Rapid Pulse: A Limited Edition Spicy Romance Collection

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Rapid Pulse: A Limited Edition Spicy Romance Collection Page 171

by Gina Kincade

  Zac sighed. “Your father and mine are like two peas in a pod, Daffers.” He turned to me, raising his eyebrows in a way that looked heavy with significance. “Was there something you needed, Nathaniel?”

  “Huh? Oh, y-yes. I was going over the, uh, figures from last Wednesday, and a few of yours seemed to be missing.”

  “Really? I’m usually on top of all that. You need me to come take a look?”

  Suddenly, all the half-assed trouble he’d got me into at school came flooding back as flashes of memory. I couldn’t resist a little tease back at him. “Oh, you know, it’s nothing that couldn’t wait until tomor—”

  “No, I won’t be able to sleep tonight if I don’t take care of it.” He turned to Daphne as he breezed past her. “Please excuse me, Daffers. Duty calls.”

  “No problem, honey. I know how it is in business.” She kissed his cheek and poked him in the chest. “You coming up to the house for dinner on Thursday?”

  “Thursday?” He adjusted his tie. “I’m not, uh...I don’t know what’s planned.”

  She rolled her eyes again. “Honestly. You’re hopeless.”

  “That’s what I keep telling you, but you never listen.”

  Daphne lightly punched his shoulder. “You do realize if we’re going to get married, you have to actually spend time with my family. Right?”

  “Well, yes. But that’s still a big if.”

  My belly cooled like it had dropped into an enormous bucket of ice. Marriage. Of course. That’s what the upper crust did. Interbred with each other. It was a slap in the face, for sure, but mostly because it rammed home how delusional I’d become. Zac was straight. Of course he was. After all, he’d never made any move on me. Why wouldn’t he go off and have a happy hetero life?

  “Listen, mister big shot,” Daphne said, in a cooing voice. “You could do a whole lot worse than me.” She turned and looked me up and down, shooting me a quick little wink. “Though I’m starting to think I could do a whole lot better than you.”

  “You could, Daffers. I keep telling you.”

  “Butthole.” She kissed his cheek again and gave me a little wave as she left the office. “Take good care of him for me, Nathaniel. Don’t bore him too much.”

  If I had my own way, I’d bore him as hard as I could. Didn’t look as though I’d ever get the chance, though.

  We walked in silence up to my office, but before I could unlock it, Zac grabbed my elbow and urged me further up the hallway. We turned the corner and Zac nudged us into the small supply room.

  Once inside, Zac turned the lights on, closed the door and leaned back against it. With a short flash of a smile, he flicked the lock.

  “Thanks, Nathaniel.”

  “You’re getting married?”

  Zac twisted his mouth up. “No.” He sighed like a steam train. “I don’t want to, at least, which is a big part of why I haven’t asked her yet. My father and hers are both desperate for it to happen. I don’t think she’s any keener on the idea than I am.”

  “Huh. You crazy kids.” Hearing the way Zac’s voice went dead when he talked about the idea seemed somehow like an invitation. “So, okay. I rescued you from rich person hell. Now what?”

  “Well at the very least, I owe you one.”

  “Bullshit. You owe me at least seven from back in school.”

  “Yeah, I guess. You never ratted me out once.” Zac studied the floor for a moment, a winsome smile dancing across his mouth. “They were good times. It’s great being all grown up, I guess. I mean, I can drink, I can drive—”

  “And vote.”

  “Yeah, ’cause that’s the one I was really sweating on.” Zac’s smile grew broader and even more kissable. “But, y’know, sometimes I wish...”


  He moved over to where I stood leaning against the wall. “I wish I could go back to those days sometimes. It’s stupid, at the age of 23 to be pining for my youth.”

  “You said it.”

  “What, you feel the same way?”

  “No, I mean it’s stupid.” I pushed at Zac’s shoulder, half in fun, but with a definite streak of anger in it. “You can’t seriously think you have it tough? Mister Money-bags?”

  Zac flinched as if I’d slapped him. “What the fuck? You think I’m living the life, here?”

  “Aren’t you? You have all the money a person could possibly need, you have a guaranteed career as long as you stop short of any federal offenses. And you have a rich, beautiful and charming girl all lined up to marry you. Where I come from, guys are lucky if we get any one of those in a lifetime.”

  Zac’s face slowly rolled from shock into anger. “Yeah, maybe. But you know what? If you do get say, a great career. You know you’ve earned it. Everything you listed...it’s all just been handed straight to me. I can take them, I can lose them, but they’re mine, and all because I’m the son of the great Lionel Scanlon.” He ran his hand back through his hair, the way he’d used to when exams got too difficult. “And to be honest, I don’t actually want them. Not the money, not the company...and especially not the girl.”

  “What’s wrong with her?”

  “Not a thing. Not a goddamn single thing. Except...”

  “Okay, so you don’t love her. But you do realize you could get just about any girl you wanted, right?”

  “Can we stop beating around this particular fucking bush, Nate?”

  “And what bush would that be, Zachary?”

  Zac leaned straight into me, planting a deep, long kiss on my mouth. I grunted, in surprise at first, but as the softness of his tongue butted up against my lips, I melted against him. When I opened up, his sweet tongue explored mine with a heat that woke butterflies in my belly and a python in my pants.

  He might have started this, but no way was he in charge. I pushed him back against the door, muscle against muscle, and bone to bone. Thousands of times I’d pictured this moment, locking lips with my ultimate crush. Yet the reality made every fantasy pale.

  When we finally came up for air, I struggled for breath as much as for words. This couldn’t happen. Workplace romance sucked, even for the heteros. But there was so much more at risk here than having workmates snickering behind my back. I had one job—don’t kiss the Zac—and I’d failed already.

  Zac seemed just a little more in control of himself.

  “I can’t tell you how much I’ve wanted to do that, Nate. I mean, for as long as I can remember.” He must have caught the shocked expression on my face. “Tell me you didn’t want it, too.”

  “I did. And same, for as long as I’ve known you. But...we can’t...”

  “The door’s locked. There are no windows. No-one else is here. I think we can.” Zac put his hand on my cheek, his glistening lips curling up into that half-assed smile I loved so much. I had to resist him. It wouldn’t be easy, but I simply had to. And I did.

  For three seconds.

  I pounced back onto him, consuming his sweet lips as he grasped for the thickness of my swollen cock. He slid his mouth free and licked a trail up to my ear. “Holy shit, Nate. I always knew you had a good package. I didn’t realize how good.”

  “Fuck, that feels...ohhh...”

  Zac dropped to his knees before me, like a dream come to life. He wrestled with the stainless steel buckle of my leatherette belt. If the cheapness of my clothing mattered in any way to him, it didn’t show. He apparently had only one goal in mind.

  And so it was that we officially jumped across the border and into perilous territory. I tried, without any real heart, to fight Zac’s hands. By letting this happen I would be killing both our careers. Yet I felt powerless to stop it.

  The worst part was, this was about more than simply condemning us both to a life of unemployment. This was about my self-control, or lack thereof. It was about obeying instructions and orders, no matter how fucked-up they might be. If I couldn’t last ten hours, how the hell would I last ten years? And how could I climb the corporate ladder if I couldn�
��t resist climbing the son of the CEO?

  In the end, though, my own desire was as strong as Zac’s seemed to be, and fighting it was impossible. The crackle of my zipper cut through my thoughts. It was followed closely by the rustle of my underwear. And suddenly, my world shifted on its axis.

  Zac pulled my cock deep into his mouth, drawing on it like it was an oxygen supply. I found his hair with my hands and fisted it tightly, holding him in place so I could thrust into him. His hiss of pain turned to grunts of pleasure and I moaned out a harmony as intense shocks of sensation jolted from my cock and out through my entire body.


  It didn’t matter that this was perfect. Nothing else had changed. It still couldn’t happen. Fighting my own instinct, I gripped the shoulders of Zac’s suit jacket and pulled him up, the strength of his sucking almost crumbling my resistance—and my knees. Finally I drew him off the end of my cock with a sweet slurping noise. Zac stood and immediately sank his teeth into my ear lobe, as relentless as a terrier. His weight and his hunger worked in harmony, pushing me back until I hit the wall of the tiny room, knocking my breath loose.

  I wanted to fight him. I really did. But even more than that, I needed to fuck him. As I hooked my fingers around his neck, I fought back, devouring his mouth with an even more intense hunger than before.

  All the fears I’d held simply evaporated in the heat of that kiss. Our tongues buffeted and bullied, exploring the forbidden heat of each other’s mouth. I moaned in bliss as Zac took a grip of my stiff wet cock and pumped.

  Common sense took one last swing at the situation, and I pushed my friend away. Zac stumbled back against the far wall and shook his head as if waking up.

  “What? What’s wrong, Nate?”

  “I told you, it’s Nathaniel. And we can’t do this.”

  “Yeah...y’know, you already said that. Maybe try telling your cock.” Zac raised one eyebrow. “I mean, seriously. Look at yourself. God, it’s beautiful. Still shiny from where I had my mouth all over you.” He swallowed heavily before finishing. “Don’t lie, Nate. You want this as much as I do.”

  I winced at how true that was. “Of course I do. Right now, I want nothing more than to sink my teeth into you. To feel your perfect cock against my tongue. I want you like nothing else, Zac. I always have. But...”

  “It really is a whole lot simpler than you think, Nate. You should just fuck me.”

  That’s when I realized common sense had taken an air swing.

  I dived at Zac and took his mouth in a kiss so ferocious it had us both whimpering. With instinct and skill, I tore open the front of Zac’s perfectly-tailored pants, falling to my knees before him, worshipping his cock like others worship their gods.

  Yanking down his crimson cotton boxers, I sucked in a long breath, filled with the masculine scent of my friend’s cock. Sweat and musk, strength and need. With a hunger that bordered on desperation I ran my tongue up and down the impressive length, savoring the tangy taste. I cupped his bulbous balls before pulling down on them.

  Stopping just long enough to put my glasses in my pocket, I snaked my hand around that perfect cock with a python grip. To balance things out, I snared my own cock with my free hand. As I squeezed both of us, I drove my mouth down over his swollen head and sucked for all I was worth.

  Zac’s knees seemed fit to crumble beneath the weight of his body as I worked hard to send pulses of pleasure through him. I punished my own cock as hard as I could, ramming my fist up and down, hauling myself toward climax. With every long pull of my mouth, Zac seemed to tighten up even further, banging the back of his head repeatedly against the wall.

  “Fuck...Nate, I’m gonna come...”

  I twisted his balls, working him past the point of ecstasy. He tightened his fists in my hair, and I popped off the end of him, shifting out of the way just as wave after wave of hot, salty fluid burst from him and splattered on the concrete floor. Zac’s breath hammered like a weapon and he leaned on my shoulders for support.

  A minute or two passed before either of us moved a muscle. Zac stood straight again and leaned against the wall. I rocked back and sat on the floor, my cock standing proud but achingly unsatisfied. A fact that clearly didn’t escape Zac.

  “Nate...come home with me. I can take care of that for you so much better there.”

  The idea of that—of being alone with the man of my dreams all night—was a temptation sent straight from hell. Because it would be so easy to agree to it, and so hard to bear the consequences. Even through the deafening roar of my blood, racing through my brain on its way back to my raging hard-on, there was a whispered undercurrent of peril. All my no-collar fears came up like flotsam. Losing everything I’d worked for. Becoming just another has-been who barely-was.

  There was no way I could be seen within a mile of Zac’s place without Lionel and Miriam somehow finding out. You don’t run a billion dollar company without all kinds of security and insurances. The threat in Scanlon Senior’s voice had held far more weight than just the loss of a job. The man had the power to destroy me, plus everyone and everything around me. I was easier to crush than a roach.

  Yet with every passing second, I found myself weakening. Standing right before me was my dream guy. The one who, back in the day, had truly awoken my sexuality. Before Zac, I’d spent months—years, even—wondering why girls held no interest for me beyond conversation. The moment I’d seen this golden-haired demi-god, the entire world had crystallized. Clarity like I’d never known had glittered before me in the rangy and beautiful form of Zac Scanlon. Though we’d never truly done anything at school, ever since then, no matter who I’d been fucking, I always pictured it was Zac.

  “Nate. Please?”


  “Let me finish what we’ve started here. It isn’t fair.”

  “Uh...we really shouldn’t.”

  “Please, Nate. You keep saying that. I’d call you a cock-tease except it’s your own cock getting teased.” His eyes lit up as he knelt and leaned forward, reaching straight toward my stiff rod. “And I don’t think you understand how much I need this. Need you.”

  Slowly, I stood and worked myself back into my pants. “I’m sorry, Zac. I–I really want to—”

  Still kneeling, he put his hands around my knees, holding on like my presence somehow grounded him. “Then let me. What, you don’t think I’ll be any good? I promise you, I’ll be everything you need and more.”

  His voice held the promise of a passion so intense it would burn me. To hear the pleading tone of his words was almost as shocking as it was arousing, and it awoke my need to dominate. This guy who had everything, suddenly needed one thing more. Me.

  I could barely control my breathing. I had no doubt he’d be the best I’d ever had. But none of that mattered. “Zac, I really am sorry. I mean, you don’t know how much I want to go with you. But I honestly can’t. And the real prick of it all is I can’t tell you why.”

  Zac zipped up and ran his hand through his hair, his anger apparent in every stiff, clipped movement. “Well, my mistake, buddy. I’ve read your employee file, you know? Including the, shall we say, independently conducted background research. It reads like you’re out and proud.”

  “I...” That suddenly seemed like the perfect solution, albeit a temporary one. I could shut the situation down and still spare my buddy’s feelings. “Yeah, it probably would read that way. But I mean, this is my first day. You know what I’ve come from. You maybe have an idea how hard I had to work to get here.” I pulled my glasses back out and slipped them onto my face again. “And your father isn’t exactly the most...tolerant man.”

  “Don’t lecture me about my fucking father.”

  The heat of his anger was hardly surprising to me, though the speed it ignited was quite a shock. I held my hands up, making peace. “Hey, I didn’t mean to, man. I’m sorry.”

  A fiery second passed before Zac released the tension in his shoulders. “No, I’m sorry.
You just hit a nerve.” The years seemed to drop away from him for a moment. Or maybe it was the obscene weight of his father’s expectations pressing down on him. Whatever the cause, he suddenly looked more like a shy schoolboy than a business executive, and I felt like a complete prick.

  “Oh, god, Zac. Don’t.”


  “Don’t look at me like that.”

  “Like what?”

  I ran my hand through my hair, suddenly conscious I was mimicking Zac’s own gesture from earlier. “Like I just crashed your hot rod.”

  A tiny smile awoke at the corner of Zac’s lips. “Well now, that’s my kind of metaphor. You can crash my hot rod anytime.”

  It was all I could do to turn away. Zachary Scanlon was sin on two legs, and all anybody could ever want. But man cannot live by cock alone. There was the small matter of not fucking up my life, or his.

  To cover my desire for him, I adjusted my jacket and grabbed the handle of the copier room door.

  “Don’t leave, Nate. Not without me, at least.”

  “I have to.” I strangled the door handle for a moment and then, before need and weakness overtook me, I opened it and walked out. My knees threatened to disintegrate as I marched away, but it was for the best. Work always had to come before anything else.


  Chapter Four

  The heat of my own shame and embarrassment seemed destined to overcook me as I strode away. All I truly wanted was to turn back and take Zac, right there and then. Fuck the consequences. But men throughout history, especially recent times, had made that very mistake far too often. Objectively, I had a whole lot less at stake than philandering billionaires or closeted politicians, but to me it was still everything.

  I’d expected Zac to follow me, but the fact he didn’t was probably for the best. Though my walking out had been for good reasons, it almost certainly would have looked like some crazy passive-aggressive tease for attention. Running away just so he’d chase. Still, I’d been pretty certain the man would come after me, in anger if nothing else.


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