One Thousand & One Lies (Reapers of Beauty Book 1)

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One Thousand & One Lies (Reapers of Beauty Book 1) Page 5

by Yumoyori Wilson

  "Are you okay?"

  "I'm fine."

  I frowned at her response, but I knew not to push it. "Okay. I'm going back to sleep, but you can sleep on the other half of my bed if you want," I suggested and laid back down.

  She didn't reply, which was a normal reaction for her. Master was such a complicated individual, and I never knew what happened when the sisters were with him, particularly Minju.

  His new obsession with her was a little worrisome, but I couldn't always keep a watchful eye on them. We were all Reapers, and we'd learned long ago that we had to defend ourselves when we were within these unholy walls.

  The creak of the bed made me mentally sigh in relief, and I glanced over to see Minju laying on my right. She stared up at the ceiling, something she always did when she wanted to talk but was gathering her thoughts.

  "I feel like I don't have a lot of time left," she whispered.

  My lips turned down into a grimace, and I immediately sat up to look at her. "What?"

  "Nothing to do with Master. I just feel in my gut that I don't have a lot of time left. Like when our instincts tell us something bad is going to happen."

  Her words weren't helping to calm me down, remembering years back when Minju had said Yang had to be careful with her actions or it would lead her to trouble.

  The result was Yang dying a week after Minju voiced her concern.

  "Are you 100% sure?" I clarified.

  "Not really. Could be just my anxieties and fears."

  "Minju." I reached out to hold her hand and she tightened her grip around mine. She turned her head to face me.

  "Xia. Can you promise me something?"

  "What? You're making it seem like you're dying tomorrow!" I voiced, my words sending a wave of fear through me.

  I didn't show emotion a lot, but within the protective walls of the bedroom that I'd shared with the La sisters for years, it felt like it was the one place I could let go and allow my feelings to show.

  "I'm not, silly. Just listen for a moment." Minju shook her head and gave me a serious look. "No matter what the future holds, don't let Master keep you here."

  "We can't leave, Minju. Not willingly."

  "I think you'll be able to. It's not going to be simple, but I hope that you'll get a taste of living life outside of these walls and be closer to enjoying the happy parts of this world," Minju said quietly.

  She returned to staring at the ceiling. "I think my nerves are just a little high today. Maybe because of Master and his little addiction with me. I'm scared he'll get tired and move on to my sisters...I just don't want that for them. I don't want them to reach 1000 Lies and become Master's new sex toys."

  "He hasn't done that with me. It's just one of his phases, Minju."

  She shook her head with a small grin on her face. "No, Xia. There's something special inside you that I think Master is afraid of."

  "Something special?"

  Me, special? In what way? Just because I was born into this lifestyle doesn't mean I'm special by any means. I couldn’t even fathom the thought.

  "It could be that or the fact he could truly be your father. Even if some cultures do that thing, I don't think Master has it in him to have sex with you. Not for pleasure. For punishment, maybe, but not to please himself."

  "I'm just another Reaper, like everyone else here."

  "No, Xia." She turned her head to look me in the eye. "You just don't see the spark in you yet. All you need is someone to give you enough motivation to light it up so you can shine. It won't be my sisters and me, but one day I think you'll find them."

  "Them? Other people aside from you, Minsu, and Minso?" I smiled and squeezed her hand. "You're talking riddles you know."

  "I do that when I'm tired." She winked but looked more relaxed and pleased. I yawned and turned to my side, moving over to snuggle right next to her.

  "Oi, stay on your own half," Minju groaned.

  "One night. I mean morning." I grinned, knowing she wouldn't deny me.

  "Fine." She sighed and relaxed.

  "We're always going to be friends, right?" Her words left a hint of worry inside me.

  "Always. Nobody’s taking my Xia from me. They can kick my black Asian ass. Not like I'd let them, obviously," she snarked with extra sass, making me giggle.

  "Thanks for the advice, Minju. Maybe one day I can get us all out of here. We'd be able to have hot boyfriends and go on group dates. Your sisters had a good time with some twins tonight," I revealed.

  "Double Puerto Rican sexiness. They got their numbers. At least after a mission, it would be a fun pit stop. Which reminds me of a certain girl who was pinned up against the wall and looked like she'd have sex in the corner of the club."

  I slapped her chest and she had to fight not to laugh too loud. "Don't go attacking my boobs. They don't appreciate your sudden rage over the facts. Now, who the hell is he? What does he look like? Damn, I should wake up the girls for pictures."

  "Don't wake anyone up. They'll show you later. Go to sleep. You're going to ruin your immaculate skin." I grinned, knowing how much the sisters didn't play with their beauty sleep for the sake of looking flawless like the late icon Beyoncé.

  "Black don't crack, Xia honey. My skin will be perfect with or without sleep, so spill them goods."

  With a sigh and a smile, we talked for an hour. It gave me a chance to tell her all about Xander and the way he made me feel. I didn't know where it was all going to go now that I had his number, but I just hoped there was a small possibility we'd meet again.

  Or even spend one lustful night together.

  "Xia? Wake up already. Master's calling for you."

  A weak groan escaped me, and I rolled over in hopes that the person trying to wake me up would go away.

  "Did she drink too much or something?" Minsu asked with a yawn.

  "You know she sleeps in increments. Master doesn't normally ask for her during this time in the evening," Minso informed.

  "Xia. Get your ass up," Minju announced. I let out a groan, getting annoyed with whoever was shaking me. Go away.


  "Oh shit," Minsu cursed.

  "Minju, you okay?" Minso asked.

  "Fuck. Why am I on duty of waking this unconscious sumo wrestler?" Minju whined after she let out a long groan.

  I paid no mind to the voices, knowing very well they wouldn't dare bother me unless they wanted to enjoy my wrath of flips and throws.

  "At least she's half awake, I think." Minsu sounded like she'd already given up on whatever plan they were attempting to make. I cuddled whatever was currently in my arms.

  "Xia?! Stop cuddling me and get off. I swear, how did she flip me in her sleep. What kind of training did she get to be able to flip people while she's unconscious?”

  "I think it's when your mind is in light sleep. A part of her consciousness is awake but doesn't care about the minor details, such as people trying to wake her up," Minso explained.

  "Here, we'll help you. Just have to tell Master that Xia's knocked out cold," Minsu suggested. I felt myself being lifted off the warm stuffed animal I was hugging, which made me want to search for it with my hands.

  "Minso, where's that damn teddy bear you have. Jeez, Xia's still a clinger," Minju complained.

  "Here!" Minso replied.

  I mentally sighed at the sudden softness in my hands, cuddling it as tightly as I could. It felt like I was floating in the air, and though it was quite weird at first, it was helping me fall back asleep.

  There was a knock at the door, one that sounded rather far away to my ears.

  "Master?!" The somewhat identical voices shrieked, sounded shocked.

  "Have my needs lowered to nothing for all of you to be playing around? Why hasn't Xia come to my room?"

  There was a pause, and I only cuddled the stuffed item in my hands tighter, wishing the voices would go away and give me a peaceful moment to relax.

  "Sorry, Master. Xia sleeps in intervals," Minso info

  "She's a deep sleeper, and the increments help so she can stay up all night guarding you, Master," Minsu declared.

  "She did use a bit of magic with yesterday’s mission as well. That could be a part of it," Minju defended.

  Silence reigned around me, and I thought I could finally slip back into the darkness, but the deeper voice continued.

  "Hmph. Fine. Seeing as she's an Elite Reaper now, she deserves some rest. When she wakes up, inform her that I need to speak with her," Master ordered.

  "Yes, Master." All of the voices replied in unison.

  There were fading footsteps, but the deep voice continued. "Minju. I'd like to see you in my room in three minutes."


  The words piqued my interest, but I'd fought the darkness that clawed at my mind long enough and slipped back into the land of sleep.

  I let out a yawn, coming out of the bathroom with a towel around my chest.

  "You're finally awake."

  "Hmm?" I glanced over toward my bed to see Minso and Minsu in black outfits.

  "I always wake up at this time. What's different today?" The two knew me long enough to know I slept like a log when I wasn't on duty.

  Walking over to my dresser, I opened it to find some simple lingerie to slide on while the two enlightened me on what I'd clearly missed.

  "Master was here," they said in unison.

  I stalled midway between putting my black underwear on to turn my head and stare at them. "What?"

  "He came by our room because Minju came to get you," Minsu began.

  "You were dead asleep and none of us could wake you up. That's when he entered asking what was taking so long and we explained you slept in increments and it was difficult to get you up," Minso finished.

  I frowned as I lifted my underwear over my hips and reached out to get my bra. "If he needed me that urgently he could have woken me up." Even if he was an uncaring bastard most of the time, he knew as well as all the older Reapers that I slept like a log. It wasn't a secret.

  "Xia, you sleep like a dead person," Minsu huffed. Rolling my eyes, I clipped my black lace bra and slipped the straps on.

  "Not ashamed. He could have used magic to wake me up if it was urgent. He's done it before," I pointed out.

  "Good point," Minso mumbled and looked at her sister. I grabbed a pair of black leggings and a red crop top, sliding the thin but flexible pants over my legs.

  "Where's Minju?" I asked while I finished putting on my leggings, and picked up my crop top to put it over my head.

  When I didn't get an answer, I looked over to see their grim expressions which made me frown. "Again?"

  "Yup," they said together.

  "After he came by, he asked for Minju to escort him back?" I clarified.

  They both nodded which made me ponder about Minju's words last night. What is she planning?

  "I'm a bit surprised though," Minso announced. Minsu and I looked at her sister who seemed deep in thought.

  "Surprised about what?" I asked.

  "I would have thought Minju would be at 1000 Lies by now. I mean, Master sometimes gives us a bonus for sex, right? Or sometimes an easy lie here and there. She's one lie away, and he's yet to give her one," Minso elaborated.

  She has a point...

  "Could be he wants to give Xia her role as an Elite Reaper before Minju? It's been a while since anyone reached 1000 Lies. And their roles could be different," Minsu defended.

  "Would make sense," Minso replied. I walked over to the standing mirror to make sure my outfit was okay. I didn't see the need to wear anything traditional, and Master would have told me ahead of time if he wanted me to.

  Grabbing a hair tie from the little bowl of them that sat on our shared dresser, I began to gather my long black strands and stared into my red eyes that reflected back at me through the mirror.

  "I'll find out soon enough what my role is. Most likely killing or being an assassin of some sort. Won't be anything fun." I sighed.

  "Imagine getting to meet Xander." Minsu hummed.

  "To kill?!" Minso asked with a gasp.

  "NO! To fuck. Jeez, Minso. Is your mind reading skill broken?" Minsu grumbled.

  "I don't need to read your mind all the time, and you think too fast for anyone to keep up," Minso whined. I grinned at the two of them as they continued their debate about twin powers and the hot twins they met at the club.

  With a nod to my reflection, I turned to face them. "You two have a mission tonight?"

  "Yup! Easy peezy. Shouldn't take long. Gotta hurry and get more lies so we can all be Elite Reapers," Minso declared.

  "Totally fill us in on what your new role is when we get back," Minsu proposed.

  "I sure will. Good luck you two." I gave them each a tight hug before I headed out the door. It wasn't long before I was in Master's bedroom.

  I knocked on the door twice and heard Master's approved words of entry before I reached for the gold knob to open the door. I poked my head inside first, making sure there wasn't a trap or anyone else standing near the door before I entered.

  Once I closed the door quietly, I turned around to face Master who was currently getting a blow job by none other then Minju, who was naked on the floor. I held back the grimace that threatened to show on my face as I walked into the room.

  I stopped five steps away from the bed and bowed my head. "Evening, Master. Sorry for the delay. I normally sleep during the early evening, and it's a bit difficult to wake me up if I'm not on an assignment."

  "I recall from when you were younger. It's fine." Master brushed off my apology, looking somewhat relaxed as Minju continued to do her thing, not even pausing when I entered.

  "Is there anything I can assist you with?" I asked.

  "Not at all. I requested your presence to inform you of what new tasks you'll be assigned. I've ensured that your credit cards have been updated for your eyes only."

  My left eyebrow rose as I gave Master a confused look. "What do you mean, Master? I'm sorry, but I'm slightly confused," I admitted.

  "I'll be doing things a little differently this time with you as an Elite, Xia. You've been loyal to me since birth and have brought me great pride and success over the many years you've served me. I've realized that I need a Reaper who can be a double agent, if you will. To live a life outside these walls, and be able to track down information while blending into the world," Master explained, his words leaving me even more confused than before.

  I simply stared at him and he grinned, reaching his hand out to pause Minju from continuing. She pulled back, sounding a bit out of breath, but Master continued.

  "I need a Reaper who doesn't give off Reaper vibes. Out of everyone here, you've proven to blend into any environment with ease. I'd like that to continue, but with you being a secret Reaper. One who lives outside these walls and can gather information for me while living a somewhat peaceful life."

  My jaw went slack, and my eyes felt like they would bug out of my sockets. "M-master, what are you trying to say?" I questioned. "I mean, I understand your words so please don't take offense by my shock, but are you stating you want me to live in the city independently and continue being a Reaper? I've...never heard of such a thing."

  My heart was beating like a drum against my chest. He has to be kidding me right now. No, there's a catch. There HAS to be a catch. I can't be moved by this.

  "Xia. I'm letting you be an independent Reaper. Tomorrow you will be allowed in and out of here as you please. You've earned enough money, and I've deposited your pay from last night’s mission into your account. Feel free to do whatever you like and keep your phone on in case I summon you to help other Reapers on missions. Minso and Minsu can assist you if you need help moving valuables," Master explained, looking completely calm.

  I stood there speechless, my gut instincts telling me he wasn't lying. He...he's giving me freedom? He's letting me leave. Do I want to leave?

  "Master..." I whisp
ered, unsure what else to say.

  Minju spoke up then. "Excuse my intrusion Master, but is this an ongoing thing?"

  He smirked and shrugged. "No. Xia has gone over and beyond with every task I've given her. She could have run away or brought a man here who she wants to date or marry, and yet she hasn't and she's 25. Since she was two, the Reapers here have trained her, and I've watched. She's never questioned her loyalty to me, and it's about time I returned the favor. No strings attached, Xia. You, out of all the Reapers, can tell that I'm not lying, correct?"

  "Xia, nod." Minju's voice telepathically ordered. I blinked and slowly nodded, trying to absorb everything he'd just said.

  Master chuckled. "Allowing Xia's birth has never been a regret of mine. I guess I should do a few 'good' deeds, especially for my own blood. For now, you will guide and assist Minso and Minsu to reach Elite. I'll determine then if this will be an ongoing thing or not. That's all I had to discuss. Feel free to have the rest of the night off."

  "Th-thank you, Master..." I whispered, swallowing the lump in my throat. I went to my knees and bowed my head to the floor. "I'll make sure I have my phone on hand for whenever you need me."

  "See, Minju? That's loyalty that I need." Master laughed, his eyes glittering with pride when I lifted my head to look at him. "Rise, Xia. Go drink or enjoy the night. I'll inform the others of your change in position in the morning."

  I apprehensively nodded my head and rose. Master laid back and put his hands behind his head. "Minju. Continue."

  I was glad Master was laying down and couldn't see her frown or my pained expression. I was afraid to meet Minju's eyes, frightened they would be filled with hate like Yang's had been when Master took my side.

  My red eyes landed on her pink ones, but she had a small smile as she replied. "Yes, Master."

  "I'm sorry," I thought to her, wondering in the back of my mind if she could sense my fear.

  "Nothing to worry about, silly. I'll soon be there with you. Let's celebrate later. Now go before he changes his mind."

  "I love you."

  "I love you more. Be careful."


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