Once in a Lifetime

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Once in a Lifetime Page 20

by Jade Falconer

  Finally Alastair gasped. “Enough! You've convinced me. Get on the bed. Need you now."

  Percy moved back. He unbuttoned his trousers and kicked them off quickly, then sat on the edge of the bed. “Have I?” he asked.

  Alastair nodded, and kicked away his trousers and yanked his shirt off, scattering buttons everywhere. He pushed Percy back on the bed and grabbed the oil.

  Percy felt as if he were prey and it made him slightly nervous. He scooted back on the bed, centering himself. His breath came in shallow pants as he braced himself for what was coming. He watched Alastair's quick, violent movements, biting his lip.

  Alastair oiled himself, then he was on the bed. He pressed Percy back into the soft coverlet, pinning him down.

  Percy spread his knees apart, staring up at Alastair, expression wild. He wondered if Alastair was actually going to hurt him, and he felt a moment of panic. Still, he relaxed and surrendered to his lover.

  Alastair gazed at him for a long moment, then said in a low purr, “Mine.” Then he thrust upward, burying himself inside Percy quickly but not savagely.

  "Ohh!” he said as if startled. But it wasn't as brutal as he was expecting. He relaxed some more, pulling his legs up around Alastair's waist. “Yours,” he agreed, running his hands up Alastair's arms to his shoulders.

  "Mine forever,” Alastair grunted as he pulled out and drove back in again. “My Percy, my love..."

  Alastair's words and the sudden thrust wrought a deep moan from Percy. “Oh Alastair,” he gasped. “Yes. Love you. Yours forever.” He was so completely in love with Alastair, and to hear him say it back finally, after so many years of wishing to hear it, only made it that much sweeter.

  Alastair moved with increased desperation, reaching down to hold one of Percy's hands as he gazed into his eyes. He moved deep and fast, clearly on the edge. Percy felt like everything was spiraling out of control and suddenly his climax was upon him. His body started to tremble and he gazed up at Alastair. “Please, I'm going to ... Alastair ... I...” He could barely hold back a moment longer.

  Alastair didn't let up. He reached down to stroke Percy's cock, still thrusting deep. Percy bucked up, his long body tensing as he started to come hard. He tensed tightly around Alastair's cock. He felt it with every part of his body, shivering and crying out Alastair's name.

  Alastair cried out at almost the same time, stiffening as he filled Percy. He never took his eyes from Percy's face. For several moments afterwards, Percy couldn't move or speak. He wet his lips, just staring up at Alastair's face. He drew in a shuddering breath as he gradually relaxed back into the mattress. “Alastair,” he whispered. “I love you.” It seemed like the only thing to say at that moment. He wanted to know if Alastair was reassured, if he knew that Percy belonged to him, if he was still upset, but only those words would come forth from his lips.

  Alastair was silent for a moment, and then he said, “Forgive my rash behavior, Percy. Losing you is the only thing in the world I fear."

  Percy smiled, relaxing still further. “Already forgiven, love,” he said, pressing his hand against Alastair's face. “I could prefer no one to you, since you are the owner of my heart."

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  Chapter Twenty-Nine

  It was a glorious day outside, and Percy was just coming downstairs to see if anyone was around to go for a walk. As he reached the drawing room, he heard the voice of his son, David, speaking quietly. He peeked his head in and saw the precocious five-year-old standing before Alastair with his hands on his hips. He was struck again by just how much the boy favored his lover, and he wondered if Alastair hadn't made sure that Zelda did actually get pregnant so that Percy wouldn't have to see to it himself again. He didn't seriously think that, though, and the idea made him smirk.

  "Uncle Alastair, why won't you tell Daddy to take me to the shops? Mummy said I could go if it was alright with Daddy, and Daddy always does what you say,” the boy said, pouting elaborately. Percy lingered at the edge of the doorway, flagrantly eavesdropping to hear Alastair's response.

  Alastair squatted down so his face was on a level with the boy's. “Daddy doesn't always do what I say,” he answered, smiling gently. “And was there something you wanted, or did you just want to have more sweets?” He reached out to smooth down an errant lock of the boy's hair.

  "He does do what you say,” David insisted. “Pleeaase, Uncle Alastair? It's not more sweets, I swear. On my honor as a gentleman,” he said gravely.

  Percy had to cover his mouth to stop from laughing. He'd certainly said that a time or two. The way Alastair treated the boy made him smile, though. He would never have imagined Alastair being so patient and gentle, especially after his experience of him as a professor.

  Alastair was clearly suppressing a smile as well. “Well, in that case I can hardly refuse, can I? I shall have a word with your father. I will see what I can do,” he said, lowering his voice conspiratorially.

  Percy recognized his cue, and he stepped back from the doorway, walking in loudly. “Well, well, I feel as if someone's been talking about me,” he said, striding into the center of the room. He reached down and picked up David, lifting him into the air. “Are you bothering your Uncle Alastair, my lord?” he asked, grinning.

  David laughed. “Daddy! I wasn't bothering him. I was just asking him a favor."

  He settled the boy back down on the floor. “Oh? What sort of favor?” He glanced up at Alastair and smirked as the little boy squirmed. David stepped closer to Alastair, bumping against him inadvertently as he looked down at his shoes.

  Alastair put his hand protectively on David's shoulder. “It's nothing, really. Man to man talk. You wouldn't understand."

  Percy frowned. “And what am I, then?” he asked, folding his arms over his chest.

  David turned his face to Alastair's ear. “Don't anger him, or maybe he won't do it,” he whispered.

  Alastair smiled reassuringly. “Let me handle it,” he said softly, then looked at Percy. “I think the boy would like to go to the shops,” he said seriously.

  Percy raised his chin. “Oh he would, would he? And what does he need at the shops?” he asked, playing along.

  David shuffled his feet, sticking close to Alastair.

  "Something rather important, I am sure,” Alastair answered solemnly, nodding.

  Percy had to consider whether or not to foster his son's opinion that he would do what Alastair said or not. It was an interesting dilemma, to always be considering what would make the best impression, what would teach his child the right lesson. He looked from David to Alastair, giving him a measuring look. “It seems to me that if someone wants to ask my permission for something, they ought to ask me directly, don't you think, Uncle Alastair?"

  Alastair looked down at David. “I think your father has a point, David.” He squeezed his hand encouragingly. “Perhaps you should try the direct method."

  The boy looked doubtfully up at Percy. “Daddy, can we go to the shops? Mummy said I could go if it was alright with you. I promise it's not for sweets.” He bit his lip and twisted chubby little fingers together.

  Percy stepped closer and crouched down in front of him. “A gentleman does not try to manipulate people by using their loved ones, David. Or at the very least they don't attempt it until they have mastered a good deal more subtlety. Right?"

  "I'm sorry, Daddy. Please can I go to the shops?"

  The boy was so insistent Percy started to get suspicious. “Are you going to tell me what you need to buy?” he asked.

  David slowly shook his head. “Not sweets."

  "Well, all right. Will you tell me eventually?” he asked.

  David nodded. “Yes, Daddy."

  Percy looked up at Alastair. “What do you think? Should I let our young charge venture out to the shops?” he asked, letting David know that he did still consult with Alastair about his decisions.

  Alastair appeared to consider. “I think perhaps you should. If only bec
ause he asks so nicely.” He looked Percy in the eye, raising an eyebrow.

  "All right. But make sure you go with either Mummy or Auntie Gwen, all right?” he said, attempting to look stern.

  "Thank you, Daddy!” The little boy launched himself at Percy, knocking him backwards onto the carpet. Percy laughed and wrestled with him for a moment, before he righted himself and stood up again. He patted David on the backside as the boy scampered out of the room.

  Percy put his hands on his hips, much like David had done earlier. “Well, I think we told him,” he said, nodding.

  Laughing, Alastair said, “That we did. The boy is just like you. I swear it.” He put his arm around Percy.

  Percy grinned. He slid his arms around Alastair's neck. “Mmm, well, I was just thinking he looks an awful lot like you,” he said. “All that dark hair. You wouldn't have had anything to do with that, would you?” he teased.

  Alastair raised an eyebrow as he pulled Percy close. “Well, if I had, I would have had to think of you,” he teased.

  Percy laughed. “Anything else I could say on the matter would be crude in the extreme, so I'm going to keep silent on that, and say that I'm confident of the heir's parentage.” He stuck his tongue out playfully. “Now, how about an afternoon nap with the earl? Hm, Uncle Alastair?"

  "The ruling class is so decadent, sleeping during the day,” Alastair commented, expression serious. “But I suppose I must keep a close eye on you..."

  Percy pulled back, taking hold of Alastair's hands. “I'm sure they'll all make a day of it. I think we'll have the place to ourselves, not counting a dozen servants,” he said, smirking. “Come to bed with me. Your little display of parental guidance has made me all hot and bothered."

  Alastair laughed. “It did, did it? I shall keep that in mind.” He bent to press a kiss to Percy's lips. He moaned softly.

  Percy kissed him for a moment, then pulled back again. He started to step backwards, tugging Alastair along with him. “These clothes are stiflingly hot. I fear I might tear them off at any moment,” he said, voice low and husky.

  Alastair followed, gazing at Percy hungrily. “Perhaps you need to see a physician about that condition,” he said. “'Tis not overly warm in here. You should definitely remove your clothing so as not to overheat."

  Percy pulled his cravat loose as he backed out into the foyer. “Mmyes, I thought that might be your advice. I don't want to distress the ladies, however, which is why I was thinking the bedroom. You can minister to my needs, wipe my fevered brow with a damp cloth, that sort of thing.” He grinned at Alastair as he reached the stairs, glancing back just for a moment before starting to step up them backwards as well. He unbuttoned the top two buttons of his shirt.

  "I will most definitely minister to all your needs, my lord,” Alastair growled, advancing on him. “Completely and utterly."

  Percy nearly tripped going back up the stairs. “Mmm, promises, promises. I'm very needy, you know. It's a wonder anyone can tolerate me,” he said, grinning. He loved this sort of playful teasing and he couldn't wait until the door closed again and they were alone. He unbuttoned another couple of buttons, his shirt hanging open nearly to the waist.

  Alastair moved quickly while Percy's attention was diverted, and suddenly he was pressed up against him from behind, his strong arms wrapped around Percy's slim frame. “I'm rather needy myself,” he breathed in Percy's ear, grinding his arousal against his ass. “As you can feel."

  Percy made a shrieking sound that dissolved into a laugh. “Yes. Yes I can. I think you're the one that needs tending to.” He glanced over his shoulder with a smile. “Please. Hurry."

  "You know how I like it when you say please,” Alastair said, hand slipping inside Percy's open shirt to toy with a nipple.

  Percy leaned back against him, sighing in contentment. “I know you do. So get me to the bed, and let's fuck,” he whispered.

  Alastair let his hand slide down to the bulge in Percy's trousers, squeezing. “Since the small one is out, we don't actually have to wait until we get to the bed,” he pointed out.

  Percy made a mock gasp. “Professor Kent! Are you suggesting that we fornicate on the top of the stairs?” he asked, panting. He tried to recall if they'd ever done it there or not, and he couldn't.

  "Fornicate is such a distasteful word,” Alastair purred, hand sliding into Percy's trousers. He ground his very hard cock against him.

  Percy whimpered, his head falling back against Alastair's shoulder. He felt like his legs were going to give out beneath him. “You prefer, perhaps, fuck?” he breathed. He pulled his shirt out of his trousers and finished unbuttoning, letting it hang open.

  "I do prefer it,” Alastair agreed, pushing Percy face first against the nearest wall. “Precise. To the point.” He groped Percy's cock, punctuating his words.

  Percy moaned, his hands coming up to hold onto the wall. He pressed his cheek against it, his ass pressing back against Alastair's clothing-trapped cock. “Good lord,” he panted hard. “Take me."

  Alastair was breathing faster. “May I assume you have what we require?” He unfastened his own trousers, speaking against the warm skin of Percy's neck.

  Percy nodded. “There's a flask. In my pocket,” he panted. With a small child constantly underfoot, it was important to be prepared for those unexpected opportunities.

  "Good,” purred the older man, sliding his hand into the indicated place. “Very good,” he added as he drew out the flask. “I like a man who is ready to be fucked at any moment."

  Percy laughed breathlessly. “As long as I'm the only one you're fucking at a moment's notice, love.” He wriggled at the feel of Alastair's hand in his pocket. “I want you. Alastair, please."

  Alastair drew out the oil and handed it to Percy. “You'd think by now you'd have a little more control than that,” he chided, though his stiff cock and elevated breathing belied his own need.

  Percy accepted the flask and untwisted the top with trembling fingers. He poured some into his palm, though it was already warm from being in his pocket. He reached behind him and found Alastair's cock, slicking it liberally, before recapping the oil and unfastening his own trousers. They fell to the floor with a quiet thunk on the polished floors.

  They knew every inch of each others’ bodies by now, having spent a great deal of time at the task. So Alastair thrust upward with seemingly brutal force, pinning Percy against the wall, but it was precisely calculated.

  Percy's head fell forward again with a grunt. “Ohhh, Alastair...” he huffed out. Nothing in his entire life had ever felt like Alastair claiming him, and he knew he would never get tired of it. His hips pressed back in the narrow space, straining to get closer.

  "Percy,” Alastair ground out in a tight voice. “My love...” His tender words warred with his brutal thrusts and he held the smaller man upright as he took him.

  Percy was jostled against the wall, moaning, completely lost in the perfect coupling with his lover. Alastair's sweet words never failed to melt his heart, even as Alastair's cock inflamed his body. “Ohh ... I ... Alastair, I am..."

  "You are exquisite, perfect, mine,” Alastair groaned with each thrust. “Forever.” He pounded into Percy relentlessly.

  Percy's body shuddered. He laughed breathlessly. “Yours forever. And about to come,” he panted. “I love you, Alastair. With all my h-heart."

  "As I love you,” Alastair gasped, quickening his movements. “Scream for me."

  Percy tipped his head back and let out a lusty scream. His body was rocked with the climax. His hips bucked back against him. Alastair rested his head against Percy's shoulder as he kept driving into him. He gripped the younger man's hips as he finally found his release, moaning his lover's name passionately.

  A shiver went through Percy's shoulders at the sound of his name on Alastair's lips. That certain timbre in his voice that Percy only heard at the moment of climax that was completely beautiful. He slumped against the wall . “Mmm,” he hummed.

bsp; Alastair's breathing slowed and he pulled Percy back against his chest. “I will never get enough of you,” he whispered in his ear, holding him close.

  Percy leaned back against Alastair's chest, his head back against his shoulder again. “Nor I you, my love. I am so grateful that you came back into my life. I'm so grateful that you're part of my odd little family,” he said quietly.

  "My life was nothing without you. There is no other place I wish to be.” Alastair turned Percy in his arms. “I think you need a rest now, my Lord. It would not do to tire you out.” Alastair smirked.

  Percy smiled drowsily. “Not to mention our chance of getting spotted by servants is increasing by the moment. Although, I'm thinking a long hot bath might be nice about now,” he purred. “Would you care to join me, Professor?” Of course Alastair hadn't been his professor for years now, but he still liked to use the title teasingly, as when Alastair called him ‘my lord'.

  "Absolutely,” Alastair agreed, refastening his trousers and helping Percy with his. “I must make sure you don't drown yourself, after all."

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  Chapter Thirty

  Every year they all traveled to the country estate for the holidays. The ghost of Castle Elgin left them alone for the most part, until the Christmas when David was ten years old.

  Percy was relieved at least that the ghost left the girls alone. He only harassed him, generally speaking, when he was alone, or alone with Alastair. At first it was just doors shutting, the occasional book tumbling off a shelf. Nothing too malignant.

  On Christmas Eve, he was relaxing in the drawing room with Alastair, the hearth decorated merrily with evergreen boughs and bright red bows. He sipped at his brandy, scowling. “If he bothers David I'll sell off this shack and build new,” he said, in a very foul mood.

  "You won't,” Alastair replied. “And he's just a nuisance. Ignore him.” He poured them both more brandy.

  Percy sighed. The door was closed and it was just the two of them. He shifted in his seat, lying back with his head in Alastair's lap. “That's easier said than done sometimes."


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