The Billionaire's Conquest (Mercury Billionaires Book 1)

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The Billionaire's Conquest (Mercury Billionaires Book 1) Page 3

by Nicole Casey

  The drinks were delivered and then they took our orders on how we wanted our steaks prepared. When the staff was all gone, we were able to talk more freely. “Are you thinking of a summer wedding?” One of the women asked.

  Sydney looked at Michael and he seemed almost unfazed. She then looked back at the table. “I don’t know. We honestly haven’t really gone over it, but I think a June wedding just seems appropriate.”

  I wanted to ask if she was referring to June of this year, because that would mean that in three months my friend would be walking down the aisle, but I refrained.

  “June is definitely a beautiful time of year,” Mary said.

  Sydney smiled, but Michael looked almost white and barely made an attempt to smile. A few more questions were fired out there and I kept wondering if Michael was really into this wedding. It just seemed like he had very little emotion about it and that concerned me. I would never say something to get in the way of Sydney’s happiness, unless it was the marriage that would eventually get in the way.


  The meal was delicious. Even better than I anticipated it would be. After we ate, the wait staff came in and started clearing our dishes, as if we were the only customers they had to wait on. It was clear that this was a high society place. When the dishes were all cleared from the table and they made sure everyone still had a drink, we all went about talking, eagerly learning more about the man we had all just met.

  During the course of the evening, he had opened up a little, perhaps because of the drinks he consumed, or the fact that he was getting more comfortable with everyone.

  Some of the friends were reaching out to ask him questions. “What kind of law do you practice?” Brian, Mary’s boyfriend called out.

  “Criminal,” Michael simply replied.

  Everyone talked eagerly about how exciting that would be and he continued to mention more about his job. We were engrossed in listening to what he had to say that I barely noticed when someone else joined the room. He cleared his throat, which brought us all out of our conversation.

  I looked up and at first glance, I frowned. He looked vaguely familiar, but in the moment I couldn’t place him.

  “I’m sorry to interrupt. I am the owner, Trevor Wild and I do hope the party met your standards.” He was speaking to Sydney. She also had this strange look on her face as she spoke to him briefly, thanking him for the wonderful service.

  He then looked around the table and when his eyes landed on mine, he had this familiar gaze. Plus, it was like his eyes lit up. He smiled and then said goodnight to us and was gone.

  I sat there for a moment, sure that I knew him from somewhere, but it wasn’t until the party started to break up and I got a chance to talk to Sydney, that I put it together. “The owner,” she started. “He looked familiar.”

  I laughed it off and shrugged. “You’re a member of this club, so I’m sure you have seen him many times.”

  Sydney shook her head. “No. I don’t think so,” she said. She frowned, trying to place it. And then just like a jolt, it seemed to hit her.

  “I think I remember,” she said.

  I raised an eyebrow. “Oh really? Do share!”

  She looked at me and tilted her head. “Do you remember that night when we were at the bar?” Her whole face lit up. “It was the night we were getting together and I told everyone I was getting married.”

  The recognition started to dawn on me. “I had stood up and nearly was knocked over by this man and −”

  “That’s the man!” Sydney blurted out.

  I remembered it now. I was in such a hurry after getting that text about Josh and hadn’t been paying much mind to where I was going, so I didn’t notice when the man had come out of nowhere and bumped into me. But she was right. That man was Trevor Wild, owner of Mercury Wild. I remembered thinking back then that there were something intriguing in his stare and now I was even more convinced.

  Sydney went back to talking to a few of the friends that were about to leave and I found myself thinking about him. He was handsome, no doubt. With the sexiest eyes I’d ever seen. He would be the perfect guy in every woman’s fantasy.

  When Sydney had turned back to me, I told her that I needed to get out of there. It’d been a busy week and I was exhausted and just wanted to crash. We all hugged, with me congratulating them again. Then I grabbed my purse and left the room. I was just about to round the corner, when Trevor came the other way; we nearly crossed paths again. This time I was able to dodge him, before we collided, but his eyes went to mine.

  He stopped, which only caused me to halt into place. “Hello,” he said.

  I smiled. “Hello!”

  It was an awkward exchange, to say the least, but then Trevor spoke again.

  “Did you have a nice night tonight?”

  I looked at him, my eyebrows furrowing and he explained himself. “You came from the engagement party, correct?”

  “Oh! Yes!” I said, nodding.

  He smiled and let me just say that it was the sweetest and yet sexiest smile. He would win contests with that smile.

  “Did the party meet your expectations?” he asked.

  I nodded. Truth be known, I hadn’t really been to many engagement parties, but to me the food, atmosphere, and service were top notch.

  “It was very nice,” I said. I looked around. “This is a great place.”

  He beamed with pride. “I’m glad you approve.”

  Again, an awkwardness ensued, until I couldn’t take it anymore. “Well, I better be going. Goodnight!”

  “Goodnight!” he said. I moved past him and out into the cool wind. I took a deep breath and a smile crossed my lips. I could definitely indulge in his masculine nature. He was my idea of one hell of a man that would be able to offer me all the finer things. But, sadly I was sure that it would never happen.


  I followed her out of the club with my eyes. The minute I saw her sitting at the table, my mind jumped back to that day I nearly ran her over in the club. Or, at least I was ninety-five percent certain she was the woman. Back then, she had her hair in a ponytail, but tonight it was flowing down over her shoulders. Yet, the same green eyes that had me captivated back then, still remained. It just had to be her.

  I shook my head and headed back to the back of the bar to get in my office. I sat down at my desk and pulled up the computer. We had gone through the beer that the other bars had loaned us, at a price, and were now working on the cases that were delivered on Tuesday. They wouldn’t last forever and I surely didn’t want a replay of the past weekend. I had to do something to figure this all out and that something had to be fast.

  I skimmed through pages and pages of resources that I could have possibly utilized, from other suppliers that might be a little cheaper, to corporations that would start buying out parts of the business. That part made me sick. I didn’t want to lose the bar that my dad and grandpa had worked hard to build up.

  I was busy scanning pages and pages of information over the internet, when there was a knock on the door. I looked up to find Brayton standing there.

  “What’s up?” I asked.

  “There’s a rowdy table out there and they’re asking for the manager.” He shrugged. “Sorry, Trevor.”

  I groaned and pushed myself away from the desk.

  “What’s their problem?” I asked as we left my office and headed back out to the bar.

  “I’m not sure,” Brayton said. “Something about their service not being up to par with other bars around the town.”

  Just what I needed was to have to respond to some negative feedback, when I was trying to get the bar back to the success it once was. He pointed me to a table and I rolled my eyes when I saw who they were. “Gee…thanks a lot.”

  Brayton laughed. “They wouldn’t take no for an answer.”

  I had no doubt that was the case. I moved away from the bar counter and to the table of the so-called rowdy table, where a few of my friends
were laughing and carrying on. They looked up.

  “Hey hey…the man of the hour has arrived,” Dylan yelped. “Whoop whoop!”

  I rolled my eyes and then glared at him. “You do realize I have work to do, right? I can’t just come out here and jump at your beck and call.” I scanned over the table. There was Dylan, the real estate broker, Marcus, the banker, Damon, a professional football player, and Daxter, a firefighter turned professional model. Each man had passed through my life at some point when I needed a friend to talk to and through the years that brought us all together. I couldn’t imagine them not being my friends, but I was going through some tough things right now and really needed to focus on that.

  “Come on, Trevor,” Marcus said. “Sit down and take a load off. You work way too hard.”

  I glanced at him, then chuckled. Marcus, more than anyone should know what I was going through. He’d been on the ride of mergers and acquisitions with his business of banking. He was always on the hunt for a good deal and hoping things didn’t go bust, so it was interesting to hear Marcus being so light and carefree.

  “Brayton, my man, give this boy a beer,” Dylan called out.

  I groaned. The last thing I needed was to waste the beer on me. I almost objected, before Damon grabbed my arm and pulled me into a waiting chair.

  “Just one beer,” I said, finally conceding.

  The men laughed and they started eagerly chatting about their days past. Brayton brought me a beer and I thanked him with my eyes and then took a long sip. Then the chatting turned into women and I shook my head and tried to stay back from the conversation.

  “You should have seen the hot babe I had last weekend. Ahhhhh…” Dylan said. “Doesn’t get much better than that.”

  “Dude…you’re always finding the hot ones. Leave some for us.” Marcus laughed as he took a drink.

  I chuckled and took another drink. All the guys, with the exception of Daxter were on the prowl. Daxter had a live-in girlfriend and I was interested to see how that was going. It was still pretty new. So, I switched the conversation from women that were only looking for sex to the woman that Daxter nearly shared his life with.

  “So, Dax…how’s things going with Jenna?” I asked, taking a drink.

  He shot me a look and there was pride in his eyes. Jenna and he had been high school sweethearts; their worlds revolved around one another. So, she was with him, when he switched his career from firefighter to modeling. I had always questioned why they didn’t just get married, but it seemed like their relationship was one to be holding strong.

  “Well, things are going quite well. In fact, there might be wedding bells in the near future.”

  The table went nuts.

  “Are you serious?” Dylan asked.

  “That’s great, man,” Damon said.

  I smiled. “Good for you two. I hope it all works out.”

  Daxter seemed happy and that was what truly mattered. Things got back to talking about more women and I was about to get up, when Damon spoke. “How are things going with you and the love of your life, Trevor?”

  I looked at him and then frowned. I was confused by what he meant by love of my life. However, the rest of the table snickered and chuckled, fully aware of his words.

  “I’m sorry. Not really understanding,” I said.

  Damon rolled his eyes and held out his arms. “Your namesake, man. How’s business?” Damon looked around. There were some full tables, but there were also lots more empty tables. He looked back at me. “Doing alright?”

  He was looking at me, like he truly wanted an honest response and wouldn’t believe me if I said that things were amazing, so I shrugged.

  “You know, business can slump at times, but I’m holding in there,” I said.

  “Tell me about business slumping,” Marcus stated. “There were times that I would acquire a bank building, only to find that it was already nearly bankrupt. That was when I went to J & E Consulting Firm.”

  I frowned. “What’s that?” I asked.

  “It’s a place that comes in and works their magic to help build a business back up. They check numbers, run plans, organize anything they see is failing, and eventually your business is back thriving.” He shrugged. “Or, at least mine was.”

  I hadn’t considered going to an outside facility such as a consulting firm to have them look over my business. I supposed it was an option.

  “J & E Consulting Firm?” I asked.

  Marcus nodded. “I can get you the number if you want it.”

  I was holding onto my pride and really didn’t want them to know that I was struggling like that, so I quickly shook my head.

  “That’s quite alright. We’re doing well. Really!” I said, smiling at them. I grabbed my beer bottle and stood up.

  “I really should get back to work. Good seeing you guys!” I tipped my beer bottle and headed back to the bar. I pushed the beer bottle to Brayton and he discarded it, and then I went back into the backroom to get to my office.

  I was at my computer and typing in J & E Consulting Firm before I forgot the name and had to go back to him and inquire about it. Immediately the website was pulled up. I looked it over and contemplated my next steps. I didn’t want to ask more people for help, but more importantly I needed to do what was best for the company. Monday morning I would give them a call and hope that they could help me out of this slump.

  It was the only thing I could do.


  I had written the number down for the company, so Monday morning when I woke up, that was the first thing I did. I placed a call into the company.

  “Good morning, you have reached J & E Consulting Firm. This is Jasmine, how may I help you?”

  “Good morning, Jasmine. I need to speak with someone in regards to maybe helping out my business. It’s not entirely going under…yet. I just want to make sure it doesn’t.”

  “Sure thing, sir. No problem. Will you be able to hold for a minute? I will get you with someone that can place the perfect consultant in your hands. He’s on the phone right now, so it will be just a moment.”

  “Okay, no problem. Thank you so much!”

  “It’s my pleasure and as always…thank you for contacting J & E Consulting Firm. Please hold.” The sound of music played over the phone as I waited. I sat down at my kitchen table and started to hum along to the song. Then a man’s voice came on the line.

  “This is Roger. I’m a partner of J & E Consulting Firm. How may I help you?”

  I, once again, told him what I was looking for, this time going into a little more detail and providing my name, the company I own, and the problems we were facing. After I finished off rattling, I took a deep breath. “Do you think you can help?” I asked.

  “Just a minute, I’m entering all your information into the database.” There was some hesitation, before he finally came back. “Okay, I have you in my database and I will certainly see about pairing you off with someone. Unfortunately, all our representatives are assisting other customers.”

  He sounded like a voice recording you got when you had to wait for the next available person. “It could be weeks, maybe months before someone becomes available.”

  My jaw dropped. I didn’t have weeks and I definitely didn’t have months. I didn’t even know if I had days. I couldn’t wait that long.

  “Oh…I see.” I mumbled. “I appreciate that, but I can’t wait that long. I might have to find someone else.” I was expecting to then hang up the call, but Roger was quickly assuring me.

  “I understand that that would be an inconvenience. I will look some things over and try to get someone to your business by tomorrow. Would that be sufficient?”

  “Well, that would save me the trouble of contacting another consulting firm.”

  I gave him my phone number, in case they needed to call me for anything and then hung up with the understanding they would text me to let me know what time the consultant would be there. I was glad that I had made the call and
was one step closer to getting my business in better conditions. I was desperate and this most likely would be my last resort.


  I was tapping away at my computer, pretending to be busy, when my office phone started ringing. I glanced at it, to find Roger’s number on the screen. I sighed, wondering what it was he wanted this time, then answered. “Hello?”

  “Will you please come into my office?” he asked.

  I knew he would either want coffee or maybe he wanted me to run home and start cooking his evening meal, but either way it wasn’t going to be pleasant. I just had a feeling. I walked slowly to the office, almost as if I was going to the guillotine, then peeked my head in his door.

  “What may I help you with? You want your shoes waxed? Or maybe the floor?” I put on a smile and he just chuckled. He understood my sarcasm, at least that was a plus, so he wouldn’t fire me on the spot.

  “Neither of those. Although, my shoes could use a waxing,” he teased.

  I rolled my eyes very discreetly, so he wouldn’t see.

  “Okay, then what do I have the pleasure of doing?”

  He reached for a piece of paper, then handed it to me. I looked at it and in bold print was the name, Trevor Wild, following by the name, Mercury Wild, and then a phone number. I knew the name obviously and I knew the place, but I was still confused.

  “What is this?” I asked.

  “It’s your first job,” he said.

  My jaw dropped. I’m surprised that I could lift it back up without help. “Um…my first job?” I asked. “You mean…a consulting job?”

  Roger nodded. “Unless you don’t want it. Unfortunately, there is no one else, as everyone else is booked with clients, but I’m sure Mr. Wild will understand.”

  I looked at the information again. I was really torn, because on one hand, I was finally getting my big break, but on the other hand, it wouldn’t be easy to work with the guy that seemed to catch my breath every time I looked at him.


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