THE BENNETTS' WEDDING (The Bennett Family and the Masters Family Book 5)

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THE BENNETTS' WEDDING (The Bennett Family and the Masters Family Book 5) Page 12

by Brenda Jackson

  Victoria didn’t say anything. She just kept eating, as if she hadn’t heard what Bree had said. To pick up the lull in the conversation, Monica began telling them about her day at work.

  A few minutes later, Victoria asked Kennedy if she was looking forward to leaving Rivers. She gave her cousin a wry smile and said, “No.”

  “Because of the head of security?” Monica said.

  “Or is it because you haven’t found a job yet?” Victoria asked.

  Kennedy shrugged. “Neither. I’m kind of sad, actually. Before Larry, I loved my job and the clients assigned to me. If only it could be that way again. But right now, I don’t feel valued, and I doubt that’s going to change, at least, not while Larry’s in charge. Luckily, I’ve put away a fair amount of money. I should be fine while I’m deciding what I want to do.”

  “Have you considered going over Larry’s head and talking to the CEO?” Monica asked her.

  Kennedy nodded. “I’ve thought about it. But I’m not sure it will do any good.”

  “You should do it anyway. He might surprise you,” Victoria said.

  Yes, she would definitely be surprised if Maceo Rivers sided with her over his management personnel. She’d even considered talking to Haddison about it but didn’t want to get him involved. Besides, Matthews’s behavior didn’t fall within his jurisdiction.

  “So, are you staying home tonight or spending it over at Haddison’s place again?” Monica asked.

  Kennedy smiled. She never really planned to spend the nights over at Haddison’s place — it just worked out that way. They would make love and fall asleep. When they woke up, they’d make love all over again. Then he would convince her to stay until morning. By the time she got home to change for work, her cousins had usually already left. Except for Bree who worked the graveyard shift at the hospital and would often just be getting home from work when Kennedy was headed out the door.

  “I’m staying home tonight. Haddison is going out of town for a couple of days.” There was no need to tell them he’d offered to give her a key to his place in case she ever wanted to go there. While it was a nice gesture, she wasn’t ready to take it just yet, remembering what had happened the last time a man had given her his key.

  Still, Kennedy was deliriously happy with how well their relationship was going. At the office, they rarely saw each other, but after hours, they usually saw each other naked. That didn’t mean they didn’t do things outside of the bedroom, because they did. In fact, they had crammed a lot of activities into their time together like going to the movies, dinners, plays, and concerts.

  The only thing that bothered her — and she wished it wouldn’t — was that after their first night at his place, he never mentioned his family again. Especially the uncle who raised him. Even when she tried bringing his family up in conversation, Haddison would change the subject. She was certain she hadn’t imagined it.

  “Well, we’re glad you and Haddison are spending quality time together,” Victoria said, smiling. “You’re happy. We can tell.”

  Yes, she was happy. Haddison had made her happier in just a few weeks than Charles had the entire time they’d been together. He went out of his way to make her feel special. “Yes, I am happy.” She smiled. “And Vic?”


  “Don’t get stressed out about Cortez Masters.”

  Victoria released a deep sigh. “I wish it were that easy.”

  “Why isn’t it?” Sebrina asked. Kennedy knew they’d all been wondering about that for a while.

  Victoria’s gaze moved around the table, and then as if she’d made up her mind, she said, “It’s something I should have told you guys about…but didn’t.”

  “What?” Monica asked concerned.

  Victoria nibbled on her bottom lip, a sure sign she was nervous about something. “Before Quinn introduced his triplet cousins to us last year, Cortez and I had already met.”

  “You had?” Kennedy asked. This was certainly news to them. “When?”

  Victoria didn’t say anything for a minute, then relented. “Do you remember that summer I spent studying botany in France?”

  “Yes,” Sebrina said. “It was the summer before your last year in college while working on your master’s degree.”

  Victoria nodded. “I met Cortez that year. He had graduated from law school and was in France to celebrate. We met and agreed to have a weekend fling.”

  “He was that guy!” Sebrina exclaimed.

  “Yes, that one,” Victoria said. She’d been sitting at a café in Paris while talking on the phone with Bree when Cortez had entered her line of vision. Immediately, he had piqued her interest. She had continued talking to Sebrina and telling her how handsome and fine the man she was looking at was. He’d seen her checking him out, and after she’d ended the call with Sebrina, he approached her table. Since Monica and Kennedy didn’t know any details, she told them the story of how she and Cortez had met.

  “So, there you have it. I told him my name was Adele, a student at the University of Paris, and that I was from France. Since I speak fluent French, he believed me.” Victoria shook her head. “He’s upset because he thinks I used him since I disappeared the next morning.

  Nobody at the table said anything, and Kennedy knew why. They’d all met Quinn’s cousins, the triplets — Cortez, Cobra, and Colton. All three were hot, with a capital H.

  “So other than having to deal with Cortez as my attorney, everything is going fine,” Victoria said.

  Kennedy hoped things continued to go that way for Victoria. Kennedy had only heard one thing about Cortez Masters — that of the three, he was the most serious. Those were the type of men whom you never wanted to get on their bad side. And it sure sounded like Victoria had.

  Maceo tossed the document he’d just finished reading on his desk. It had required nearly a full hour of his time to go through it and he was mad. Angrier than he’d been in a long time.

  He was usually more hands-on during the promotion process at his company, but he’d been preoccupied lately with opening that second office in Los Angeles. Other than his wife, Haddison, and his attorneys, he hadn’t told a soul about the upcoming merger and wasn’t intending to make it common knowledge until everything was in place.

  It had taken nearly a year of tough negotiations to reach this point, and he’d depended on his capable management staff to do the right thing. Now it seemed he’d misplaced his trust. What Nelson Whitworth had done was dishonest. And the damage he and Larry Matthews had done to Kennedy Bennett’s stellar employment reputation was both illegal and immoral.

  He glanced across the room at his nephew who’d been standing at the window the entire time Maceo had been reading the documents. Since Haddison had done the investigation — and a thorough one at that — he could understand his nephew’s anger. Especially since Maceo was certain Haddison had fallen in love with Kennedy Bennett. His nephew had yet to admit to it, but it didn’t matter. Maceo recognized the signs. They were there whenever Haddison mentioned her name.

  “I want to fire them today, Haddison.”

  Haddison turned and nodded. “There is something I need to tell you about regarding my relationship with Kennedy.”

  “I think you pretty much made it clear that you care a lot for her.”

  “Yes, but I haven’t told you everything. There are some things even she doesn’t know,” Haddison said.

  Maceo lifted a brow. “Such as?”

  Haddison ran a hand down his face. “When I ran into her here nearly a month ago, it wasn’t the first time we’d met. I’d met her about seven months ago while working undercover. I was involved in the bank robbery where she was taken hostage.”

  His uncle sat up straight in his chair, recalling the incident. He hadn’t known his nephew had been right here in St. Paul. Haddison never talked about his undercover activities, and Maceo knew better than to ask. “How could she not remember you?”

  “Because I was wearing a ski mask.” />
  Maceo nodded. “Will you ever tell her?”

  “I hadn’t planned to, but now I think that maybe I should.”

  Maceo nodded again. “The fastest way to ruin a relationship is by keeping secrets. With love comes trust.”

  Haddison released a deep sigh. “You’re right. But first I need to tell Kennedy about Whitworth and Matthews. She deserves to know what those bastards did, and I want her to hear it from me before they’re fired. This is her last week here. So far, Matthews hasn’t named her replacement, and she’s been wondering why.”

  “And after I get rid of Matthews and Whitworth, I want to talk to Ms. Bennett myself,” Maceo said. “And just so you know, I’ll respect her decision to file a lawsuit against this company if she chooses to do so.”

  Haddison didn’t say anything, not surprised. Kennedy would be within her right if she brought legal actions against Rivers.

  Maceo glanced at his watch. “I have a very important conference call regarding the merger that will end around eleven. I want Matthews and Whitworth in my office right after that. I don’t want them employed here a minute longer.”

  Kennedy stepped off the elevator onto the junior executive floor. She was going to talk to Larry Matthews, whether he wanted to see her or not. This was her last week, and he still hadn’t named her replacement. Her clients deserved better than that. They were entitled to an easy transition, and they wouldn’t get that unless she could smooth the way for her replacement.

  Her heart kicked up a beat when she passed the corridor that led to Haddison’s office. Was he there buried in paperwork, the way he’d been buried between her legs last night? Sensations swamped her when vivid memories overwhelmed her. They had gone to a concert, then returned to his place and were practically naked before the door had closed behind them. She’d ended up spending the night, and this morning she’d given him an invitation that he hadn’t turned down.

  Her three cousins would be away for the weekend. Monica was meeting a college friend in Memphis; Bree was leaving tomorrow for a medical convention in Houston; and Victoria was headed to Richmond to do some research at the botanical gardens. That meant the house would be empty. So she’d invited him to spend the weekend with her, giving him a chance to see the way she lived.

  “May I help you?” the young woman sitting at the desk outside Larry’s office asked.

  “I need to see Mr. Matthews.”

  She nodded. “He’s meeting with someone right now, but it shouldn’t be long. You can take a seat and wait if you’d like.”

  “Thanks. I will.”

  The receptionist stood up and said, “Excuse me a minute. I need to drop these papers off at someone’s desk down the hall. I’ll be right back.” Then she walked off.

  Moments later, the door to Larry’s office opened a little and she heard voices and figured the person he’d been meeting with was about to leave. She recognized the second voice as belonging to Nelson Whitworth. She frowned when she heard her name, and because the door was slightly ajar, she could hear the men discussing her.

  “And what about Kennedy Bennett? Is there any news from Haddison Wolf on her yet?” Nelson Whitworth was asking.

  “Not yet, but he’s been keeping an eye on her, the way we told him he should. In fact, I think he’s doing more than that. Rumor has it around the office that they’re sleeping together.”

  Whitworth laughed. “Hey, nothing’s wrong with going after an opportunity when one presents itself. I don’t care if he’s banging her — I just don’t want her to leave Rivers without us knowing if she’s taking any of our clients with her.”

  Kennedy stood, fighting back tears. She couldn’t believe what she’d just heard. Had Haddison only been spending time with her because Whitworth and Matthews had told him to? No, she couldn’t believe Haddison would do such a thing to her.

  But then again, she didn’t really know Haddison that well. And why would Whitworth and Matthews be talking about something that wasn’t the truth? Growing agitated, she knew she had to see Haddison now. She had believed him, trusted him…and she had fallen hopelessly in love with him.

  Quickly walking away from the area, she headed toward Haddison’s office. She rounded the corner and ran right into what felt like a solid wall. She didn’t have to look up to know it was Haddison.

  He grabbed hold of her, to keep her from falling. Then he leaned in and whispered in her ear, “I love bumping into you, Kennedy. But I’d rather do it someplace private where I can make love to you, too.”

  She stepped away from him. “We need to talk, Haddison.”

  Kennedy’s tone gave Haddison pause. When he looked into her face, he saw she was clearly upset about something. There were even tears in her eyes. “Kennedy, what’s wrong?”

  “We need to talk,” she repeated in an even firmer tone.

  He nodded. “Come to my office. I was on my way back there.”

  She didn’t say anything as she walked beside him. He noticed that she’d been coming from Larry Matthews’s office. What had the jerk said to upset her? Although, now that he knew her better, he could tell she wasn’t just upset — she was angry.

  Haddison was glad his personal assistant wasn’t at her desk. He quickly opened the door to his office, stepping aside for Kennedy to enter, and then closing it behind them. Looking at her, he could have sworn he was seeing the incensed she-cat he’d first met seven months ago. The same one he now admitted to himself that he’d fallen in love with that day at the bank.

  “What’s this about, Kennedy?”

  “Did you lie to me?”

  He lifted a brow. “Lie to you about what?”

  “Everything. Were you spending time with me because Nelson Whitworth and Larry Matthews told you to keep an eye on me? Because they thought I would leave and take some of Rivers’s clients with me?”

  “Who told you that?”

  “Just answer, dammit.”

  Yes, she was definitely mad. “No, Kennedy. That wasn’t the reason I was seeing you.”

  “But they did tell you to keep an eye on me, didn’t they?”

  He hadn’t wanted her to find anything out about that before he’d told her himself. Unfortunately, it seemed that she had. “Yes, but I can explain everything. I was going to do—”

  “No. If you’d been honest, you would have been up front with me about this. I shouldn’t have had to find out by overhearing their conversation.”

  Haddison drew in a deep breath. He could just imagine what she’d overheard. “I had planned to tell you everything. Today, in fact. I never went along with what they suggested I do.”

  “And why should I believe that, Haddison?”

  “Because you should know I would never betray you like that.”

  She glared at him. “Men betray women all the time. Take it from someone who knows.”

  He frowned. “I am not like your last boyfriend, Kennedy. I am asking you to trust me.” He took a deep breath. This was it. “You should know that you’ve come to mean a lot to me and that I would never hurt you. I know what you might have heard seems damaging to the relationship we’ve built over the past four weeks, but I’m asking you to give me a chance to prove that I’m not guilty of what you think.”

  She shook her head. “I don’t know, Haddison.”

  He glanced at his watch and then back at her. “I’ve got an important meeting with Maceo Rivers in a few minutes, and I want you there with me.”

  She frowned up at him. “Why?”

  “To prove my innocence.”

  MACEO LOOKED UP WHEN his office door opened and Haddison and Kennedy Bennett walked in. He came from behind his desk, and after giving his nephew a questioning look, he smiled at the woman. “Ms. Bennett. Nice seeing you again.”

  Kennedy nodded, talking the older man’s hand. “Mr. Rivers.”

  Maceo then turned to Haddison, who said, “I’ve invited her to attend the eleven-thirty meeting.”

  Maceo nodded. “I see.”
  Kennedy frowned. Was that all the man who owned the company had to say when his head of security brought an unexpected person into a private meeting? Without even giving a reason why? She wasn’t sure what was going on, but felt she clearly had no business being here. “I can leave.”

  Haddison turned and frowned down at her. “No, you can’t. You’ve questioned my integrity, so I need you to stay.”

  She tilted her head and frowned at him. Did he have to say that in front of their boss? The issue of Haddison’s integrity was between them. It didn’t involve Mr. Rivers. And how was this meeting going to prove anything?

  Ignoring Haddison’s words, she turned back to Mr. Rivers and said, “I think it’s best if I left.”

  Mr. Rivers smiled. “Maybe not. In fact, I would really like you to stay. I believe it’s important that I get to know you.”

  Important that he get to know her? Did he not know that she’d be leaving his company in mere days? She was about to say something when the buzzer on his desk went off.

  “Excuse me,” he said, before reaching over to press the intercom. “Yes, Lori?”

  “The attendees for your meeting are here.”

  “Thanks. Give me five minutes and then escort them into my private conference room.”

  “Yes, sir.”

  Mr. Rivers grabbed a folder off his desk, then turned back to Kennedy. “Please join us.”

  He then led the way into a huge conference room. Motioning to a chair in the corner of the room, close to the huge meeting table, he said, “I think that spot will be perfect for you.”

  Clearly still not understanding what was going on, she nodded and took the chair. Glancing over at Haddison, she found him staring at her intently. His features were unreadable. Then he broke eye contact with her to say something to Mr. Rivers, who merely nodded. Moments later, Haddison took a seat at the table, putting her in his direct view. All he had to do was look straight ahead to stare at her…which he was doing. She should be upset with him, yet his gaze was making heat stir within her.


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