A Pack of Two

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A Pack of Two Page 14

by Jacky Russell

  I stormed to my feet. “Get your ass out of my house.” I glanced at my watch. Lucas would be here in ten minutes and my house would reek of Aaron. Ug.

  “Aaron, so help me, if you aren’t out of my house in the next ten seconds I will neuter you.”

  A horrified look trailed across his face as he instinctively covered his privates. “Ouch, Bre.”

  “Seven seconds.” I reached for a butcher knife on the bar that separated the kitchen from the living room.

  “Bre,” Aaron said shakily as he climbed out of my recliner. “I was just checking up on you. Don’t get all mad.”

  “Three seconds.”

  Aaron scrambled for the door as my internal timer hit zero. I was two steps behind him when he cleared the couch and zipped out the front door. He leaped the porch in one bound and I was hot on his trail, knife in hand.

  Aaron slid across the hood of his black Camaro and snatched open the driver’s side door. I stopped mid-way through the yard, holding the knife like the Statue of Liberty. A big whiff of Lucas-scented air reached my nose and my womanly parts woke up abruptly.

  My face was burning before I turned around. It didn’t matter how much he’d seen or heard, since I was standing in my yard with my hair in a crooked ponytail and a butcher knife in my hand. So much for making a good feminine impression.

  “Hello,” I called cheerfully. Lucas was standing on my porch, just to the side of the front door, holding a beautiful bouquet of flowers. A soft pink ribbon fluttered in the breeze.

  “Hi,” he answered as he descended the steps toward me. I stared at the brown remnants of my yard while his musk and leather scent enveloped me. His black leather boots soon entered my field of vision. Geez, I loved a man in boots, especially when he looked so good in a denim jacket and jeans.

  The warmth of his body surrounded me and somewhere deep inside my mind, a tiny door opened. I looked up and found him smiling. He was absolutely irresistible.

  “You’re pretty brave, coming near a crazy woman,” I mumbled.

  “Sounded like you were defending your territory,” he answered. “These are for you.”

  Our fingers brushed when I took the flowers. “Thank you.”

  “Were you really going to neuter him?”

  I loved the naughty little sparkle in his eyes and who could resist those damn dimples?

  “Not with this knife,” I retorted. “I was thinking more about using a spoon.”

  “Oh, ow.” He backed away a half step. “I promise I’ll be on my best behavior.”

  Much to my relief, Lucas accepted my invitation to come inside. I fished around in the cabinet and found something to hold the flowers. They were too pretty to be in an orange juice jar. The only other choice was a Big Gulp cup.

  “Did you have any trouble finding my house?”

  He shook his adorable head. “No, your directions were dead-on.”

  This was awkward. We didn’t actually know one another and here he was in the middle of my living room. But I wanted him in my living room. The need to close the door on the world and protect him consumed me.

  He’s really here.

  His face showed only a hint of the fighting from last night, a little cut above his eye, some bruising along his jaw. His ribs were probably sore, though he showed no signs of it.

  He rescued me from the uncomfortable silence. “Are you hungry?”

  “Starved.” Breakfast hadn’t happened, since I’d been running around trying to make myself presentable.

  A glimpse of my reflection in the microwave door reminded me how ridiculous my hair looked. “Would you mind if I brushed my hair before we left? It won’t take a sec.”

  “Sure,” he answered quickly. “Take your time.”

  I hurried down the hall and ran a comb through my hair. When I returned to the dining room, Lucas was gone.

  Damn. Did my hair look that bad?


  Noise from the opposite end of the house got my attention. I tiptoed down the hall and found Lucas kneeling in the bathroom. The grout from yesterday wasn’t completely dry.

  “Who did your tile work?” he asked without looking up.

  “I did.”

  His smile sent my heart into arrhythmia. “Nicely done.”

  “The corners aren’t flat.” I knelt beside him and pointed to the row along the tub. “The grout wouldn’t smooth out here.”

  He leaned forward onto his hands. He was pure power, masculine and strong, and parts of me that had been dead for a long time were suddenly very much alive. I swallowed hard as his arm brushed mine. Damn, what was wrong with me? Just being near him made my hormones explode.

  “You have to change the pattern when you get near a hard corner like the tub bottom.” He looked back at me with a wink. “How about we pick up a fresh container of grout while we’re out and we’ll come back and fix this?”

  Oh holy hell, was it possible to fall in love this fast? A werewolf who actually knew what grout was? “I’ll buy lunch.”

  He rocked back on his toes, his tan hands resting on heavily muscled thighs. “Lunch is on me, but you can buy ice cream afterward.”


  Lucas stood and followed me up the hall. I felt like a prey animal.

  And I’d made fun of Flopsy. Shame on me.

  It was a short ride to the Steak and Bake Diner, my favorite place to eat. We found a booth tucked into the corner and split a basket of cheesy fries while waiting for our food.

  “Do your ribs hurt much?” I asked before washing down my fries with cold chocolate milk.

  “They’re a little sore.”

  Wow. Not too proud to admit pain. I love that.

  He reached across the table for my hand. I met him halfway.

  At that moment every ounce of air in my lungs left. Gently, ever so softly, his fingers traced little circles on the back of my hand.

  If this is a dream, don’t wake me up.

  Lydia arrived with our food and Lucas released my hand. Immediately I missed the warmth of his touch and intentionally left my hand on the table, praying he would reach for it a second time.

  I hope Lydia hadn’t spit in our food after the wallop I’d laid on her last night.

  We inhaled the food and ordered seconds. Lydia kept our fry basket full and brought us a double serving of apple pie for dessert.

  “I’m sorry the wolves went after you last night,” I said over a spoonful of vanilla ice cream.

  “They were protecting you.”

  “I don’t need their protection.”

  Lucas looked over his bowl at me and smiled. “I’ve noticed.”

  He and Galen were the only werewolves I’d ever seen with dimples. The spoon slipped through the ice cream and banged onto the bowl bottom. “I told them I wanted to see you.”

  “You did?”

  Tongue-tied, awkward moment. “Yes.” Hot face. Hot face. Hot face.

  “I couldn’t wait to see you again. I wanted to be there when you got off the plane, but with work and having to go through Alpha McGregor, I couldn’t arrange it.”

  Holy hell. He was so damn sweet I felt bad for ever doubting he’d come see me.

  “I know what it’s like to come home to an empty house all the time. I thought the flowers would make you smile after being gone for so long.”

  If I was the crying type, I’d be bawling right now.

  Lucas left a twelve-dollar tip for Lydia. I wasn’t sure if he was always a big tipper or if he was trying to make friends with one of Galen’s pack. We waited patiently at the register while a new human girl struggled with the computer keys. She flashed smiles at Lucas.

  Touch him and I’ll rip out your bottle-blond hair.

  A couple of Galen’s pack came through while we were stuck at the front. They all spoke to me and gave Lucas cold yet respectful looks. If it bothered him, he didn’t show it, though I did feel his surge of dominance when one wolf came a little too close.

  Our qu
ick trip to the hardware store turned into a three-hour trek. Lucas knew all about laying tile, painting, plumbing, and anything else I asked about fixing my house. He was better than my Home Improvement for Dummies book and a whole lot more helpful than the clerks at the store.

  By the time we reached my house again, it was almost fifteen hundred hours. We were carrying in the plastic tub of grout and a few new tools when his phone vibrated. He checked the screen and frowned. “I forgot about Tristyn.”

  “Do you need to go?” Damn, damn, damn.

  “I told Tristyn I’d pick him up after lunch. He’s waiting for me at the Divine Council offices.”

  I could throw him on the couch and put him out with a sleeper hold to make him stay longer. “I understand. Maybe we can get together some other time.”

  He dropped the bags and pulled me to his chest. Normally such a display of force would offend me, but from him, I liked it.

  “Maybe?” he asked with a twinkle in his dark brown eyes.

  I tried to look away. He would have none of that. He tipped my chin and looked into my eyes. I swear he saw everything, even the parts I tried to hide. It was intoxicating and, at the same time, terrifying how easily he took control of me. It wasn’t compulsion, but there was something magical about him, something I couldn’t fight.

  “How about I pick up dinner tonight and we’ll work on your floor?”

  Could he have been any more perfect? “Okay, that sounds good. I’ll make something for dessert. What do you like?”

  The dimples appeared and my knees went weak. “I’m a wolf. I’ll eat anything.” His eyes sparkled as his grip tightened. That feeling of being a prey animal returned. Now I understood the glassy-eyed look the rabbits had when I caught them.

  “Would six o’clock be too early?” he asked as I reveled in the musk and leather scent.

  “Um, no, that’s fine. You can bring Tristyn if you like.” I really hoped he would come alone, but it seemed rude not to invite his friend.

  For a fleeting second Lucas looked hurt. “He’s busy.”

  Oh, that didn’t come out like I had intended. “Okay, I just thought if you weren’t comfortable leaving him with all that’s going on with the pack.”

  I swear he stood a little taller. “That’s very thoughtful. He’ll want to spend a few hours on the computer.” He ran a finger along my jaw and my body threatened to spontaneously combust. “Trist isn’t much into house repair.”

  “Whatever you think.”

  He traced a white-hot path along my neck with his fingers. His breath caressed my face. He smelled so warm, so masculine. I wanted to throw him on the carpet and attack him. A mischievous smile and twinkling brown eyes were the first things I saw when I pried my eyelids open. He scented my arousal and I definitely felt his. Denim jeans hid nothing.

  His phone vibrated a second time. “Damn.” He leaned his forehead on my shoulder. My arms, with no instruction from me, went around his waist. A sound resembling a growl rattled in his throat when I laid my head on his shoulder. “God, this feels good,” he whispered in my ear.

  He nuzzled my hair, his lips brushing along the top of my head. A shiver ran up my spine when his breath tickled my ear. A calm so palpable I could taste it settled over me as his rough breathing hypnotized what little rational mind I had left.

  “I’ve dreamed about holding you,” he rasped as he held me tighter against his chest. “Since that night when you found me, I haven’t stopped thinking about you.”

  I buried my head in the soft curls resting along his collar. My dreams had been of him, too, and now, having him here in my arms, I was afraid to wake up and find only a stale Pluto pillowcase.

  “I’m glad you’re here,” I managed to say just before his lips covered mine in a gentle yet aggressive kiss. His tongue danced along, asking for entrance, while subtly demanding compliance. He made me feel safe.

  The phone vibrated a third time and he growled.

  I laughed. “You’d better go.”

  He tucked a stray hair behind my ear. “I’ll be back by six.” He kissed my forehead. “What would you like for dinner?”

  “Whatever is convenient will work,” I answered as he backed toward the door while still holding my hand. “I’m not picky.”

  He grinned and pulled me toward him in a move reminiscent of a ballroom dancer. “Do you like lobster?”

  I shrugged. “I’ll eat about anything.”

  His dimples were shining. “Like a wolf, huh?”

  “Well, I’m a little pickier. I do like my food cooked.”

  * * * *

  It was exactly two minutes before six when the black Suburban rolled into my drive. I opened the door and trotted out to help Lucas with dinner. Knowing werewolves, there would be a whole lot of food.

  “Glad you made it back.”

  He set down the bags and welcomed me into a big hug. I hesitated for one billionth of a second before stepping into arms so thick with muscles they could break me into pieces. His chest was hard and warm, his bristly chin rubbing along my cheek. I liked that.

  “I missed you,” he whispered.

  “I didn’t know if you’d make it. How many first dates have taken you to the hardware store?”

  He pressed a kiss to my forehead. “I’ve never had a date who knew what a hardware store was.”

  An involuntary shiver ran up my spine as he slid his hands along my sides and settled around my waist.

  He pulled back and looked at me curiously. “Ticklish?”

  I wasn’t. “No, it’s a little chilly out here.”

  The look in his eyes said he didn’t believe my lame explanation, but he was gentleman enough to let it go. “I’ll grab the food if you’ll get the door,” he said.

  Lucas retrieved our dinner, carrying so many bags he couldn’t see where he was walking. I acted as his scout, making sure he didn’t trip on the steps or run into the doorframe.

  I took the bags from the top of the pile and set them gingerly onto the bar. “Smells great,” I said, pulling Styrofoam plates from the paper bags. “What did you get?”

  He waggled his eyebrows like a fiend. “Lobster, shrimp, steak, and hot dogs.”

  “Hot dogs?”

  His smile made my heart somersault. “I was hungry on the way so I grabbed a snack. I left one for you.”

  Werewolves. Always hungry. “I’m not starting with a hotdog when there’s all this real food.”

  “Eat whatever you like. I’ll go get more if we need it.” He winked as he popped the cork on a bottle of champagne. “Can you grab a couple of glasses?”

  My Mickey Mouse glasses didn’t seem appropriate for champagne. The other options were little jelly jar glasses or the plastic cups I’d gotten with my last burger. I opted for Mickey and Minnie.

  Lucas looked a little puzzled at my glass selection but didn’t say anything as he poured the bubbly. He offered me Minnie. “I’d like to propose a toast,” he said gallantly.

  I giggled at the formal nature of a toast with Mickey and Minnie, holding my glass alongside his.

  “To the most beautiful woman in the world.”

  “Where is she?”

  Tiny silver flecks shone in his eyes. “Right here.”

  He tipped my glass with his and my face felt extraordinarily hot. I watched the bubbles float to the top of champagne.

  He came closer, his scent enthralling. His scratchy beard met my cheek. “I’m sorry if I make you uncomfortable,” he whispered. “I’m new to all this.”

  My heart fluttered. “I’m not used to someone being so nice to me.”

  His eyebrows knitted. “You’re kidding, right?”

  My first reaction was to shove him away for making fun of me, but the sincerity in his eyes hit home. “I don’t date much.” My face got hot again.

  He smiled and then ducked his head, crimson staining his cheeks. “Me neither.”

  “What?” I asked. “I don’t believe that. A guy like you must have women lin
ed up.”

  The crimson darkened. “No, this is all very new. I’ve never met anybody like you.”

  “You mean a witch surrounded by crazy werewolves who all act like my older brothers?”

  His laugh was light but real. “Well, yeah, there is that. I was thinking more along the lines of meeting somebody I wanted to get to know.” He lifted his chin and stared into my eyes. “Somebody special.”

  Goner. Toast. History. Done. He had me.

  He leaned forward and pressed a kiss to my forehead. “Am I coming on too strong? Tell me if I’m pushing too much.” He nibbled his bottom lip like he was expecting me to reject him.

  I wrapped my fingers in his hair and pulled him close. “I’m really, really glad you came.”

  His smile could have lit up the world. It did light up mine. “You’re all I’ve thought about since I crashed my bike.”

  “You didn’t crash it. The Malandanti ran you off the road.” Of all those heartfelt words he’d just shared, leave it to me to latch onto the Malandanti.

  He caressed my cheek with the back of his hand. “I have never felt like– What did you say?” The gentleness was gone from his voice and a surge of power filled the room.

  “About what?”

  He shook his head like it was full of cobwebs. “Malandanti?”

  Oh shit. Way to ruin the moment, Welker. “Yeah, on the mountain road that night. That was Malandanti activity.”

  He sat heavily in my cheap wooden kitchen chair and rubbed his temples. It was a safe bet he hadn’t heard anything about the Malandanti activity. Simon had spoken with the Italian Alpha, who apparently didn’t think that tidbit of info important enough to share with his pack.

  All the sparkle was gone from Lucas’s eyes. “How do you know it was Malandanti?”

  “I’m a recon soldier. We gather intel on all supernaturals and I can feel black magic before the wolves or vampires smell it.”

  “Why would they be after me?”

  I took his hand. “Sacrifices are the way they strengthen their magic. An Alpha’s son would make a powerful offering.”

  He looked at me, his face etched with pain and anger. “My brother disappeared a year ago.”

  Chapter 18


  My father had known about possible Malandanti sightings yet hadn’t mentioned it. Why the hell would he not share information like that with his pack? Or if not the pack, at least with me? My mother would need to be protected, the Divine Council notified. There were so many things that needed doing, yet he had done nothing. Even if he had chosen not to believe Major DuChard’s information, my father should have told Mom and me.


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