Five Hearts: A Tale Of Faith, Love, & Destiny~

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Five Hearts: A Tale Of Faith, Love, & Destiny~ Page 2

by C D Swanson

  “Yes.” She stood up and extended her hand to the elderly physician.

  “Dr. Whitehouse, I just finished with Jacob. He’s in pain, which is understandable, but he should be fine. Do you know what transpired? Did he offer an explanation or mention anything at all as to who did this to him?”

  “I found him sitting with hands on his head, and he said someone knocked him on the head with a bottle. And the next thing he was out cold. When he came to, I happened upon the scene, he didn’t have anything more to offer other than what I just told you.”

  “Did he get a look at who the person was?”

  “No, he didn’t. This person had on a surgical mask and cap, so obviously Jacob couldn’t distinguish much.”

  “That’s disturbing. A surgical mask and cap? Wow. I hope it isn’t one of our own! Anyhow, back to Jacob...we’ll keep him for a couple of hours, just for observation. He sustained major contusions, and a concussion. So, it’s mandatory that we observe the patient for a while. You can go and see him now, he’s been asking for you.”

  “Okay, thank you Dr. Whitehouse.”

  She walked into cubicle number two. He smiled when he saw her. His head was clean with a bandage around his forehead. His hair was dark brown, thick and wavy.

  “Hey Jacob…I hardly know you, but I can safely assume you’ve had better days eh?” Sarah’s eyes twinkled as she smiled.

  “You assume correctly…yes.” He offered a sheepish-grin, although, obviously in pain.

  “I took care of everything; you won’t have to worry about the bills. It’s being directed to my clinic where we’ll submit the necessary paperwork to file this as a charity case.”

  He nodded his head slowly with eyes downcast, and then offered a very soft, “Thank you.” He moved his hands around biting his lower lip. “I don’t know why God sent you, but I’m sincerely grateful for your help. I don’t remember anyone ever being so overly-solicitous to me. But…” He winced in pain as he closed his eyes momentarily.

  Sarah seeing how uncomfortable he was stepped in, “I was glad to have helped. However, now I have to get to the children’s cancer ward. But, I’ll stop by again before going home to see how you’re doing. Is that okay with you?” She waited smiling feeling that strong connection washing over her again.

  “Thank you.” His voice so low Sarah barely heard him.

  Sarah walked out of the cubicle to the elevator, thinking about the doctor that was responsible for his current condition. What kind of physician would harm an innocent person? And, if he is capable of producing such ill wrath upon an innocent human being; why is he in the profession of helping people? It was all too much for her to factor, and was repulsed at the thought of this doctor parading around caring for patients; when it was obvious he was merely a poser. Doctors saved lives; they didn’t try to destroy them. She was lost in thought, and feeling frustrated at the situation, when she heard her name in jubilation.


  Sarah turned and watched Candy bounding towards her with her little arms fully extended. Sheer excitement was all over her cherub face.

  “Hello Candy!” Sarah swooped down and picked her up.

  “Sarah, we thought you weren’t going to be coming today. Where were you? Do you know you’re late, and that you missed the whole party? But, I saved you cookies.”

  “I know sweetheart, but at least you didn’t miss it. How was it?”

  “It was great! But, Johnny ate two pieces of cake, and didn’t want to share with anybody.” She scrunched her eyebrows together in annoyance, mature and childlike at once.

  “Well, we need to tell him next time to share, and how good it’ll make him feel to do so. Okay?”

  “Okay.” She hugged Sarah’s neck tightly. “I’m so glad you came.”

  The rest of the kids came running over to Sarah. And then everyone went into the “play lounge” to begin coloring on the paper provided for them.

  “Sarah, may I see you a moment please?”

  She looked at Melissa the head nurse standing with a concerned look on her face. Melissa was a compassionate woman who went above and beyond her nursing duties. Sarah would rest comfortably whenever she left the ward, knowing full well that the children were in excellent hands with their favorite nurse.

  “Sure Melissa. Candy, I’ll be right back, see if you can finish coloring that page for me okay? I would love to add that page to my collection in my office.”

  “Okay Sarah, I’ll finish it,” she said with enthusiasm, as she hurriedly took her seat crayons in hand.

  Sarah looked at her tiny body and hairless head. She couldn’t help but remember Candy’s crowning glory of waist-length yellow ringlets prior to the chemo.

  The little darling orphan had legal issues pending, placing her in limbo temporarily. Basically, living at the hospital a good portion of the time while battling leukemia, and seems to be winning at the moment. They’ll know more after the latest round of chemo is completed, is all they could offer to Sarah.

  “Hello Melissa, how’re things going? What’s up?”

  “It’s about Candy… I have bad news. I’m afraid after tomorrow; we’ll have to turn her over to the state social worker.”

  “What? Doesn’t she have to be monitored? And, isn’t it detrimental to her health to place her in strange surroundings while undergoing chemo?”

  “I’ve tried all of that; it’s fallen upon deaf ears. Plus, Candy is going to be through with her chemo tomorrow, so I can’t use that as an excuse any longer.”

  “Who’s this social worker?”

  “Her name is Michelle Garner, and a hard-hearted Hannah at that.”

  “I’m not familiar with that name; I pretty much know all of the state social workers. She must be new.”

  “She is new, just started last week. She charged in here like a bull horn with an agenda.”

  “I’ll contact her, thanks Melissa. I have to go and speak to Candy about this. Try to prepare her. Have you told her anything yet?”

  “No, I thought it best coming from you, since you have a beautiful bond. She adores you.”

  “Thanks…she’s crazy about you too.”

  “I’m so sorry Sarah.” She touched her arm gently.

  She nodded silently before answering, “I know, thanks.”

  Sarah walked back into the play area… Candy ran over to her proudly displaying the newly created masterpiece in her hand.

  “Sarah, look! I finished it!” She beamed with pride eyes as big as saucers.

  “Wow! Another incredible masterpiece by Candy. I love it. Thank you.” Sarah knelt down and hugged her, tears brimming in her eyes.

  “You’re hugging me too tight Sarah.” Her face squished for emphasis, “I can’t breathe.”

  “I’m sorry sweetie. It’s because I love you so much. You’re such a good girl. So precious.”

  “I know I’m a good girl. I love you too.”

  The rest of the children gathered around, bringing Sarah their pictures. And, together they laughed and played for 30 minutes. The nurses came in and made the official announcement, “time to get going.” They sighed in unison. Candy hugged Sarah and began to cry.

  “Sarah, please don’t go. I want you to come to my room with me. Please.” She looked up as a lone tear escaped trickling slowly down her angelic pale face.

  “I’d like to see anyone stop me! Sure sweetheart, of course I will,” Sarah smiled, while tenderly cradling Candy’s face.

  Candy was the only orphan in the children’s cancer wing. It was heartbreaking to watch the battle their little bodies were undergoing. Each child filled with conviction and raw courage as they fought for their lives. But, at the very least, they all had a major support system their parents were always present. Candy had no one but the staff, and herself.

  “Can you pick me up Sarah, I’m tired,” she asked in a tiny voice raising her arms.

  Sarah’s heart was breaking. She didn’t know how she was going to tell her the ba
d news. She had to put a stop to what was going to happen tomorrow. She needed to put in a temporary stay of action. She would stay up all night to think about how she would handle this. She would call Ruth. Ruth was pretty good at figuring out loop holes to jump through. Thank God for her best friend. She was a dynamo, and a God send.

  “Sarah is taking me to my room Missy”

  “I see that Candy,” Melissa smiled and winked at Candy.

  “Candy, I will read you a story and stay with you until you fall asleep. I’ll be back tomorrow.”

  “Can you read me my favorite book, Green Eggs and Ham?”

  “Of course!”

  “I love you Sarah, you are my bestest friend and the prettiest of all.”

  “Candy you are my bestest friend too! But, you are the prettiest of all.”

  A yawn and a nod of her head was all she could manage, before pulling the book from the nightstand drawer handing it to Sarah.

  “Okay, well here we go.”

  She began to read the book while Candy drank a glass of milk. By the beginning of the second reading of Green Eggs and Ham she was fast asleep.

  Sarah looked at her sweet face; she was so innocent, so trusting. Candy’s huge gray eyes, although closed at the moment, were penetrating. The freckles sprinkled across the bridge of her tiny nose added to her charm. She was special, and Sarah had come to love her intensely. She was sickened by the red tape involved with this case. There had to be a way she could stop this nonsense from happening. She wouldn’t rest until she had an operable and viable solution.


  She turned to see Melissa standing in the doorway.

  She kissed Candy’s forehead and walked out of the room, her heart heavy with sadness.


  “I’ll say a prayer tonight for you to find a way to help this little doll. If ever anyone could help, it would be you.” She hugged her tightly while patting her back.

  “Thank you so much. God is big enough to do anything, so keep praying.”

  As Sarah walked away, her mind began racing, wondering if she could stop this insanity. Candy was so fragile, what the heck is wrong with these state workers? Sometimes, she wondered if they realized their actions were counter-productive to protecting these children. She was so upset. What an incredible sense of irony, they wanted to protect yet they hindered the progression of their welfare. She needed to call Ruth immediately. But first, as promised, she walked down the stairs heading back to Jacob. As she walked into the cubicle, he smiled immediately.

  “Hello. That was fast.” He sat up slowly adjusting the pillow behind his head as he winced.

  “Yes, I suppose it was. Here let me help you with that pillow.” Sarah placed the pillow in a more comfortable spot. He smiled and nodded. “The children had to go to sleep it was the end of a long day, especially for Candy.”

  Her eyes filled up with tears and her bottom lip began to quiver. She was trying hard to control her emotions. She feared an avalanche of tears if she didn’t get her thoughts elsewhere, quickly.

  It didn’t go unnoticed. Jacob watched Sarah’s green eyes fill up. She looked sad. It was strange; he wanted to go and hold her, and tell her it’s going to be okay. He couldn’t remember the last time someone elicited an emotional response like this within his heart. He really didn’t remember if anyone ever had.

  “Sarah, are you okay?” was all he could offer her at the moment.

  “I will be. I just encountered something really disturbing while visiting the cancer ward. One of the little girls, an orphan…she’s battling leukemia and they’re going to place her into foster care tomorrow.” Her voice cracked as tears streamed down her high cheekbones.

  “Wow, I’m sorry. Isn’t that bad for her health? I mean, I’m not an expert in child care, but that seems harmful.” His heart was breaking for this virtual stranger. He was perplexed at his raging emotions. He wanted to help her, and felt helpless to do so.

  “Thank you for your concern. Yes. I’d think it’s extremely harmful to her health. I’m going to try and put a stop to it.”

  “Please don’t waste your time visiting with me another moment. Go, take care of the situation. I hope it all works out. And, thank you so much for your help Sarah. You’ve been incredible,” he said before shutting his eyes momentarily, in response to a shooting pain over his left brow.

  “You okay? Do you need anything before I go?”

  “I have enough pain killers in me for the next year thanks,” he smiled, and she couldn’t help but notice how cute he was. Really, really, cute. His dimples encased his beautiful smile perfectly.

  “The doctor said you’ll be released early tomorrow morning. So Jacob, this is my card, please call me. Or stop by my office if you feel up to it tomorrow,

  I have a proposition for you…okay?” She waited in earnest for his reaction and his decision while studying his good looking face. Taking particular note of his angular jaw. It was classic and screamed, masculinity at its finest.

  “Well, sure… okay. Thanks.” He was dumbfounded, yet intrigued by her proposition and wondered what it could possibly be.

  “Great, well relax for a while in that bed. They’ll be watching you all night. They were supposed to let you go within the next hour. However, a certain doctor owes me big time so I called in my favor. Jacob, please try to get some sleep, while you can.”

  She smiled and looked like a little girl within her womanly demeanor. He felt his heart jump. She certainly had an effect on him, it must be the Nightingale syndrome she saved him, and he was smitten.

  “Thanks Sarah. I’m eternally indebted. I don’t know what I would have done without you. Thank you. And I mean that in all sincerity…” He wanted to say so much more, but stopped.

  “You’ll be able to thank me tomorrow when you come to my office. Goodnight Jacob.” She waved a slender hand before disappearing through the blue privacy curtains.

  Her scent lingered, it was a pleasant and alluring one. It seemed to be a combination of fresh vanilla, cinnamon and musk, very nice. It was certainly better

  than the average smell in a hospital he laughed to himself.

  He looked at her card. Sarah Johnson. Licensed Social Worker/Counselor. With no letters after her name. She seemed too modest to boast. After all, to be in her position, she had to have degrees. She was the Director too. Her card was pale blue with dark blue lettering. It was pristine, elegant, simple and classy, like Sarah. He put the card to his nose. The scent of her perfume was on it, ever so slightly. He closed his eyes with a smile as he let the fragrance tease his nostrils with delight.

  Sarah called Ruth, while the valet went to fetch her car. She needed to get this going as soon as possible. Every second mattered and she promised Candy she’d be back tomorrow. She wanted to bring this poor child good news and happiness. Her determination was relentless, and she would find a way.

  “Ruth, you have to help me. Please. Can you come over to my house tonight? Or, may I come to yours?” She held her breath waiting as she closed her eyes.

  Ruth heard the urgency in her best friend’s voice. She knew she wouldn’t bother her if it wasn’t important, or necessary. “I can come to your house, or you can come here, whatever is easiest for you Sarah. It doesn’t matter. Whatever you want.”

  “Come to mine. I’ll pick up a pizza. And bring your jammies; we’re going to be brain storming tonight. I need your brain. Hopefully it’s in working order?” She managed to smile despite the dire circumstances.

  “No problem, jammies it is. See you in about an hour Sarah. And, don’t worry my brain is still active, as of right now… I promise to bring that too,” Ruth kidded.

  “Okay, thanks. I appreciate it. Bye.”

  She was thinking about Candy, when suddenly, Jacob came to mind. She was extremely disturbed by that individual hurting him that way. It was shocking, and totally incomprehensible to her. The injuries that madman inflicted upon Jacob was reprehensible. Jacob seemed h
armless, and gentle. She wondered what his story was, and how he became homeless. Well, there’d be time enough for that. While pulling into her driveway in Westchester she called for a pizza. No time to wait around for it. This issue demanded every second of her time. Something needed to be done. And she wouldn’t stop until there was a happy solution for all parties concerned.

  Chapter Three

  Sarah had just gotten out of the shower when the doorbell rang. She threw on her pink sweat pants and white tee shirt, and ran to the front door. She looked through the huge peep hole and saw Ruth who promptly stuck her tongue out at her.

  “Get in here you nut.”

  “Okay. You must know that I have to eat first! My body is starving and my brain cells are dying. Where’s the food?” she asked, while quickly scanning the dining room table.

  “I am afraid it didn’t come yet.”

  “What?” She opened her eyes wide in mock surprise before laughing out loud.

  And in response to her incredulous look the doorbell rang. There was the huge white pizza with garlic, chicken and broccoli in Charley’s hands.

  “Hello girls that’ll be $24.75 please”

  “Here you go Charley” She handed him thirty dollars.

  “Hang on for your change.”

  “Nope. The rest is yours Charley, thanks.”

  “I love delivering to your house. I get a bigger tip from you than I do from ten houses combined.”

  “Bye Charley,” she giggled.

  They walked into her huge bright kitchen. She put the box on the white marble island table.

  “Ruth, what would you like to drink?”

  “I’ll take the sweetened ice tea.”

  “Okay, that sounds good, me too.”

  They started eating like scavengers, each one with the longest day known to man behind them. Yet, they’d have to figure out this situation with Candy. And, she didn’t want to talk about Jacob yet.

  “Oh man, this is too good. I can’t believe I’m freaking eating a fourth slice!” Ruth patted her thighs as she said it.

  “Ruth, just enjoy it. Stop with the weight issues that only exist in your head.”


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