Rapid Pulse: A Limited Edition Spicy Romance Collection

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Rapid Pulse: A Limited Edition Spicy Romance Collection Page 176

by Gina Kincade

  “You feel so fucking good inside me, man.”

  “You’re mine, Zac. Don’t you forget it, huh?”

  I punctuated my words by pulling out and driving home again. Zac tensed up, every lean muscle on his body flexing and releasing in an almost musical rhythm. My pounding hips sent waves through him, a sight so fucking beautiful I could watch it forever.

  Feeling my climax growing inside me, I turned my face to the ceiling and growled, hoping that could somehow cool me. Of course, it did nothing, so I drew all the way out and slapped Zac’s perfect ass.

  “Roll over.”

  “Uh, wrists?”

  I leaned over, my weight crushing him, as I unfastened the ties. He struggled for breath, and even that seemed to arouse him further. I slid back, biting his ass as I glided past it, and then Zac rolled onto his back.

  “Hey, Nate?”


  “I’m clean and safe. I promise.”


  He curled his mouth into that beautiful goofy grin. “Please? I want all of you. I want you bare.”

  “Ohh...” It was too tempting to resist. I tore the rubber off and dived onto Zac, capturing his mouth in mine as I fumbled to get my cock back in place.

  “Mm. That’s it, Nate.”

  I pumped forward and almost lost my mind. Zac’s tight little ass was volcanic against the skin of my bare cock. He squeezed me hard with every thrust as he fucked my mouth with his tongue.

  As amazing as it felt, I had to come up for air. I put my hand on his chest and pushed myself upright, studying his eyes as they closed with every hard punch of my cock. The look of ecstasy on his face grew with every push of my hand, as if he needed to be held down for fear of floating into space.

  If grounding was what he needed, I figured the best way to do it was to pull him back into the here and now. I wrapped my hand around his cock and jerked at him while I thrust inside him. He bit into his lip so hard it turned white, and he zeroed his baby blues right on my eyes. Locked together physically and emotionally, we both came at our climaxes from a different place.

  But we reached it together.

  The world tilted on its axis as my body electrified, a ball of pressure forming inside me. With a long moan I spilled inside him, just as he shot his cream all over his belly. The look on his face was a beautiful blend of peace and ecstasy, and I couldn’t wait any longer to feel him all over me.

  With my final jerk of climax I collapsed, grinding my body against his, coating us both with his cum. His mouth was soft and wet as I consumed him like a mango.

  We rolled down until we were face to face, on our sides, locked in the embrace of lovers. Sleep was fast approaching, disturbed only by the ding of Zac’s phone receiving a text.

  “That can fucking wait,” he said, his voice already heavy with exhaustion.


  THE BEAUTY OF THE SUNRISE had woken me again. In a way, I thought I could get used to living in a place like Zac’s. A view so majestic was a real delicacy to a kid from the slums. The reality was, of course, it was something I couldn’t afford to get used to.

  As I stood at the window, naked and staring, Zac came up behind me. He put his arms around my waist and planted a soft kiss on my shoulder. “I don’t think I ever appreciated how amazing it was living here.”

  “Are you sure about it all? I’d hate for you to look back in a week, or a month, or even a year and think—”

  “Nate, ssh. I’m through living a lie. And if that means ol’ Lionel disowns me then so be it.” He leaned the side of his head against my neck. “Doesn’t matter where I live. If you’re with me, then I’m home.”

  I closed my eyes against tears of happiness. Breathing was hard enough, all choked up with emotion. Talking was impossible. So I turned around and let my mouth tell him, without words, how deeply I felt our connection.

  After far too short a time, I broke our kiss and pressed him back from me. “Almost time to head in. You ready for the shit storm?”

  As it turned out, the text he’d received as we drifted off to sleep had been from his father. Calling us both in for a hastily-arranged meeting. It didn’t take a genius to figure out a rough idea of what that meeting would be about.

  “Ready as I’ll ever be.”

  We showered and dressed, relatively free of shenanigans. The elevator ride down was a beauty in itself, knowing we were on display to the world. Well, a tiny part of it, at least. And we no longer had to hide ourselves, or make any pretenses about who we were.

  I had no doubts about Zac and me. But even if I had, they would have been dispelled the moment he let me drive his Jag in to the office.

  Chapter Thirteen

  As we walked in to Lionel’s office, he glanced up from his newspaper. His eyes flashed cold for a second before he returned his attention to his reading material.

  “Don’t sit down, ladies. This won’t take a moment.”

  He slapped the newspaper down and stood, leaning toward us over his desk as if it made him threatening. “You, Ritson. You’re obviously fired. I should have listened to my instincts, and not my so-called son.”

  Zac tensed beside me, his hands curling into fists for a moment. I tapped his shoe with mine as a reminder to keep cool.

  “And you, Zachary. You need to get with the goddamn program. I need you to learn this business before it’s too late. But since you clearly are not cured yet, I’m transferring you to our Thailand operation. You can oversee the manufacturing processes. And when you finally do come back, this thing—” He indicated me with a backhanded wave. “—will be long gone.”

  It was far easier than I thought it would be to stay calm. I’d finally worked out that an insult only worked if it poked at a bruise. If I had any shame about being gay, then Lionel Scanlon’s words might have hurt me.

  “Thailand?” Zac glanced across at me, and shot me a tiny wink. “That’s where all those tasty lady-boys are, right?”

  Lionel slammed his fist onto his desk. “Zachary!”

  “Oh, come on, daddy. They’re softer and more feminine than half the women in this country. Surely that’s a step in the right direction, huh?”


  “Yeah, no more sweaty, hairy, man-sex for me. I gotta get me some of those delightful little chicks with dicks.”

  Lionel’s anger flew out of him as quickly as it had arisen. He flopped back into his chair, his hands spread on the desk before him. “Well, if that’s how you want to play it, you little bitch, then you can kiss goodbye to your inheritance.”

  “I already did. No matter how much it would have been, it was never going to be worth it.”

  Lionel shook his head. “Ungrateful little queer.”

  “Father. Dad. Do you really want to end any relationship we could have?”

  Lionel stood and turned to the window, as if looking at us was more painful than anything else. “You know my beliefs, Zachary. But you chose to live a life of sin, anyway.”

  “Just as you chose to be heterosexual?”

  I wanted to jump in as well, to show my man the support he deserved. Instinctively, though, I knew this was something Zac needed to handle on his own. I was there as silent backup only.

  Lionel Scanlon ran his hand back through his thinning hair, much the way Zac often did in times of stress. “Just get out. You have your trust fund and I can’t rescind that anymore. But we’re done.”

  Zac turned to me and reached out his hand. I took it, not as a businessman shaking hands, not as a workmate slapping a high-five, but as a lover. Holding him, embracing him skin to skin, as we walked out together.

  At the door, Zac stopped and turned back.

  “Y’know, daddy...there’s nothing so wrong about fucking an asshole. After all, mom had to do it for thirty years.”

  We turned and walked out. Into what future we didn’t know. But one thing was for sure...we’d find it together.

  The End

  About the

  Willsin Rowe spends all his time in the lush, warm parts down under. His stories feature strong, articulate heroes whose taste in women match his own. His heroines come complete with deliciously rounded curves, sharp tongues and witty minds.

  Willsin writes with a distinctly male voice, infused with a charming Aussie wit and a deep love for his characters...even the baddies!

  A celebrated cover artist and an instinctive bass player, he’s also a poet, a songwriter, and makes an amazing custard pie. He lives in Brisbane, Australia with his loving, curvy wife and his two clones... er, sons.

  Where to Find Willsin Rowe

  Willsin’s Website: www.willsinrowe.com

  Facebook Page: https://www.facebook.com/willsinrowepage

  Amazon Author Page: http://www.amazon.com/Willsin-Rowe/e/B0095OFU6G/

  Facebook Group (shared with Sassie Lewis): https://www.facebook.com/groups/1602958789982986/

  Twitter: https://twitter.com/WillsinRowe

  Blog: http://ohgetagrip.blogspot.com

  Also writes as Abi Aiken: https://www.facebook.com/abiaikenauthor/

  Promise You

  (A Roommate Romance Story)

  Rene Folsom

  Copyright © 2015-2017 Rene Folsom

  All rights reserved. No part of this publication may be reproduced, distributed, or transmitted in any form or by any means, including photocopying, recording, or other electronic or mechanical methods, without the prior written permission from Rene Folsom, except in the case of brief quotations embodied in critical reviews and certain other noncommercial uses permitted by copyright law.

  This book is a work of fiction. Names, characters, places and incidents are products of the author’s imagination or are used fictitiously. Any resemblance to actual events, locales, or persons living or dead, is entirely coincidental.

  Editing Services Provided by Cynthia Shepp


  Cover Created by Phycel Designs



  For Jim — my hero.

  A special shout out to all our service men and women who risk their lives to defend our freedom — no amount of thanks will ever be enough.

  Danielle never realized just how much her brother meant to her until reality slapped her in the face, forcing her to wake up and pay attention. After a shattering tour overseas, Dylan returned home to live with Danielle. Knowing he needed more care than his sister could provide, Dylan invites his battle buddy, Travis, to come live with them.

  After a rather unorthodox meeting, sparks begin to fly between Danielle and Travis. However, both of them know just how difficult it will be for their relationship to blossom without Dylan’s blessing, leaving them conflicted about how far they want to take it. Travis wants nothing more than to earn Dylan’s approval—to promise that he will cherish her—always.

  Once Travis realizes he can no longer keep his affection for Danielle a secret, things become complicated and the boundaries between friendship and love cloud his future.

  Chapter One



  “Coming!” Rolling my eyes, I got up from my bed and made my way to my brother’s room as quickly as I could. I’d just gotten home from work and finally sat down after being on my feet all day. Yet, as soon as I kicked off those ugly ass orthopedic shoes and got comfortable, he needed something. I adored him, I really did. But my exhaustion was getting the best of me, and I was seriously beginning to resent each time he said my name.

  Rounding the corner to his doorway, I nearly ran into a wall of muscle, a squeal leaving my lips before I could control the sound. I skidded to a stop because my stocking feet seemed to have a mind of their own as they continued to move out beneath me, causing me to fall on my ass with a thud against the hardwood floor.

  “Shit, I’m sorry!” a voice said while his hands came out to try and help me stand back up.

  I couldn’t help but jerk my elbow away from his touch while looking at him with disgust and confusion, staying put on the floor and seriously trying to avoid his eyes. “Who the hell is this?” I asked. My gaze darted over to my brother, begging for answers as to why I was just pushed to the ground by a stranger.

  My heart leapt into my throat as I watched my brother hobble from his bed, with only one leg to balance him, and attempt to come to my aid without assistance or his crutches.

  “Dani,” he said with a breathy sigh. “This is my buddy, Travis.”

  I couldn’t help but scrutinize how reverent his words were about this guy as Travis caught him under his arms and helped him back into bed. The dude’s muscles flexed while he argued with my stubborn brother, promising to help me next, though the view from my new spot on the hardwood floor wasn’t anything to scoff at.

  “Damn it, Dylan,” I huffed, pushing myself up before Travis could make his way back over to me. I brushed my hands on the pant leg of my scrubs and tried to straighten my unruly hair just enough to push it from my face. “A warning would’ve been nice.”

  “That’s why I was calling you in here... to introduce you,” Dylan said, pointing to Travis as the man stood with his arms crossed over his chest, looking like a giant in the small room. “So, Dani, this is my battle buddy, Travis. Trav, this is my klutzy sister, Danielle.”

  I glared at my asshole of a brother and almost didn’t want to acknowledge his introduction after that dig. But I was nothing if not kind to guests in my house, so I begrudgingly extended my hand.

  “Sorry about that, but I didn’t expect you to come racing around the corner,” Travis said while sliding his hand into mine, a chuckle leaving his lips as he spoke. If it weren’t for the warmth of his touch and the searing fierceness in his baby blue eyes, I would’ve jerked my hand away and told him to take a hike. But there was something both intimidating and captivating about him that kept me glued in place.

  “Well, I honestly wasn’t expecting anyone to be standing... considering...” I retorted, the bite to my tone trailing off a bit as I pointed to my bedridden brother and realized what I was saying.

  Travis held my hand a bit longer than necessary, and I suddenly felt the awkward pull to get away, yet stay. I wanted to know more about him, about why he was here in Dylan’s room, but the intimacy of the moment was getting under my skin in ways I didn’t feel comfortable with.

  “Well, I better get going and let you two talk things over,” Travis said just before walking over to Dylan and offering up a fist-bump. “See ya in a few hours, man.”

  “Um...” I mumbled, confusion filling the void where awkwardness used to be.

  “Nice to meet you, Dani,” Travis said with a bob of his head before heading out the door. I normally hated it when people I didn’t know used my nickname. It was way too intimate. But hearing it roll off his tongue made my stomach flutter in ways that pissed me off. I waited until I couldn’t hear his boots pounding on the floor anymore before I spoke.

  “Dylan, what was that all about?” I asked, pointing toward the door Travis just left through.

  “I sort of invited him to come live with us.” Swinging his body around, he put his foot on the floor and reached for his crutches while he spoke. “I’m hungry. How about we start dinner while we talk it over?”

  I couldn’t figure out how to respond as I watched him struggle to stand while holding onto the wooden sticks. My brother just invited a stranger to come live with us without even discussing it with me first?

  Reaching for him, I helped him up and held his crutches until he was able to stand on his own. We’d gotten pretty good at it over the past few months, and he seemed to be getting better and better at doing most things on his own, especially after starting rehab. But I still enjoyed helping him when I could.

  Without saying a word, we made our way into the kitchen where he sat on a stool at the breakfast bar while I began pulling the items needed for grilled cheese sandwiches.

  “Oh, thank Christ. I’ve be
en jonesing for some of your amazing grilled cheese,” Dylan said from behind me, making me smile with how easily I could please him.

  “So tell me about this Travis guy. Why did you invite him to live with us?” I asked as I lathered butter on the bread and started heating up the pan.

  The smell of the bread made my stomach grumble, and I suddenly realized I hadn’t even had time to eat lunch that day.

  “Well, he just finished his enlistment with the Army a few months ago and decided not to reenlist,” he explained, a pause hanging in the air as if he had more to say but wasn’t sure how to say it. “Dani...”

  Turning, I looked at my brother, examining the forlorn and all-around miserable expression on his face. My stomach twisted. I knew he was getting ready to talk about his lot in life, what he’d been through. Though he was often vague about the details, I still hated to hear them... still hated to see the depression gloss over his cute, brown eyes.

  Staring him down, I silently pleaded with him not to say too much. We really didn’t need to go down that road again.

  Sighing, he ran his fingers through his hair and inhaled a shaky breath before saying, “He’s the one who pulled me to safety after...” His eyes began to tear up, and I knew if he started to cry, I’d be a blubbering mess.

  I reached out and touched his hand, forgetting about buttering the bread just long enough to lend him my support so he could continue with what he was trying to say.

  “I owe him my life. And after all that has happened, after all he’s done for me, he actually wants to come here and help me, at least until I’m able to get around on my own.” As he squeezed my hand tighter, I watched the emotion lift from his eyes, his gaze fixed on our entwined fingers. “Anyway, I know you work hard—so incredibly hard. I figured letting him stay here would take some of the burden off you.”


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