Five Hearts: A Tale Of Faith, Love, & Destiny~

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Five Hearts: A Tale Of Faith, Love, & Destiny~ Page 10

by C D Swanson

  He looked down to see his blood splattered all over, and laughed at the body sprawled on the ground. He threw a newspaper over the victim’s head, and calmly walked to his vehicle and took off. He realized he needed this more and more now, it was the only thing that excited him anymore. He loved the control and the feel of power. It was a head rush. It was bliss!

  He pulled off his mask, surgical gloves and scrubs. And looked into the mirror and smiled. His eyes were sparkling with excitement. He looked down into his box of tricks and saw her picture and his heart sunk.

  There she was smiling. Her beautiful face looking at him. He flung it on the floor, his rage at being rejected returned, overtaking the bliss he felt just moments earlier. He was angry at her especially when her face interfered with his thrills.

  He pulled away not thinking of her again. He didn’t want to feel the pain from her not wanting him anymore. He didn’t want to remember her at all. He was trying to forget her. He needed to go and beat up another homeless person to replace this depression.

  He decided to go to the Bowery—there was always someone down there he could grab. He pulled away whistling, “Hi ho hi ho it’s off to work I go” and began smiling once again. The picture of her angelic face lay on the floor mat, on the passenger side in his car, forgotten once again. For now…

  Chapter Eleven

  “Come in Kelly.”

  “Hello Miss Kelly.” Candy ran directly into her arms.

  “Hello Candy.” She hugged her tightly and kissed her.

  She saw the pretty wrapped packages in Kelly’s hands and asked with anticipation, “Is that for me?”

  “Yes as a matter of fact it is!” She loved seeing her so happy.

  “May I have it now?” Candy asked, almost begging.

  “Candy, be patient,” Sarah schooled her gently.

  “It’s okay Sarah. Of course you may have it now. I hope you like it.” She was genuine in her response and was smiling at her adorable expression.

  Candy ran into the living room and dropping to the ground began ripping open her presents with sheer and utter delight. And as soon as she saw the blonde Barbie doll, she screeched with glee, “Oh! I love her. Oh, thank you so much!” Then standing up hugging the doll, she cried, “I am so happy!” She continued spinning around before running to hug Kelly, with Barbie in her hands, kissing Kelly over and over, between each kiss repeating, “OH thank you so much! I love her, she looks just like you!”

  “Well, thank you so much.” Kelly was simply elated and began to giggle from the effervescent display of youth. It was simply contagious.

  Kelly watched Candy. What a sheer delight. It was as if she’d known her forever. She was innocent and sweet. And her strength to get through her treatments, she was courageous. Yet despite all this girl had been through, she stayed so chipper and happy. She looked at her fresh crop of curly blonde hair that grew in. It suited her face, she resembled a little pixie. She decided to interrupt the moment with a very important question, “Okay, who’s hungry? I have a huge platter of lasagna, and about 10 pounds of chicken cutlets waiting to be devoured,” Sarah asked invitingly.

  With a quick raise of hands and a cacophony of me they moved quickly into the dining room. Jacob helped Candy into her seat she wanted to sit next to him and wanted Kelly on her other side, stating, “I want the two of you right here.” She pointed in her bossy, yet adorable way, which no one could, or would want to refuse.

  “Okay sweetheart, whatever you want,” Jacob answered as he sat down.

  “And, I know that you lost the contest about whose hair grew in first,” Kelly said and smiled in a teasing way.

  “Yes he did! His grew so slowly,” she agreed and touched his head, which was fully grown now.

  Sarah smiled at Jacob. Candy didn’t realize that Jacob was shaving his head all along just so she could win the contest. She couldn’t believe how kind he was. She looked at the three of them side by side. They all looked alike. It was funny how familiarity can sometimes make people look alike!

  After prayers, they dug into the sumptuous feast Sarah had prepared. And, they knew they were all going to be playing “Candy Land” again before long. She was so grateful that things were going as well as they were.

  Luke walked into his house, and flung his keys to the floor. Then, he immediately stepped onto his treadmill. He couldn’t think about anything but her. Why would she leave him and not have anything to do with him anymore?

  He loved her, although he didn’t treat her the way she should have been treated while they were a couple. He was good to her most of the time. It had been almost 7 months since she told him goodbye. And, he still thought of her every second, his mind raging with thoughts of her sensuality, and her face. He was obsessed with her.

  He saw all of them. That bum Jacob, and that slut Ruth. He watched them going into her house to be with her, and that stupid little sick urchin. He was surprised when he realized that witch Kelly Novak was there! She was as haughty as they come. Thinking she was better than most. That little act of trying to help the homeless bunch-and offering one million dollars for his capture! What a self-righteous piece of garbage. She didn’t fool him at all. Not for one minute.

  The heck with all of them! He didn’t want to think about any of them right now. He wanted to feel his endorphins kick in-and wanted to feel good again.

  Chapter Twelve

  Thirty Years Ago in a Private Academy

  “He’s very quiet-but he has potential.”

  “His parents are wealthy jetsetters who show no interest in their son whatsoever. I actually feel sorry for him.”

  “Yes, but he really doesn’t seem to be bothered by it. It’s as if he’s used to being a second after thought. He’s smart as a whip, perhaps too smart for his own good.”

  “Luke, please come over here-we have a question for you, “Miss Huddle asked in a quiet, yet stern tone.

  Luke stood up and walked to the front of the classroom. Standing tall with perfect posture, he adjusted his red tie, and buttoned his dark blue blazer with the academy’s crest emblazoned on the pocket.

  “Luke-this will count towards your final exam okay?”

  “Yes Miss Huddle.”

  “Okay what’s the biggest thing you feel you can accomplish in life?”

  He stood straight and rigid-while adjusting his spectacles on his aquiline nose. He gazed at the teachers, Miss Huddle, Miss Rhein, and then his classmates who were snickering while staring at him. But, he didn’t let it get to him. He was going to be famous one day, really famous-and he would show all of these losers.

  “My biggest accomplishment will be when I have respect because of who I am.”

  They all waited for the rest of his answer, however none was forthcoming. He turned from them and reached his desk taking his seat once again. His hands perfectly clasped.

  “Well-okay thank you Luke. Is there anything more you’d like to add to your verbal test?”

  Standing up he answered, “No.”

  His classmates snickered loudly. The teacher clapped her hands for them to cease.

  “Thank you Luke. Okay that ends it for the day you’re all dismissed, except for Luke.

  The teachers motioned for him to come up front again. And, of course he immediately obliged.

  “Luke someone told us you were punching a hobo clown doll while screaming at it,” Miss Huddle’s tone incredulous, yet compassionate.

  Luke cast his eyes down to the ground in shame.

  “Is this true Luke?”

  “Yes Miss Huddle it is.”

  “Can you share with us the reason you felt compelled to do such an act?” she asked in a quiet voice.

  “The others were teasing me—they made me feel worthless. They all started calling me a bum, and said I had no home because my parents deserted me. And, then they started throwing things at me.”

  “Why didn’t you just go to the Master of the dormitory and tell him?”

  “I di
dn’t want to bother him again. I told him a couple of times, and he said to grow some thick skin.”

  “I see. Well, that hardly seems the solution to the problems you were dealing with. I’ll report him,” she offered, her voice cracked with emotion.

  “No-please don’t!” He panicked as he pleaded.

  “Good heavens why not Luke? He didn’t seem to help you when you needed help.”

  “I know, but it’ll be worse if he finds out I tattled on him. Please don’t tell him. Please Miss Huddle,” his voice desperate, as he stared wide-eyed for her response.

  “Well I don’t know. I am going against my instincts here, but okay. However, if this happens again-please let me know immediately and I’ll do something about it myself. Okay?” She smiled at him and winked. She felt compassion for this very peculiar child, there was something so pathetic about him.

  “Thank you Miss Huddle.”

  “Luke-please don’t take to heart what they’re saying about you. They’re just being ignorant and very cruel. They’re not being good Christians. Forgive them Luke.”

  “I don’t think about them anymore. As long as I have the bum doll to punch and kick-I feel fine,” his voice deepened as his eyes sparkled.

  Miss Huddle didn’t like where this was going, or how it sounded. He clearly was scarred and psychologically damaged by his parents’ clear disregard for his existence. And, the children were tapping into that by calling him a homeless bum. Oh-how cruel children could be. Her heart went out to him, and she hugged him. She also made a mental note to speak with the head counselor of child development… she needed some input from an expert in this field.

  “May I go now Miss Huddle?”

  “Yes you may Luke.”

  He walked outside and was grateful for Miss Huddle. She was the only one that cared about him, or so it seemed. She was so pretty, and so kind. She helped everyone-all the time. He walked into his room to get prepared for lunch time. As he did-they all starting chanting as he walked in.

  “Luke, Luke-you make me puke. You’re a homeless bum-and you’re so dumb. Luke Luke-you make me puke,” their voices loud and obtrusive.

  He walked into his bedroom and closed the door. He picked up the hobo doll and began hitting it, and punching it—and smacking it over and over. The stuffing came out. And with each punch and smack, he smiled and felt so good—it made him feel so powerful and filled with pleasure! He loved doing this!

  After punching and smacking the doll, he washed his face and looked at himself in the mirror. His eyes were sparkling with excitement and he felt so good.

  He walked out into the corridor and made his way into the dining hall. He was in control again and he was so powerful and important. That was all that mattered.

  Chapter Thirteen

  “And, now the latest on the Homeless Attacker…Last night not one, but two homeless men were attacked. One is in critical condition and isn’t expected to live. The other is in critical condition—but stable and was able to speak to the interrogating officers.”

  Sarah shut off the morning news quickly when Candy came in for breakfast. She felt sick inside again, whenever she heard of these attacks it turned her stomach, and made her feel very unsettled.

  “Hello Mommy.” She held the Barbie doll in her hand and smiling widely jumped up onto the stool.

  “Hello Candy. What would you like for breakfast?” She tried to shake off that disturbing report she watched moments ago.

  “Waffles please.”

  “Waffles coming right up.”

  She couldn’t believe that monster struck again. And two in one night? It made her skin crawl knowing he was out there walking around her city!

  “What’s wrong Mommy?”

  “Oh nothing cutie-I was just thinking about work stuff that’s all,” she fibbed.

  “I really like Kelly Mommy. She’s pretty and so nice. You have really nice friends.”

  “I think so too. She’s kind of crazy about you too sweet pea.”

  “I know!” She giggled, “I love my gift from her.”

  “Do you want bananas on your waffles with blueberry syrup again?”

  “Yummy. Yes, please.” She sat up high on the stool chair and began swinging her feet in anticipation of the delicious breakfast.

  She was in remission right now-and doing so well. But, if the cancer showed up again, she’d need that bone marrow. She prayed it would never come to that, but it still made her nervous wondering if there was someone out there that could be a potential match and donor.


  “Yes Candy?”

  “Is Jacob your boyfriend?”

  She almost dropped the plate! That came out of nowhere! Wow! “No baby-he’s just a good friend.”

  “I was hoping he was your boyfriend, and then maybe he could become my Daddy,” her sweet voice was laced with sincerity as she continued to kick her legs.

  Sarah was so shocked. She didn’t see this coming! She knew she was fond of Jacob-but she didn’t realize she was thinking this deeply about it, or about him becoming a potential father! “Sweetheart, he’s just my friend. But, there’s no reason why he won’t keep coming here to see you. He loves you very much.”

  “I love him too! But, I want him for my Daddy. I made a secret wish to God and Santa Claus.”

  “A wish?” she turned to look at Candy’s face with an impish smile.

  “I cannot tell you –or it might not happen. I’ll tell you after it happens,” she promised.

  She could hardly believe it was almost Christmas. Thanksgiving next week, and once that happens Christmas rolls around really quickly.

  The doorbell rang. Candy ran to the door to open it, after asking who it was, she looked through the peep hole to see her nanny. There was a step stool especially for this practice.


  “Hello Sunshine!”

  “Hello, you are amazingly on time… as always,” Sarah said with a smile while rolling her eyes.

  “You can go now if you would like, I’ll take it from here,” she offered quickly.

  “Thank you so much. I don’t know what I’d do without you.”

  “I love this more than you think Sarah. It’s me who is grateful.” The nanny winked at Candy as she said it.

  “Mommy has to go now Candy. Be a good girl, finish your breakfast and behave,” she said in loving tones.

  “I will. Bye Mommy.” She hugged her tight and kissed her.

  “I love you Sweetheart.”

  “I love you too Mommy. Bye.”

  She ran out to her car thinking about the upcoming meeting scheduled for this morning. State people were going to be in attendance, very interested in the pilot program of hers that took off. Within the last several months, the homeless population has gone down, and many “graduates” have come from this program. And, it was largely due to Jacob’s dedication and street smarts, along with Kelly’s complete backing. She was so pleased with everything. She pulled away making mental notes of how she’d open the meeting with the press and the state.

  Luke was watching her and the house as he sat in his new car with dark tinted windows. He saw the nanny and the little urchin in the kitchen. He couldn’t believe she still had that frigging little brat with her. It was because of that kid and that bum that she dumped him. But, it was okay, because he had a plan. A big one, he smiled as he took a bite out of his Egg McMuffin.

  “Hello Kelly, please come in.”

  “Thank you Jacob. Is Sarah here yet?”

  “Nope, she’s on her way, should be here in ten minutes or so,” he surmised with ease.

  “Oh we’ve plenty of time. No problem. May I get a cup of coffee?”

  “Please allow me. Black right?”

  “Correct.” She smiled.

  “This is going so well Kelly,-and it’s all because of your generosity. We cannot believe our good fortune. We’re truly so grateful,” his voice tinged with sincerity and gratitude.

, it’s your dedication and Sarah’s ability to take an idea and bring it to fruition that’s the cause of the success. My money merely made it easier. But, make no mistake this was strictly you and Sarah. I came along as the last ingredient to an already delicious recipe,” she replied with modesty.

  “Thank you.”

  “Tell me about yourself Luke. I don’t even know your last name,” she laughed.

  “It’s Morgan.”

  “Luke Morgan. Nice. And do you have any sib-


  He looked down and got serious. She felt she made a huge gaffe but didn’t know why. “I’m so sorry. Too personal?”

  “No need to apologize. It’s okay.” He paused before continuing, “No siblings. I was adopted. My adopted mom left me when I was 14 years old. I’ve been on my own all along. I was homeless for a long time. And, then Sarah came along,” his voice took on a totally different tone, “I consider her a living Angel…she changed all that. The rest you know.”

  “Did you ever want to find out who your biological mom was?”

  “I thought about it. But, I wouldn’t even know where to begin. I know nothing about her.”

  “Well, you’d start with a good investigative company. I know one-and if you ever…”

  “Oh Kelly,” he interrupted, “ you’ve done enough for us. Thank you though.”

  “If you ever change your mind, I would be more than willing to help,” her voice was soft and sincere. She touched his arm and gave him a warm smile.

  There was something easy and natural about helping this young man. Maybe it was her recollection concerning her traumatic child birth. Or perhaps it was because her son would be his age right now. It would sting her heart forever to know her son died, and she never had the chance to hold him in her arms. Her eyes started to well up, and she changed directions immediately, as she stood up to glance out the window, she asked, “Did you hear the horrific news? The monster stuck again last night? He got two of them.”


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