot, slightly hairy skin beneath my palms.

  “I’ve sprinkled chocolates over the bed and the floor. See if you can tempt me.”

  I grinned, loving my man’s imagination so much. He barely ate a carbohydrate at all, let alone chocolate, but for me, he had totally different rules. He made sure I had everything I loved.

  “I just need to do one thing.” I slid to my knees on the soft carpet, running my hands down his body and searching for his cock.

  I found it flaccid, wrapped my hand around the shaft and lifted it to my waiting mouth.

  “Hey! That’s cheating.”

  Oh, I know.

  I took the flesh into my mouth and sucked hard, bobbing my head up and down and loving the way David’s hand slid into my hair gently, holding me to him.

  His moans surrounded us as his flesh thickened in my mouth and I used every trick he’d ever taught me to bring him to a full erection in mere moments.

  “Enough.” He gasped and pulled me off with a swift pull.

  Now that I was confident my seduction would go to plan, I stood up and crawled onto the bed, feeling for the chocolates beneath my hands.

  David loving seeing my pink bits and I had no problem showing him. I opened my legs and dropped down onto the mattress so that I could get some of the chocolate in my mouth.

  If he wanted his princess to be a sexy pussy cat... I could do that.

  “Shake your tail.” He said from behind me, his voice strained with arousal.

  I grinned and shook my hips, loving the way the tail slid across my buttocks and my wet nether regions were obviously on display. />
  His fingers slid over my back, groaning as though he was in pain. “You are so sexy.”

  I slid off the bed and crawled across the ground, moving as sexily as I could... considering I couldn’t see where I was going.

  I opened my legs as I dipped down for the chocolates, lying flat and then lifting just my hips so that my pussy was poking up at him as much as possible. All the while flicking my tail and rolling my hips.

  It was so much fun. I could feel the way my fleshy ass wobbled, and the indent of my waist as it folded on itself. It was unbelievably erotic to be asked to seduce him with my naked body in such a way. He made me feel like a veritable Marilyn Monroe. A sex goddess. And that was so far away from my past, it wasn’t funny. I never knew I could do this, feel like this... be like this.

  But I can... I am... and I love it.

  “Enough.” He growled out, grabbing my hips and pulling me back. Right onto his cock.

  “I was just...”

  He must have been sitting on a chair or something behind me because I could feel his thighs alongside my hips as he slid in to the root in one thrust.

  “Oh, god!” I loved this position. With him slightly higher than me, his cock pressed on all the perfect parts deep in my cunt.

  He thrust a little and used his hands to move me, pulling me back on to his cock hard until I was screaming with pleasure.

  “I was just... getting into that.” I cried out as he thrust harder, pushing me towards another peak of pleasure.

  “You’re... too... fucking... hot.” He punctuated each of his words with a snap of his hips until my body rose and peaked. I gasped, holding my breath as the wave of heat washed over me.

  Then I slid down the other side of that magnificent mountain and my knees gave out and I fell forward onto the carpet. My body shuddered continuously in pleasure, making me look like I was having some sort of fit. A sure sign that we should stop.

  I pulled the blindfold off, wiped my sweaty forehead and took a deep breath.


  David’s fingertips trailed up the backs of my legs and I turned my head to see him looking down on me. His face was soft, his eyes enquiring and loving.

  “Come on, up on the bed.”

  I let him help me up, my eyes closing of their own accord and my head was spinning like a top in the clouds.


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