Nothing to Lose: The Pocket Watch Chronicles

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Nothing to Lose: The Pocket Watch Chronicles Page 18

by Ceci Giltenan

  After a few years they went away, but returned with vigor twelve years later as life under British rule became more untenable. Even though they had changed their surname to DeCosta when they arrived in the colonies, Sara lived with fear that Llewellyn might somehow find them. Finally, they decided to leave Philadelphia. Benedict took on a partner and put the management of his shipyard into his capable hands. They bought a farm thirty miles away, in New Jersey, near the village of Mount Holly. Even though they were still under British rule in New Jersey, things were not as tense out in the country as they had been in Philadelphia.

  They weren’t terribly far from the Delaware River and from there he could sail down to Philadelphia fairly quickly, but he only did this one day a week or even less as time passed. Benedict was forty-four now and instead of spending his days building ships, he created a thriving business making beautiful furniture.

  After that, the dreams changed. They were no longer nightmares. She would find herself in the house she grew up in. Her parents and brother were still alive. They hadn’t changed but she had. She was in Ceres Llewellyn’s body and yet that didn’t seem to matter. They knew who she was. Sometimes Ben would be with her in these dreams. And as time passed, her children would be there too, to the delight of their grandparents and uncle. These had been very good dreams, but she hadn’t had one in years. Maybe that was because she was a grandmother herself now.

  She and Ben had six children. Their oldest, Lily, was twenty-eight and married to Daniel, a farmer whose land bordered theirs. She and Daniel had three children ranging from a year old to six.

  Joshua was twenty-six. He had been named for her brother and as he grew, she was amazed at how much like his uncle he became. Joshua too was married to his beloved Beth and they had one three-year-old girl and a child on the way. He worked in the family business with Ben.

  Their third child, Emil, was twenty-four now. He had gone to university and had become a lawyer. He was working for a lawyer in Burlington, less than ten miles away. He wasn’t married yet, but was courting the lawyer’s daughter.

  Rosina, their fourth child was twenty-two and had just married the town blacksmith’s son in June.

  Their two youngest children, twin boys named Ian and James, were nineteen and had given Sara more gray hair than all the rest of them. Both boys were working as apprentices to Ben and Joshua now.

  Ben interrupted her musings. “What’s the matter?”

  She smiled, rose up on an elbow, and gave him a kiss. “Nothing. Why?”

  “You normally get right up. It seemed like something was on your mind.”

  “I was just thinking about a dream I was having.”

  “About what?”

  “My old life.”

  “It’s been a long time since you’ve had one of those.”

  “I know. And this one wasn’t like any of the others.”

  “What was different?”

  “It was in the future. What I mean is…well it seemed like it was after my trip to Venice, as if I hadn’t accepted the pocket watch. I’ve often thought about that moment. About what would have happened if I had turned down the offer. One single choice changed the entire course of my life.”

  “Well, thank God you made the right choice, because I can’t imagine ever living without you.” He kissed her.

  “I can’t either. And but for the grace of God, I might have lost you in those first few days.”

  Benedict grinned. “The grace of God and the audacity of Giacomo Casanova.”

  “The things you’ve told me about him are so contrary to the kind of man I’d always thought he was. I know I’ve said it before, but I would like to have met him.”

  “And I know I’ve said it before, but I’m glad you didn’t. The charming bastard might have stolen you away from me.”

  “Not a chance.” She kissed him.

  “Ah, now that’s not the kind of kiss that will convince me of that.”

  “Oh, it isn’t is it? Then how about this one.” She put a hand on his cheek and gave him a scorching kiss.

  “That was much better.”

  She smiled. “What were we talking about?”

  “I think it was about how I’m going to make love to my wife as the sun rises.”

  “That’s a very good idea.”

  A Note from the Author

  I hope you enjoyed this trip to the past with the pocket watch.

  I wanted to share a few tidbits about the historical details of this story, particularly where Giacomo Casanova is concerned.

  When I was trying to figure out how to break Benedict out of jail, I read a book called The Story of My Escape: from the Prisons of the Republic of Venice otherwise known as “The Leads,” written by Casanova in 1788, and translated by Andrew Lawston. It starts with Casanova’s arrest and details both his imprisonment and escape, from his point of view. The book was extremely detailed and occasionally very funny. But the most surprising thing to me was how completely likable Casanova was. If you are interested in learning more about him, I highly recommend reading The Story of My Escape.

  As I read the book, I realized that Casanova’s escape was so incredibly improbable it couldn’t happen twice. So, the way forward seemed obvious—Benedict needed to escape with him. This is where I took a bit of literary license.

  Casanova was arrested by the Venetian Republic and charged with an affront to religion and common decency. He was found guilty, sentenced to five years imprisonment in The Leads. And as unbelievable as the escape I described sounded, it really did happen and I changed very few of the details. The major departure from the real event is when it actually occurred. This portion of The Choice takes place in July and August of 1758. Casanova was arrested on July 26, 1755, and the escape started on October 31, 1756. He walked out of the Doge’s Palace early in the morning on All Saints Day, November 1. So, I adjusted the dates a little.

  Now back to the book. If you declined the pocket watch first and have already read what happens to Sara if she stays in her time, then you know both stories now. I encourage you to click here if you want to read more about me or you’d like to see what other books Duncurra offers.

  If you would like to find out what would have happened if Sara had declined the pocket watch, you may enjoy reading What if I Fall in Love.

  About The Author

  Ceci started her career as an oncology nurse at a leading research hospital, and eventually became a successful medical writer. In 1991, she married a young Irish carpenter whom she met when his brother married her dear friend. They raised their family in central New Jersey but now live with their dogs and birds in paradise, also known as southwest Florida. Although still working occasionally as a consultant in the pharmaceutical industry, Ceci spends most of her time now writing “happily ever afters.”

  Her bestselling Duncurra series, Highland Solution, Highland Courage, and Highland Intrigue are available as e-books, audiobooks, and paperbacks. There are also inspirational versions of each of these which close the bedroom door (Highland Solution – Inspirational, Highland Courage – Inspirational, and Highland Intrigue – Inspirational). Ceci will be revisiting the Duncurra world in the Duncurra Legacy series. The first novel, Tomas – A Highland Redemption, will be released in the summer of 2017.

  The Fated Hearts series begins with Ceci’s novella Highland Revenge (originally appearing in Highland Winds, The Scrolls of Cridhe – Volume 1) and continues with Highland Echoes and Highland Angels.

  If you enjoyed The Choice, look for the other Pocket Watch Chronicles. The Pocket Watch and The Midwife are available on Amazon as e-books, paperbacks, and audiobooks. The Christmas Present is available as an e-book. Once Found is available as an e-book and a paperback. The audio version of Once Found is available for FREE here, on Duncurra’s YouTube channel.

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  If you enjoyed Nothing to Lose, you might be curious about what would have happened if Sara had accepted the watch and travelled back in time. To find out, read What if I Fall.

  You also might enjoy reading the other Pocket Watch Chronicles:

  If you enjoyed The Choice, you might like to read the other

  Pocket Watch Chronicles

  The Pocket Watch

  When Maggie Mitchell is transported to the thirteenth century Highlands, will Laird Logan Carr help mend her broken heart or put it in more danger than before?

  Generous, kind, and loving, Maggie nearly always puts the needs of others first. So when a mysterious elderly woman gives her an extraordinary pocket watch, telling her it’s a conduit to the past, Maggie agrees to give the watch a try, if only to disprove the woman’s delusion.

  But it works.

  Maggie finds herself in the thirteenth-century Scottish Highlands with a handsome warrior who clearly despises her. Her tender soul is caught between her own desire and the disaster she could cause for others. Will she find a way to resolve the trouble and return home within the allotted sixty days? Or will someone worthy earn her heart forever?

  The Midwife

  Can a twenty-first century independent woman find her true destiny in thirteenth-century Scotland?

  At his father’s bidding, Cade MacKenzie begs a favor from Laird Macrae—Lady MacKenzie desperately needs the renowned Macrae midwife. Laird Macrae has no intention of sending his clan’s best, instead he passes off Elsie, a young woman with little experience, as the midwife they seek.

  But fate—in the form of a mysterious older woman and an extraordinary pocket watch—steps in.

  Elizabeth Quinn, a disillusioned obstetrician, is transported to the thirteenth century. She switched souls with Elsie as the old woman said she would, but other things don’t go quite as expected. Perhaps most unexpected was falling in love.

  Once Found

  Elsie thought she had found love.

  The handsome young minstrel awoke her desire and his music fed her soul. But just as love was blossoming, the inconceivable happened—Elsie awoke more than seven hundred years in the future, in the body of Dr. Elizabeth Quinn.

  Gabriel Soldani thought he had found love several times, only to have it slip from his grasp. In medical school, he had fallen hard for Elizabeth Quinn, but their careers led them in different directions. When their paths cross again, he hopes they’ve been given another chance.

  There’s only one problem…the woman he's never forgotten doesn’t remember him.

  Once love is found…and then lost…can it be found again?

  The Christmas Present

  A Pocket Watch Novella

  Faced with an empty nest, and heartbroken, Anita Lewis is given the chance to experience Christmas in another time with the help of a mysterious old woman and a pocket watch.

  The gift she receives is priceless as she rediscovers the magic of Christmas in the past.


  Other Books by Ceci Giltenan

  The Duncurra Series

  Highland Solution

  Laird Niall MacIan needs Lady Katherine Ruthven’s dowry to relieve his clan’s crushing debt, but he has no intention of giving her his heart in the bargain.

  Niall MacIan, a Highland laird, desperately needs funds to save his impoverished clan. Lady Katherine Ruthven, a lowland heiress, is rumored to be “unmarriageable” and her uncle hopes to be granted her title and lands when the king sends her to a convent. King David II, anxious to strengthen his alliances, sees a solution that will give Ruthven the title he wants, and MacIan the money he needs. Laird MacIan will receive Lady Katherine’s hand along with her substantial dowry and her uncle will receive her lands and title.

  Lady Katherine must forfeit everything in exchange for a husband who does not want to be married and believes all women to be self-centered and deceitful. Can the lovely and gentle Katherine mend his heart and build a life with him or will he allow the treachery of others to destroy them?

  The first book in the Duncurra Series, available as e-book, audiobook and paperback. An Inspirational Version is also available which has been edited to remove explicit intimate scenes.

  Highland Courage

  Her parents want a betrothal, but Mairead MacKenzie can’t get married without revealing her secret and no man will wed her once he knows.

  Plain in comparison to her siblings and extremely reserved, Mairead has been called “MacKenzie’s Mouse” since she was a child. No one knows the reason for her timidity and she would just as soon keep it that way. When her parents arrange a betrothal to Laird Tadhg Matheson, she is horrified. She only sees one way to prevent an old secret from becoming a new scandal.

  Tadhg Matheson admires and respects the MacKenzies. While an alliance with them through marriage to Mairead would be in his clan’s best interest, he knows Laird MacKenzie seeks a closer alliance with another clan. When Tadhg learns of her terrible shyness and her youngest brother’s fears about her, Tadhg offers for her anyway.

  Secrets always have a way of revealing themselves. With Tadhg’s unconditional love, can Mairead find the strength and courage she needs to handle the consequences when they do?

  Available as e-book, audiobook and paperback.

  Highland Intrigue

  Lady Gillian MacLennan's clan needs a leader, but the last person on earth she wants as their laird is Fingal Maclan. She can neither forgive nor forget that his mother killed her father, and, by doing so, created Clan MacLennan’s current desperate circumstances.

  King David knows a weak clan, without a laird, can change quickly from a simple annoyance to a dangerous liability, and he cannot ignore the turmoil. The MacIan’s owe him a great debt, so when he makes Fingal MacIan laird of clan MacLennan and requires that he marry Lady Gillian, Fingal is in no position to refuse.

  In spite of the challenge, Fingal is confident he can rebuild her clan, ease her heartache, and win her affection. However, just as love awakens, the power struggle takes a deadly turn. Can he protect her from the unknown long enough to uncover the plot against them? Or will all be lost, destroying the happiness they seek in each other’s arms?

  Available as e-book, audiobook and paperback

  Duncurra Legacy Novels

  Highland Redemption

  Tomas's life changed forever when at the age of seven he was adopted by Laird and Lady Maclan ending the abuse he'd suffered at Ambrose Ruthven's hand. He'd never looked back and never intended to

  But fate had other plans...

  Now, nineteen years later, he runs headlong into his past. The Ruthvens are in trouble and Tomas is in a position to help them. But can he set aside his hatred for Laird Ruthven for the good of the clan into which he was born?

  Fate always adds a twist...

  Laird Ruthven's daughter is not what Tomas expected. Vida Ruthven is sweet, smart, and utterly irresistible.

  Now, Tomas must choose between being the savior or taking the ultimate revenge.

  The Fated Hearts Series

  Highland Revenge

  Does he hate her clan enough to visit his vengeance on her? Or will he listen to her secret and his own heart’s yearning?

  Hatred lives and breathes between medieval clans who often don’t remember why feuds began in the shadowed past.

  But Eoin MacKay remembers.

  He will never forget how he was treated by Bhaltair MacNicol—the acting head of Clan MacNicol. He was lucky to escape alive, and vows to have revenge.

  Years later, as laird of Clan MacKay, he gets his chance when he captures Lady Fiona MacNicol. His desire for revenge is strong but he is beguiled by his captive.

  Can he forget his stubborn hatred long enough to listen to the secret she has kept for so long
? And once he knows the truth, can he show her she is not alone and forsaken? In the end, is he strong enough to fight the combined hostilities and age-old grudges that demand he give her up?

  Highland Revenge is available as an e-book, audio book and paperback.

  Highland Echoes

  Love echoes.

  Grace Breive is strong and independent because she has to be. She has a wee daughter to care for and, having lost her parents and husband, has no one else on whom she can rely. Driven from the only home she has ever known, she travels to Castle Sutherland to find a grandmother she never knew she had.

  As Laird Sutherland’s heir, Bram Sutherland understands his obligation to enter into a political marriage for the good of the clan, but he is captivated by the beautiful and resilient young mother.

  Will Bram and Grace follow the dictates of their hearts, or will echoes from the past force them apart?

  Highland Echoes is available as an e-book, audio book and paperback.

  Highland Angels

  Anna MacKay fears the MacLeods. Andrew MacLeod fears love.

  Anna, angry with her brother, took a walk to cool her temper. She had no intention of venturing so close to MacLeod territory—until she saw a wee lad fall through the ice.

  Andrew becomes enraged when it appears the MacKay lass has abducted his son, his last precious connection to the wife he lost—until he learns the truth. Anna risked her life to save his beloved child.

  Now there is a chance to end the generations old hate and fear between their clans.

  Fate connects them. The desire for peace binds them. Will a rival tear them apart?

  Highland Angels is available as an e-book, audio book and paperback.


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