Way of the Wolf: Shifter Legacies 1

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Way of the Wolf: Shifter Legacies 1 Page 21

by Mark E. Cooper

  He supposed it was from her point of view, but what was one more killer added to those he had met? “What is the motive, do they know?”

  “The police say there isn’t one.”

  “Nonsense,” he said crossly as they negotiated the still busy street. The headlights dazzled him but he made no complaint. “There’s always a motive for what men do.”

  “I suppose you would know.”

  “I have come across a few like this,” he lied. “My research tells me there’s always a motive whether we recognise it as such or not.”

  “How is the new book coming?”

  “Slowly, but I’ll get there.”

  It was another lie but one that came easily. He often used it when asked what he did. He had been published in the past, and he still received small royalty cheques on occasion, but over the last couple of decades he had found himself unable to write anything of any worth. His stories were fantasies; at least that is the genre he wrote in. He alone knew the stories were factual. He knew the history of his birth world intimately and had used it as a foundation for his books. People enjoyed reading of the Sae’hrimnari and their place in the world of Tahir, so very different yet evocative of the elvish people of this one. He had written of Lochlain and the kingdom, bringing to life those places and the great heroes that had lived there so long ago, but those stories always made him yearn for home. One day he had just stopped writing halfway through a scene, and had never started again.

  “That’s the ticket. Don’t let rejection letters get you down,” Ellen said oblivious to his melancholy.

  “I will try to remember that.” He kept his amusement at her matronly advice out of his voice.

  Ellen stepped up to the lobby door of her friend’s building and gave him a small wave before disappearing inside. It was a rundown apartment block, but far from decrepit even yet. A little paint and a good cleaning would see it looking like new, but no one was interested—not even those living there. He shrugged, only mildly annoyed. He had lived long enough to know that people never changed.

  With nothing better to do, he wandered aimlessly through the city streets. The sky was clear, and the breeze brisk enough to waft the pollution away a little. It was sad that all Earth’s wonders had such a heavy price. Technology seemed so much like magic to him sometimes, yet where magic exacted its price upon the practitioner of the art, technology exacted its price from the Earth herself. It was slowly killing her, but no one cared. Even those professing to be anti-technology and pro-environment played their part in the destruction and there was nothing to be done about it. Without technology, half the Earth’s population would starve.

  104th street was as it always was at that time of night. It was badly lit and bustling with men looking for a certain thing that they were willing to pay for. To Gavin, the street was brightly lit by the stars and was somewhere he came to for survival. Some of the men were going into the clubs, which seemed to spring up with tiresome regularity throughout the area, others left stoned out of their minds or just simply drunk. There were many streets like this one, but none had such a selection of what he needed—whores, or hookers as was the current idiom. It mattered not what they called them. They were life to him.

  He walked slowly along the street trying to decide. A tall black girl took his fancy, but when he had time to really look at her, she repulsed him. She was ill. He could see it as easily as he saw her desperation. Her aura was shot through with disgusting brown streaks. She was some kind of addict.

  He passed on by.

  The next girl came toward him with hope plain in her eyes. She was also tall, but she came by much of her height through her shoes. She had red hair apparently, but on closer inspection, he decided it was a wig. She had nice eyes, but her whining voice put him off.

  He passed on by.

  He was surprised when he found one he liked so quickly. Usually he had to watch them for a long time before he overcame his reluctance to pay for what he needed, but tonight was different. She was tall, almost exactly his height and that was a nice change. He was well over six feet. For a woman that was unusual. She was blond and very slim with very nice hands. Her fingers were long and delicate, but she wasn’t weak. Her bare arms and legs were nicely tanned and muscled. Her face was open and friendly; she hadn’t yet learned to view the world with cynicism. She must be new to the streets, he decided as he advanced toward her. He hadn’t met her before and she was young. She wasn’t much older than Angelina. Probably no more than twenty, maybe twenty-two he thought revising his estimate when he reached her. She had liquid blue eyes.

  He stepped forward and interrupted her conversation with a prospective customer. He inclined his head gravely and ignored the man’s glare. “Might I know your name?”

  “Hey, get your own, she’s mine!”

  Gavin turned slowly toward the nuisance and pushed. The man staggered back, but it hadn’t been a physical push and he was confused. The anger was quick to follow, but something warned him and he fled like the coward he so obviously was.

  “Wow!” the girl said with a nervous laugh. “You’re really good at that glaring stuff.”

  He smiled, she had a pleasant voice, very pleasant. “Are you available my dear?”

  “Yeah… I mean, yes kind sir. I haven’t been engaged this evening. My name is Sandy.” She smiled shyly playing the role she thought he wanted. That annoyed him faintly, but she would learn.

  “Would you care to accompany me then?”

  “That would be very nice.”

  He offered his arm and she took it as he led her to the curb. He waved for a cab and they climbed in when it pulled up to the curb. “Vincienzo hotel,” he said and the driver nodded.

  “I’ve never been taken to that one before,” Sandy said in delight.

  Gavin smiled. He always used the Vincienzo for this kind of thing. The management and staff were discreet, and the hotel itself was of good quality yet not too good. For the most part, the Vincienzo’s clientele would be unable to pass through a more expensive hotel’s doors, hence its popularity with people of less than perfect character. If you had the means to pay for quality, yet needed your privacy, the Vincienzo was the perfect place.

  He paid the driver outside the hotel and the doorman nodded a greeting to him.

  “Nice to see you again, Mister Lochlin.”

  “And you, Henry.” Gavin handed the doorman a tip. “For Margaret. She is well?”

  “Very well, thank you, sir,” Henry said tipping his hat to Sandy while pocketing the fifty. “She said to tell you she still remembers your kindness. I do to.”

  “It was nothing.”

  “As you say, sir,” Henry said, and held the door for them.

  Gavin escorted Sandy to the reception desk. “My key please.”

  “Yes sir, Mister Lochlin, sir,” the youngster said. “I have mail here for you.”

  He frowned at the pristine white envelope that the boy slid across the desk to him. He pocketed it unopened. “Thank you.”

  “What did you do for Henry?” Sandy said in the elevator. “I’ve never seen a real live doorman before. The places I get taken to always use droids.”

  “Hmmm?” he said distracted from wondering who the message was from. Not many knew he frequented the Vincienzo and those who did had been forbidden to contact him here. “Oh, I helped his son. He had fallen in with some bad company I’m afraid.”

  As for droids, they had their place, but their limitations meant high-end establishments rarely used them. They could afford to pay the salaries human staff demanded, and they had advantages over technological alternatives. Henry could be relied upon to keep the peace and eject unwanted persons from the premises. Civilian droids could do quite clever things, but their programming prohibited anything considered harmful to a human.

  Sandy nodded obviously disappointed when he didn’t elaborate.

  Ian, Henry’s son, had fallen in with some people who made their money from selling drugs.
They became wealthy, and Ian became an addict. It had taken less than a minute to break the boy free of the addiction and secure his father’s gratitude. Ian hadn’t appreciated it of course. Using his power to break the dependency did not cure the physical effects of his drug taking. All it did was stop him from using the drugs he craved. Henry said the boy deserved the pain for what he had put Margaret through. Gavin didn’t know about that, but if anyone had the right to decide something of the sort, it was surely a father’s right. Henry was a good man to have on one’s side.

  Gavin used his card, unlocked the door, and switched on the lights. The suite was a pleasant place that he kept solely for feeding. He never took food home; it would be too intimate. His home was his private retreat.

  “It’s nice,” Sandy said, dropping her purse on the sofa. “Do you live here?” She went to look at the view through the windows. It was a good one of the city.


  She turned back to him and he caught her gaze with his own. “You will not fear me,” he commanded with a small and subtle push at her mind.

  “Fear you? Why should I do that?”

  She slipped the thin straps of her dress over her shoulders, and it puddled around her feet. Her smile was just a little shy and nervous. She was standing naked before him and she was truly lovely. Why was she on the streets? She could be so much more. Anything she wanted to be.

  “I am... different to other men,” he said in massive understatement. He felt compelled to explain himself to this woman. He didn’t know why, but he wanted her to understand.

  “I doubt that,” she said and ran her hands over her slightly upturned breasts making the nipples harden and jut toward him. “I’ve done vamps before.”

  He grimaced at the term. No doubt she had done others, though her lack of any fear or concern appalled him. He had no plans to hurt her, but he wasn’t exactly typical of his kind. Most refrained from killing, most, but not all. That preference had nothing to do with compassion. It was simple practicality and convenience. Not so much with him these days. The older he became, the easier he found it to become attached to his food. He had found abstinence the only cure for it; that, and never feeding too often from the same source. It was one reason for his current preference for feeding upon the working ladies of the night.

  “How are you different?”

  “Like this,” he said as he bent to her neck.

  “Ah,” she sighed in pleasure as he cut into her throat and drank her life.

  His aura surrounded her, enveloped her, and the usual result occurred. His bite was orgasmic in men or women; it made no difference and he had no control over it unless he worked himself into a fury on purpose to hurt someone. That’s what he’d done to Slick Willie that night in Ellen’s apartment. He had made Willie’s punishment hurt very much indeed before applying his sword to remove his head as Lochlain tradition demanded.

  “Goddess, you really are different!” she said and clutched him tighter as orgasm claimed her, shaking her entire body.

  They lost themselves in the ecstasy of blood.

  * * *

  16 ~ Centre Field

  “I don’t like this, Mister Gavin. It feels wrong.”

  Gavin frowned at Angelina where she shifted nervously from foot to foot next to the car. She wasn’t a powerful witch as such things were judged, and she never relied upon her magic much preferring the more reliable technological weapons she habitually carried, but when a witch—even a little witch—said something felt wrong, it was best to heed the warning. It wasn’t her so obvious anxiety that made him frown at her however. It was that her words so mirrored his own thoughts and feelings. Something wasn’t right, but he wasn’t sure what exactly. The message had been legitimate enough. That Stephen wanted to use a neutral venue for their meeting was within expectation, but his haste was not. Still, Stephen and he had lived amicably for almost fifty years now. They respected one another’s strength and territory. Although Stephen was the younger and less powerful due to that happenstance, he would make a formidable enemy. Unlike him, Stephen had broken with tradition and did not live alone. He had allied himself with shifters too, but Gavin didn’t expect any unpleasantness. Not really. What concerned him was the reason for the meeting, not the meeting itself.

  “You should have let me bring Flex and the others,” Angelina said anxiously when he didn’t respond. “He could take us out easy.”

  “Not so easy,” Spencer said from the shadows on the other side of the car. “Stephen would warn us first.”

  “But that’s stupid, Spence!”

  Gavin smiled tolerantly. “Stephen is an honourable man. He will abide by our agreement. We’re not here to fight.”

  “Then why do you need us?”

  “Because the appearance of strength can often forestall unpleasantness. You and Spencer add to my power.”

  “Spence does, sure, but me? I can’t do what he does, Mister Gavin.”

  “Nor do I expect it. You add to my strength in other ways. It seems strange to you I know, but trust me. They’ll be impressed.”

  Angelina just shook her head and settled her weapons more comfortably beneath the coat he had bought her.

  Stephen would be impressed with Angelina; he hadn’t lied about that, and it wouldn’t be the clothes she was wearing either. He had bought her an outfit that subtly accentuated her beauty while emphasising her other attributes. She knew how to look after herself. She was no innocent, as anyone would find should they try to cross her. The long coat covered a slim woman wearing a biker’s leather pants and boots. The dark blouse she wore blended with the coat to hide enough firepower to start a war. Oh yes, Stephen would be impressed all right, but it would be her obvious loyalty and love for him and Spencer that would impress him the most, not her readiness for mayhem.

  Gavin led the way through the parking structure and up the steps into the stadium. Spencer prowled on his left leaving the right for Angelina to cover. The meeting was to take place in the open. Centre field to be exact. With the stadium empty and the floods unlit, the stands could have hid an army, but they didn’t. Darkness hid nothing from him and his kind. Indeed, even as dark as it was, Spencer and he could see perfectly. Shifters were well suited to hunting in the dark, and the night was all Gavin’s world. Besides, he didn’t need eyes to know that they were the first to arrive and that the stadium was empty. He had other senses that could tell such things.

  Angelina muttered something about taking foolish chances as they descended toward the field. Her eyes would take longer to adjust.

  “We’re alone, take your time.”

  “Don’t worry about me, Mister Gavin,” Angelina said. “I can see well enough to pull the trigger.”

  “I’m sure,” Spencer said sarcastically from Gavin’s other side. “Just so you remember not to hit me. Bullets smart.”

  Gavin chuckled.

  They reached centre field without incident and waited. Perhaps five minutes of bantering among themselves found them joined by Stephen. Gavin turned to watch him approach accompanied by two others as agreed. Both were revenants. He knew Danyelle as Stephen’s oldest companion, but he had never met the man with her. Spencer advanced a couple of paces and moved off to the side. Angelina did likewise so that should Stephen’s allies attempt an attack, she would have a clear field of fire.

  Gavin stood where he was unmoving.

  Stephen’s glamour was wasted on him. They were both strong enough to see through such things. With or without glamour, Stephen was an impressive looking man to his jaded eyes. He had night dark hair braided into an intricate rope, intensely blue eyes, high cheekbones, and aristocratic jaw. He was wearing a custom-made suit and a gold coloured wristband. A plain and battered looking wedding ring adorned one finger. Gavin had asked him about it once. Stephen said to ask again when they knew each other better. That was over forty years ago. The very real pain in Stephen’s voice had convinced him to wait another century or so.

hen kept his distance and said, “Spencer.”

  Spencer nodded amiably. “Stephen.”

  “You’re well?”

  “Can’t complain. A few years older, a few years wiser.”

  Stephen smiled at that and turned to Gavin. “Would you care to introduce me to your charming companion?”

  “Angelina, allow me to present Stephen Edmonton, an old friend.”

  “Charmed,” Stephen said with a smile and small bow.

  Angelina kept her eyes firmly fixed on Stephen’s shoulder. “Call me Angel, everyone does.”

  “Not everyone it seems,” Stephen said with a raised eyebrow at Gavin. “But Angel is such an apt name for you.”

  “How true,” Danyelle said sweetly. “Angel is a very pretty name. You surround yourself with weakness, Gavin.”

  He did not quite smile. “We define weakness differently. We always have.”

  “She is merely human. Any one of us could snap her neck before she knew it was time to scream. If Stephen gave the word, Lee and I could kill you before she moved.”

  “I prefer to associate with the living not the dead,” he said and this time it was Stephen he was talking to. Stephen frowned at the jibe. “You will find her more than prepared should you wish to test her. Angelina, show her what you’re holding under the coat.”

  Angelina opened her mouth to protest, but then she shrugged and opened her coat with her left hand. Her right was seemingly buried in her coat pocket, but upon opening the coat things were made clear. She had removed the pockets so that her hands could reach through to the submachine gun she was holding aimed at Danyelle. The second sub gun was still in its holster under her arm. She left it where it was for the moment.

  “It’s an Ares FMG-P90 sub-machine gun, and comes in the box with laser sight and stunner attachment. I left them at home.” Angelina said helpfully. “Made in Belgium… Europe?” Danyelle scowled at the mockery. “It fires nine hundred rounds a minute, and has a fifty round magazine. I have plenty with me should you be wondering. It will cut you in half, and I’m being literal. I tested it on a vamp once.”


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