Once in a Lifetime

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Once in a Lifetime Page 15

by Jade Falconer

  "How would I know that?” Alastair said, uncharacteristically soft. He looked into Percy's eyes. He didn't move.

  Suddenly all of Percy's anger drained away. Alastair seemed so uncertain when he had no reason to be. Had he really no inkling of how much Percy adored him? “Because I've given my word as a gentleman that I am yours,” he whispered. He leaned in and kissed Alastair lightly on the lips, sliding his arms around the other man's neck.

  Alastair groaned into the kiss, hands tightening on Percy. He rocked slowly against the smaller man.

  Percy moaned quietly, fingers threading into his hair. He felt a certain sense of triumph that he could reason with him. Although he couldn't really say that Alastair's jealousy was unappealing. It did something to him. It was extremely lovely to be wanted so acutely.

  Alastair's hands slipped down to Percy's ass, groping him through the fabric of his trousers. He pulled back from the kiss, panting. “I am sorry,” he said with effort.

  Percy favored him with an adoring smile. He knew how much such an apology cost Alastair. “Let's put it behind us,” he said quietly.

  Alastair nodded. “You blind me, you undo me,” he whispered, before kissing him again, deeply.

  Percy sucked in a sharp breath and kissed back. He pressed against him, rocking his hips back and forth needily, letting Alastair know how much he was wanted, how hard Percy was for him.

  It was clearly the reassurance Alastair needed. His desperation faded into touches designed to please Percy, and soon he had his hand down the younger man's trousers.

  Percy whimpered loudly, hips thrusting forward into Alastair's grip. It felt exquisite. They weren't even in his office. They were in the open classroom, though anyone would be hard pressed to enter through the door he was leaning back upon. He broke the kiss, drinking in a deep draught of air. “Should we go to your office?” he whispered.

  "No. I want to stay right here,” Alastair insisted, stroking faster. “I want to see you, hear you...” He bent to kiss at Percy's neck.

  Percy whimpered again, stretching his chin up. “Alastair, I...” He reached for him, fingers searching for the way into Alastair's trousers.

  "No,” Alastair said firmly, stopping Percy's hand. He added between kisses, “This is just for you.” He stroked faster, knowing just how Percy liked it.

  This was definitely something new, and Percy was not sure why it moved him so. It was as if Alastair wanted to atone for his earlier behavior somehow. Percy's throat tightened with emotion. “Why?” he croaked.

  "Because I want it this way,” Alastair said, rubbing his thumb over the tip of Percy's cock. “Don't worry about anything. Just feel. Come when you want."

  Percy didn't think it was worthwhile to belabor the point. He was ill-equipped to contemplate it further, however, because of things Alastair was doing to him. His hips rocked restlessly forward and he leaned heavily back against the door. Within a few minutes he was trembling, his legs protesting at holding him upright. He held onto Alastair's shoulders for support. He gasped his name as he started to pulse.

  Alastair stroked him through it, slowing down until he had wrung every drop of desire from Percy's spent cock. Then he kissed him again, holding him up as he sagged.

  Percy kissed him back. Now that his senses were slowly coming back to him, he wondered why Alastair chose to do that. “Can I do anything for you?’ he asked, nuzzling his cheek.

  "No,” Alastair said firmly, pulling out a handkerchief and helping Percy get cleaned up. “Now I'm sure I'm keeping you from something. Go on."

  Percy leaned close and kissed Alastair on the cheek. “You can be quite a mystery sometimes,” he said quietly. Then he smoothed his clothes before slipping out of the room.

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  Chapter Twenty-Two

  The final week of classes came upon then faster than Percy had ever thought it would. For years he'd put all his effort into his studies, absorbing whatever information anyone put before him. After his second year, he no longer had classes with Alastair, but he still saw him regularly, of course. Every weekend he spent time in Alastair's bed when his classwork didn't require attention. Every summer Alastair was a frequent visitor to his townhouse, just a couple of miles from the campus.

  Percy was one and twenty when he sat his last exam, and there was much revelry amongst his fellow students. After a quick trip to his dormitory, Percy headed over to Alastair's quarters, bubbling with the mixture of excitement and nostalgia that such a thing brought on. He tapped lightly on the door, hoping for perhaps congratulations, and definitely some celebratory sex.

  The door opened after a moment, and Alastair stood framed by the doorway. “My lord,” he said, his voice slurred. There was a glass of whiskey in his hand. “I wasn't expecting you."

  Percy had usually only seen Alastair drinking when he was upset about something, so he knew he had to get to the bottom of it. As long as they'd been together, he felt that he had certain rights, and he pushed his way inside, past the other man. “Weren't you?” he asked, tugging Alastair along by the arm and closing the door. “And why not?” He put his hands on his hips, tilting his head to one side. “Don't you know what today is? I've just finished my very last exam,” he said, spacing the last three words out for dramatic effect.

  "I'm well aware of the exam schedule, as I drew it up,” Alastair drawled, after knocking back the rest of his drink. “I thought you'd be out celebrating."

  Percy arched an eyebrow and held his hands out, palms upturned. “I am out celebrating. Where else would I go to celebrate?” he asked. He stepped closer and put his hands on Alastair's waist.

  Alastair took a shuddering breath. “Percy...” he breathed, eyes closed.

  "Alastair? Is everything all right?” he asked, concern finally creeping into his tone. He touched his lover's face lightly, cupping his cheek. “Please tell me what's wrong?"

  Alastair opened his eyes, looking at Percy with a half-hooded gaze. Then he growled softly and crushed his mouth to the smaller man's brutally.

  Percy felt reassured and slid his arms around Alastair's body, pressing up against him. The kiss was different somehow, desperate like it had been in the beginning. There's more to it, he thought. Alastair was drinking. This kiss. Something wasn't right.

  Alastair pulled back finally, panting. “Percy. We ... this ... we can't..."

  Percy frowned. “We can't what?” After nearly four years, Percy could not comprehend what Alastair would mean. They had done everything he'd ever imagined, numerous times.

  "I cannot see you anymore,” Alastair said, his voice steely.

  Percy was certain it had to be a joke. “What? Something is wrong with your vision. I'm standing right in front of you. You should watch that liquor. Too much can't be good for you."

  Alastair frowned. “You know what I mean. We've had a good time. But you're leaving school now. Beginning your real life."

  Percy felt like he'd been slapped. He took a step back, nearly stumbling but catching himself. “A good time? But we made love in that bed in there just a few days ago! What's changed since then? A good time? You can't be serious. Please, tell me this is a joke.” He felt cold inside. He could see the resolve written all over Alastair's face. Could it be that he was honestly done with Percy? Could he be that cold?

  "It's not a joke. You can't possibly think we have a future together?” Alastair said coldly. “Did you think you were going to set me up in your castle?” His words dripped scorn.

  Percy just gaped at him. “So, all this meant nothing to you, then? Just sex, that's all it was?” He felt like all the air had been knocked out of his lungs. “That's it? No. Please don't do this. Please don't shut me out. We can make this work. I swear we can. If you would just have a little faith in me."

  Alastair shook his head. “You need a clean break. Leave school with nothing holding you back. You have a whole life ahead of you. As an earl."

  "To hell with what you think I fucking
need! What do you need? Obviously not me. Do you have a new student in need of ‘extracurricular assistance'? Hm? Fuck! I can't believe you would do this to me.” His eyes filled with tears. “All that bollocks about not being able to live without me! Well, you'll be happy to know I believed every line. Every single bloody syllable, though they were infrequent enough.” He turned away and wrapped his arms tightly around himself. “Well, I'm sorry I troubled you, then,” he said bitterly. “I can see myself out, thanks."

  Alastair didn't move. He stood still, and all he said was, “My lord,” with a small bow.

  Percy stared at him for a moment, pain and betrayal the only emotions he could identify clearly. He turned towards the door, practically running out of it and slamming it behind him. He ran across the courtyard as quickly as his long legs could carry him.

  In his room, he dashed off a letter to the dean, explaining away his absence from the commencement ceremonies as ‘urgent family matters’ that he needed to attend to. Then he packed one bag, dropped off the letter, and hired a horse. Within an hour of Alastair's rejection, he was on the road north, heading for Castle Elgin at a breakneck pace.

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  Chapter Twenty-Three

  The business of the aristocracy was two-fold: manage one's estate in a hopefully profitable manner, and spend the leftover money. When Percy arrived home he was ready to learn more practical things. He had had time to think on his long, tempestuous ride, and if he was going to be denied love, he was going to do everything in his power to have every other type of pleasure, starting with wealth.

  Of course, he was already quite wealthy. His family had enough to keep him more than well entertained for the remainder of this lifetime. But what was amazing wealth when you could have phenomenal wealth? And the process of creating the wealth sounded interesting, and was something to occupy his time that wasn't completely vacuous.

  He set himself to the task, meeting with the staff and the bankers and poring over the household accounts. He reviewed his father's few investments and started to do some research into the ventures they supported. He had a quick mind and an aptitude for numbers, and soon he was writing letters to various business associates, questioning some of their decisions. He tried to start off slowly. He wanted them to know that he was watching what they were doing.

  For six months he immersed himself in understanding the ins and outs of the estate, and reading up on capital ventures. Finally, when he had revised some aspects of the household to make things more efficient, and commissioned some improvements to the castle, he realized that the only way to manage investments and consider new ones was to be in London. That was where everything was happening. That was where men with grand ideas were looking for men with money to make them come true.

  He had a plan, and he poured his heart and soul into it daily, trying to forget the gaping emptiness inside him. He felt completely alone in the world, a feeling that was only exacerbated by being sequestered off in the country, he knew. So, just as winter again started to threaten, he packed a few things and headed to the city.

  It wasn't all work, of course. The first thing he needed to do was update the townhouse, update his wardrobe, and make himself known in the social world. In a way it was work as well, just slightly more diverting than sequestering himself in a study in Scotland. He wrote to John and invited him to stay for a while, thinking to assist his old friend in finding a young lady of good fortune to wed. He was certain, between their two titles, there was no party, soiree, or ball they would be prevented from attending.

  In short order, Percy was able to install himself as the height of fashion. He knew how to flatter the ladies, especially the older society matrons. Since he was not interested in women in general, he did not feel compelled to gravitate to the beautiful debutantes. On the contrary, he tried his best to avoid them. This gave him something of a reputation as being picky. But picky wasn't a bad thing to be.

  He started using his father's box at the theater. He attended parties nearly every night. He danced and drank until dawn, then slept until noon and got to work. He drove himself to extremes, but he was out every day, inspecting boatyards, meeting with inventors, examining financial reports of companies who were seeking investors. Within a year of relocating semi-permanently to the city, Percy had nearly doubled his family's fortune.

  Personally, though, he was lonely. John was a good companion, but he was increasingly interested in the lovely young ladies they encountered in their travels. And Percy didn't want to get too deeply involved with John. John needed to marry more than Percy did, and he deserved to marry someone he was in love with. So Percy kept a distance from him. That wasn't to say that Percy lived a celibate life. Occasionally he would encounter a man somewhere, and they would both instantly be able to tell that the other was interested.

  It was one such evening, a few weeks before everyone who was anyone headed back to the country for hunting season. Percy was doing his best to appear interested in an elderly couple who seemed intent on explaining the gifts of their grandchildren in excruciating detail. He smiled and listened patiently, putting in an odd comment when he could squeeze one in. Their hostess came to his rescue by steering a new arrival to them, making quick introductions, then whisking the elderly couple off to share their delightful tales with another hapless victim.

  "Admiral Stewart was it?” Percy asked politely, taking a discreet sip of his drink. “Are you stationed on a ship at the moment?” he asked. The man had the most captivating eyes.

  "My ship is undergoing repairs,” the man explained, pale eyes seeming to look right into Percy's soul. “So I've given the crew some much deserved R and R."

  The way the admiral looked at him made Percy feel like he ought to be reclining on a silver platter surrounded by parsley. “I'm sure life at sea must be very vigorous.” He licked his lips. “Are you enjoying your time on land?"

  The older man speared Percy with a lascivious grin and purred softly, “I am. But I do believe I could be enjoying things a great deal more.” He moved closer, almost imperceptibly.

  "I hear the library here is impressive,” he said quietly. He thought he was reading the other man correctly, but he would know in a moment, in any case. “Would you care to take a walk with me, Admiral?” he asked.

  "I would indeed, my lord,” the older man said, inclining his head for Percy to lead the way.

  Percy put his drink on a table as they passed out of the crowded drawing room. He led the way down a hallway to another set of double doors. He slipped inside and waited for the other man, closing the door behind him. He was not looking at the books. He licked his lips, watching the Admiral expectantly.

  The older man's smile widened as he regarded Percy. He sauntered closer, clearly enjoying the anticipation. “Yes, definitely a very attractive library,” he said silkily.

  Percy smirked. He pulled off his coat and draped it over a chair. “Lock the door, would you?” he said softly. It was obvious now. They both wanted it.

  The admiral did as Percy asked, then beckoned him close. “Come here, pretty one."

  Percy stepped towards him. He was used to following orders. He tended to gravitate towards men who had that aura about them. Perhaps he was looking for someone like Alastair. He didn't know and he didn't give it much thought. “Pretty?” he said, cocking his head to one side.

  The admiral raised an eyebrow. “Surely you've been complimented so before. Your features are fine, and you are much prettier than most of the girls I have seen.” He traced the line of Percy's jaw before running his fingers through Percy's hair, loosening the tie that held it back.

  Percy licked his lips, letting his hands come to rest lightly on the Admiral's appealingly authoritarian uniform. He fingered some shiny brass buttons on his coat. “I don't believe anyone has actually called me ‘pretty,’ though I shall take it as a compliment, of course."

  "Of course you should,” nodded the older man. His hands strayed down Percy'
s body slowly. “I assume from your presence here that you are amenable to certain liberties?"

  Percy arched an eyebrow. It seemed slightly less colorful language than one might expect from a sailor. “Liberties, Admiral? Such as tossing me over a handy piece of furniture and fucking me until I have to bite my lip not to scream?” he asked in a gentle, cultured tone.

  The man's eyes flashed. “I see that you are not in need of coddling,” he growled, and in one smooth motion he had Percy turned around and bent over a chair. He pressed against him from behind.

  Percy huffed out a startled laugh. His hands flew out to grab onto the arms of the chair to support himself. “I don't usually entice strangers into locked rooms to be coddled, Admiral."

  The older man laughed as he groped Percy's ass. “One cannot be too careful, my boy,” he replied. He ground his hard cock against the younger man's ass. “But now that we have disposed of the pleasantries, drop those trousers."

  Percy's chest pressed to the back of the chair as he started to hastily unbutton his trousers. In a moment he had them open, and slid them down to his knees. His shirttail partially covered his nakedness, but he still felt the cool air of the room on his skin. His cock throbbed with need, the illicit nature of the meeting only adding fuel to the fire.

  "Well done,” commended the admiral. He lightly slapped Percy's buttocks as he unfastened his trousers. He rubbed his hard cock along Percy's cleft. His voice dropped. “I'm going to fuck that pretty arse."

  "That was the general idea, yes,” Percy panted. Even this, though, was all part of the game. He didn't require seduction, perhaps, but this subtle humiliation made his body shiver.

  The admiral frowned. “I don't stand for insubordination on my ship, and I won't have it now."


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