Spy Fall

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by Audrey Randall

  “Haha. Gang bang? Really, Delish?” He shook his head as he tried to hold his irrational jealously inside. He knew she was teasing, but he didn’t even like the thought of it.

  “Yeah. Mr. Gibbons and Mr. Garcia both got new bottles of Viagra,” she gave him a look with a little smirk. “They popped for the real thing and not the generic. We were going to see whether there was a difference.”

  Pushing her shoulder like the old buddy he was, he clicked his tongue. “Whatever!”

  She jokingly moved her hand to her shoulder and pretended to be hurt. “Careful Mr. Bond! Your interrogation tactics need work.”

  “Are you ever going to stop calling me Mr. Bond?”

  “Are you ever going to stop calling me Delish?”

  It was a stand-off that they had had for years, each knowing that they would never give up their special title for the other person.

  “So, I can be persuaded to give up on the wicked elderly gentlemen if you play the new expansion with me,” she bumped her shoulder into his.

  “Fine. What is it?”

  “I’ve been working on the new expansion worlds for The Celestial Prophesy. The International Tournament is coming up soon and my boss, The Task Master, wants me to have it in next week.” Delilah rolled her eyes. Her boss was really getting on her last nerve.

  Brandon let out a whistle. Delilah was a stellar programmer, but he knew that these things were usually built over a year with a team, not one lone, genius woman. “Did she at least give you any help?”

  “Ha! Help? Help! What’s that?” Delilah took another lick, making Brandon struggle to hold back a groan. “She gave me Lucas to help. He’s fine but needs lots of direction. He has no imagination. So, I just come up with everything and then tell him what I want done.”

  “Sounds like a match made in Heaven,” Brandon took another bite of his ice cream. Maybe if he could cool himself from the inside that would work to keep his libido at bay.

  “Yeah. It’s okay. Since Eugene got fired, everything has been off.”

  “What do you mean?” Brandon had never liked Eugene. He had given Delilah the creeps. More than once, Brandon had been tempted to meet the guy in the parking lot at night and give him a piece of his mind.

  “He hacked into the game system and changed the code to North American Tournament expansion to throw the game in favor of the Canadian team.”

  Brandon could hardly believe his ears, “Why would he do that?”

  Delilah shrugged. “He had a crush on one of the main American players and she didn’t share his feelings.”

  “What an ass!”

  “Yeah. Well, they have really tightened things up at work after that. I guess it’s like a pat on the back to be the only person trusted with the expansion. The Task Master knows that I won’t tamper with anything and that Lucas is just a worker bee without enough foresight to do much harm.”

  “Haha! In my line of work you learn to never underestimate the worker bee.”

  Delilah gave him a sidelong glance, “Tell me what you do again.”

  Brandon ruffled her hair, “Nice try, Delish!”

  “Can’t blame a girl for trying,” she shrugged. “Okay, if you test the expansion with me, I must initiate you.”


  “Hold up your right hand,” she demanded.

  Brandon wanted to kiss her when she was like this. She was adorable when she was joking around with him. Holding up his hand he waited for her to continue.

  “I, Brandon James Ryker,” she began.

  “I thought that was my name!” he joked. At that, she smacked him lightly. “Fine, fine! I, Brandon James Ryker…”

  “Do solemnly swear…” she continued

  “Do solemnly swear…”

  “To keep anything I see in this masterpiece of a video game designed by the incredibly intelligent and unbelievably talented goddess Delilah Ann Faber…”

  Brandon tried not to laugh at that. She gave him a pointed look, which made him continue, “To keep anything I see in this masterpiece of a video game designed by the incredibly intelligent and unbelievably talented goddess Delilah Ann Faber…”

  Nodding, she began again, “A secret. If I spill the beans, Delilah may bring me to a pet store and cover me in snakes.”

  Brandon let out a laugh then, “Hey! That’s not fair! You can’t hold my fear of snakes over me!”

  “I can and I will! Repeat or don’t play!” With that, she crossed her arms under her perfect breasts. He tried to keep his eyes on hers, but the temptation was too much for the mortal man that he was.

  “I don’t recall begging you to play,” Brandon shook his head at how he would beg her to play other games if she showed the slightest interest.

  Feigning hurt, she brought her hand to her chest, which only drew his eyes to her perfect bosom again.

  Without taking his eyes off her heaving chest, he began again, “A secret. If I spill the beans, Delilah may bring me to a pet store and cover me in snakes.”

  Brandon brought his eyes up to her hers again when he heard her intake of breath. He thought he saw interest in her eyes before she quickly turned her head and licked her melting ice cream. “Great! After I finish, we’ll play.”

  “I can’t wait,” he let out with a sigh. I would love to play with you.

  Chapter Four


  Sometimes their banter made Delilah’s heart hurt. Rubbing her chest, she couldn’t help but feel a little sad that he would never play with her the way she wanted. Pushing those morose feelings aside, she jumped off the stool and fired up her Alienware computer attached to the TV.

  “I have always been jealous of your TV,” Brandon remarked as he wiped his lips.

  Delilah watched the napkin, shaking her head to get her out of her lustful funk. “Ummm… yeah. When it comes to TVs ‘bigger is better.’ Even though the room isn’t very large, 90 inches seemed just about right.”

  Bending down, she inserted the USB and fired up the program. The Celestial Prophesy flashed across the big screen as the space ship flew past, while the killer soundtrack by The Cosmic Fighters filled the room.

  “My neighbors hate me,” she murmured under her breath as the pounding beat of the galactic sounding song and the wailing guitars filled the room.

  “What? Mr. Gibbons and Mr. Garcia? Naw. How could they hate you? Besides, I doubt their hearing aides are turned up. After all, I don’t think Mr. Garcia could be playing that Mariachi music any louder.” Brandon gave her a funny smile making her insides melt.

  Trying not to show how goo like she had become under his gaze, she pulled out her joysticks to start pressing the sequence that would bring her up to the programmer’s menu.

  “Hacking to win before we’ve begun?” He tisked as he grabbed the joystick next to her leg, his fingers gently grazing her bare knee, making her glad that she had taken the extra two minutes to shave that morning.

  “Ha! You know I have to access the new portions through the command menus.”

  “Yea. Yea. Just trying to lull me into a false sense of comfort before you trounce me. I bet you’re disconnecting my lasers as we speak.”

  “I would never! How dare you accuse me of such vile things, Brandon! Besides, I disconnected your missiles. I could care less about your lasers with the shield I gave myself.”

  “Touché,” his voice rumbled close to her ear. “I’m sure I can break down your defenses.”

  Delilah tried to hide the delicious shudder that ran though her body as she hit the final codes to access the expansion. “Let’s see what you’ve got, Bond.”

  Chapter Five


  Brandon looked at Delilah stretched out on the couch fast asleep. She had put up a good fight, but in the end, sleep had won. He took a moment to admire her in repose. She was usually bouncing with energy, much like her curly hair, but like this, he could see a facet of her that few had the pleasure of witnessing.

  It reminded hi
m of the first time that he met her. They had been sixteen and although they attended the same high school, the social spheres they operated within made them citizens of different worlds. He used to walk past her perfect white picket fence house on the way home to the rundown, roach infested apartment that he called an address. He had noticed her in the past, but had not had the chance to introduce himself. He had been the bad boy heartthrob at school, always chasing skirts and finding ways to sneak out and get drunk behind the bleachers. He knew that the girls he socialized with only saw him as a way to blow off steam and feel naughty.

  Delilah was the picture of purity. He had heard rumors that she was a genius and would soon be accepted to Stanford, which only made him more curious to meet her. Her inner beauty and infectious laugh had captivated him in the corridor one day. He had stared at her so long that the guys he had been with had caught him and started ribbing on him. He had made some lame excuse about being drunk and zoned out, but for the first time he knew the meaning of being drunk on a feeling. Everything about her bewitched him, from her frizzy hair, her multi-colored braces, and her nerdy clothes, which hinted at a killer body. Delilah was not a beauty in the traditional sense, but an awkward teen who showed signs of being a striking woman. She could have been a conquest, but Brandon knew the moment their eyes met that she would be more. It was as though his life and priorities got realigned in that moment. There was no way that a girl with such a bright future would want to have anything to do with a kid from the wrong side of the tracks who had already had a run-in with the police, but a part of him wished that he was something more so that he could be worthy of a girl like her.

  However, one cold, rainy October day, as he had passed by her house on his way home, he saw that she was sleeping on her porch. She looked so peaceful that he couldn’t help himself but to sneak up to be just a little closer to the most captivating person he had ever seen. He hated to admit it, but she was like a magnet drawing him near. As he approached, he accidently stepped on a twig, waking her. Her deep blue eyes slowly opened and looked into his, he felt his mouth drop open. He was sunk. His heart stopped for a moment and he wondered if it would beat again. Moments later it began again, but with a different beat- Delilah.

  As he moved forward, he hoped that she wouldn’t notice how much he was shaking from just making eye contact with her. He was nervous what her voice would do to him.

  “Hello,” she whispered as she moved to sit up, pushing her frizzy locks out of her face.

  To his surprise, her voice didn’t unman him, but gave him strength. It was as though her acknowledgment of him gave him a reason to be someone better. She saw him. Not the bad boy. Not the poor kid with crappy parents. She saw Brandon Ryker. Straightening up to his full height, he tried to sound as gentlemanly as possible. “I saw you laying on your porch. I wanted to make sure you were okay.”

  The beautiful smile that spread across her face made his breath hitch. Her braces only made her look more endearing. She pushed back a piece of hair behind her ear before she spoke. “Yeah. I got locked out. I forgot my key this morning. I pulled an all-nighter studying for Ms. Flander’s Bio-Chem test.”

  Brandon nodded his head, pretending that he understood what it was like to study so hard. The only thing that he had ever studied with any focus was the female anatomy of the ladies with whom he had been acquainted. “Do you need some help? I could pick the lock.” Immediately after that he felt dirty for sharing how he knew how to break into buildings.

  She gave a little laugh, “That’s nice of you, but you would set off the alarm.” She waved a hand toward the house, “My dad has it wired like Fort Knox in there.”

  Brandon shifted his feet. He was desperate to find a way to stay with her, if only for a few more minutes. “Do you want to play Texas Hold-em?”

  “What?” Her brow furled in confusion.

  Brandon pulled the worn card sleeve from his backpack. “Cards? Do you want to play cards?”

  She gave him a slow smile, “Sure, but you’ll have to teach me.”

  Brandon returned her smile as he sat next to her on the porch. “It would be my pleasure.”


  Brandon smiled at the memory. Little did he know that the spell that she had cast on him that rainy afternoon would be even stronger today. She was the reason he had turned his life around and made himself into a productive member of society. As he covered her with the throw blanket, he just hoped that he was now worthy enough to claim her.

  Chapter Six


  Delilah woke up around three in the morning, confused as to how she ended up on the couch. She then remembered that she and Brandon had been playing the expansion and that she had been whooping his ass. She had been so pleased when the various sections had worked well. She wanted to impress Brandon with her programming skills. However, falling asleep was not part of her plan; not that she had one.

  Placing a hand on her forehead she lay there for a moment basking in the knowledge that he was just down the hall. It was then that she heard a tormented noise coming from his room. It sounded like a wild animal.

  She quickly got up and made her way to his closed door, where she debated knocking. Finally, after hearing a grunt, she slowly opened the door. She stumbled backwards when she saw his perfect body thrashing around on the bed like an animal caught in a net.

  A sliver of moonlight shone through the blinds and glowed upon his beautifully toned body. Muscles rippled as he moved with agitation in his sleep. “Stop!” he cried in his sleep and banged his fist against the mattress, fighting off some unknown demon.

  Delilah slowly made her way carefully towards him. She had heard of women who had been hurt by their husbands when they were having violent dreams and she didn’t want to poke the bear. Just tame it.

  As she moved closer, she got a better look at his body. Muscles rippled under his tan skin as he kicked the blanket off. She had always imagined him sleeping in the nude, but now she knew that he did. His cock was large, even in rest, but it was the small tattoo that rested on his hip that captivated her. It was an intricate D. Clamping her hand to her mouth so she wouldn’t say anything, she took that in. She hoped it was for her, but in the business he was in, it was surely for a lost lover on some far away continent. With stunning looks like his, she was certain he had a girl in each country pining away for their secret agent man. Men with charisma like his didn’t need to mention that for people to know it and women to still offer themselves. It was a fact, like it was obvious that she had never been kissed.

  Brandon continued to thrash on the bed, letting out guttural sounds. Slowly, she reached out and touched his shoulder. His hand shot up and grabbed hers in a vice-like grip that threatened to break her best gaming fingers. “Brandon. It’s me. Delilah. You’re having a nightmare.”

  Without any warning, he reached up and pulled her down on top of him. Shocked she lay there for a moment, trying to understand what had just happened. “Brandon?” she whispered as she tried to pry herself from his grasp.

  There was no response. His arms were like bands of titanium across her back, but she managed to move up a bit so she could angle her head to take a peek at him. His face was one of utter relaxation. She felt a sense of pride that she had calmed the beast. He looked to be in a deep sleep. The only thing that seemed to be at attention was his cock that seemed to be growing every time she wiggled. Staying perfectly still, she debated what to do. He was so warm and hard. She thought it strange how she usually preferred soft mattresses, but she would give all pillow tops up to sleep on his hard chest. It was like heated iron that begged to burn her. Closing her eyes, she let herself imagine that they belonged like this; that they were more than two mismatched best friends, but two parts of a whole.

  As she enjoyed the feeling of his huge, stiff cock poking at her belly, she imagined all the things she wanted to do with him… to him. Grinding a little, he let out a moan, but didn’t wake. He’s probably used to women using hi
m in his sleep, she hated herself for even thinking it. She longed to touch him as she craved to, but worried that if he woke up to find her going down on him, he would be disgusted and she would never see him again. She would rather be his friend forever than risk losing the person to whom she was closest to for a night of passion. Closing her eyes, she swiped at the tear that fell down her cheek. Wishing for things didn’t make them true. The most she could hope for was a sexy dream and for him not to wake up unhappy to have her with him. Especially since lately whenever they were together he answered a few calls from someone named Olivia.

  Chapter Seven


  Waking up with a perfect breast in each hand was certainly a dream come true. As Brandon slowly began to wake, he couldn’t help but grind his morning wood into the delectable rear end that was snuggled up against him. Squeezing the breasts, he licked the slumbering lady’s ear. She moaned, the effect of the sound going straight to his ready cock. “Yeah baby,” he whispered.

  His words must have woken her, because she suddenly went stiff. Her whole body no longer receptive to his caresses. Slowly, he opened his eyes to see curly, brown hair. His heart dropped. Pulling his hands away from the perfect B-cups, he inched forward to get a glimpse of the woman’s face. Just as he feared- Delilah.

  Delilah’s eyes were wide open with shock. “Fuck!” he all but shouted in frustration. She scrambled away from him and he cursed himself again for frightening her. She must have thought he was mad with her, when the opposite was true. He was mad at himself for things he couldn’t even name.

  “Sorry,” she looked frazzled as she anxiously started righting the sheets of the bed. “You were moaning in your sleep, having some kind of nightmare. I came to see if you were okay and you pulled me into bed. You were so strong, I couldn’t get away…”


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