Once in a Lifetime

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Once in a Lifetime Page 8

by Jade Falconer

  Percy put his hand on John's shoulder. “No, you misunderstand me. I didn't mean that I didn't want to. I only meant...” He tugged at John's shoulder, turning him around to face him. He slid his fingers around the back of John's head and pulled him close for a gentle kiss.

  John whimpered, opening to the kiss immediately. He melted into Percy's arms, pressing against him.

  Percy wrapped his arms around John and deepened the kiss. He wasn't quite used to being in charge, but John was sweet and handsome and he was quickly forgetting who was supposed to do what. He steered him over to the bed without breaking the kiss. He pulled back just long enough to sit and tug John down with him, then kissed him again.

  John was trembling in the other man's arms, but he didn't pull back. He leaned further into the kiss, hand ghosting up Percy's chest.

  Percy made a quiet humming sound in his throat and ran his hand up John's thigh. The other young man was so gentle compared to what he was used to, and it was lovely.

  John trembled harder at Percy's touch. He pulled back, panting. “You arouse me so, Percy. Is that wrong?"

  Percy smiled. “Some would undoubtedly say so, John. You must understand that you can't go announcing such things to just anyone. I, however, do not see what is so wrong about it."

  "It feels so good,” John declared. “Something that feels so good can't be wrong.” He looked into Percy's eyes. “I would never tell,” he added.

  Percy kissed John on the cheek. “We seem to have a little time. Why don't you tell me what else it was that you think you want to do,” he said. The young man probably didn't know much about it. Perhaps touching wouldn't be so very bad. He was almost painfully aroused for John. Despite his inexperience, he was quite lovely at kissing.

  "I want to touch you. For you to touch me.” John smiled sheepishly. “Maybe get our clothes off this time."

  Percy licked his lips. He reached out and tugged John's neck cloth loose. “Well then,” he said quietly. He leaned close and kissed him again as his fingers started on John's buttons.

  John whimpered piteously, hands returning the favor clumsily. He was shaking with need now, and he had to pull back from the kiss. “Are you sure you want to?” he asked.

  Percy smiled. He could see that John needed reassurance. He took John's hand and moved it down his body until it was pressing on the hard bulge in his trousers. “I would have to say yes,” he said, watching the other young man's reaction.

  John moaned, squeezing at the hard line hesitantly. “Oh, I, Perce...” he began rubbing it, with clear wonder on his face.

  Percy's eyes rolled back in his head for a moment and he moaned. “I think you said something about removal of clothing, though,” he said, his voice deepened with lust now.

  John nodded eagerly, and helped Percy get his clothes off.

  Percy had almost no shyness about his body anymore, and certainly not when he was hard. He stripped down to skin before he started on John's clothes again. He pushed him gently back onto the bed and stretched out beside him for a moment, kissing at his neck before he moved to tug the other's pants down and off. John gazed openly at Percy's naked body and only blushed when he was similarly exposed.

  Percy stretched his long body alongside John's again and kissed him. He stroked smoothly down John's chest, almost teasing him with minimal contact. He knew that John wanted this, but he was much less forceful than Percy's previous lovers.

  John moved closer, cautiously pressing his naked body against Percy's. He gasped, breaking the kiss, when their cocks came into contact.

  Percy smiled at his sweet, gentle, inexperienced friend. He wriggled his hips, rubbing their bodies against each other. His hand drifted down John's back. “You don't have to be shy with me, John,” he said quietly.

  "It feels so good,” John said, writhing helplessly against Percy.

  Percy's hand stayed down over John's naked ass. He gave him a firm grope, staring into his eyes. “You know, there's more to it than this,” he whispered.

  John groaned, arching against Percy. “I know, but I am ignorant,” he confessed. “I have no idea what two men might do together.” He was blushing hard but still very aroused.

  Percy pushed John back onto his back on the narrow bed, and leaned over him. “Then you are fortunate that I am here to show you,” he murmured. He ran his hand down John's body until his fingers closed gently around his cock. “I'm sure you're familiar with this, at least, yes?” he asked, starting to stroke slowly. “Or did you have some cruel guardian that taught you ‘twas a sin to bring yourself pleasure?"

  John shook his head quickly, then looked confused and nodded. “Yes. I mean no. I've, I've done that.” He gasped for air. “Though it never felt this good. Ohhh..."

  "It's quite different when it's someone else's hand, isn't it?” he asked. He stroked John evenly, but slowly still, giving him a few moments to grow accustomed to the feel of it. “Everything is lovelier with someone else,” he whispered.

  John arched up, trembling. “I can see that now,” he panted. “Oh, Perce, please, don't want it to end so quickly..."

  Percy rubbed his thumb lightly over the slick head, gazing into John's eyes. “You want me to stop?” he asked. “Because I'm sure it would take little effort to make you hard a second time.” He leaned close and kissed John's lips again.

  John moaned desperately, thrusting into Percy's hand. He pulled back, eyes rolled back into his head, and gasped, “Ohhh, don't stop, please, want..."

  Percy started to stroke him faster, nuzzling into the crook of John's neck. He sucked hard on the delicate skin as his fist moved on John's cock. “You are breathtaking like this, John,” he murmured. There was just something about a man losing all control and letting go to passion, especially when he knew it was his own doing that drove Percy crazy.

  John could only whimper now, mouth hanging open as he gasped for air. “Ohhh...” He thrust harder into Percy's hand, clinging to him, and with a cry he began to pulse.

  Percy continued to stroke him until he was certain the moment had passed. His hand and John's belly were covered with the young man's seed, and he smiled, momentarily satisfied. He kissed him sweetly on the cheek. “Mmm, so lovely."

  John collapsed back to the bed, breathing hard. He stared at the ceiling and whispered, “I think I died."

  Percy laughed. He reached over John to grab his jacket and extracted a handkerchief. He cleaned off his hand and John's body, then lay back beside him. “Oh, John. I can't imagine how you'll react to actual fucking."

  John's eyes widened at the word. “I ... how do you...” He blushed, though he was still panting. “You want to..."

  Percy licked his lips. “Perhaps we ought to work our way up to that. Were you asking the mechanics of it, love?” Percy had to wonder if John would want to fuck or be fucked. He was such a gentle boy, he almost couldn't imagine him doing it.

  John nodded, wide-eyed. He propped himself up on an elbow and reached out, touching Percy's chest shyly.

  Percy swallowed. He'd never had to explain it to someone. “Well, when two men fuck, one of them puts his cock up the other's arse, not to put too fine a point on the thing.” He bit his lip. “It's nicer than it sounds, honestly. It feels quite lovely, actually."

  John paled. “It does? It sounds awful,” he blurted. “Sorry, I just...” he blushed. “I trust you, Perce."

  Percy wasn't sure what John was trusting him about. “We don't have to do anything you don't want to do, John.” But even as he said it, he suspected John would want to try it all.

  "All I know is you make me want things I never dared dream of,” John said softly.

  It was sweet and Percy was reminded of his own, still unsatisfied arousal. He licked his lips. “We can do whatever you'd like, but usually one is inclined to one position or the other, I think.” He wanted to ask, but the entire subject was strange. With someone like Alastair it was obvious.

  John nodded, and though he blushed, he pushed on. “Wh
at position are you inclined to?"

  For the first time with John, Percy felt that familiar tendril of submissiveness curling in his belly. “Usually I'm on the bottom,” he said quietly. He'd been showing John everything to this point, so he'd had a false sense of being in charge, overtly, rather than via manipulation.

  "Bottom,” repeated John, swallowing hard. His cock, lying against his thigh, began to twitch to life again. “And by bottom you mean..."

  Percy swallowed hard. “I mean that when I'm with another man, he's usually pounding his cock inside of me, as opposed to the other way round,” he said hoarsely.

  John gasped, his cock stiffening. “You certainly have a vivid way with words,” he breathed.

  That made Percy's lips twitch. “Yes well, no use coming up with euphemisms, is there?” John seemed different now. More confident. “I don't think from a top's point of reference, it's all that different from fucking a woman,” he said. He had no idea if John was interested in doing it or not.

  John laughed self deprecatingly. “As I have no experience either way, I wouldn't know.” But his cock was fully hard against his belly.

  "Neither would I, actually,” he said. He'd never been with a woman, and he'd never topped a man, so he had as little experience with that as John had.

  John's hand strayed lower, to tentatively touch Percy's cock. “Are you getting tired of showing me things?” he whispered. He met Percy's eyes.

  Percy shook his head slowly back and forth. “I don't mind,” he whispered. His breath hitched at John's light touch. “But you can experiment a little. There aren't any rules."

  "Just do what feels nice?” John asked, smiling. “I know this feels nice...” He wrapped his fingers around Percy's cock and stroked lightly.

  Percy gasped. It felt so wonderful after waiting so long. He arched back and moaned. “Yes. Whatever feels good.” He looked into John's eyes, letting him see just exactly how nice it felt.

  John stroked faster, gaining confidence. “What is it like? To be fucked?"

  Percy shivered. “It's, ohh, it's like being filled, like someone taking over your body. To be like one with someone. Like you belong together.” He knew he wasn't making much sense, but it was difficult to describe, especially under the circumstances.

  "I ... I'd like to make you feel like that,” John ventured, still stroking. “Someday. If you want. It sounds so good..."

  "You, mmm, oh...” He gasped, his hips thrusting upward. “You want to fuck me, John?” he asked. He was moments away now, and the muscles in his legs were trembling.

  "Yes,” John replied immediately, voice full of desire. “I want to be inside you. I want to fuck you...” He stroked faster, watching Percy's face intently. He was rock hard once again.

  Percy couldn't reply because the climax gripped his throat, forcing a moan out of him. He started to pulse over John's fist, abandoning all pretense of control. He tensed up, shaking as he came hard. “Oh God, John, whenever you want me."

  John watched with amazement as Percy came for him, stopping stroking after a moment. “Was that all right?” he asked softly, removing his hand and snuggling close.

  Percy cleaned them off again with the handkerchief and put his arms around John. “Mmmmmm,” he hummed. “It was lovely. Couldn't you tell?” he asked. He nuzzled against the other boy's cheek.

  John smiled shyly. “Yes, but I wanted to hear you say it,” he admitted.

  Percy grinned. “It was amazing.” He kissed John's cheek. “You're amazing.” John was quite possibly the complete opposite of Alastair. As soon as the thought emerged, he couldn't help thinking about his stoic professor. He wondered if he had been lonely over the holidays, if he thought about Percy. If he was looking forward to seeing him again. “I ought to go for now, though,” he said quietly. “Unpacking and all that."

  John nodded, looking crestfallen. “Of course. I'm sorry I kept you so long. Thank you.” He reached for his undergarments.

  Percy felt guilty twice now. Guilty that he hadn't gone to Alastair and guilty that John didn't understand why he was leaving, and that he couldn't tell him. “You didn't keep me. I wanted to be here,” he said gently. “Did you want me to stay?” He really meant to take things slow with John.

  John shook his head now. “It's fine,” he said, pulling on his clothes. “It was lovely. But you're undoubtedly tired from your journey. Go on.” He smiled up at Percy.

  Percy stood and pulled John into his arms. “Very soon,” he said quietly. “I would like very much to be with you.” He kissed him lightly. “You're beautiful and I want to feel you inside me."

  "Goodnight, Percy."

  Percy felt that he hadn't really repaired things, though he wasn't sure what he'd done wrong. But there was nothing to do now but pull on his clothes and go. Perhaps John wouldn't want him now.

  As he headed back across the courtyard in the blustery wind, he felt saddened. He should never have tried to be with two people at once, but it had happened so seamlessly. John had wanted to experiment and they were both giddy and reckless with drink.

  And then there was Alastair. He glanced in the direction of his professor's living quarters. He could just make them out, and he wondered again what he was doing.

  Percy hesitated for just a moment, then returned to his own room. He took a long, hot bath, and lost himself in thought about handsome men and pretty boys.

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  Chapter Eleven

  He didn't seek out Alastair or John again in the next couple of days before the start of classes. He wrote letters to home, reorganized his clothes, and snuck off to the club one night alone, but mostly kept to himself. When classes began, he returned to the second section of mathematical theory with a little flutter in his stomach. He resumed his usual seat at the front, barely taking his eyes off Alastair long enough to take notes.

  Alastair didn't look at Percy any more than usual. He treated him just the same as he always did. But, at the finish of class, he gave him a lingering look.

  The way Percy had been feeling lately, he wasn't even sure if Alastair still wanted him. He felt as if his guilt was written plainly on his face. But he couldn't stop himself. “Excuse me, Professor? Might I have a word?” he asked.

  Alastair looked slowly up at him. “Would you like to make an appointment?” he asked, voice cold.

  Percy felt like he'd been slapped. His stomach twisted and he swallowed hard. “No. Forgive me for taking up your time.” He suddenly felt quite foolish, as if he'd been wrong about everything. He clutched his notes to his chest and started towards the door.

  "Did I dismiss you?” Alastair's voice dripped with ice. The room was nearly empty now. “In my office. Now."

  Percy's heart leaped, and he turned, walking towards Alastair's office. He stepped inside, and waited for the older man, heart pounding.

  Alastair took his time, locking the classroom door and gathering his papers before following Percy to his office. His jaw was set in a hard line as he entered and regarded Percy.

  Percy had never been more intimidated by Alastair. He wracked his brain trying to think if there was any way Alastair would have heard about John, or if he would care. He took a deep breath and prepared himself for whatever might come. “I thought you didn't want to see me for a moment,” he said quietly.

  Alastair stood stiffly by the door. “Actually, it appeared to me that the reverse was true. That you did not care to see me."

  "Oh,” Percy said, surprised. “Why would you think that? I asked if you had time to speak to me privately, didn't I?” Alastair's impression certainly couldn't be further from the truth. He'd been on Percy's mind constantly since the last time they'd been together.

  Alastair raised an eyebrow. “I had thought that perhaps you would seek me out sooner."

  Percy felt a stab of guilt again. “I thought about it at least a hundred times,” he said quietly. He put his notes down on the desk and took a hesitant step forward.

Alastair didn't move. “I might wonder why you showed such restraint as not to come find me. I can hardly seek you out."

  Percy felt affronted now. “I see. So your pride was wounded. And do you think you left me with the impression that I could just pop over whenever the mood struck me?” he said, more confident.

  Alastair's expression darkened. “What we are doing would get me sacked and you know it. There is more at stake than my pride, boy.” He advanced closer to Percy, hands balled into fists.

  Percy raised his chin. “Then I should think it would be in your best interest that I wasn't spotted skulking around your private quarters, don't you agree?” he asked tartly.

  "You never seemed to have a problem finding me before."

  Percy frowned. “Do you want me to apologize for not running right over the moment I arrived back? Are you angry at me because you were kept waiting?” He was almost tempted to tell him about John, but he seriously doubted it would improve Alastair's mood.

  Alastair's anger was palpable now. “I see your attitude has not been improved by your holiday,” he sneered.

  Percy didn't truly wish to fight with Alastair. “Must we argue? I've missed you and I'd hoped that you had missed me. And that, well..."

  Alastair growled softly. “That what, exactly?"

  "That perhaps you'd want to...” He took a step closer and placed his hand lightly on Alastair's chest. “That you might want to get reacquainted after our long absence.” He smoothed Alastair's lapel, gazing up into his eyes hopefully.

  Alastair gazed down at Percy. “I'm afraid you'll have to be more specific."

  Percy knew exactly what Alastair wanted to hear. He licked his lips. “I want you,” he whispered. “I want you to fuck me. Please, Alastair. I've thought about you every night."

  "Every night?” purred Alastair, not moving yet. “Were you a naughty young man, then? Did you touch yourself?"

  Percy nodded slowly. “I did. I couldn't help myself,” he whispered. “Thinking about your lovely huge cock pounding inside me made me so hard.” He could feel things easing between them and he knew it would be all right. He knew what Alastair wanted and he knew how to give it.


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