Five Hearts: A Tale Of Faith, Love, & Destiny~

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Five Hearts: A Tale Of Faith, Love, & Destiny~ Page 16

by C D Swanson

  “I pulled off his mask and hat… it was Luke.”

  Sarah froze. It was as if someone just punched a hole in her stomach and trampled on her intestines. Vomit splashed to the ground as Sarah felt her insides turn. And, within seconds another wave of nausea hit as she regurgitated violently, her body shaking.

  Kelly ran to the sink and brought some moistened towels. She handed them to Sarah, and used one to place on her forehead. He face was flushed.

  Sarah looked at the floor in embarrassment and then looked at Kelly, her eyes glistening with unshed tears. She was in anguish, finally saying, “I never felt right about that man, there was always something about him. To think I actually dated him. That sick twisted man. How could I have been so naïve?” She almost puked again on the spot.

  “Sarah the important thing was you recognized him as the sick man he was when you dumped him. That’s all that matters. None of this is your fault, and you could not have possibly imagined for one moment that Luke was the face behind the vicious attacks. How could you have known that?”

  “Is everything okay in here?” Melissa asked seeing Sarah’s flushed face.

  “Yes we’re fine. Just a little shocked, but it’s okay now,” Kelly answered with confidence.

  “Okay. Just checking, if you’re sure all is well, I’ll be on my way then.”

  “Thanks Melissa.”

  “Kelly?” Isaac was standing with shakes in his hand and curly fries in the bag.

  “Hello Isaac. Isaac I would like you to meet Sarah Johnson, this is Isaac’s girlfriend.” She smiled at Sarah.

  “How do you do, I’m Isaac Diamond. I’ve heard a lot of wonderful things about you young lady. Plus, I hear you have an adorable little child that I happen to have a special delivery for,” he said with authority as he looked down at his hands and smiled.

  “Pleased to meet you Isaac…Isaac? The Isaac, as in the love of your life?”

  “Yes that is the one.”

  “Excuse me.” The doctor was standing in front of them with a paper in his hand and a puzzled look on his face.

  “Hello Doctor.”

  The introductions went around before he spoke explaining the reasons for his puzzled expression.

  “May I speak in front of them Sarah?”

  “Yes of course you may.”

  “Let’s go into the conference room across the way. I have some private news.”

  They followed the Doctor, Sarah’s head was spinning, and her mind didn’t have time to absorb all of what transpire. Now there was something further to add to this convoluted day? Oh, dear God, please let it be something reasonable.

  “ Sarah, I already gave you the news of the two donor matches. Jacob Morgan and Kelly Novak the other.”

  “Yes doctor you did.” Sarah looked at Kelly and back at the doctor with anticipation, she couldn’t begin to speculate what was coming next.

  “Well after the preliminaries about the donor are confirmed, we ran those blood tests, you’ll recall that was the next round in terms of the procedure that we’re required to do.”

  “Yes, I recall,” Sarah said quickly hoping the doctor would finally get to his point.

  “Well, it seems that the lab ran a side by side comparison study of blood, and the swab DNA components… however, something was puzzling in our findings,” his voice was deep and penetrating.

  “Doctor, please get on with it!” Kelly snapped, seeing how anxious Sarah looked.

  “Well, all three of you have the same DNA components.”

  Their faces looked at the doctor seeing but not fully comprehending what they had just heard. They looked like statues. Nobody moved or said anything for about three minutes. Isaac spoke first, “DNA as in related?”

  “Yes. According to our reports Kelly you’re the mother of Jacob. And, Candy is his daughter, which makes her your granddaughter.”

  All three of them sat in stunned silence. The sobering reality of the news rendered them speechless. So many questions pervaded their individual minds. Thoughts of how could this possibly be? To, it seems to make sense. They looked alike, all three of them. Jacob was hooked immediately to Candy, and Kelly was taken with both of them instantly.

  “Doctor you are sure of these findings?” Isaac asked again as the realization came crashing in.

  “We ran the test four different times to confirm, so as to be absolutely sure. In a case like this, we need to be very careful before we make these conclusive claims.”

  Kelly suddenly jumped up, ran to Isaac and laughing and crying at once as she hugged him. They turned to look at Sarah who was staring, her gaze transfixed on the doctor at this fantastic news.

  “Oh Sarah sweetheart, this is great news!” She hugged her and kissed her.

  Sarah found her voice, “I can hardly believe this. I always knew there was something familiar about Jacob from the moment I found him bleeding in the stairwell. Now it’s so obvious, he’s Candy’s father!” She was crying tears of joy now. The emotional roller coaster knew no bounds, she was up earlier, down moments ago…and now clearly back up again.

  “Wow, I not only got the love of my life back, but find my son and learn I’m a grandfather!” Isaac could not believe his good fortune.

  “I must go and see how Jacob is doing, I’ll be back. Why don’t the two of you go in to sit with Candy, until I return, okay?” She hugged Isaac, “go give your granddaughter her chocolate shake and fries grandpa.

  “Thank you, there’s nothing that would give me greater pleasure,” his voice resonated with emotion, as he grabbed Kelly’s walking away.

  Sarah freshened up in the ladies room and went downstairs for news about Jacob. He was in the recovery room, the operation was quick and he did well. He should have total range of control once it’s healed.

  She waited until it was okay to see him…Within thirty-five minutes the nurse announced he was ready to have a visitor. She followed the nurse with excitement and anticipation.

  “Here you go Miss he’s right through those doors.”

  “Thank you.” Sarah walked through the doors and saw Jacob with his arm in a sling and cast.

  “Well there’s a sight for a sore arm,” he joked.

  “Jacob, how are you feeling?” She leaned forward and kissed him ever so tenderly.

  “So much better now that you’re here.” He grabbed her hand and kissed it.

  “I heard about that monster, I’m so sorry. I never could have imagined it was him Jacob. Never…”

  “It’s okay Baby, how could you possibly have known? I met him and heard his voice and I didn’t know. Although there always was a nagging feeling in my gut when he was around, I felt I knew him from somewhere, I just couldn’t place him.”

  “I’m glad you’re okay, for the most part. That horrible creature getting you not once, but twice. And, all of those poor homeless people. What an absolute shock and nightmare. I’m so glad he’ll probably be going away for a long time. It’s just too horrific to think about any longer.” She shuddered, before continuing, “Well despite what happened…I do have incredible news for you. But, you’ll have to wait for that part. I don’t want to tire you out.”

  “Oh no you don’t what is the news? You can tell me right now please,” He pleaded with Sarah, and as he did Kelly and Isaac showed up in his room.

  “I’ll let them tell you.” Sarah stood up and walked to the side of the room allowing Kelly and Isaac came forward.

  “Hello guys, thanks for saving me…I’m so grateful,” he said with sincerity.

  “Jacob you’re so very welcome. We have something to tell you. We hope you’ll be as pleased as we were to find out,” Kelly’s voice cracked, her eyes sparkling with excitement, love and tears.


  “Remember when I told you about my son who died? And my love of life?”

  “Yes I do.”

  “Well Isaac is the father of my son, and he’s the love of my life. We never knew this, but our son never died
and was sold without us knowing. We’ve just found out earlier this morning. However, we didn’t know where he was until now.”

  They looked at each other and grabbed hands. “You are our son Jacob,” they announced in unison.

  Sarah was blowing her nose from crying as she watched Jacob’s expression. He was finding it difficult to process the information that was just given to him. He began to hear the words in his mind slowly at first, until the full impact exploded within. His eyes welled up with water and he didn’t know what to say.

  “Jacob, understand we never knew you were alive, we never would have waited…we would have looked for you immediately son! We’re so sorry, we were all duped.” Isaac grabbed his son’s hand.

  “I loved you while I was carrying you Jacob and always wondered about you my whole life. I never stopped thinking about you. What they did to us was horrendous. My mother was a sick alcoholic who didn’t have one piece of moral fiber in her body. It’s truly unconscionable what she did to her own daughter, but especially to an innocent baby. I love you Jacob, I promise to make this up to you,” she said through tears.

  “You already did… you saved my life out in the garage, and you found me just in time.” He smiled at both of them. His parents. Can this day get any better? It made the beating worth it. Well, almost.

  “Oh and there is one more great piece of news.”

  “You mean there’s more?” Jacob was overwhelmed.

  “We’ll give Sarah the honor of telling you.”

  “The doctor had the results of the donor tests. He ran the additional tests that are required for donors. Upon running these tests four different times it was discovered that you, Candy and Kelly have the same DNA components.” She waited for him to absorb the news.

  “You mean?”

  “Yes. You’re the father of Candy, so your parents are grandparents too!”

  “This is totally unbelievable. Are we sure I’m not dreaming from the drugs they gave me? Oh man! I’m Candy’s father? That little doll is my little girl?”

  “Yes she is.” Kelly was overjoyed at seeing her son so happy.

  “Did you tell her yet?” He looked at all three.

  “No, we didn’t even tell her we’re the grandparents yet. We thought it was your place to do that. Yours…and her mother’s place.” She winked at Sarah.

  “Thank you both so much.” Sarah was astounded at their grace and class.

  “We’ll tell her together… all of us,” Jacob suggested.

  “Jacob, did you have prior knowledge that you may be a father?” Kelly asked with tenderness.

  “No I didn’t. I donated my sperm for money one time. But that was it.” He looked at Sarah and appeared to be embarrassed by that admission.

  “It’s okay Jacob look at the beautiful child you’ve created. That explains why I loved her instantly. You’re so kind and she’s just like you and your mom. Isaac, I don’t know you yet, so forgive me for not including you…But, if Kelly loves you that means you’re aces too!” She smiled.

  “Well as soon as we leave this recovery room, we’ll all go up and tell her together as a family,” Jacob repeated his suggestion.

  “We’ll tell her that she’ll be fine with the bone marrow transplant, and the great news concerning her family tree. But, there’ll be one more item to tell, and that’s up to you Sarah.” He teased and grabbed her hand.

  “What other piece of news?” She had no clue. There was too much happening too fast… her brain was in overdrive.

  “That you and I will be married.” He waited holding his breath.

  Her body felt warm all over as she realized suddenly they were all going to be family. “Jacob…Yes I give you permission to say that too.”


  “Yes Jacob?”

  “Thanks for saving my life. I love you.”

  “I love you.” Smiling, through her tears of joy, Sarah kissed Jacob.

  Isaac, and Kelly, stood nearby watching in jubilation, and could hardly wait to go and see their granddaughter again. Five hearts that beat as one happy and blessed family…



  Thanks to all of my readers

  who purchased my book(s).

  I’ll see you next time, until then—

  May God Bless you~

  For Daddy


  For Barbara

  You are forever missed and forever loved…

  Table of Contents

  Chapter One

  Chapter Two

  Chapter Three

  Chapter Four

  Chapter Five

  Chapter Six

  Chapter Seven

  Chapter Eight

  Chapter Nine

  Chapter Ten

  Chapter Eleven

  Chapter Twelve

  Chapter Thirteen

  Chapter Fourteen

  Chapter Fifteen

  Chapter Sixteen

  Chapter Seventeen

  Chapter Eighteen

  Chapter Nineteen

  Chapter Twenty

  Chapter Twenty-One

  Chapter Twenty-Two

  Chapter Twenty-Three

  Chapter Twenty-Four

  Chapter Twenty-Five




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