Once in a Lifetime

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Once in a Lifetime Page 4

by Jade Falconer

  The professor smiled. “Good night.” He opened the door for Percy and bowed slightly. “My lord,” he added, smirking.

  Percy sketched a slight bow and slipped out of the office. His thoughts were in a whirl, and he didn't know what all of it meant. He resolved to take his time before returning to the professor's office.

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  Chapter Three

  A few days later, he was to meet his new World History study partner in the library. He had seen the young man, and of course he knew of his pedigree. An old and distinguished family, but nonetheless rather impoverished. The young man was handsome enough, though, and Percy knew he would likely be able to marry money in the near future.

  Away from the influence of Professor Kent, Percy became like his old self again fairly quickly. He wore his haughtiness like a mantle, but he was also fond of charming people, especially handsome men. When his eyes fell on John, he smiled brilliantly at him. “There you are,” he said in welcome. “Percival Elgin at your service, my lord,” he said, bowing politely.

  The other boy smiled shyly. He mirrored Percy's bow and said, “John Montgomery at your service, my lord."

  Percy couldn't help but smile. “I think we're going to be quite thick as thieves before you know it. Shall we discuss this project in a slightly less oppressive atmosphere?” he suggested.

  John raised an eyebrow. “I knew I'd been warned about you for good reason,” he said. “What did you have in mind?"

  Percy chuckled. “I'm not sure I even want to know what that means. I only meant venturing outside on such a lovely day. However, if we are to become friends, you must keep in mind that you ought to believe only half of what you see and none of what you hear.” He nodded towards the door with a hopeful look.

  John laughed easily. “I shall keep that in mind.” He bowed more deeply. “Lead on, then, my lord. I am in your hands."

  Percy held the door for him, and the two young men strolled across the courtyard. Beyond them lay an expanse of lawn bordered by dogwood trees. At certain intervals there were stone benches for students to rest on their way to and from their studies. Percy gravitated towards one and took a seat. “Now, I want to assure you that, regardless of what you may have heard, I am quite committed to my academic career."

  John nodded solemnly. “I had heard that you were not unintelligent.” He grinned at Percy. “I feel there is more to it than that, though."

  Percy's lips twitched. “Well, now you must tell me! I feel as if my character is being assassinated by unknown enemies. What have you heard?"

  John blushed. “Well, I was taught never to listen to gossip,” he demurred. He smiled. “It's nothing bad. Quite flattering, actually."

  "Good heavens, you can't expect me to let that pass. That there should be flattery about myself, and not to know it? You mustn't torture me so, my lord."

  John laughed again, clearly relaxing. He leaned closer, as if to impart a secret. “They say you have no respect for authority,” he confided.

  Percy raised his eyebrows. “Perhaps when I find some authority deserving of my respect I shall bestow it upon them. I have respect for the Almighty, our sovereign, and my parents. That is all I am honor bound to.” He shrugged his shoulders. “How they expect us to behave as men while treating us as less than children is beyond me."

  John nodded again. “Spoken just as I would expect.” He pushed his hair out of his eyes. “It's also said that you're quite intelligent, but you don't apply yourself. I can see that the intelligent part is true anyway."

  Percy didn't quite agree with the “don't apply yourself” part, but it was early in the semester, and he supposed he had to prove himself. “Thank you for telling me. I shall endeavor to apply myself with vigor on a project that your grade also relies upon. Now...” He got to the subject at hand, soliciting John's ideas for their historical research, and how they ought to proceed.

  The two young men worked together when they could, between and after formal classes. Every time Percy attended mathematical theory, it occurred to him that he was avoiding any direct interaction with Professor Kent. He answered direct questions and did his best not to draw attention to himself. He completed his assignments on time and accurately, and did not linger afterwards.

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  Chapter Four

  A week after his last private visit, he was again sitting at the front when the class was dismissed. He gathered up his notes, preparing to make a hasty retreat.

  "Lord Elgin. A word please,” came the professor's deep voice. It wasn't a request.

  Percy's stomach twisted, but his expression remained impassive. “Of course, Professor,” he said quietly. As the others filed out, he followed the other man to his private office. His heart pounded, and he held his papers to his chest like a shield.

  The older man closed the door and locked it. Then he stepped closer to Percy. “You haven't been back to see me,” he said accusingly.

  Percy gazed back at him steadily. “I was under the impression that the decision to return or not was mine,” he said quietly. Inside he quailed, though he managed to remain outwardly aloof.

  "It is, of course,” the professor purred. “But I had hoped it would be sooner rather than later.” He ran his hand down the younger man's jaw. “I was under the impression you enjoyed it."

  Percy didn't flinch from the touch. “I thought it was rather obvious that I had. It's not exactly something that can be faked, after all.” That feeling of being out of his depth returned.

  "I had hoped that you might want to demonstrate your other abilities. I believe I mentioned being bent over my desk.” The professor took Percy's hand and brought it to his own crotch.

  Percy's eyes widened slightly, and he rubbed gently against the other man's erection. “Perhaps I misunderstood our last encounter, but I didn't think you were particularly interested in that,” he said quietly.

  "What gave you that impression?” the professor asked coolly, though he hardened further under Percy's hand.

  Percy almost felt like he had the upper hand for a moment. He raised his chin slightly. “That you threatened to withhold it. I took that to mean the prospect was not a priority to you,” he said coolly. Indeed, that had been the one thing that rankled him the most.

  The older man raised his eyebrows. “Have you never heard of anticipation, pretty boy?” he asked.

  The situation was almost bizarre. He still had his hand pressed to the hard bulge in his professor's trousers and they were having a conversation about buggery as if he'd simply been invited to tea. “So you were forestalling the moment to make it more appealing?” he asked. “And is it?"

  "Well, I don't know yet, do I?” the professor answered, moving closer yet. “I was under the impression it was something you quite wanted, yet you seem reticent. This is purely voluntary, of course.” He reached down to take Percy's wrist away from his arousal.

  Percy again felt a shiver of power. The fact of the matter was, he did find the man very attractive. “I never said I wasn't interested, but I am not accustomed to indifferent lovers. I'm sure if you troubled yourself, you would know that I'm in a similar state as you are."

  "Indifferent?” the professor smirked. In a quick movement, he twisted Percy's hand behind his back, turned him, and pressed him against the desk, pinning him from behind with his larger body. “Do I feel indifferent now?” he growled in Percy's ear, grinding his stiff cock against the younger man's ass.

  Percy gasped, falling against the desk. He'd never been treated like this and it both frightened and thrilled him. He felt the other man's arousal, and he wanted it. “No,” he croaked. “I wouldn't say indifferent, no."

  "Do you want this?” the older man snarled, pulling now on Percy's softly curling hair. “If not, say so and we will never speak of it again."

  Percy had to wonder briefly what the other man would do if he actually said no. But he couldn't lie. “Yes. I want it,” he said, even as
his shoulder ached from the way his arm was pinned behind him.

  "Good,” the professor said, releasing Percy's arm. “Get your trousers off.” He stepped back to the other side of the desk, drawing out a vial of oil.

  Percy straightened his arm stiffly. The other man was in charge again, and Percy obeyed. He toed off his soft leather boots and reached down to unbutton his trousers. He eased them down over his hips, glancing over his shoulder at the other man.

  Stepping behind Percy again, the professor ran his hands over Percy's pale, perfect ass. “Lovely,” he said, slapping it lightly.

  Percy leaned heavily on the desk, breathing fast. “Thank you,” he breathed. He knew now that the other man wanted to make him wait, wanted to tease him, and drive him crazy.

  "Spread wider for me, boy, show me how much you want it,” commanded the professor, opening the vial of oil.

  Percy braced his feet farther apart. He knew what he was doing. He arched his back and spread himself open, left himself exposed to the other man. He put William out of his mind because this was not William, and this would be different.

  The professor finally breathed faster as he regarded Percy. “You want this badly don't you?” he purred. “Want me inside you?"

  Percy nodded. There was no point in denying it. “I want you. I want you to take me,” he said, closing his eyes. There was something humiliating about asking this man.

  The older man slipped a slick finger inside Percy, getting him ready. “I'm going to. I'm going to give you what you need, Percy.” His voice was deep with need now.

  Percy shivered. It felt like a long time since he'd been touched like this. His back arched more and he moaned, craving more. He gasped as the other man added another finger and finally a third. He felt as if his body was new again, untouched. Finally he withdrew and he was empty again. It forced a quiet whimper from him.

  There was the sound of the older man unfastening his trousers, and then he slicked his own cock. “Are you ready for me, Percy?"

  "I'm ready,” he agreed. He was more than ready. He was aching for it. “Please,” he added plaintively.

  "Just because you said please so nicely,” the professor said softly. Then he thrust inside Percy, burying himself slowly but inexorably.

  Percy concentrated on relaxing as he'd been taught. He felt like he was transported to a different world as his body was claimed. He trembled as the professor's cock slid across that spot that made him crazy. “Ohh."

  "You like it?” the older man asked, thrusting deeper and harder. “Is this what you need? Crave?” His hands gripped Percy's slim hips hard enough to bruise.

  Percy whimpered. The grip was painful but lovely as well. But it was the question that soothed him. That request for reassurance, no matter how gruffly spoken. He didn't imagine the professor had a string of boys he was entertaining in his office, attractive though he was. It filled the ache to be wanted and needed. “Yes,” he moaned. “Yes, feels so, ohhh..."

  "Tell me how it feels,” the older man groaned, losing a bit of control at last as he slammed into him. “Talk to me with that pretty little mouth. You feel perfect."

  Percy had always enjoyed talking, especially during sex, but the professor had discouraged it the last time. “F-feels like, like you are ... like your cock is splittingmeopen,” he panted. His hands were braced flat upon the desk and he was jolted with each thrust.

  The teacher moved faster now, and he used one hand to grip Percy's hair once again. “I am, I'm taking you, your body belongs to me right now,” he ground out, driving deeper and deeper.

  Percy was so close now. His body trembled, and all he could do was hold on and take it. All thoughts and worries about whether the other man craved him as much as he did evaporated in the pounding rhythm. “I ... I'm so close,” he rasped, full lips parted as he gulped air.

  The older man kept pounding into Percy, slamming him against the desk. He released his hold on Percy's hair and reached down, wrapping his hand around the boy's aching cock. “Let me hear you,” he urged, stroking him quickly.

  Percy's back arched more and he sobbed out something incoherent as he climaxed, shuddering almost violently. He came hard over the older man's fingers, hips working back and forth in time. His sobs subsided into moans as the release robbed him of everything short of consciousness. The professor held Percy up as he continued to thrust into him. With a groan he climaxed, spilling deep inside Percy as he gripped his hips.

  Percy gasped, still shivering with aftershocks, supported by the professor's strong arms. He let his head fall forward, letting out a long breath. The older man was silent now, and he pulled Percy back against his body for a long moment as he trembled slightly. After a moment, he released him and pulled out.

  Percy didn't understand. The brief embrace almost felt affectionate, which was not something he would have expected. He reached out and braced his hands on the desk again, swallowing audibly. He slowly glanced over his shoulder, his expression unsure.

  The professor took a deep breath and produced two handkerchiefs, one of which he handed to Percy without a word. Percy accepted the handkerchief with a slight frown. He felt used, and not in a sexy, dirty way. He cleaned himself off, not looking at the professor, and as quickly as he could manage, reached for his trousers, nearly brushing against the other man.

  The professor grabbed Percy's arm then, and pulled him to face him. “That was very nice,” he managed softly, not at all in his usual cold manner.

  Percy gasped and stared at him, wide-eyed. He wasn't sure he'd heard him correctly. “It was lovely,” he whispered, nibbling on his bottom lip for a moment. He noticed the other man's eyes were a curious and startling shade of deep blue-green.

  After a moment's hesitation, the professor pulled Percy into a deep kiss. He released him, then whispered, “I hope we can do this again."

  Percy seemed to sense that such a statement cost the other man dearly. “The semester is still new, Professor. I am sure I will need plenty of extra assistance.” He reached out and touched the other man's face lightly. “If you are available."

  The older man didn't quite smile, but he leaned into the touch just slightly. “I will be quite willing to make myself available for such a willing pupil,” he replied after a pause. “And when we are alone, call me Alastair. Please."

  Percy leaned in and kissed the other man on the lips quickly, feeling bolder by the moment. “Alastair. I'm Percy. A pleasure to make your acquaintance,” he said with a shy smile.

  This time he really did smile. “You had better get back now,” he murmured.

  Percy nodded and stepped into his trousers, making himself presentable as best he could. When he had his stockings and shoes on again, he bowed to Alastair. “By your leave,” he said, then slipped out the door.

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  Chapter Five

  Percy visited Alastair as often as his studies would allow, but he also needed to devote time to his project with John. They had done significant library research, and it was time to draft their paper, and see where they still needed information. Percy suggested his dormitory room, as it was a private one.

  Neckties and jackets long discarded, they met after dinner hour. Percy preferred the informal atmosphere, claiming it fostered more creative thinking. He lounged on the floor beside the bed, chomping on an apple as John sat at the small desk, make notations in a notebook.

  John finally sat back, stretching . “I daresay we're getting close,” he ventured.

  Percy smiled. “Honestly, I don't think I can bear anything at all academic for the rest of the evening.” He took another bite of apple. He shifted to sit up on the bed, patting the spot next to him. “I hope my dullness at this subject isn't holding you back,” he said with a grin.

  John hesitated only a moment before joining Percy on the bed. “Not at all,” he answered. “In fact, you've quite livened things up."

  Percy smirked and rolled his eyes. “I really haven't been do
ing my job at all well. You're still entirely too polite, John. How shall you ever land an heiress if you cannot be aloof and sarcastic?” He grinned at him.

  John blushed immediately. “I cannot help how I was raised,” he said with smirk. “Not all of us had such indulgences."

  "No indeed. That's quite right. Which is why it falls to me to instruct you in the ways of being sought after. Assuming you can believe me to be any sort of expert.” He was fond of John, and the longer he spent in company with the other young man, the more attractive he found him. He was certain John was not attracted to men, however, but it was nice to have a friendly influence to offset his lover's stoic and gruff one.

  John laughed softly. “To be sure, anyone is an expert compared to me,” he said self-effacingly.

  Percy slouched back on the mattress, leaning on one elbow. “Have you any experience with girls? Balls, dinners, that sort of thing? Flings with any charming locals back home?” Percy could remember several local mothers attempting to throw their daughters in his way, but he'd never taken any interest. That only made them try all the harder, it seemed. He had no doubt he could find a woman to marry. Unfortunately, that was for the contrary reason that he didn't wish to.

  "Not really,” John admitted. “There was one girl I quite liked, but as soon as her family found out that I have not much more than a title...” He shrugged and trailed off.

  Percy frowned slightly. “But, besides potential wives, have you ever kissed a girl?” he asked. “Upstairs maid? Cook's daughter? Anything like that?"

  John looked down. “No. Isn't that awful? I shall be quite dreadful at it if it ever happens.” He looked up again at Percy. “I suppose you're quite the expert."

  Percy had to blush at that. “Well, not at kissing girls,” he said quietly. He wondered what John would make of that, but he was tempted to tell him if he bothered to ask.

  John's eyes widened. “D-do you have some other sort of experience then?” he asked hesitantly.


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